Geo, Askins was a business visitor in Portland Monday. Egg per dozen, 38c Qtaum Sopita E. J, Snyder was a business visitor F. W. Steusloff, county food admin­ Butter, 2-lb. roll, 70c in Salem between trains Tuesday. istrator and chairman of the Marion Butter Fat, 41c News Letters, and Stories of Our Soldiers and Sailors in France, county council of defense, announces Mat Ban and son were Oregon City Spring Broilers 28c Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Colclozier drove to that he will not be an independent can­ visitors Wednesday. Ducks, 18c to 22c I Grande Ronde Sunday, via Newberg. In the Training Camps, On the High Seas, and Everywhere didate for the legislature, though 'many Victor Grimm and wife were Port-! Turkeys, old, 20c Frank E.Y«rgen was in Aurora Mon- Gallant American Fighters Are Found. have urged him to run, leese 15c land visitors Tuesday. I day from his farm southwest of town. H. Scott, who has been urged Mrs. Davis, of Alsea, has been visit­ Old Roosters, 15c Letters from Chester Giesy indicate try was still undeveloped. Much of by John A. C. Scheurer was at the Barkman Hens, 24c to give Judge Bushey a whirl ing her daughter Mrs, J. R. Marsh the | that he may be heard from in France the rich land has been cleared since for many and Feller farm Tuesday repairing their Beans 6c to 10c the county judgeship this fall as an past week, at an early date. His last address was that date, and made into fíne farm land independent I tractor. Cadbara, 8c candidate, announces that surrounding the comfortable farm he will not be a candidate UNLESS Mrs. John Lundeen was a visitor this Lard, 30c Camp Merritt, New Jersey. George Stewart of Butteville has I homes of today. the’demand for him to run is insistent. week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Her­ Wool, 60 been partially “laid up” for a week or Mohair 45c Judge Scott ought to know by this man Abrams. more from poison oak. The St. Paul Creamery was totally destroyed by fire the night of July 4 . Arthur Anderson left Saturday to j time that the people DO NOT OFTEN Fred Bents was here yesterday from Potatoes, $1.00 Mr. and Mrs. B, R. Wolfer and Ben The loss was about $4000, with $1800 join the colors. He entrained at Ore- DEMAND that candidates run for any­ Fargo on business at the Aurora Bank | Mrs. S. A. Miller returned yesterday ! Wolfer were among jthe Clackamas insurance. The origin of the fire is not j gon City for Fort McDowell, where he thing. If he wants the office, he will and elsewhere. Kokomo, Indiana, where she was I county people here Monday. ! will probably receive artillery training, j have to get out and ask for it. The Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bents of Fargo from known. called several weeks ago by the illness Mrs, Eugene Moshberger and friends | Prior to his departure the young folks i people may want him but he will never were here shopping ' Saturday from and death of her father. She also visit­ ! were here from Woodburn Monday know UNLESS he offers himself as a Barlow gave him an enjoyable sur­ thjir home at Fargo, evening, calling at the home of Dr. W. H, Nibler this week received of ed relatives further east. candidate. prise. letters from Edgar White at South San Mrs. Cutsforth of Gervais came Kenneth Phillips and Walter Grazer, ! Giesy. •Antonio, Texas, and from W. F. Keil down this week to visit her daughter who were home from logging camps Gummed fruit labels (with blanks for and the Presidia, near San Francisco. Clarence Bents, who was home re­ NEW REBEKAH OFFICERS Mrs. Zeno Schwab. the Fourth, have returned to their I kind of fruit and the year canned) at Both are well and getting along fine. cently on a five day furlough, found Western Hope Lodge of Rebekahs Henry Tautfest, one of the promi­ tor work again, the former to Hoskins, Ore­ ! the Gbserver Office, in little tablets that it gave him only a few hours at | installed its new officers last Saturday, nent residents of Fargo, was transact­ gon in the Siletz country, and the lat­ (perforated booklets) at 10 cents per home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Installation was followed by a social ing business here this week, tablet. ter near Kelso, Wash. The Aurora boys in the, training the Fred Bents at Fargo. He is stationed Ice cream and cake were Mr, Herman of Walla Walla arrived camps and elsewhere all remember W. at Fremont, California. Not getting : I session. The officers installed were the here Saturday to visit his daughter H. Nibler,- Among those wilting him his pass in time to catch the right train | served following: Installing officer, Mrs. M. Mrs. Grant Plantz at Meridian, this week was Leslie Grazer at Camp to make the best time he lost half a | E. Phillips; Noble Cordia Wieg- Humphreys, Virginia. Grazer had day, thus