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About Aurora observer. (Aurora, Marion County, Or.) 19??-1940 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1918)
KCAL ESTATE T YU SH X S .Ç CHUNK W M m khhhhk k Why Not JL D l m í s c h h M h r f K f l B l K I rc ifw r. Tl À M 1J ; A mm I Katt» II GET O N E O F OUR FLORENCE BLUE FLAME OIL COOK STOVES? JULY ROAD WORK ■ m iM H M B . > W . 1 CHEAPER THAN WOOD AND MUCH MORE COM FORTABLE F O R T H E HOUSEWIFE. ~ D chhshhh « ■ELKttLtoEL B rtig a , A M Too*» m M k I m U * * M h M b m j . H .W H ' i •alary, ji.7 3 l $» Paving. A CD* Ok. NURSES' TRAINING CLASS TRY ONE AND YOU WILL BE SURPRISED TO FIND YOU COULD NOT GET ALONG WITHOUT ONE 4 N c i n i ' T k iW c i CH m wilt so H f l H i IlN S e k m D W p ttA l. A «f JfNKf VCMA v t t i l f I h pv N 9 IMVHM H i C V l t !■ d t i n l R C f H fl k it is N fN H e d t o h m I H p p tk cU o n 'h%9. A. PHfila OHCVHtHfHa wHlHflL Ol I«* black li at k o » HUQHCt. THH in« lacti company «a H ardw are N it pnCt Spot Cilll — to •II« M J. Brown, former publisher ard Mr. and Mrs. R. 0 . Jack were here SALE OF BEAL i editor o f the Benton County Conner SHERIFF'S Saturday from their home in U m Needy PROPERTY and o f the Oregon City Courier is now neighborhood. I employed at the Grant Smith-Porter Aurora, Or. ! ; shipyards at Portland. OX FORECLOSURE § and Surgeon BoUiPboi O le e i t i lence L. P Swan has moved from Cham- Notice is hereby given. That by poeg to Donald, end has rented the J. S. Brown was here on business virtue o f an execution duly issued Page residence. DENTIST Saturday from the L. H. Prahl term out o f the Circuit Court o f the where he Uvea. Mr. Brown is adver State o f Oregon, for the County of Trullingor BM| Phone United 6319 ‘ tising stock and implements for salo io Marion, and to mo directed on the Messrs Gebrich and Rucck o f the another rolunas—at public auction. 7th day o f August, 1918, upon a H ubbard , O r e g o n Lone Elder country was transecting udgment and decree duly render ;d. entered of record ani docketed business hero Friday. n and by m id Court on the 27th Sadler & Kraus represent the Pheas lay o f July, 1918, In a certain stilt ant Northwest Products Company hen In said Court pending, wheT*- Mrs, Goetz and children came up (factories at Wood burn, Salem, Olym In S. A. Matthieu, Vrus Plaintiff, aimi from Oregon City to visit friends in pia). They pay cash for your ever Ï. EL Sutherland and Jcrsie IL BY PARCEL POST Sutherland, his wlfe, C. A. Schiede1 the Union district. green blackberries. Square deal. Spot %nd Ethel Schiedel , his wife, Jcihr Accordtoo, Side,or Box Pleating, cash. Ongg an, Artemeco Bittlck, E. C Hemstitching, Scolloping, Braid Mays and Alice R. Mays, his wlIfe. ing, Embroidery, Buttons cov P. E. Gibbons o f Butteville was | ; business und:ïr the firm ered, from your own material. among the farm en transacting busi- g Hurst & Co.( is getting ready *nd style of E. 1 C. Mays & CJo., Arch W. Schiedel and H. A. Dod nesa here Saturday. j for the first shipment o f onion seta from man, trustee, w ere defendants in 633 Morgan Bldg. PORTLAND, ORE. .■■ ■ ■ ■— - ..i-P j Hubbard this fall the first week in ffcyor o f plaintiff 1 and against sRÍO September. They report onion seta defendants by which emcutlon I am Dy Foon was here Saturday from his i averaging about half a crop this year, commanded to sell the property in tald execution, hereinafter described farm near East Butteville, getting | —Hubbard Enterprise. to pay the sum due the plaintiff o! ; ready for bop picking. Twenty-seven hundred ninety and OOjlOO ($2,790.00) Dollars, with In Mrs. B. F. Giesy and children and terest thereon at the rate o f six pei Notary Public S. H. Stoner and son were tn town cent, per annum from the 14 th day M rs. W. H. Nibler and son returned j f December, 1917, until -paid and I Saturday from the Stoner farm —form- Fire Insurance ; Saturday from Newport where they the further sum o f $159.00, Attor | eriy the Branigar place. i have been for several days. The ney fees, together with the costr OREGON AURORA I weather was rather cold and diaagree- and disbursements of said suit tax ed at Thirty-five and 80] 100, ($36.