«■■■I The Sanberg family drove couver the Fourth. RAILROAD TIME CARD to Van- SOUTHEN PACIFIC LOCAL AD RATK. A uniform and invariable charge North Bound No. 28, 10:24 a. m. (on flag.) No. 18, 2:33 p. m. No. 14, 9:00 p. m. (on flag.) South Bound No. 15, 9:50 a. m. No. 17, 3:01 p. m. No. 27, 4:56 p. m. (on flag.) NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF FERDINAND MANTIE. NOTICE is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed Ad ministrator, with will annexed, o f the estate o f Ferdinand Man tie by the county court o f Marion County, Oregon and has duly qualified as such. All persons having claims against said estate will present them to McNary & McNary, attorneys for the undersigned, at Salem, Oregon, within six months from the first publication o f this notice. This notice is published tne first time on this 27th day o f June, 1918, JOHN HYERLY, Administrator. Last publication July 25, 1918. . Mr. and Mrs. R. A, Armstrong were J, E. Loyeall has returned from Un Aurora Friday shopping. of 5 cents per line is made for all ad-1 Brooks where he has been in the berry | vertlsing notices of every description fields and hay fields. in the news columns of this news-1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Joe Resch was among the Union paper. This rate applies to for sale, .. ■ , _• . _ i Hill farmers here on business Friday, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Sloper o f Butte- for rent, lost, found, card of thanks, | ville were here Thursday enroute home ! ------------------------- - "want ads,” and to all kinds of sim- j from Salem where they spegt the The dance Thursday night at the liar notices as well as to all notices of I Fourth. Band Hall was attended by a good entertainments, fairs, socials, shows, | crowd and everyone had a good time. etc. No reductions or discounts. Jno, Murray, W. L. Murray, W. E. WANTED—About a ton o f hop wire, Thamer and Geo. Rosi"h were among Harry Rittenour of Yoder joined the the East Butteville people here on busi j “ Limit Club” during the W. S. S. sizes 6,8,or 9, in good condition. Write the Aurora Observer, or call at Office, ness last week, drive, by purchasing $1000 in stamps. Aurora, Oregon. (17) Have You Your 0 * Mrs. j , M. Will, Miss Emma J. Sny der, Miss Leona Will, Chas. Snyder, and Percy Will motored to Corvallis Wednesday, where the latter took the state examination for cream and milk testers. They returned by the way of Albany where they were callers at the home o f Dr. Starke. J J R . B. F. GIESY Physician and Surgeon Both Phones Office at Residence Aurora, Or. C. E. Spence, master o f the state grange, spoke at Barlow recently at a meeting celebrating the completion o f that school district’s quota o f war stamps, With a quota o f $3759, over $4440 was raised by stamp sales, this sending Barlow over the top in its us ual patriotic manner. LOUIS W EBERT Notary Public Fire Insurance AURORA I - OREGON Wm. HEINZ J Louis Webert returned Thursday a f ternoon from Portland where he has I AUCTIONEER been serving on the Federal jury for 9 Live Stockand Farm Sales a Specialty J several weeks. The jurors have been T erms R easonable discharged and a new panel drawn for Mr. Webert was ac ï Phone Canby 13-15 (M ail— Aurora Route 1 ) <r the next term. S , , ,,, companied home by Mr. C. L, Hanson, V V » V V » * * * » * * « rÿ ÿ ÿ v -« o f Junction City, who has also been serving on the jury. He was Mr. Web- •rt’s guest Thursday night and mo- Asquith & Blosser X tired on home Fndav, ' DRAFTED MEN LEAVE Forty-two men left Salem Friday night for Fort McDowell as the July d r a ff contingent from District No. P “Pleated Skirts” 251 16th St. North, Portland, Or. R id in g Cultivator AND DO MORE AND BET TER W O R K TH AN YOU CAN W ITH A W ALK IN G CU LTIVATOR. COME IN AND SEE OUR SINGLE DUTCHMAN AND OLIVER LINE OF CULTI V A T O R S, AND YO U W ILL H A V E NO OTHER. E. M. HURST Always in the market for old Copper, Lead, Zinc, Iron, Brass, Old Newspapers and Magazines (neatly folded),second hand sacks, and junk of all kinds. AURORA - OREGON Hop contracts, deeds, mortgages, bills of sale, satisfaction of mort gages and similar legal blanks for sale at the Observer Office. For Sale—Loganberries at I the Aurora Bridge, Pacific i Highway. (15-4t) Hardware Marry, if lonely. For speedy mar riage, try my club, very successful, best, largest in the country, established 11 years; thousand wealthy wishing to marry at once. Confidential descrip tions free. Reliable Club.--Mrs. Wrubel, 732 Madison St. Oakland, Cali-1 fornia. 