reducing still further the [ and; Vice Grand, Grand, Mrs. Victor Dr. and Mrs. Toney of McMinnville been in hard luck the past few days, at home. He likes it very well at | R. S. N, G., Mrs. C. Zimmerman; Berg; L. were here Sunday, guests at the home having been K. P. (kitchen police) 5 time Fremont and says his company is mak­ of Mrs. Toney’, C, F. Grover. j S. N. G., Mrs. Otis Nelson; R, V, G., days out of ten—but he likes it! ing fine progress in training. I Mrs. M, E, Phillips; L. S. V. G,, Mrs, Mr. and Mrs, John Johnson were up E. G, Carpenter; Warden, Mrs. C. B, Portland over Sunday to visit Geo. Damm writes his parents that Ulysses Giesy, who is attending the Brewer; Conductor, Miss-Sweet; Secre­ from Mrs. Johnson’s he has been assigned to the 37th Com­ Mare Island Electrical school near San tary, Mrs. Jessie Gray; Chaplain, Mrs. | Henry Kraus. parents Mr. and Mrs. pany of the 166 the Depot Brigade at Francisco, where he is in the naval John Jesse; Inside Guard, Mrs. Elsie Ray Fish was one of the enterprising I Camp Lewis. It is probable that his service, is home on a furlough. He Wiegand; Outside Guard, Mrs. W. C. young Clackamas county farmers trans­ company will not remain long at Camp arrived in Portland Friday morning and Kinyon. acting business at the Aurora State-! Lewis. He may n t to be able to visit | motored up to Aurora with his father Bank Saturday. home before leaving. A. H. Giesy, to surprise his aunts, the ZION SEWING CIRCLE Messrs White and Brown of the Giesy'sisters, who did not know he was SEND FRENCH CLOTHING White school district purchased a John George Damm has sent his parents a coming. Upon his return to Mare Is­ Deere binder yesterday irom the Ehlen photograph of his company the 37th, land, he will resume his studies, and and has marked the position (among expects to complete his course fitting John Gahler, Jr,, of Needy was here Hardware store. the 250 men) of several boys known him for a wireless operator by Decem­ this morning shipping a big box of R, H. Whitworth, R. H. Crisell, M. A n immigrant boy, N, Crisell, W. J. Miley and Fred Wag­ here—Peter Kyllo, Earl Nortz, Carl ber. clothing for the Zion Sewing Circle— f R o b e r t M orris he ran errands for a ner were Union Hill people here Sat- I Ramsby, Arthur Mallett, Grover Fred­ F in oncier o f the war relief organization of the Men- urday on business. erick. and John Ring—all Clackamas A card from P. M. Blaschke at Camp1 the Philadelphia s to r e - • REVOLUTION nonite church. It was consigned to the county men. Lewis to the Obsejprer says that he has I American Friend’s Service Committee, Mrs. Julius Zimmerman came down worked, studied, saved been assigned to the 20th company, 5th 1 at 45th and Cherry Street, Philadel­ from Albany with her young sons yes­ a little out of meager earnings against later needs. And ETLetters from .Ed. White at Kelly battalion, 166th Depot Brigade. H e; phia. The box contained 75 full suits terday for a visit at the home of Mr. during the Revolutionary w ar Morris gave generously Field, South Antontio, Texas, speaks has seen but one Oregon Newspaper j for boys, girls and women. They are and Mrs. Chris Zimmerman, of meeting Lieut. Jas. A, Miller, who since he arrived at Camp Lewis, A for the relief of the destitute of North­ Among those in the city Saturday on of his resources for the blessed cause. His savings is stationed there. The latter has just card to W, H. Nibler says there were I ern France, All were made by the business or otherwise were Julius Keil, helped make the Nation. .sent his father, Geo. Miller, a copy of fire works there on ’the Fourth. In a members of the Mennonite church. Hugo Keil, Fred Wagner, I, A. Miley, the “Kelly Field Eagle”, a newspaper letter to his father, the young soldier Other work is in progress for shipment Grtmt Plantz and John Jesse. It is unlikely y o u w ill b e called o n to supply published by soldiers for soldiers. Its says he has taken out the full amount i later. Sixty four people in the Union Hill circulation is 30,000 chiefly among the of $10,000 in life insurance for his own | funds to conduct a w ar for Independence. It ts quite district have bought or pledged soldiers of the largest aviation camp in and his father’s protection and has W. C. Kinyon made a trip to New- school likely, though, that you will need savings to tide you the purchase of $4455 in war stamps, or made other arrangements along the berg last week with a load of cherries an the world—Keliy Field, average of $70 per person. over a family sick spell or save you from misfortune. same line. for the Valley Canning Company. Mr. and Mrs. E. M, Howe have been Have you set aside anything for the rainy day? Floyd Eberman, who last spring went J. C. Moore of Donald who has been here this week, Mr, Howe has been into