Aurora observer. (Aurora, Marion County, Or.) 19??-1940, October 03, 1918, Image 2

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THU1 SD a Y . OCTOBER S, t i l l
E ditor akd P ro u s a n
E i U:rod as second c la n m atter March 28, 1911, at the pcs loffi ce at Aurora
Notice is hereby given. That by vir­
Oregon, under the Act o f March 3. 1879.
tue o f an execution duly ¡«sued out o f
the Circuit Court o f the State o f Ore­
gon. for the County o f Marion and to
me directed on the 7th day o f Septem­
ber, 1918 upon a judgment and decree
rendered, entered o f record and
f pledge allegiance to my
docketed in and by said Court on the
flag and the republic for
28th day o f June, 1918 in a certain suit
which it fiondinone Nation ,
then in said Court pending, wherein
indivisible, with liberty and
Grant Murphy. Administrator, was
/astice to alL
plaintiff and 0 . L. Burson, and Pansy
Bur eon, his w ife were defendants in
favor o f plaintiff and against said de­
fendants by which execution 1 am com­
manded to'sell the property in said ex­
ecution and hereinafter described to
America, unless we repudiate civilization and abandon pay the sum due the plaintiff o f $235.00
Dollars, with interest thereon at the
humanity and put a premium on savagery and brutality, rate
o f eight per cant per annum from
can make no covenanted peace, no peace by agreement or the 17th day o f September, 1916 until
paid and the further sum o f $60.00,
negotiation with Germany. It would be a covenant with Attorney's fees, together with costs
and disbursements o f said suit taxed at
hell, a partnership with infamy.
$84.86 Dollars and costs and expenses
Nor would such a peace secure peace, except so long o f said execution, I will on Saturday,
as it suited Germany. W e can judge the future only by the 12th day o f October 1918 at the hour
11:00 o'clock A. M. o f said day at
the past, and to Germany sacred .treaties are scraps o f o W f est
door o f the County Court House
paper only. Germany’s whole history is a record o f nation­ in Marion County, Oregon, sell at pub­
to the highest bidder for
al treachery, national bad faith, national dishonor, nation­
cash in hand on the day o f sale, all the
al murder, and national infamy.
right, title, interest and estate which
Article 56 o f The Hague Convention, to which Ger­ said defendants and all persons claim­
ing under them subsequent to the 29th
many solemnly subscribed, is: “ Family honor and rights, day
o f September 1913 in, o f and to
the lives o f persons and private property, as well as re­ said premises hereinbefore mentioned
in said execution as fol­
ligious convictions and practice, must be respected. Pri­
lows, to-wit: Beginning at the J Sec­
vate property can not be confiscated.”
tion Corner between Sections 4 and 9
The world knows how Germany has observed this in Township 9 South, Range 1 W est o f
the Willamette Meridian, Marion Coun­
article. There are millions o f individual witnesses to her I ty, Oregon, thence West 8 chains ¡thence
flagrant breaches o f it, Every acre o f foreign soil Ger­ North 25 degrees 30 minutes West
many has occupied bears mute, but unimpeachable evi­ 14.92 chains; thence W est 5.90 chains
to the middle o f the Salem Flouring
dence o f it. There is plenty o f German evidence o f it,too, Mills water ditch; thence down said
“ The goods o f different sorts seized in the enemies’ ditch to a point where' the, middle o f
the same is intersected by. the East
territories are in such large quantities that the difficulty line o f a 30 acre, tract o f land owned by
o f knowing where to put them increases day by day. A t E. C, Baker; thence North 2.00 chains
the request o f the Prussian minister, o f war, all chambers to the Northeast corner o f said 30 acre
tract; thence North 89 degrees 60 min­
o f commerce have been asked to give all possible inform a­ utes East 8.44 chains to the Northeast
tion with regard to storehouses, sheds, etc,, which could.j corner o f E. C. Baker’ s land:A thence
South 20 degrees 30 minutes East 27.2?
be used temporarily to warehouse the spoil.” (From the | chains
to the place o f beginning and
Frankfurther Zeitung, January, 1918).
containing 23.53 acres, more or less,
in Marion County and State Of
The German papers have been crowded with adver­
Oregon. ~
tisements o f sale o f property taken from France and Bel­ Said sale being subject to redemption
gium. Members o f the Reichstag have boasted of, others in the manner provided by law.
D at'd this 10th day o f September,
have censured, the amount o f booty brought to Germany 1918.
from the occupied territory, and the destruction has been
Sheriff o f Marion County, Oregon
? far greater than the confiscation.
O f the old men and children murdered, o f the women
and girls ravished, o f the noncombatants taken from their
homes and deported to work for their conquerors, o f the
merchant ships sunk and passengers and crews murdered,
o f the hospital ships sunk, the hospitals and unfortified
cities bombed, o f the mutilation and murder by crucifixion
and otherwise o f wounded.^ and captured soldiers—all of
this beastliness there is plenty o f evidence, evidence that
no one can disbelieve.
