«J tÁ A ? A u rora Ä Published E v e ry Thursday Observer ra $1.25 ■ Year AURORA. MARION COUNTY, OREGON, OCTOBER 10, 1918. VOL. Vili. RALPH DORCAS DEAD AMERICAN PARADE SW IR6S THROUGH LONDON CITY COUNCIL MEETS NO. 3t FEATHERS WANTED SCHOOL CHILDREN WIN PRIZES The Aurora Auxiliary has been called The state '»ii'crintcndcnt has an up to furnish a number o f pillow? for nounced the full-wing prize winners, the Red Cress for hospital use. Any among school children who were award . . . $ 18.5 feathers (in any ed war stamp < for exhibits at the State one willing to doi pumping, etc-------- 27. ’.fit quanity—large or small) in ay leave Fair, fmm this section: Johanna Yost 13.01 same at any a tor in Aurora or at the on poultry. $2; Ivan Ban on poultry.fi; ih t Observer o ffice. All feathers received Wayne Bauer, on BelgiaW hirer, 92. 47.11 Other winners will be given trips to will be use by th; Auxiliary in making j C-. B. Brewer, labor__________ 2.7( t 1C pillow! n O. A. C. next June to take the «hurt 1 Continental Pipe Co. pipe____ 2.9 1 course for boys and girls, all expenses j A. H. Kraus, labor____ ___ __ 1.0; being paid. Those from this section EDWARD UPPENDAHL DEAD It was ordered that the city proceed winning one o f these trips were Donald MACKSBURG. j to repair all side walks) and send pro- Edward Uppendahl died suddenly Bauer o f Molalla and Theodore Resell pjrty owners affected bills for the re Tuesday afternoon at home near Hub of Union* Elmer White, whose serious accident pairs. bard from an attack o f grippe and o f last week, has so far recovered that The following judges and, clerks of pneumonia. He had returned.only last his friends are indulging the hope that | M ERIDIAN election were appointed: Judges. G weak from the East where he had been he may soon be well. A. Ehlen, C. B, Brewer, N. C. Wes in matter o f his father’s estate. The Mr. and Mrs. John beppa The Red Cross Auxiliary is to hold its | cott; clerks. Mrs, J, W. Sadler, Mrs. funeral will be held at Hubbard this here Monday. next regular meeting at its rooms Oct. Clara Atkinson. The city election will afternoon. He is survived by two i 10th. The September work has been be held Tuesday, November 5, at. the brothers W. J. Uppendahl o f M arks! George Oldfield is back again for the finished and taken by our chairman, I. 0. O. F. hall, A mayor and foui Prairie and Herman Uppendahl o f j winter at C. C. Oldfields. Mrs. John Henler to the headquarters councilmen are to be elected, all for e Hubbard; and two sisters Mrs. Cass■ The Verbon family have moved to at Oregon City where a new supply o f term o f two years, and a treasurer for Sanders o f Hubbard and Mrs, Meeske ] the Fish place at Paradise, material is awaiting us. This will be a term o f one year. . o f Salem. Christ Trost has purchased 32 acres received with willing hands n o tw ith o f iand frnm Mrs, Me Lennon. standing the rush o f autumn work on A birthday surprise party was given PLEA FOR MORE FUN. the ranches. By extra continuance and Joe Bonn Jr, is how settled in his Young life demands definite work at the home o f Mrs. C. F. Bremer last energy the housewives secure time for I new home on the Yergen pla^e, Thursday in honor o f her sister Miss and definite play. It i Iso demands in the Red Cross work and will continue Lunch was served at Amos Lais will soon move over east Its healthier manifest! tlons a certain Rose Damn). to accomplish this long after the war f Molalla where he has a tract o f tim period o f rest. Much ’ o f the delin midnight when a large cake with 17 o ber. is over. Never will come a time when Those present quency of the day in large cities is candles was lighted. there’ is no trouble to relieve, no suf Carl Hilton.was here last week cut were Ralph Leabo, Herbert Southard, due to the habit of roaming the streets fering to alleviate or misery to cheer