Aurora AURORA Published Every Thursday — F. R. Andrews, secretary o f the Loy­ alty League, is the head of an Oregon City committee to call on the»German” $1.25 a Year AURORA, MARION COUNTY, OREGON, AUGUST 15, 1918. VOL. VIII. OREGON CITY WANTS NO SERMONS IN GERMAN Observer OFFICERS SEIZE KNAPP’S I HOARDED WHEAT FLOUR . _ ' It is reported that several hundred pounds o f flour ministers of that city to ascertain why i were seized recently at the home o f Mrs. Johanna Knapp they continue preaching in the enemy j beyond Champoeg, and that she was charged with food language. Andrews, in an interview j hoarding. T wo motorcycle officers who rode up to the WI«^1 w y T ” Clty pa«er say®: [house were at first refused permission to search the house made to put Americanism to the front, j but younger members o f the family persuadea their moth- The language of the Hun is no patriotic er t0 allow it without resistance. It is Said the flour have the churches substitute plain plain o or r - am°untmg to several sacks was returned to Newberg dinarv English for their services. services, where it was purchased originally. Everywhere schools are dropping it, * This is the same Mrs. Knapp who before the war be- and in most places considerable ruction the practice o f jgan declared the stars o f the flag ought to be dollar has been caused by preaching in German. We anticipate ! m s r k s Two sons are of draft age. The mother made no trouble with the local ministers strenuous but unavailing efforts to. secure exemptions, but EARLY TRAIN NOW AVAILABLE Albert Knapp was placed in class two and Frank Knapp John M. Scott, General passenger |i n c l a s s fouL the latter on the ground o f being at the head agent o f the Southern Pacific, has noti-1 O f &U a g r i c u l t u r a l e n t e r p r i s e . fied George Miller, the local agent that It is also reported that the arrest o f another pro-Ger- train No. i6. north bound will stop here m a n j n neighborhood is imminent, if it has not al- oo flag at 8:07 a. m. The matter was , . i* i i brought to the attention of the Public ready been accomplished. Service commission by letters from s . ■■■■■ . = = ------ —;............ ■-■■■■■ ■ - == Mayor Sadler and Louis Webert. The BARLOW joyed by all. Henry leaves Thursday commission took the matter up with for the Polytecnic school where he has C.N.Giddings is building a new barn. the company, and the concession made j registered and enlisted for a war course, is the result. On account o f the heavy Mrs, Emery was a Woodburn visitor While setting o f a bla3t at New Era grade, train No. 13, south bound, can- I last week, Thursday Enoch Gnndland and the boss not be stopped here. The new arrange- I Willamina is visiting i had their faces and e yes filled with dirt ment, however, is a great improve- I Mrs, Mrs, South South of of Willamina Mis. Porter, ment over the original arrangement. ! and rock, the blast exploding unex­ | Mrs. Bishop o f Seattle is visiting her pectedly, Enoch suffered with his eyes RECEPTION FOR MRS. WHITE i parents Mr. and Mrs. Landsverk. I but the accident might have been mu h AURORA BOY RETURNS TO ELECTRICAL SCHOOL NO. 23 IMPORTANT NOTICE WHAT POOK SAYS An official telegram to the Woodburn It. is reportel that Pook, the South­ ern Pacific agent at Hubbard, objects to the use o f the enemy language around the Hubbard depot. When an Aurora visitor insistently "talked G ir- tnan to Hubbard acquaintances whs answered in English, Pook accosted him with, “ Hey, cut out that Dutch Stuff, Don’ t you see these people don’ t want to talk ijr" rman to you!” If you are an American why don’ t you use a civilize! language?” Local Board yesterday says that all men o f Marion county District No 2. Ulyssis S. Giesy who spent the week j who have reached the age o f 21 years end in Portland with hi3 mother since June 5, 1918 or who will have motored up to Aurora Monday morning reached that age by and including Aug­ accompanied by his friend Ralph Tbay- ust 25, 1918, mu it register for military ar o f Portland. Mr. Thayar who has service at the City Hall at Woodburn, been attending Jefferson high school is an Saturday, August 24, 1918; The well known in Portland through h.s same pains and penalties will follow atheletic ability. He has recently en­ failure to register as in former regis­ listed in naval reserves and is awaiting trations. a cal) to be sent to Seattle where he TRACTOR DEMONSTRATION will attend the Radio school at the Big, nfedium and small sized tractors Suspicious Character Arrested University o f Washington, He has f every make sold on the Pacific coast been holding the inter schoolastic Frank Durant, a 35-year o will be seen in actual operation at the Championship record for the 220 yard old vagrant, was arrested! great tractor and implement demon­ dash for the peans o f 1917 and 1918. His record for accomplishing this feat last night about 10 o’clock in | stration covering 250 acres of land on the Cotton Farm east o f Portland on is in the time o f 22 2-5 seconds. L. G. Giesy’s barn west o f the Powell Valley road, near Cotton Mr. Giesv left for Mare Island, Cal., Wednesday evening at which place he Aurora as a suspicious char­ Station on the Gresham-Estacada car will continue his course in the Electric acter by W. J. Uppendahl line, op. September 5, 6, and 7. It will be the greatest demonstration school. o f the state police. He was o f the kind ever held on the Pacific lodged in the Aurora city jail! Coast, and every farmer should make LOCAL NEWS an effort to see it. Send to the Port­ •for an investigation. Hej land Implement and Tractor Associa­ Me3dames Moshberger and Buckley of Woodburn motored down Sunday to says he was recently released | tion, 340 E. Morrison, for full particu­ lars. call upon Mrs. Geo. White who wa3 a J j from a 10-day sojourn in the j Albany jail. When asked! REGISTRATION AT I.O.O.F. HALL why he was not working, hej Louis Webert has been named as said he had no chance as he chief registrar for the Aurora precinct had been in jail the most of for the September registration under the “ 18 to 45” draft law soon to be the time during the past six passed by Congress. He has secured months at Oakland and San the I. G. O. F. Rail as the place of registration, without cost to the gov­ Francisco and other Califor­ ernment, but is of course unable to nia towns. He claims to be give the exact date registration will take place, though it vyill be early in a native born American. September. guest at the home of Mrs. Diana Sny­ der. H. C. Wirpel, owner o f the local pic­ ture show was here Tuesday, to ship his property to Portland. He has closed his whole string o f seven shows, a3 he expects to be called to the colors t'lis fall. Paul Blaschke is now at Hempstead, Long Island,about 20 miles east of New York City proper, but included in what Mrs. Diana Snyder gave a reception | Miss 01Sa Howa sPent 3eV3ral days worse and they were fortunate in not is known as “ greater New Y ork.” He went from Camp Kearney near San Saturday afternoon from two to fivejin O ^gon City and Portland last week. losing their eye sight. Diego. His father and W. H. Nibler o ’ clock in honor of Mrs, George A. Mrs, Evans was called to Molalla last both have cards from him. White who had been her guesta for a week by the illness and death of her PEACHES FOR CANNING few days. Mrs, F, L. Miller and Mrs. sisters husband. Mrs, Green, wiio resided here last Will start pic king Early Crawfords winter, is now in California, but ex ­ Guy N, Hickok rendered several piano i Clyde Burdick ani Oley Stetagar selections. passed thru here enroute to Camp August 17. Late Crawfords and El- pects to return later to Canby where Light refreshments were served and berta about Sept. 15. $2.00 per busbel her daughter Mrs. E. G. Robinson re­ Fremont, Cali., Wednesday. Mrs. N. C. Wescott poured tea. Mrs, sides. E. A. Green, her son, who left in the orchard. Also Graven3tein and Misses Leona Parmenter and Cora White read most interesting extracts here after the close o f school now has from letters from her husband, Major Ausve is visiting their brother and sis­ Duchess apples. $1.00 per bushel.— a position in the Bremerton Nary Yard. • George A, White,former adjutant gen­ ter Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Parments at Chas. Eilers, Hollyhein Orchards, Aur­ Harry Bair, mayor o f Canby, con- | eral of the Oregon National guard, but! Buxton. ora, Oregon. vinced the judge at Oregon City that he | now on General Pershings staff in | Two stars have been added to the was not exceeding the_speed limits for ! France, The reception was one o f the Service Flag for Samp Vickers and which alleged offense he wa3 recently , LOCAL NEWS most enjoyable and interesting events requested by Speed-Cop Meads to ap- i j Norman Crowley. Ed Grindeiand re- o f the summer. The deer season opens today August pear in court. Mayor Bair is a co n -; I questing there be no star' added to the 15. j * vincing talker even in bis own behalf. Threshing is still in progress, though flag for him at the present time. L. S, Mochel will preach Sunday Chester L. Owen o f Seattle is visit­ many have completed the work. Grain The young people here gave Henry night at 8 p, m. You are cordially in­ ing his grandfather J, E. Loveall for is turning out about as farmers antici­ vited, a few days. He is second engineer or pated it before they began to thresh— | Zimmerman of Marks Prairie a surprise Mrs, A. J. Scholz was among the the U. S. S. Roosevelt, a Buruea of less than 15 bushels o f wheat per acre, ¡party Saturday evening. It was acom- on an average. ! plete surprise and a good time was en- Butteviile people here Tuesday shop­ Fisheres vessel that plies between ping. Seattle and the Pribiloff Islands Alaska I John Pugh Sr. and Mrs, John Pugh carrying supplies to the natives and Jr. were in the city yesterday from bringing back furs, etc. Mr, Owen broke his leg a few weeks ago and has | near Fargo. been laid off since. He will return to ■ Several soldiers letters have been Seattle for the next trip o f the Roose- held over until next week on account of velt to the Northern seas. He was on i FARM MACHINERY OF EVERY KIND IN STOCK' lack o f room this week board in June when the Roosevelt res- j GOES AT ABSOLUTE COST. Elmer Zimmerman was up from Port­ cued several ships and 800 men that land over Sunday