- ! able, which caused them to cut short 80) Dollars and costs and expenses Threshing is about over in this sec- j * their stay. of said execution. I will on Satur Z Asquith & Blocser 1 j tion though there are a few lots o f day, the 14th day of September, ] grain not yet threshed. 1918, at the hour of 10:00 o ’clock PAIN TERS and 1 The Aurora Schools will open Monday A. M. of said day at the West door of the County Court House tn A APER HANGERS September 9. Only one of last year’s Salem, Marion County, Oregon, sell Dr. Brower o f Ashland was here teachers returns for the coming school at public auction to the highest 2 Aurora, Oregon | Thursday enroute to Portland, calling year—Miss Smith, teacher o f the prim bidder for cash in hand on the day on his brother-in-law S. A, Miller, ary department. Miss McGuire of o f sale, all the right, title. Interest » ♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦»♦»♦♦♦»♦♦»♦» ♦•♦♦e i and estate which said defendants Portland will teach the intermediate and all persons claiming under grades, Mrs. Foster the Gramer grades them subsequent to the execution 0 . I. Miller and family of Nampa, of plaintiff’s mortgage recorded on and Miss Huntoon the High school, were visitors here last week. Mr. the 5th day of June, 1913, in, of and to said premises hereinbefore Miller is a brother o f Mrs.S, A. Miller of . . . Always in the market for old mentioned and described in said ex this city. Copper, Lead, Zinc, Iron, Brass, Diana and Aileen Snyder, Theoda ecution as follows, To-wit: L ot No. Old Newspapers and Magazines Gribble and Evadna Hurst were the 2 of the Division of the West Half (neatly folded) .second hand sacks, of the F. X. Matthieu Donation and junk of all kinds. Mr. and Mrs, C. FI Grover expect guests of Edwand old friend Land Claim in Township 4 South, o f their families at the Muecke farm AURORA - OREGON Range 1 West, Willamette Meri to move this week to Stayton, where Friday, where they gathered hazel dian, particularly described as. Be Mr. Grover will be superintendent of nuts and had a good time generally, ginning at a point 11.53 chains S DAAAAsiAAtkAAAAAAlM tAAAAAAAD D schools. motoring in and out o f town in Mr. v84° 15’ W est from the Southeast corner o f the west half" of the Muecke’s Oldsmobile. I Wm. HEINZ I Donation Land Claim of F. X. Matthieu and wife in Township 4, AUCTIONEER f The Juice Factory at Woodbur South, Range 1 W est; W. M.; J Li, Live Stockand Farm Sales a Specialty 2 wants your evergreen blackberries "Evergreen” jam will go to the boys thence N. 1 0 ' 15’ W. 25,15 chains along the west line o f Lot No. 1 of T erm s R easo n able Take your berries to their Factory I in France if you furnish the Pheasant the Division of the West Half of the Northwest Products company with all F. X. Matthieu and wife claim ; to T PhoneCanby 13-15 (Mail—Aurora Route I) % agents in Aurora—Sadler & Kraus. I you can pick. Their agents, Sadler & the Northwest corner of said lot; Highest cash price, money on the spot. Kraus of Aurora, Würfel o f Barlow, thence S. 84° 15’ W. 11.53 chains Frty o f Needy,and Wrolsted of Yoder, to the Northwest corner of Lot No. 3; thence S. 10° 15’ E. 25.1(5 chains will take all you can furnish at the to the Southwest corner o f Lot No. highest cash price. 2; thence N. 84° 15’ E. 11.53 chains along the South line of the F. X. Matthieu Claim to the place of be- -inning and containing 28.95 acres JOHN BIER DEAD land. FARM MACHINERY OF EVERY KIND IN STOCK News o f the death o f John Bier, of Lot No. 3, beginning at a point GOES AT ABSOLUTE COST. Corvallis was received here last week 23 .06 chains S. 84° 15’ W. from the Southeast corner of the W est Half by Mrs. Trephine Will and Miss Eliza i f the Donation Land Claim of F. in Town DONALD, OREGON beth Forstner, his cousins. Mr. Bier X. Matthieu and wife, ship 4 South, Range 1 West, W. M .; was a former member o f the Aurora thence N. 10° 15’ W.