ting ensilage for Christ Trost and C.C. When Britain reached the end of the rainbow and found American at all hours of the night. It is due Fred Damm, Lester Southard, Kenneth Oldfield. : w iv and to judge from the readiness troops really pouring through her ports to France, by tens and Phillips. Henry Bents, Echo Giesy, Ida with which most of our people take to to a restlessness engendered partly In hundreds of thousands, her heart welled up within her and a Several o f the people o f Meridian at work now never will there be a lack o f deed by lack of parent’s care, but also Jones, Hazel Cole,. Florence Stoner, tended the Dugan-Yoder sale at Yoder welcome they will long remember was the portion of the arriving generous hearts and willing hands to to a defiance of orderly life that takes Rose Damm, Mrs, Will Damm and last Thursday. „ join this wonderful labor o f sympathy Americans. the place with a aectton o f young peo Bilda Bremer. All report a fine time. and love. Above is shown an’SAmerican regiment marching through London Tom Paige is home again and will ple of Independence. A more com Because the Aurora Blacksmith shop' now help F, Campau who has bought iu parade. Mark your enthusiasm In their passage to the front in plete understanding of life, at Its best, has been closed, the Ehlen Hardware some timber south o f Needy, your subscription to the Fourth Liberty Loan. AURORA DISTRICT BOND gotten by associating with those who store has installed plow-share grinding Mr, Gardner has threshed 3400 lbs,of BUYERS FALL DOWN j schoolar. A fine program will be giv are broad-minded and appreciative of apparatus and will be prepared to do beans and is now digging potatoes. He F A R G O NEWS. the need for recreation and rest, is such work after October 12. has proved himself a good farmer. en in which the children will lead. Mr, Merritt and family o f Chainpoeg what will prevent delinquency. "Big The following purchases have secured spent Sunday with H. E. Prink. Rev. Thomas Acheson, our pastor for brother” movements have their appeal Fourth Liberty Loan Bonds, and their the past year has been appointed to and place. The only trouble here being Miss Pansy Prink is having a months purchases have been duly booked on Jason Lee Methodist Memorial church Its probable fathering by overzealous vacation with relatives and friends in the records o f the Aurora Banking dis WEATHERLY ICE CREAM NYAL AGENCY at Salem. It was no suiprise to the dogmatists In religion. No boy wants tricts. Some applications have been Portland. to be preached at. He wants to be taken by solicitors, which have not yet John Brown, was unamously elected community as we all realized that it amused, by being with worth-while been entered on the records. Any secretary o f the church for the coining was only a question o f time before he comrades. A “big brother” .who plays names omitted will be published if called year. would be called to a larger district. We comrade and not preacher is a val to the attention o f the Observer, John Bowers spent the fore part part are of course very sorry to lose him uable asset. Loneliness o f soul is The quota o f the Aurora banking dis o f the'Veek in Portland and Woddburn but would he selfish to want him to re keewiy felt by many a boy, himself un trict is far from complete, many peo main when greater ^opportunities were conscious that he is so suffering, says on business. ple able to subscrible more heavily, not offered elsewhere. Our new pastor, Milwaukee News. It is when he is J. P. Clark, Mr. and Mrs R. W.Bid Rev. Worrell, comes to us with strong having done so. lonely .that he finds occupation with dle, Dan Wilson o f Portland spent Sun recomepdations. He is a spiritual and Aurora a “ gang.” The natural social instinct Are prophylactics of known power, Mrs, A. W Steinbach______ ____ 50 day here with