a naval training class at Chicago, Chester Giesy wrote his father A, H. in a Portland hospital several weeks, is off on leave as carrier on Route 1, and Start an a ccou n t at this bank w ith a part o f has been assigned to duty on one of the Giesy, from Camp Merritt, on July 3. home again, and was in Aurora this will now take his annual vacation. your next salary Add to the nest egg every pay day. big Lake Superior ore boats—a 10,000 week calling on F. V. Epperson. It he had been to New York City. may . FOR SALE—Davenport roller bear­ ton iron ore carrier— freighting ore I that be several months before Mr, W atch die fund grow in a safe place and be able to from the Michigan mines to the great He says, “It seems that this great Moore is able to return to his work as a ing wagon, truck wagon, Daering mow- | face the future courageously and independently. city has no end. It has beautiful parks 6r, peg.tooth harrow, spring tooth har­ smelters in Ohio, where it is turned in­ blacksmith. row, buggy. John L. Snyder, Aurora, to stell for ordnance and munitions to and many other attractions. I like the M ultiply you r m oney in ou r care. 18-2t, | wallop the Kaiser, How long he will? subway which enables one to get any reserve and preserve til Oregon. remain on such duty he does not know. place in the city in a very short time. of Comerve, these fine fruits and vegetables The men called for July 22 for en­ that are now'within your reach; you trainment for Camp Lewis will net en­ I saw the great Statue of Liberty, I will need them the coming winter. train until July 24 accoiding to a notice Geo. Miller recalls last Sunday at the Grant’s Tomb, and many other places j out by the Clackamas county 41 anniversary of his arrival in Aurora, of interert. In the harbor was one of By eating more perishables here at given L >cal Board. with his father’s family. Others in the! the largest ships afloat. It carried! home we may save others from per­ same party were C. H. Wheeler and I 18000 passengers. The Woolworth ishing “Over There.” - W. W. Irvin, of Aurora, was in Ore­ family, and the Behrens sisters. At j building is 60 stories high. On a misty ! gon City on business Monday, Mr. Ir­ that time, the town and country was | day it seems to reach the sky.” “I am The farm as well as the front needs, win was formerly one; of the leading! •very, different from what they are to- I glad to hear that I am remembered by I men who see straight and shoot breeders of sheep and goats, but has day. The town was a single street j the Aurora Auxiliary Which has put a straight. retired from this industry—Oregon City with only a few houses, and the coun- j star on the service flag for me.?’ War is OUR BUSINESS; we can’t Enterprise, • I Napoleon Davis was among the! win by carrying it as a side line. prominent residents of Butteville here i ADDITIONAL EDITORIALS Saturday. Mr. Davis .is a thorough­ 106.— Neither the pacifist, the pessimist, nor the profiteer will Report of —No. bred American and very frank in ex Condition of the pressing his opimonof the “American” win this war; nor the conscientious objector, nor the I. W. A U R O R A the STATE Huns—those who shirk their duties to BANK the nation. W. nor the shirker, nor the numerous other slackers whose at Aurora, in the Stdte of O re­ Governor Withycombe has suspended at the close of business, o ily contribution to the war is a deadly grouch and half- gon, June 29, 1918. the authority of firewardens to issue baked criticism. burning permits during the remainder | RESOURCES Loans and discounts, - $133,830.98 of the dry season,owing to the extreme . Overdraft secured and 36 Farmers wrote this Advertisement for of the destruction of forest,! unsecured - - 52.13 danger grass and grainfields. Even the “Katzenjammer Kids” have become dis­ Bonds and warrants - - 38,824.90 securities, judg­ was a busy day at the Aur­ gusted with their names and have applied the cartoonist Stocks, ment, etc. - .- - - 5,000.00 ora Saturday stores, Among those patronizing! house, - - 10,000.001 the city merchants court to change their name to the “Shenanigan Kids”— Banking were Mr. and Mrs. i Furniture and fixtures 3,031.72 T T O R over twenty years I have been a user of Plymouth Tw ine. W hen real estate owned - 2,370.001 H. L. Mills, D. A. Keil, Crisell Bros., a good old Irish name. Good bye Hans and Fritz! Good Other 1 I ran out of Plymouth I used other twine. This gave more or less Due from approved reserve Mr. and Mrs. John Pugh, Jr., Mr. and! trouble, but I have always found Plymouth T w in e of uniform thickness. morning Mike and Aleck! banks - - - 18,976.82 Mrs. Fred Yergen, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. | Checks and other cash In the thousands of pounds I have used 1 have never found a poor ball. Mark, Lewis Keil, John Lettenmaier I items - - - - ' 13.771 It works equally well in a com or wheat binder. Plymouth Tw ine is Casfy on hand . . . 