Aurora observer. (Aurora, Marion County, Or.) 19??-1940, October 03, 1918, Image 3

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A fattoi* of tto Foorib Liberty Lota
rm ptiffn, which will be fio tr tO j ob*
tenr id tbrooftbcot the country. It the
dedication of one of each of the twenty
two day* o f the c a tp tifR to one of the
twenty-two Nation* allied i f ii n s t Ger­
many. It It planned to h a lt displayed,
os for oe they ore available, the f l t f i
o f the ftrio o i notions on tbe specified
dates. Tbe schedule boa been arranged
alphabetically with one alight change
necoaaory to bring Italian Day on Oct.
12—Colombo* Day.
The schedule arranged is as follows:
Belgium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SH
Brazil (Sunday) . . . . . . . . " 29
British Empire______ _______ *' 90
China . . . . . . . . _____ . . . . . . . .
Oct, 1
Cuba_. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ** 2
Czecho Slovah_______________ ** 3
_. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ** 4
Greece____.'______ __________ •« 5
Guatemale (Sunday) . . . . . . . . . . “
H a iti__________ : ___________ “
Honduras. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 8
J a p a n ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * “ ■ 9
L iberia_________ ___________ •* 10
Montenegro................. ................ “ 11
•• 12
Nicarague (Sunday) . . . . . . . . . . “ 13
P a n a m a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 14
Portugal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 16
h u is ia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . y . . . . . . . . “ 16
Serbia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 17
S ia m ...__ . . . . . . . . __ . . . . . .
“ 18
United S tates.. . . . . . . . . . . . . __ “ 19
Twenty (20) rabscriptions to the Ob­
server were discontinued last week b e­
cause more than three months in ar­
rears. This is not done because we
wish to do so. but in compliance with
one of the IS regulations the Govern­
ment War Industries Board imposes
upon country newspapers. Rule No. 2
says, “po publisher may continua sub
scriplion after three months aftet
data of expiration, unless subscriptions
are renewed and paid for.'*
Violation of the rules laid down means
that the paper suoply of the offending
newspaper w cut off, wholesale paper j
houses being foroidden to sell supplies
to newspapers which do not obey tbe
Where Are They Now?
(By Owr Mack«berg Csrrespewdeot)
T he Red C ross A u xiliary has suspended its m eet-
Will a w a itin g a new supply
mgs for the pres«
o f m aterial fo r w ork. W e h ave every reason to
th in k , how ever, th a t all th e m m bers w ill return
w ith renew ed earn estn ess to t ie w ork w hen it
com es.
V ery loyal does every one seem to th e Red Cross
now . even th ose w ho form erly-opposed every w ork
th a t has fo r its aim , th e winning of the war. No
lon ger do w e hear th e ful minations of the pacifist
edicting.defeat to our am i­
w ho. a year ago. w as prec
nes and general calamity to our country, who was
rebelling against food conservation and loudly de­
nouncing our food administrator as an accomplice
of the heartless speculator, who was opposing the
draft and who spared not the Red Cross, calling it
a huge graft in tones that were anything but paci­
fic. Everywhere were these treasonable disserta­
tions to be heard. In places of business, a t social
gatherings, even a t church before and after ser­
vice, these detractors of our nation were giving
voice of their views. Where are they now? They
are-still here, but not rrorj silent is the Egyptian
Sphinx than is the pacifist, now. Not more facile
is the chameleon in changing his hue than have been
these enemies of our country in assuming a safer
diction. We may enjoy their silence even though
it is a eompulsory one. It tells of the great power
vested in one commonwealth and strengthens our
confidence in ultimate triumph.
Gladly would we forewarn these disloyalists of
the harm and suffering they are bringing upon
their children by their teaching and their attitude.
Survivors of the Cival War could tell of the scorn
and ostracism visited upon the children of the cop­
perheads by youthful contemporaries. This is an
unwritten law of human nature beginning with
the foundation of the world. Regret it as we
may we can not prevent it.
