Aurora observer. (Aurora, Marion County, Or.) 19??-1940, August 15, 1918, Image 4

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News Letters, and Stories of Oar Soldiers and Sailors in France,
In the Training Camps, On the High Seas, and Everywhere
Gallant American Fighters Are Found.
Major White, formerly adjutant gen­
Mrs. F. E. Mills o f Meridian has re­
ceived a letter from her/son Lieut. eral o f Oregon, is now reported as a
Francis M. Phelps in England. It was member of General Pershing’ s staff, in
post marked Liverpool July 17. He France.
writes: “ Pam fine and dandy, but
Joe Graham Jr, has landed safely in
lonesome for a word from home. So,
mother dear, write me often, Your France, where he likes it better than
letters are bright spots in a lonesome England, where his hospital unit, Base
old world. Not that I have any thing Hospital No. 6, orginally landed. His
to complain about, for everything is address is now Private Joe Graham,
well with me, but a word from home is Base Hospital No. 6, American E. F.
dear to us so far away. I can’t tell you
Fred White has written from Camp
m ich except that we are in England at
present. Were you here you would see I Lewis that he is getting along fine and
very few young .men. Most o f the ! likes it must betcer than die anticipated,
work is done by women. You would j He got his shot in the arm all right, and
also find it hard to get many things to f will soon be out o f quarantine. Fred
eat. I have had no sugar for a long ¡says Camp Lewis is some city.
time. There is very little butter and
Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Graves and daugh­
meat, but it is all in the days w o r k ."
ter Mrs. Lelah Tucker were here yes­
Captain Walter L. Tooze, Jr., de­ terday from near Macksburg.
tachment commander, with his staff o f Graves had just teceived a cablegram
officers, has been named to train the from his son John P. Graves, in the
247 men from Washington who will re­ Aero service at St, Jean de Mont on
port August 15, at Camp Lewis,
f i e French coast. He has a few days
furlough and will visit his brother Gro­
Letters from L. D. Marsh indicate ver Graves who is in tl)e infantry near
that both he and his brother have been or at the front. The latter joined the
in the hospital—William Marsh from army in Montana.
the effects of a wound in the leg, and
’ Dan’ ’ from some illness not specified.
“ The first thing I bought (after g et­
Sgt. V.L. White writing from France
June 30 says he received 20 letters all
in one week—after 3 weeks with no
mail. July 7 he writes that the paper
he enjoys the most is the Observer.
The Independence day celebrations
were just over. Sergeant White says
the speeches made in France were
translated into English so the boys
could “ eompree” what had been said.
W, H, Nibler has received from Pal
M. Gibson, “ just a few lines to let you
know that I have reached France safe­
ly and that I enjoyed the trip across,
and also that I like the country on this
side. This place reminds me o f “ oid
Aurora” . This is a short note but will
do better next time.” Like every sold
ier who left Aurora, Gibson writes to
“ Dear Friend Bill.”
Alvin Miller, who has been mail cor­
poral of Headquarters Company, of the
162 [J. S. Infantry at Contres, Erance,
has been made Sergeant, in charge of
the regimental mail. Sergeant Miller
is a young man of ability, and his fur­
ther advancement may be expected.
Samuel 0 . Marks o f the 31et Aero
Squadron writes his parents Mr. and
Mrs.-John Marks under the date of July
8, from France as follows: “ I was
pleased to get two letters from home
the other day. One of them was 21
days on the way,and the other 30 days.
The A. R. C, gave a dance the night of
July 3, A supper was served at which
we enjoyed pineapple, sandwiches,
cookies, lemonade, milk and ice cream.
A good vaudeville show was showi
during the supper.
Some Frenchmer
gave a good exhibition drill July 4. We
had a good dinner the Fourth too—
beefsteak, Irish potatoes, sweet pota
toes, gravy, corn, lettuce, radishe'.
chocolate, cake, peach pie and lemot -
“ Zesteday I went on a trip to a towr
about a hundred and fifty kilometer:-
(92 miles) from here. There was some
pretty country on the way. I went i:
a truck, so I got go stop in same othe.
towns on the road. I can talk enough
French now to order a meal and mike
them understand what I want, I hav,
been made a chauffer as there were nc
openings in sergeant’s positions in the
squadrons The pay is the same a
that of a sergeant— $51 per monfh. 1
still do my regular work on Aeroplanes
“ A good program was given at thi
Y. M. C. A. this afternoon. Two
Frenchmen, two French girls and pnt
American girl sang. We enjoyed it
very much, I have subscribed for the
“ Plane News” to be sent direct to
Clifton. Suppose he has received some
o f them by this time. Much love to all,
Your loving son—S G. Marks,
John Kister writes his sister Mrs,
Henry Tautfest, at Fargo, that he hi s
arrived safe and sound at Camp Millr,
Long Island, New York, after seven
days on the road from Camp Kearney
at San Diego. “ We are about 30 miles
from New York City, out on Long Is­
land. We got off the train at Hoboken
(N. J.) and took the ferry to Brooklyn
and then the train out here. We won’ t
be here very long so you had better ad­
dress letters to John Kister, Co. K,
1 i9th U. S. Inf. American E. F .”
