THE A U R O R A O B SE R V E R A few years ago the Kaiser presented his portrait to Theodore Roosevelt, as evidence of his friendship for Ted­ THURSDAY. AUGUST 8. 1918. - . - - - E ditor and P ublisher dy, After the great war broke out, Teddy gave it to a N. C. WESCOTT - E itered as second class matter March 28, 1911, at the postoffice at Aurora charity Fair at Oyster Bay. A German-American admir- Oregon, Under the Act of March 3. 1879. ler of the Kaiser named C. H. Pollute bought it for $5. A MIL' / pledge allegiance to mg flag and the republic tor which it stands,one Nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice to all. ¡few days ago it was siezed by “vigilantes” and cremated in j the public square. The Oyster Bay band and a thousand “mourners turned out for a parade which preceded the “obsequies.” According to reports, there is opportunity for a similar demonstration not many miles from Aurora! No one seems able to explain the origin of numerous reports, in almost every community, of the death or the “YELLOW DOGS” serious wounding of soldiers at the front. Many false Many eastern towns are organizing what are termed rumors are evidently started with vicious intent. Others “Yellow Dog Clubbers”—a club to down Hun propaganda. may be the result of misunderstanding or carelessness. But The only repuirement is to live up to the “Ten Demand- whoever is responsible for the origin and spread of false ments”, which include the following: and distressing rumors is capable of almost any Hun-like “Thou shalt go forth a miltant member of democracy stunt. Jail is too decent a place for these rumor-mongers. so strangle the yellow dog of German-hatched propaganda whenever and. wherever it raises its head. , Watch your picnic lunches. Do not take more food “Thou shalt not wag thine own tongue in abuse of thy government, neither shalt thou sitidly by and hearken along than will be eaten or if you do, don’t throw it away, but bring it home and see that it is eaten in place of some to such abuse. “ Thou shalt not become a party to nor passively per­ other food. The Food Administration suggests that you take a loaf of bread along and cut it as you need it, in­ mit that arch enemy of victory—calamity howling. “Eight days a week shalt thou labor to tie a can to stead of making your sandwiches in advance. the tail of that yellowest o£ yellow dogs, the enemy pro­ pagandist. Be unfraid.” According to the report of the county superintendent of schools the average monthly salary of women teachers last year in Marion county was $64.46, and of men teach­ TH E FARM ER’S FLOU R $85.05, It is estimated that the average salaries for The food administration grain corporation has decreed ers the coming year will be 15 to ?5 per cent higher. that when a farmer takes to the mill wheat grown by him­ self, the miller may deliver to him on a toll or exchange Training camp soldiers who had been on their rifle basis only enough flour without substitutes to provide 8 p >unds per month for each person in his household or es- range practicing twilight shotting at targets in the form t blishment until October 1, 1919, provided the farmer of German faces have now tiirned the targets round about signs a certificate (which thè miller has reasonable cause and are boyonetting them inf the most,heavily upholstered t ) believe to be true) certifying that he grew the wheat parts—sirice the second battìi of the Marne. delivered, and that the flour received (together with all he has on hand) will not exceed 8 pounds per month per per­ you ever notice that those families who have men son in his household, and that he will not sell, lend or de­ in the Did service accept the food Regulations with cheerful­ liver the flour received to anyone else, and that it will be ness. A few pounds of flour and sugar is no great matter U3ed only for human comsuption in his own household. with them, compared with the greater sacrifices they have The securing of flour in this manner does not relieve made. the family of the farmer of the requirement to use the same proportion of substitutes that other citizens do. He Governor Withycombe is inclined to doubt the effi- is morally responsible for any failure to perform his full cancy of the “honor system” at the pen, and is much per­ duty to his neighbor and his country—even though he is turbed about the recent escapes. Cheer up, James, what not compelled by law to purchase the substitutes. are a few escapes among friends? The young girls who sold the forget-me-not souvenirs Go easy with that sugar shell—3,000,000 soldiers must here Thursday for the benefit of the “Belgian Babies” have sugar first! were kindly received by everyone except one family that declared “the just give their money for missionary pur­ On your honor as a loyal American woman, now how poses and the unjust to the Red Cross, etc.,” and refused much sugar do you really need? Honest now how much? to buy a 10-cefit bouquet for the relief of the little Bel­ gian babies, rendered fatherless, motherless and home­ Italian unity, the dominant preoccu­ Wants, For Sale, Etc less by the Beast of Berlin. What compassionate souls pation of all patriotic Italians the last LOCAL AD BATE. years, owes its actnal accomplish­ are these! How their hearts must over flow with the milk 800 ment to the strong hand and daring A uniform and invariable charge of human kindness! Funds for the heathen but a stone initiative of the royal house of Savoy, 1 of 5 cents per line is made for all ad­ Kay Wallace writes In Scrib­ vertising notices of every description j for the starving children of a country desolated by Hun William It was the head 1 Oils ruling in the news, columns of this news- brutalism! It must be astonishing to the people of this ner's. house, guided by the . wise counsel of community to know that such people are domiciled among his able minister, Count Cavour, who | paper. This rate applies to for sale, presented the question of Italian unity for rent, lost, found, card of thanks, them. to the attention of Europe, thus secur­ I “want ads,” and to all kinds of sim- j cJolm day Knox / /