- 25.15 chains Colony. He was born in Baltimore, along the West line of Lot No. 2 of the Division of the West Half of Maryland, in 1837. In 1861 he married the Donation land Claim of F. X. Miss Sofia Ferstner at Bethel, Mo., Matthieu and wife, to the North west corner of aaid L ot; thence S. and two yea-'s later Mr. and Mrs. Bier 84° 15’ W. 11.15 chains Summons all the forces and resources of the Republic to to the the defense of Freedom- crossed the plains with the Aurora Northwest corner of Lot No. 3; thence S. 10° 15’ W. 25.15 chains THE OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE colony, settling in Marion county. In to the Southwest corner of Lot No. which the United States authorities have ranked as one of the ' thence N. 84° 15’ E. 11.53 1866 the family"moved to Salem, re. 3; fifteen distinguished institutions of the country for excellence in chains along the south line of the military training, has responded to the call. . The College is moved to Benton county in 1881 and to F. X. Matthieu claim to the place distinguished not only for its military instruction, but Corvallis in 1890. Mr. Bier having of beginning, and containing 28.95 D istinguished also for — acres of land, together with all and since made his home in that city. The singular, the tenements, heredita Its strong industrial courses for men ana for women: In Agriculture^ Commerce, Engineering, Forestry widow and eight children survive. The ments, and appurtenances thereon Home Economics, Mining, Pharmacy, and x children are B. F., Ed. and A. J, Bier or thereunto belonging, or in any Vocational Education. wise appertaining., of Corvallis; William Bier, Portland; Its Wholesome, purposeful student life. .Said sale being made subject to Its democratic college spirit. * Henry Bier, Salem; John Bier, Julian, redemption in the manner provided Its successful graduates. . Cal., Mrs. P. H. Hammond,Philomath; by law. Students enrolled last year, 3453 ; stars on its service Sags, 1258 , Dated this 7th day o f August, and Mrs. George Bower, Vancouver, B. over forty percent representing officers. C. There are also two brothers, two 1918. W. I. Needham, College opens September 23,1918 sisters,six grandchildren and five great Sheriff of Marion County, Oregon. For catalog, new IUuitratcd Booklet, and other information write to the Registrar, Corvallis, Oregon grandchildren. By O. D. Bower, Deputy. G. A. EHLEN Im plem ents The Wide Awake K« Hardware Store DR. de LESPINASSE ia Wurster Bros. Conduct The Most Modern and Sanitary Meat Market in The Willamette Valley. Try Their Home Products— Pure Lard, Weinerwurst, Pork Sausage, Bologna, Etc. mmm “Pleated Skirts” j w ART EMBROIDERY & BUTTON CO. Aurora, Oregon LOUIS WEBERT Ì j E, M. HURST I ! ALL FARM MACHINERY = SELLING AT COST = H A M IL T O N H A R D W A R E S T O R E ■ '[ h e ^ u g c e (X l l - DR. UTTER , DENTIST Room 414 Bank of Commerce Building Salem, Oregon. Come to Salem, for your Dental Work—All Class es of Dentistry A T MODERATE PRICES. CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK A Specialty. p h o n e m a i n 6O6 GAS OILS AURORA GARAGE IS NOW CARRYING A FULL LINE OF PARTS FOR CHEVROLET a n d FORD CARS ACCESSORIES Greases HERBERT J. MILLER, Prop. Free Air Spend W isely Practically everyone wants tbe local and general news. Only the “ dead ones” get along without newspapers. A combination that furnishes both local and world wide news is the The Aurora Observer Portland Telegram No magazines, no premiums, no other reduced priced are given by these papers. Subscriptions not taken for less than one year at this rate. / SEND YOU ORDERS TO The Aurora Observer AURORA, OREGON