This Md« Has Paid Unselfishness, honor, service urged this boy on to his final effort-to his last drop of blood. There is very little w e “stay-at-hom es” can do to match this bravery at the front. One of the little things w e can do is to lend to our Governm ent N O W . Buy fourth Liberty A n y Bank W ill Help Y ou A D V E B T X SSW B 1T T C O H T a iB D T S D T H S O Ü 8 K P A T R IO T IC C O -O P B B A T IÜ H OP C. J. Espy, Cashier Donald State Bank Max Gehlhar, District Attorney Will Heinz, Auctioneer, Macksburg John L. Snyder, Aurora, Oregon. W . J. Creson, Aurora, Route 5 Charles Beck, Aurora, Oregon Geo. G. Bingham, Circuit Judge Salem Commercial Club W . H. Nibler, Druggist, Aurora . C. B. Brewer, Aurora v THE M, 0 . Davis, Butteville, Oregon . C. M. Crittenden, Hubbard, Oregon W . W . Irvin, Aurora August Huckestein, Postmaster, Salem N. C. Wescott, Aurora