10,596.55 and Elmer Fry. - - - 36.00 The ladies of the Maccabees of Fidel-1 I free from knots and snarls. It stands up in the twine ball until all used There are enemy aliens and there are native aliens. Other resources Total up. It never gets tangled. It will bind more straw per pound than other $222,732.87 ity Lodge, Donald will give a dance The American who does not do his part toward winning twine. It is the best in the long run. T h e most economical twine the L IA B IL IT IE S evening, June 13. at th e ! the war, who neither fights nor works nor lends for vic­ Capital stock paid in - $25,000.00 Saturday fanner can use. % TWINE USERS. Payillion in Cone’s Oak Grove at th at! fund -, , - - 8,500.00 place. tory is as much an alien to America’s purpose and Ameri­ Surplus A cordial invitation is extended profits, less ex­ ca’s cause as the rankest Prussian interned in this country. Undivided VERY statement in this advertisement was taken from let­ penses and taxes paid - 1,739.63, to all. Tickets are 75 cents each, Postal savings bank deposits 547.49 j A number of relatives assembled at i ters written by actual users of Plym outh T w ine— by Individual deposits subject men who are up against the same difficulties that you meet. to check - - 96,386.58 the home of Mrs. Triphine Will for din- j Cashier checks outstanding - 381.22 ner on the evening of July 4. Those! They find that Plym outh helps them. It will help you. The advice given his hearers at Zion church last Sun­ Time and Savings Deposits 89,424.73 present were Messrs and Mesdames J. I for interest and day by the Rev. E, Z. Yoder, who advised his flock to buy Reserved taxes 132,22 M. Will, Leonard Will, August Will, j war stamps and Liberty Bonds, and to give the govern­ Other liabilities - 620.00 Geo. Scholl, Earl Kocher, Wm. Lang j ment their ail. indicates a most astonishing and pleasing the latter of Idaho; and Mrs. Triphine Total $222,732.87 change of heart on the part of the Amish Mennonite STATE OF OREGON,) oa Will, and Misses Elizabeth Forstner, Emma E. Snyder, Clara Will, Art church—if Rev. Yoder voices the sentiment of his parish­ County of Marion ) ss* Stahl, Lizzie Will, Bertha Stark, Leona I, Guy N. Hickok, Cashier of ioners. If they practice what he preaches, his words will above-named bank, do solemnly swear Will, Lenore W ise Old Man. Pleasing Scents. Scholl, and Elvera Scholl, Th^ Making hot be mere lip service.' “Age brings said Arthur J. magnolia has a pleasing per­ that the above statement is true to the Irene School, John Schooll, Percy Will, fume, but the odor is imitated to per­ Saif our at a wisdom,” Washington luncheon. Lester Will and Leland Kocher, best of my knowledge and belief. fection without using the flower at all, “We have been In the wur three Guy N. Hickok, Cashier. E, T. Buselle, a telephone engineer because It is too large to macerate years longer than yon. Senator McNary has the sympathy of every Oregonian Subscribed and sworn to before me of Salem was here last week, on busi­ with success. So the magnolia per­ “Perhaps you have heard the story of the septuagenarian who courted in the sudden and grievous blow that he has sustained in this 9th day of July, 1918. ness. He has been making a study of fume is furnished by a mixture of the dancing girl. flower, rose, tuberose and vio­ Oscar A. Wilson, long distance business and toll charges orange the death of his wire. Every heart in Oregon will pulsate “ ‘My child,’ he said, ‘I love you, let essences, which make a fine “ex­ Notary Public. for the small telephone companies,dur­ tract of magnolia.” Indian lemon and I will dear prove in harmony and tender concord in his hour of sorrow and my love by deeds, not My commission expires Jan. 10,1922. ing the past 15 months, to ascertain grass likewise gives “extract of ver­ words.’ grief for the admirable and noble helpmate that has passed Correct—Attest: what commission is a fair compensation bena.” With the rose as a founda­ “So saying, he banded her a wallet intb the beyond. Words are useless things, and while Guy N. Hickok tor handling the longdistance business. tion and a dash of verbena, the per­ filled with official-looking documents, they cannot always comfort, they cannot compute the B. F. Giesy A satisfactory agreement has been fume of the delicate and fleeting and they lived happily ever after. Age reached between the long distance “sweet-brier” is obtained. brines wisdom.” boundless sympathy which all Oregon tenders Senator Grant B. Dimick companies and the local companies McNary. Directors throughout the state, M ARK ET R EPO R T “ Political Yarns” \ AURORA STATE BANK \ \ PLYMOUTH TWINE \ E - G. A. EHLEN, Aurora, Oregon