12-7-1917 j FOR SALE Holstein Friesian bulls ready for ser- ’ vice. Also a few calves from good producing dams. Buy them while they are young and have them grow into money.—Ernest Werner, Kt. 2. 1. G. A. EHLEN Implements The Wide Awake SfiPx” Hardware Store W urster Bros. Conduct The Most Modern and Sanitary Meat Market in The Willamette Valley. Try Their Home Products— Pure Lard, Weinerwurst, Pork Sausage, Bologna, Etc. FOR SALE—Ice made from pure j water. Hubbard Creamery Co., Hub-' bard. Oregon. to8-15 FOR SALE—Black horse 8 years old, weight 1400, work single or double, j Hong Kee, Route 3, (near Boone’s Ferry.) '(8-tf);] Aurora, Oregon k 7 a a a cn x F ¡S3 Even a small chew of Real Gravely Chewing Plug satis fies. It gives more real to bacco com fort than a big chew of ordinary tobacco. which was received with enthusiasm. and price list. W e can save yau The basket lunch which followed was money. Aurora Observer. another o f the popular features o f the day. NOTICE John Carson and Max Page were in charge of tne group until they reached camp. Twenty-seven men left Wood- AINTERS and f Ida Stauffer is the adviser o f I burn the same day for Fort McDowell APER HANGERS I the Miss White School Industrial Club. The ! as the contingent from District No. 2, next meeting of the club members will | Marion county. They are as follows: Aurora, Oregon be at her home, July 23. Those who J. V. Bartnik, Scotts Mills are actively engaged in club work are A. L. Wisler, Silverton Alice Sanders, Eunice Worte, Opal H, S. Dahl, Silverton Smith, Tera Bevens, Mildred Sandberg, F. A. Choquette, Woodburn Alta Earl, Wilma Earl, Arnold Letten- C. M. W. Will. Hubbard maier, Frank Sandberg, Carl Pardey, J. L. Schmaltz, Mt. Angel Glenn Worle and Rolla Gardner. L. A. Will, Hubbard BY PARCEL POST A, J. Carlson. Silverton Accordeon, Side, or Box‘_Pleating, J, C. Lincoln, Silverton Hemstitching, Scolloping, Braid Mrs, Jess Johnson was here from J. Erwert, Woodburn ing, Embroidery, Buttons cov Donald Thursday to spend the Fourth Chin June, Mt. Angel ered, from your own material. F. Rainey, Woodburn with her mother Mrs. J. S. Vandeleur ART EMBROIDERY & BUTTON CO. W. A, Lawrence, Scotts Mills and her sister Mrs. Diana Snyder, Mrs. 6 3 3 Morgan Bldg. PO RTLAN D , O R E . E. Duffy, S*lverton Johnson and family expect to go to E, DeGuire, Woodburn Spokane soon to join Mr. Johnson who C. O. Vinyarn, Waconda is firing out o f Spokane on the North A. M, Gottenberg, Mt. Angel DR. de LESPINASSE Bank Road. She has resigned as post L. Cademartori, Salem master at Donald and will leave as soon W. E. Dusenbery, Gervais. DENTIST as some one is appointed to relieve her. J. H, Kirkwood. Gervais T. G. Karamenas, Waconda Trullinger Bldg Phone United 6319 Three Donald ladies have taken the civil service examination for the place G. J. Schnee, Mt. Angel H ubbard , O regon —Mrs. F. M. Ernst, Mrs. H.D. Evans, G. A. Russ, Gervais and Miss Verna Lamb, but no appoint H. J, Leis, Brooks ment has yet been made. A. R, Gibbens, Woodburn Phone Broadway 3019 R. C. Bateson, Silvertofi C. J, Harris, Silverton Shoes for Every Mother’s Son Union Make. Ask Your Dealer WHEN YOU CAN GET A Fine Sweet Cherries for Sale—Louis Racette, Route 3, Aurora, (Aurora Mut uai Telephone.) 16-tf FOR SALE—A seventy-fiye dollar Rotary Edison Mimeograph, practical ly new, for sale or trade for anything Mr. and Mrs, Fred Smith o f Molalla from War Stamps to junk. What have! have returned from California, where you? Write the Observer Office, Aur- I they spent last winter. The weather ora, Oregon, became so hot and dry they came home FOR SALE—New double barrel ]. sooner than they intended. Steven’s shot gun, 12 guage, weight! 7} pounds, top-lever. Cost $27,50, will sell for $20, War stamps same as A number of families “ picniced” at cash, Inquire at Observer Office, Aur- j Giesy Springs the Fourth, including ora, Oregon. George Kraus, A. W. Kraus, J. W. Sadler, E T. Pierce, Chas. Beck, Jos. FOR SALE—Sweet and sour cher Erbsland, and Guy N. Hickok. ries, 2c a lb. Black driving mare, 8 years old, weight about 1000 lbs. H. W. .Watkins, R. 2, also Duroc Jersey ! The Meridian Independence Day Pic Sow. 1 year old, (due to farrow July | nic and celebration was attended by a 20.) 