The best answer to German peace propaganda is sink­
ing more U-boats, sending more men to France, speeding
up our work along every line, and a heavy subscription to
the Fourth Liberty Loan. Peace must mean the triumph
o f right and justice, the defeat o f Germanism, not a truce
with it, not a compromise with it,'
Our soldiers in France are gloriously doing their part
_■ toward victory; the Liberty Loafl subscription must show
them that the people at home are doing theirs.
Some observers think that the most characteristic
thing about the American, soldiers in -France, something
which astounds the enemy and excites the admiration of
our .allies, is thg capacity o f the Am erica^ soldiers to do
individual thinking and fighting. The German fights suc­
cessfully only in mass formation, in organized bodies,while
every American soldier has an initiative and independence
o f action which gives him remarkable efficiency in open
fighting. They are not senseless cogs, but each is an in­
dividual working unit in a great fighting machiner
Everÿ American at home should feel an individual
responsibility and do his or her. individual part in winning
the wart There is not an American citizen who can not
help win the war. Tfie Fourth Liberty Loan drive, offers
a great opportunity fo r concerted action, and for .individ­
ual action, and the loan will be a tremendous success if
each American, will do his or her individul part o f each
American soldier in France does his part. Our soldiers
| deserve such support from the people at home.
By O. D. BOWER, Deputy.
Wants, For Sale, Etc
A uniform and invariable charge
o f 5 cents per line is made to r all ad­
vertising notices "of every description
in the news columns o f this news­
paper. This rate applies to fo r sale,
for rent, lost, found, card o f thanks,
“ want ads,” and to all kinds o f sim­
ilar‘notices as w ell as to all notices of
entertainments,' fairs, socials, shows,
etc. No reductions o r discounts.
Gummed fruit labels (with blanks for
kind o f fsuit and the year canned) at
the Observer* Office, in little tablets
(perforated booklets) at 10 eents per
tablbt, .
M ARRY IF LONLEY ;best and most
successful “ Home Maker” -; hundreds
rich wish marridge¡strictly confidential ;
reliable; years experience;
descriptions : fié e .
“ The Successful
Club” , Mrs. Purdie, Box 556, Oakland,
Marry, if-lonely. For . speedy mar­
riage, try iny club, very successful,
best, largest in the country, established
11 years; thousand wealthy wishing to
marry at once. Confidential descrip­
tions free.
Wriibel, 732 Madison St. Oakland, Cali*-
FOR SALE— Team 3100 lbs., 7 and
8 yeais old; - Also wagon and harness.
No reasonable offer refused.. A . D.
Lorenz (Or in at Observer), Aurora,
FOR SA LE—New dobble barrel
Steven’ s sh'ot gun, 12 - gu'Sge, -, weight
7| pounds, top-leve». Cost $27,50,. will:
sell f o t - $20, War stamps same as
dash,. Inquire at Observer Office, Aur­
ora, Oregon.
M ARRY A t O n é e —Thousands o f
lonely, congenial people, all agça.wqrth
$5,000 to $350,000 seeking early mar­
riage. Big list o f descriptions FREE.
R, E. Hyde, 253a Minna S t , San Fran-
cisco, Cal.
i ll '
' .
It is strange that the Fair grounds police are unable
Me leated
S yA kirts”
to distinguish gambling games from others. They seem | “P
every year, to require the aid o f the district attorney. This
' Accordean, Side, or Box Pleating,
year District Attorney Gehlhar found it again necessary
Hemstitching,' Scolloping, Braid­
ing, Embroidery, Buttons cov-
to point out the unlawful games in the State Fair grounds
before the police suppressed them. Last year 21 gamb­ , ered, from your Own material. -
ling games were suppressed and many o f these were back ■ 633 Morgan Bldg. PORTLAND, ORE.
again this year—until Gehlhar put the lid on.
1 " l~ "
Ssftrl $
55 }
T hey fight with
their whole souls
You are reading every day of our
boys over there—of Pershing’s divis­
ions charging into the blasting fire
of the Boche trenches; of small de­
tachments smashing their way from
house to house through ruined vil-.
lages; of single-handed deeds of sac­
rifice and valor.
One thought, one impulse only
fills their souls—to fight and keep on
fighting, until the war is won.
They know t hat all America is back of
them; they know that they can count on us at
home to send them all the guns and supplies
they need to win.
There is only one w ay we can do its
A l l o f us m ust work a n d save a n d
Buy L ib erty B onds, with our whole
souls, the w a y o u r m en a r e
fighting over therein
No less will win. There is no other
way to provide the money the Gov­
ernment must have. Nootherstand-
ard can make the Fourth L ib e rty
Loan a Success.
Lend the way they fight—
Buy Bonds to your utmost
This space contributed to winning the war by w t& œ
GRANT B. DIMICK, Oregon City, Orëgon
GEORGE KINNEÀR, Portland, Oregon
FRED ANDERSON, Aurora Oregon
JOHN SINGER, Aurora, Oregon, Route 5
E. G. ROBINSON, Canby, Oregon
JOHN PUGH, Jr., Fargo, Oregon
E. J. SNYDER, Aurora, Oregon