Among the prize winners at the
Clackamas county fair a t Canby are
the following:
Juvenilia Department
Corn Growing—Louis Lorenz, Macks­
Potato Growing—L u t h e r Lorenz,
Vegetable Gardening—Mabel Yost,
Marks Prairie.
Vegetable Gardening—Frank Stev­
ens, Macksburg.
Poultry Raising—Donald Bauer, Lib­
Poultry Raising—Johanna Y o s t , I
Marks Prairie.
Poultry Raising—Lillie Pellatz, Marks J
Poultry Raising—Wayne Bauer, Lib- .
Poultry Raising—Walter Kammerer, 1
Pork Production—Theodore Resch,
Union Hill.
Sheep Raising—Roy Harms, Macks­
The Kaiser football was kicked
Canning—Myrtle Yost, Marks Prairie. ! through Aurora Friday enroute to the
Belgian Harei—Wayne Bauer, Lib­ State Fair an hour ahead of time. The
school pupils were coming down to
Yellow Dent Corn-r-Fred Ganske, ! cheer the boy kickers through town but
the early arrival'upset their plans.
The kickers and their foot ball ar­
Yellow Dent Corn—Louis Lorenz,
rived at the Fair grounds at 4:30 p. m.
Yellow Dent Corn—Arden Harms, where the governor gave it a final kick,
after which it was spld for the benefit
Theodore Resch, of Union Hill won a of the Red Cross for $85, The ball
free trip to the Sjate Fair by scoring I finally landed in the possession of Viv­
the highest number of points in any
one club project. He won on pork pro­ ian Phelps of Monitor.
Broyles & Stock, of Woodburn, have
W. S. Hurst was in Aurora Saturday re opened the meat market recently
from Portland.
closed by Adam Mishler at Hubbard..
I: n o w
You will soon want to dig
your potatoes. You can­
not afford to dig by hand.
Get a
©own Sopirà
T. M. Snyder was here St iday from
Portland to visit relatives.
U. S. Armstrong was among those
doing business here Saturday,
Miss Mabel Thomas was here Sunday
the guest of Mrs. Nora Blosser,
Don’t forget to n ss at 2 o'clock in
the morning, October 27, to turn back
your clock one hour!
Otto Krueger was up fiom Vancou­
ver Barracks Sunday, a guest at the
home of S. A. Miller.
Verne Sandberg was here this week
from Bremerton to visit his parents
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Sandberg,
and save time and money
The Methodist conference has as - 1
signed Henry Spiess as pastor at Can­
by and Rev. Snyder at Corvallis,
The Wide Awake
FOR SALE—Ten (10) goats. In­
quire of Mrs. Anna Bents, Aurora
(Route 3), Oregon.
Governor Withycombe has appointed
Conrad P, Olson as associate justice of
the supreme court to succeed Justice
Among these transacting business
here Saturday were W. W. Sporalsky,
August Keil, H. J. Keil, Otto Keil and
J. P. Feller.
It is unlikely you will be called on to supply
Start an accpunt at this bank w ith a part o f
your next salary Add to the nest egg every pay day.
W a tc h the fund grow in a safe place and be able to
face die future courageously and independently.
Multiply your money in our care.'
Mr. and MrB. H. L, Mills were here
Saturday from their farm north of
Aurora. He brought in a quantity of
fine grapes—Niagaras and Concords—
a generous sample of which the Obser­
ver forces enjoyed thoroughly.
Heal Gravely Chewing Plug
gives the pure taste of rich
leaf, sweetened just enough,
A condensed,satisfying chew
—and it lasts.
Among those who visited the State
Fair were Mr. and Mrs, Henry L.
Bents, J. M. Will and family, Mr. and
Mrs. F.JLi. Miller, and Mrs. E. G. Car­
penter. Many others whose names
were not learned also motored up to
the big event.