16 good crowd. Many went out from the If you use gummed labels lur any nearby towns. Wm, Hammond o f Ore gon City made an inspiring address purpose, ask for our new catalogue j NIEHOFF SHOE M FC. CO. Why Walk MARRY IF LONLEY ;best and most J. M. Broyles and family went to Geo. Miller was among the Aurora successful “ Home Maker” ; hundreds . Portland the Fourth to witness the people who went to Portland Thursday rich wish marriage soon; strictly con grand parade and other Independence to see the big Fourth o f July parade. fidential; reliable; years o f experience; Day ceremonies. descriptions free. “ The Successful Club” , Mrs. Purdie, Box 556, Oakland, The families o f Dr. B. F. Giesy, Wm. Calif, 7-1 9-16 W. C. Campbell o f Butteville, who Kraus and Peter Hunt motored to Sil- was to have entrained June 30 for V an-i _ , ,, . , .... Self Binder for Sale—Inquire at the ___ . . . , , ver Creek Falls Thursday to spend the eocver to join the spruce division, did _ office o f the Aurora Observer, Aurora, . - j , j Fourth, not go as scheduled, Oregon. 16 The Loyalty League at Yoder met at Mrs. F. V. Epperson, who has been the school house to adopt a constitu at The Dalles for a few Weeks, re tion, and by-laws drawn up by C. E. turned last week. She was accompan USED CARS Dugan o f that place. ied by her little son Joe. 1917 Paige-6____________ ........... $ 1300 600 1914 Cadillac...................... ______ 550 1914 Overlaad___________ ______ Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Eilers and family George Speight o f the White school 1912 Overland___________ ........... 360 spent the Fourth at a community pic district joined the “ Limit Club” during 650 1917 B uick ......................... ........... nic across the Willamette, and attended 1918 Buick______________ ........... 85C the W. S. S. campaign, by purchasing the dance here in the evening. $1010 worth o f war stamps. 1912 Studebaker_________ ______ 150 4912 Studebaker......... . . . ............ 150 1915 Ford T ouring............ .......... 325 Miss Clara Will has returned from a E. M. Hurst was hauling cherries three week’s stay with her sister Mrs. 1915 Ford Touring_______ . ........ 376 1914 Ford T ou rin g ...____ .............. 350 ssveral days last week to the Sheridan Geo. Scholl at Hubbard. Her two 1915 Ford Roadster______ ......... 300 cannery. Some o f the cherries come little nieces accompanied her home. from the George Cassidy place east of PACIFIC HIGHWAY GARAGE-INC. Hubbard, where some o f the finest OREGON CITY sherries in the countfy are grown. Harry Earl Davids was here Friday B 57 Phones 390 preparing his questionaire. Gerd Eilers Sr,, Chas, Eilers and R. A. Armstrong George Miller is now the local agent accompanied him to making supporting e f the American Railway Express affidavits. Company, which is a merger of the four big express companies o f Ameri ca. The Merger will be for the period Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Gribbleand child o f the war, and possibly longer. ren, Mrs. J. F, Kerr and family, Mr. I f not, get a policy in the Metro and Mrs. Geo. Colclazier, and Aileen politan Life Ins, Co, and then hold Snyder spent the Fourth on a picnic at onto it'. It means self respect, it Miss Ethel Harding, a teacher in the the Giesy Springs. means that nobody will have to State School for the Blind, was mar put something into a hat for you or your dependent ones if you ried Sunday to Mr. Roberts, another should be snatched away from teacher in the school,and blind himself. The marriage o f Miss Rath Widstrand them. For appointment see Miss Harding will be remembered here and Joseph Gottwald is reported from HUGH J. MEADOR, Agent as having often visited Miss Orletta the Rural Dell section. Miss Emma 200 Masonic Temple Kraus at the home o f her parents Mr, Gottwald and Peter Kyllo witnessed OREGON CITY - ORE. and Mrs. Geo, Kraus. the ceremony. Life Insured Wants, For Sale, Etc P eyton Brand NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the undersigned has been appointed I guardian of the person and e3tates o f j the following heirs: Karl Mantie, E l - ! bert Mantie and Ernest Mantie, and | has duly qualified as such. All persons ! having claims against said estate must j present them to the office o f McNay & McNary, at Salem, Oregon, duly veri- | fled as by law required. ELIZABETH SAVAGE, Guardian. First Publication July 11, 1918. THE Last Publication August 8, 1918. Real Gravely Chewing Plug 10c a pouch— and worth it Gravely lasts so much longer it costs no more to chew than ordinary plug P. B. Gravely T obacco Company Danville, Virginia J feme TELEGRAM and OBSERVER, Both one year—$5,50 mm WOMEN and GIRLS LEARN TO WEAVE—ITS EASY HELP YO U R COUNTRY W e Pay 20 Cents Per Hour W hile Learning A fter Learning Paid by the Yard at Good Prices Daylight Modern W orkroom -Clean and Sanitary GOOD OPENINGS ALSO FOR MEN AND BOYS RUSSIAN NURSERY JINGLE Twinkle, twinkle, little Czar, How we wonder how you are. Dead and buried—shuffled off? Or still a Wealthy Romanoff? —Lino-Tjfpe Oregon City W oolen Mills