friends, able man and has been successful in all j Is merely perverted. Jos Anderson_______ 50 Use them freely. Mr, Albert Mclinnis spent the week charges, in leading many to Christ, Thors ton Anderson_________________ 50 end with his family. Mr. Mclnnis is a Rev. Worrell is a married man with LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Paul Siebert___ ______ . . . _______ 50 police gard with the state police force. two children and will reside in Salem. His charge the past year was Perry j Dr. B. F. Giesy was a business visit Julius Keil____________ TOO Those spending the week end in Port dale, McCabe, and Ballston. or in Portland Monday. A. S. Coffman __________________ 50 land were Misses Danella Rader, Gladys E. E. Bradtl............................... _ L 200 Napoleon Davis was among the Bither, Mr. and Mrs, R.M. Rader, Mrs. Aurora, Oregon Lydia B. I r v in ...._________ _____| 250 The following are some o f the Clack Butteville people here Saturday. Stonehouse. A. H. Giesy...................................... 150 amas county men called for service Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cole o f Canby For the coming year Sunday school October 21: Henry Kyllo of Aurora, Wm. Kraus_____ ____________ . 50 Helen E. Sadler _____ 100 will begin at 10:00 o’ clock, church ser Herbert Keebaugh of Canby, H, E, were visiting friends here Sunday, Ralph CL Dorcas, well known hop The city council met Monday nigh dealer, died o f pneumonia at Chicago ' last week Thursday, after an illness o f ] only 21 hours. Mrs.Dorcas immediate- ; ly went east to bring home the body. I Mr. Dorcas was born at Hubbard, He ! was brother o f Geo. L. Dorcas o f Taco ma. He was 32nd degree Scottish rite ! Mason, and a member o f the Salem j Lodge o f Elks. Germicidal Soaps Peroide AURORA DRUG STORE Mrs. J. F. Kerr...... ...................... 50 M. D. Leabo____________________ 500 Ralph Leabo_________ 100 Wm. H. Ortman_____ J_________ 50 Chas. S n yder_____ 1_____________ 100 Aug. K e i l .............1 ._____ H 200 Clara F. Atkinson___ , __________ 50 Henrietta Will_____________ 50 A . H. Will.... ........... 50 Nora Blosser_______ ____________ ' 50 G. A. Ehlen______ |__ 1_________ 100 Frank L. M ille r ...._, _____ 100 Howard M. Watkins . . . ____ 250 Geo. P. H. S. White......... .. 50 Mrs, Chas, Becke__ . . . . __. . . ___ ' 300 Carl F. B rem er_____ 4__________ 50 Henry“'Gilbertson............................... 100 Chas. Austin______ _____________ 50 Lorin Kerr______________ . . . . ___ . 50 Otto K e il_____ _________________ 100 W. P. Wurster_____________ ' __ _ 100 Emma J. Snyder______ ______ £;)i 200 Jno, K ra u s...____ __ ___ _______ ^ 50 D. A. Keil ..................... -...- 50 Marie -juebben.. . . . . . __________ __ 50 B. Luebben___________ „ _ 50 F, A. Sandberg____ ______ ‘_____ 100 Dan Anderson____________ . . . ___ 50 E. M. H urst............. 50 Guy N. H ick ok ________________ - 200 Louine K e r r _____________ 50 Ben W olfer_____________________ 100 Kenneth Phillips_____ ______ 50 Union Otto K r.orr____________ j_ _ _ ........ _ Hong K ee._---------------------- Norma Yergen______. . . ______ ____ Geo. W. Y e rg e n ____ „ ______ ____ ____ Agnes Y e rg e n _____ . . . . _____ Meridian ___ _ Jos. F. B on n ......... .......... ....... _____ Victor B erg___________ ______ Fred B achert______ j , ____ . . . . J. Victor Anderson_____ _____ _____ F. E. Mills.________ ______ _ . . . . . A, P ra tt____ - - ............................. 50 Frank Albee . . . j . . -------------- W. W. D i b b le .................- .......... C. C. Oldfield ............... ¿ ........... — C. E. W atts...................................... T. A. C am pau..._________ -- 100 Matt B a n n ...