ting paid) was a dollars worth of
stamps,” says Leslie Grazer in a letter
to his parents here, “ Today (August
6) is the hottest day I ever saw— 118 in
the shade. It was 107 yesterday. I
think we shall leave this week. We
have had our gas training. At the fin­
al test I got my mask on three times
out of four in six seconds. We went
through two gas chambers. The first
was tear gas. We had to take off our
masks in that room. , The second was
chlorine gas. The captain said, “ If
y ju want to commit suicide take off
you masks for 30seconds,” I think we
are go to -------- , but do not say any­
thing about it. Tonight Mrs. Newton
Biker (wife of the Secretary of War)
sings for us at the -theater.”
In a
letter to the Observer, he acknowled­
ges the arrival o f the Observer, and
siys he is on the overseas list. He is
still at Camp Humphreys, Virginia.
Carl Haman, familiarly known as
“ Butch” , writes George and “ Billy”
Wurster a Fourth of July message
from the trenches in France—“ to let
you know that I am still alive. Well,
George we’re in the trenches now for
two months, and everything is O.
far, I just wish you were here for one
night to take a look at the skies.
Everything one fire all night long—some
shooting, believe me! It is a very
“ funny” feeling if bomb explode just
20 qr 100 feet from you. Well, just the
same we all expect to come back some
What you think o f it? The
crops here are fine so far if they be not
all shoot to h—1. Tell Geo. Miller I re­
ceived his card and I will write a letter
to him soon. Of course you can’t know
what it means to a U. S. soldier to re-
e iive a letter in the trenches, from
home. Well, George, I have to close
now. Best wishes and good luck from
“ Butch” . (Address—Carl Hamm,Co.
H. 126 U. S. Inf,, American E, F, A.
P. O. 734. Write him,)
Camp Mills Detention Camp, L, 1,—
Dear friend B i l l (N ibler)—Well,
we had a little bad luck this week. One
man in our Company got the measles
just after we left. They put our car
u ider quarantine, and when we arriv ed
h ire sent us to the detention camp for
18 days or longer.
That makes me
mad. We have lost our company" for
good. It was the best in the division.
We are the most disgusted bunch o f
man in New York State, 1 am sure. I
am going to try for a transfer to the
medical department" as soon as we are
out o f this camp. Bill, this is the hot­
test country I ever saw. A man can’ t
go to sleep until midnight on account of
t ie heat, and then the thunder and
li jhtmng won’ t let you sleep. There is
n> fun about this thunder business
e ther. It makes a person feel as
tiough the world is coming to an end 1
This is a well-pleased bunch—Yes? At
the same time we get very good eats.
We don’ t do very much here—no drill J
ing.only sit around and watch the aero­
planes flying round. Their camp is just
across the fence from ours. Some of
the men handle their planes well. They
pull off all sorts o f stunts, I received
your package o f tobacco, and thank
you very much. My be3t regards to
you, father, and friends. Your friend,
Paul Blaschke.
Matthieu Claim to the place of be­
ginning and containing 28.95 hcres
Lot No. 3, beginning at a point
123.06 chains S. 84° 15’ W. from the
Southeast corner of the West Half
j o f the Donation Land Claim of F.
Notice is hereby given, That by 1X. Matthieu and wife,
in Town-
virtue o f an execution duly issued | ship 4 South, Range 1 West, W. M.;
out o f the Circuit Court of the j thence N. 10° 15’ W. 25.15 chains
State of Oregon, for the County of j along the West line o f Lot No. 2 of
Marion, and to me directed, on the j the Division o f the West Half of
7th day o f August, 1918, upon a j the Donation land Claim of F. X.
judgment and decree duly render­ ¡ Matthieu and wife, to the North-
ed, entered of record and docketed I west corner of said Lot; thence S.
to the
in and by said Court on the 27th 184° 15’ W. 11.15 chains
day of July, 1918, in a certain suit I Northwest corner of Lot No. 3;
then in said Court pending, where­ | thence S. 10° 15’ W. 25.15 Chains
in S. A. Matthieu, was Plaintiff, and ! to the Southwest corner of Lot No.
thence r N. 84° 15’ E. 11.53
J. E. Sutherland and Jessie M. 3;
Sutherland, his wife, C. A. Schiedel I chains along the south line of the
and Ethel Schiedel, his wife, John F. X. Matthieu claim to the place
Duggan, Artemece Bittick, E. C. of beginning, and containing 28.95
Mays and Alice R. Mays, his wife, acres of land, together with all and
doing business under the firm name 1 singular, the tenements, heredita-
and style of E. C. Mays " & Co., I ments, and appurtenances thereon
Arch W. Schiedel and H. A. Ded- or thereunto belonging, or in any-
man, trustee, were defendants in ■ wise appertaining.
Said sale being made subject to
favor of plaintiff and against said
defendants by which erecution I am redemption in the manner provided
commanded to sell the property in I by law.