F o u r th L ib e r ty B o n d s
A n y B a n k Will H e lp Y o u
T H IS A D T I 1 T I S E M E N T C O N T R IB U T E D T H R O U G H T W i
JOHN PUGH, Jr. — Fargo, Oregon
'“ Bill” Nibler is exhibiting a big
specimen of a freak spud in the win­
dow of the Aurora Drug -Storek which
he says he raised in his garden. B ut
the thing looks more like a snail th at
he may have picked up on some of his
fishing trips.
Peyton Brand
Real Gravely
Chewing Plug;
The.Fry Brothers this year not only
raised great quantities of tomatoes, but
have proved beyond doubt that the
finest of Watermelons and musk melons
can be raised here. * Fine specimens
of both have been received at the Ob­
server office.
According to the Salem Journal's
Donald Correspondent “ Donald and
community were aroused Wednesday
night about two thirty by the clanging
of the fire bell, to call them out to pro­
tect property near the Francis Feller
hop house which was burning fiercely.
Fortunately the hops had been hauled
to the Donald warehouse ju st a few
days before. The building was a total
loss with some insurance. The press
and about 20 cords of wood which Were
burned belonged to A. E, Feller, the
house to his father,” t
funds to conduct a w a r for Independence. It is quite
likely, though, that you w ill need savings to tide you
over a family sick spell or save you from misfortune.
H ave you set aside anything for the rainy day?
Roy Yoder, who lives on one of the
Aurora rural routes, was held up last
week in Portland by a boy named Paul
Wilson who robbed him of 50 cents but
overlooked $40 in Yoder’s inside pocket.
If you buy a $50 Liberty Bond when you can afford a $1000
Bond, your conscience will remind you for the rest of vour
life that you have helped THE BOCHE.
A n immigrant boy,
he ran errand, for a
i I bv ^O 15I t i ONC j
P h ilad elp h ia sto re—
worked*, studied, saved
a little out o f meager earnings against later needs And
during the Revolutionary w ar M orris gave generously
o f his resources for the blessed cause. H is savings
helped make the Nation.
Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Jack, of Needy
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Elliott were here
Saturday from Portland. Mr. Elliott were guests of the W, A. Yergen fam­
came up to make out his questionnaire. ily last week Monday night. Mrs. Yer-
gen is a sister of Mr. Jack.
at long range.
------ r - S
( R o b e r t M o r r is
W.H.Nibler went to Corvallis Thurs­
day to investigate the plarmacy course
offered by the government to those who
desire to enter that branch of the ser­
— but o n ly
Hardware Store
After September 1st we will close our
store at 6 P. M.
L. Schulteis, of Woodburn, was here
Saturday. He purchased his full ra t­
ing of Liberty Bonds here, as he trans­
acts his banking business here.
Mr. and Mrs. John Leach of Portland
| were here over Sunday guests a t the
home of Mrs, Leach’s father W, W. J
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Sandberg and
family and Mrs. Diana Snyder motored
to Salem Saturday evening to take in
Among the prizewinners in the Tex­ the movies.
tile Division of the State Fair aie the
John Murray and J. P. Feller were
here Saturday enroute home from the
following from this section.
Mrs. Bert Miller, of Aurora, first on Adams farm where they were adjust­
ing a fire loss,
lunch set, filet '.rimmed.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Bridwell and Mr.
Mrs. Bertha Hurst, of Canby, second
on pair of towel slips, filet trimmed;and and Mrs. Park Myers were here Sun­
day from Portland to visit their cousin
second on pair of towels.
In the Juvenile department Theodore Mrs. N. C. Wescott.
Re3ch of Union Hall, received first
I t is reported th&t J. C, Moore of
award in the pig club work. He also Donald will open a lunch counter at St,
won first on Chester White sow, 6 Johns. His family will remain in Don­
months old. .
ald for the present.
G. A. EHLEN Implements
10c a pouch— and w orth it*
Gravely la sts so m uch longer i t coate
no more to chew th a n ordinary plu g
P. B. Gravely Tobacco Company
Danville, Virginia
Free Air