__ _____ Robt. Bonn _____ « ______________ Joe Bonn . . . ____________________ (Continued on page 3) 50 50 50 250 50 50 50 50 50 50 '50 50 50 50 50 100 50 vices at 11:00 o ’clock. Evening ser vice at 8:00 o ’clock. Every second and fourth Sunday church services will be held at the church at Butteville at 3:00 in the afternoon, There will be a rally day in October,' The slogan o f which will be: Every child in Sunday school will promise to make every effort to bring in a new! 0 Davids of Aurora and Clyde E. Fisher Frank Adams of Aurora was regis o f Needy, tered at the Hotel Portland this week. There will be Divine Services in the Presbyterian church next Sunday at 11 a. m. May those out of the city feel themselves as heartily invited to at tend as those that aij€ in the city, A large attendance is expected.—L. S, Mochel, Pastor, Cozy Knitted W ool Comforts For The Civillian Population »♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ » ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ »♦ ►♦♦♦♦♦ The government makes it plain that the civillian must be considered. It knows that a people with out comfort in clothes and food is a very poor source from which an army and navy may draw inspiration to preserve a high morale. In regulating the supply of wool the government takes whatever it requires for the soldiers and sailors and for the various ‘ relief organizations—and allots the balance among the manufacturers of yarns-We were fortunate in secur ing Sun Light Lamma Wool, the knitting wool o f exceptional beauty. Strength and Luster. We offer you full assortment of colofs. Instruction books free as long as they last. S A D L E R S K R A U S — -------------- TH E BEST F O R TH E PRICE----------------- Mrs. H. J. Miller has returned from a short visit with her parents in Port land. Mr. and Mrs, John Pugh were here shopping Friday from their home near Fargo. 0 A. H. G I E S Y Mrs. F. Morris o f Willamette was a visitor at the home of Mrs. C. B. Brew er last week. A. W. Giesy o f Portland was here-J this week at .the borne o f his sister, Mrs. Geo. Kraus. THE RELIABLE MERCHANDISE STORE Established 1898 [*J A model 90 Overland for sale. Run only 4000 miles.—Earl Grim, 2 miles southwest of Aurora. (81) 0 FOR SALE—Fresh milch cow, Jer sey. Guaranteed in every respect. Chas, Eilers, Rt, 3, Aurora. 31-lt. The Observer will send the home paper to any soldier or sailor from this section at $ 1 (0 per year. We will change the address as often as notified. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Will came from Portland Saturday for the week end with Mrs. Henrietta Will and other relatives. Hunting Notices—50c dozen, or 5 cents each. Post your premises and keep out those hunters and their dogs that injure and annoy. Among those in the city yesterday on business were Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Piper, Godfr»y Dentel, Geo, Gray, Peter Mathiott and Gust Frpcfrikson. Mr. and Mrs. John Giesy and daugh ter Madeline, and Mi's. R. J. Hendricks and Alta Beck motored down from Sal em Saturday to visit relatives, L. P. Swan o f Donald was a business visitor in Aurora Tuesday. He has re tired from the milling business and has rented his mill at Champoeg to Swan & Anderson. Everyman’s Pledge, America shall win this war! Therefore, I will work, I will save, I will sacrifice, I will endure. I will fight—cheerfully, and to my utmftst— ss If the whole outcome of the strug gle depended upon me alone. Dress Goods Our silk and Messaline dress goods in all col ors, and in the latest patterns, at $ 1 .8 5 to $ 2 .5 0 , include the newest and neatest things in this line. Our Worsteds, in stripes and plaids and num erous colors, at 50c, and our cotton plaids, at 3 5 c and up, are in stock in. all colors and shades. The cotton plaids are fine for school dresses. . Our silk waists, in black, white, and colors are sure to please you, at $3.85 upward. W IL L -S N Y D E R C O . THE STORE OF MERIT W E P A Y C A S H F O R M O H A IR