Dated this 7th day of August,
said execution, hereinafter described
to pay the sum due the plaintiff of 1918.
For all Blackberries delivered to the A.H.Giesy Store
W. L Needham,
Twenty-seven hundred ninety and
00|100 ($2,790.00) Dollars, with in­ Sheriff of Marion County, Oregon.
W e also buy Bartlett Pears at market price and any
By O. D. Bower, Deputy.
terest thereon at the rate o f six per
cent, per annum from the 14th day
variety of Ripe Plums at
1 cent per lb.
of December, 1917, until paid and
the further sum of $159.00, Attor­
Green Plums at
1 l-4c per lb.
ney fees, together with the costs
I will pay the highest cash price for
and disbursements of said suit tax­
ed at Thirty-five and 80|100, ($35.- Evergreen blackberries in any quantity
80) Dollars and costs and expenses
of said execution. I will on Satur­ at my residence in Aurora during the
day, the 14 th day of September, season. I will furnish crates or berries
1918, at th e hour of 10:00 o ’clock may be brought in any kind o f recep­
A. M. o f said day at the West door tacles for transfer to crates here. I
of the County Court House in
Salem, Marion County, Oregon, sell shall haul by truck direct to the Roy
at public auction to the
highest Graves Cannery, at Sherdian.
bidder for cash in hand on the day direct and get the best price,
o f sale, all the right, title, interest
—E. M. HURST, Aurora, Ore.
and estate which said defendants
and all
persons claiming
Mrs, J. F. Kerr was a visitor at
them subsequent to the execution
of plaintiff’s mortgage recorded on Champoeg this week.
the 5th day of June, 1913, in, of
Mr. and Mrs. George Miller were
and to said premises hereinbefore
mentioned and described in said ex­ visitors in Portland Sunday.
Fully equipped liberal culture and scientific departments. Special
ecution as follows, To-wit: Lot No.
FOR SALE—100 bushels I t a l i a n
training in Commerce, Journalism, Architecture, Law, Medicine
2 of the Division of the W est Half
| Teaching* L ibrary W ork , M u sic, H ou seh old A rts, P h y sical T ra in in g and F in e A rts.
of the F. X. Matthieu Donation prunes on the trees. G. Eilers, R. 3,
M ilitary Scien ce in charge o f A m erican and B ritish o fficers. Drill* lectures and field w ork
Land Claim in Township 4 South; Aurora,
all up-to-date* based o n experien ce in present w ar. Com plete system o f trenches* bridges*
Range 1 West,
Willamette Meri­
etc. Students recom m ended for C om m ission s. O ffic ia l-g o v e rn m e n t R . O. T . C.
dian, particularly described as, Be­
A. H. Will and Felix Isaacson left |
T uition F R E E . L ibrary o f 8 0 * 0 0 0 volu m es. D orm itories fo r m cii and w om en .
ginning at a point 11.53 chains S. Monday for a few days at the coast.
E x p en se low est, m uch opportunity fo r w ork in g o n e 's w ay.
84° 15’ W e s t. from the Southeast They went to Pacific City and will prob
W rite Registrar* Eugene* O regon , fo r illustrated booklet.
corner of the west h^ilf of the
Claim of
F. X. ablo visit Netarts,
Matthieu and wife in Township 4,
E, G, Robinson and family left Tues­
South, Range
1 W est;
W. M.;
thence N. 10° 15’ W. 25.15 chains day for a trip to the Tillamook Beach­
alon£ the west line of Lot No. 1 of es. They expect to drive sou thward i
the Division of the West Half of the along the coa3t as far as the C alifornia
F. X. Mlatthieu and wife claim; to line before returning.
the Northwest corner of said lot;
Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Eilers and little
thence S. 84° 15’ W. 11.53 chains
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Graham, Mrs, I W. H. Nibler, Guy N. Hickok, W.
to the Northwest corner of Lot No. Chas. Rager and Mrs, Grahams mother ! ; O. Fry and A. W. Kraus motored to daughter were here from Hollyheim
2; thence S. 10° 15’ E. 25.15 chains
to the Southwest corner of Lot No. Mrs. Goodwin and her daughter, o f j | Portland Sunday evening in the tatters orchards Tuesday, accompanied by
2; thence N. 84° 15’ E. 11.53 chains Washougal, Wash,, were here Monday j car to hear Dr. Boy at the First Bap- Mrs. Wescott they also drove to Hub-
along the South'-line of the F. X. from Butteville.
tist chinch.
bard on business.
W e will give a
Public Demonstration
V -
of the Fordson Tractor on Saturday
afternoon, August 17th, at 2 o’clock
at the Gust Engelbrecht field on the
Abernethy road, 1-4 mile east Abernethy bridge
E v e r y F a rm er
S h o u ld A t t e n d
SEPTEMBER 5, 6, 7, 1918
For Detailed Information write
Portland Implement & Tractor Association
340-346 East Morrison Street, PORTLAND, OREGON
Distributors for Clackmas County
in c .
Oregon City, Oregon