to visit his parents were stranded in the ice 700 miles north ; of the Pribillofs in the Bering Sea, He DONALD, OREGON Mr, and Mrs. Chris Zimmerman. raraaK w . a s a has a collection o f fine pictures taken I I FOR SALE—A 10x30 ft. Silo, used 2 by himself m the icy regions. j season’s in good condition, reasonable, Mrs. Coleman Mark and little daugh - \ ! Inquire at this office, 23-31. ter, Cleo. of Mark’s Prairie, near Can- I Mrs. Guy N. Hickok visited her par­ by, arrived in Oregon City Sunday j ents Mr. and Mrs.Mead in McMinnville evening, and are guests of Mrs. Mark’s ! J Sunday and Monday. lister, Mrs, Grant B. Dimick. They I Mrs. B, F. Giesy and children and are to remain here for about a week, ; I Mrs. W. H. Nibler and little son leave Cleo. althougn but nine years ot age, j 0 'today for a two week’s outing at New- is one o f the little Misses o f Clackamas j port. county doing her bit during war times, Me, and Mrs, Phil Wiegand and Miss while there is a scarcity o f male help. ! Cordia Wiegand and Salem triends Each morning at home the girl can be spent the week-end on the Santiam, ud seen trudging alongside her-father to­ wards the big barn on the Mark farm, near Mill City, fishing. carrying her milk pails. She delights Portland Stock Market--Prime steers in giving her father a helping hand in $12 to $13; choice cows,and heifers $8 milking some o f the Jerseys. She has j to $9; calves $8.50 to $11.50; top hogs selected two of the finest looking Jer­ $19.50, bulk $19 to $19.25; prime lambs seys to milk each morning, and has now j $13 to $14. become quite an expert as a milkmaid. The appreciation o f your business is not gauged by Mrs. G. A. Ehlen and children ofth is — Oregon City Enterprise, place and Mrs, Marion Young and fam- the number o f dollars you spend with us. We A farewell surprise was given Satur­ lily o f Wilsonville spent several days at day evening at 8 o ’clock at the home appreciate your coming to us for your store require­ Wilhoit last week. Mr. Ehlen went up of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Zimmerman in ments whatever they maybe, never too small. Right to spend Sunday with them .. honor o f their son Henry and Clyde (Ü TI ----- j A . H. G I E S Y THE RELIABLE MERCHANDISE STORE Established 1898 m .. -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 — 1 Ü m mi ALL FARM MACHINERY = SELLING A T C O S T = NYAL AGENCY | |' WEATHERLY ICE CREAM j H A M IL T O N H A R D W A R E S T O R E J , No Matter How S m a l l NYAL’S Ì ECZEMA LOTION For Insect Bites, Hives, Nettle Rash, Ringworms, Ivy Poison, Etc. AURORA DRUG STORE A u ro ra , O re g o n The Purchase. W e Ap- preciate Y o u r Business j now our stocks are amply large for your every need Every facility for practical shopping we place at your disposal. Should your wants be dress goods, under­ muslins, knit underwear, shoes, hosiery, or anything in the fancy goods line we have them. Our well and thoroughly equipped grocery and provision depart­ ment, invites you to come for* ‘the good things of life” SADLER S K R A U S ---------------- T H E B E S T F O R T H E P R IC E ---------------- W e B u y B lackberries C ash or T ra d e Mrs. John Damm was here yester- i day from Macksburg, accompanied by Mrs. Will Damm, who,remained over j hoping to see her husband if he were j among the Camp Lewis soldiers to pass ! through here today. Albert Ehlen arrived yesterday from San Francisco on a ten-day furlough with four days traveling time. He sur­ prised his parents and friends by get­ ting off the train unannounced. His ship, the Oregon, is at San «Francisco. James T. Moore7"son o f Mrs. H. W. Watkins, who went to Woodburn Mon­ day to take his physical examination examination before the local board, went back to Kelso, Washington Tues­ day, having passed a perfect examina­ tion. Kendall who leave for duty under Uncle Sam next week. The evening was in social converse and indoor and out door games. At mid-night dainty refresh­ ments were served after which the guests departed wishing the two young men all kinds o f good luck. Those present were Miss Corena Berleson, Miss Edna Anderson, Miss Marks, Orville and Abe Widdows, Dave Shep- erd, Misses Agnes, Emma and Stella Berg, Miss Alleta Zimmerman, Miss Lavina and Florence Widdows, Mr. and Mrs. R, W. Zimmerman, Miss Alma and Mabel Anderson, Miss Lucfile Ziegler; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Elliott and daugh­ ter Maxine, Messrs. Thorsten Ander­ son, Albert Berg, Clyde Kendall, Henry Zimmerman, Roy Zimmerman, Lloyd Ziegler, and Lyle Pennell, and Miss Laura Pennell, High Grade Shoes We want you to see our Prohibition, W ood­ craft and Stronger-Than-The-Law Shoes, for men before you buy your fall and winter shoes. They are made o f the best kip stock and with proper care will turn water. These shoes were made before the govern­ ment took over the heavy leather. It will pay you to buy your winter shoes early (now) while this kind o f goods is in stock» Prices range from $4.50 to $10.50, accord­ ing to heights. W e pay the highest cash price for Ever­ green blackberries. Crates free. W IL L -S N Y D E R C O . THE STORE OF MERIT W E P A Y C A S H F O R M O H A IR J