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About Aurora observer. (Aurora, Marion County, Or.) 19??-1940 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1918)
HOARDERS WATCH OUT ♦♦♦♦■H " T pa FOOD ADMINISTRATION CREDO T By willing service of a free Z people to do these things: Z To feed the Allies that they may ♦ continue to fight. ♦ * To feed the hungry in Belgium Z and other lands that they may * continue to live. I To feed our own soldiers over- X seas that they may want noth- Z ing. To keep prices steady and the T flow of distribution even that Z the poor at home may be fed. £ To make everyone’s effort count T its utmost for winning the X war for freedom. © o w n © o p tra George Miller and L. I. Snyder were : Portland visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs: Sidney Graham were j here Saturday from Butteville. m Mr. and Mrs. Phil Wilgand were here j i from South Paradise Saturday, Z + FOOD CONTROL IN AMERICA | IS OF AND FOR THE PEOPLE •I* •«* *1* 'I*12* 4* i* *2* *1' »!• •!* '1* *f• •J* • J* •!* 4* *1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Complaints are reported to have been ! made to county food administrator I | Steusloff that the hoarding o f flour and ; j sugar is still going on in North Manon j | county, and the food administrator an- j : nounces that he is on the track o f par- : ties who are openly defying the law in j this regard, and that as soon as in -; structions have been received from the ' | legal department o f the state and fed e ra l food administration, arrests will be 1 \ made and every effort made to convict ! the guilty parties. BEAT GERM ANY Support EVERY FLAG that oppose?P rmsiaairm Mr. and Mrs. B, H. Will o f Portland! spent the week end with relatives here.I Eat less o f iht food T l^tttrr aev4 D E K Y y a m tlf something Many people have visited Aurora the past 10 days to gather cherries for which this city is famous, though years ogo there were many times the quantity grown that are grown now. But the quality still remains unsurpassed. W A S T E NOTHING «HITS» fO •» MMSUttMIM Mrs. B. F, Giesy, Mrs. Wm. Kraus | j and Mrs, W. H. Nibler were Portland I visitors Friday. Why Walk WHEN YOU CAN GET A R id in g Cultivator AND DO MORE AND BET TER W O R K THAN YOU CAN W ITH A W ALKING CULTIVATOR. COME IN AND SEE OUR SINGLE DUTCHMAN AND OLIVER LINE OF CULTI VATO RS, AND YOU WILL H A V E NO OTHER. . Do not expect our men to die for you MEMORIAL SERVICE if you are not worth living for. Show Mr. Earl Grim and P. J. Grim mo tored in from the home in the White There will be menu rial services at our Army and that y °« »re the Rock Creek Zion church, July 7, I worthy o f protection. Save to the ut- District Friday. 1918 for the late Jonas Deetz who fell m? st o f y °ur ability and buy W. S. S. upon the field o f battle in France. T h e, w'tb your savings, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Kinyon and service will be at 11 a m. daughter Mrs. Arthur White-were here Mrs. Clara Atk’nson recently elected Saturday from Butteville. J. M. Will was a Portland visitor district clerk of the Aurora school dis trict has taken over the funds and re Friday upon business. cords of the district and all official Mrs, O. L. Churchill was the guest cpmmunicatian should be addressed to o f Mrs, Otto Blosser Saturday and Sun Commissioner Goulet was in the city her. day at the S. A. Miller home. from Woodburn Thursday, NOTICE is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed Adminis tratrix o f the estate o f Samuel B. Mc Bride, deceased, and has duly qualified as such. All persons having claims against said Estate are hereby notified to present the same duly verified as re quired by law to the undersigned at the office o f Page & Page, Attorneys, Bush Bank Building, Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication o f this notice. This notice is published for the• first Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ehlen and son time this 6 th day of June, 1918. Mr. and Mrs. Roy White were among Allen motored to Portland Saturday to BERTHA B. BOOT, those shopping here Friday. spend the week-end with relatives. Administratrix o f the Estate of Samuel B. McBride, Deceased, PAGE & PAGE, S, P. Hondrick and little son were John Ogle, James Ogle, W .A. Giesy, here Friday on business at the Aurora Attorneys for Administratrix. J. L. Snyder, and E. M. Zimmerman stores. Last publication July 4, 1918. were up from Portland over Sunday this week. ! Mrs. Elisa Ehlen,wife of Henry Ehl- ;en of Portland, died last week at her home, at 274,23rd street,aged 68 years. She is survived by her husband and two sons A, j . and W, EL Ehlen all of | Portland, Hardware j G. A . EHLEN The Wide Awake Scout Master Nibler has instructed the Aurora Boy Scouts to locate all the Mrs. L. G. Giesy and Mrs. Fred Yer- black walnut trees in this section for Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gray and Mrs. gen were among the Donald people here ||| government, Black walnut is used SOUTHEN PACIFIC for aeroplane propellars and rifle stocks. Arlo Gray were here from Union Dis recently. Such trees are not plentiful here. The North Bound trict Saturday shopping at the Aurora government will pay a fair price for stores. No. 28, 10:24 a. m. (on flag.) Mr. and Mrs, C. B. Miller were visit the lumber. No. 18, 2:33 p. m. ors in Portland Friday, The expect to No. 14, 9:00 p. m. (on flag.) move to Gresham shortly. Economizing may possibly hurt,most South Bound The annual picnic of the Aurora ly our personal pride, but what o f the No. 15, 9:50 a. m. _ _. _ , „ , _ L Woman’ s Club was held Wednesday at hurts o f the men who fight and die for Joe Re 3 Cn of Union and Carl Rueck <3 • _ No. 17, 3:01 p. m. . _ , ,, the Giesy Springs, where the members you? of Lone Elder were among the fa r m e r s __ , _____ ______ . _ No. 27, 4:56 p. m. (on flag.) and their guests spent a delightful af here on business Thursday, ternoon, with dinner at seven o ’clock. ! The sack races, foot races, tug of war, j Kenneth Phillips came home Satur £ J R . B. F. GIESY day from the Siletz country where he Mrs. H. H. Deetz and daughter etc., kept the masculine guests alert, | has been running a donkey engine in a Rachael were in town from south Para while the kiddies caught crawfish, and logging camp. dise Friday to get their supply of Aur the ladies “ kidded” the men and wat- | ched the kids. Sixty or seventy people j ora cherries. were present. Last week C. W. Carothers, C, E. Miller, and Hans Spahr of Needy,made Mrs. W. I. Bauer and sons of Molal Both Phones . A surprise party was given Saturday I Office at Residence Aurora, Ur. a fishing trip up the Molalla—in Tom la were visiting relatives here last j Scott’s country. w e e k . They at‘ ended the Woman’ s night at the home of Mr.and Mrs.Chris Ziegler in honor of Cora Ausve, Lloyd, club picnic while here. Ziegler and Lyle Pennel who finished A. J. Scholz and sons last week re the eighth grade. Dainty refreshments ceived a fine new grain separator at Notary Public Karl E, Kalb of Macksburg was the this station. It was unloaded and tak first Clackamas county man to turn in | were served. Those present besides Fire Insurance en to their home near Butteville. i his questionaire as one o f the recently Mr. and Mrs. Ziegler were Mrs. Lydia OREGON AURORA Irwin, Mrs, Tremayne, J. J, Wurful, registered 21 -year olds. Misses Olga Howe, Lucile Ziegler, Macksburg school district came thru Gladys and Celen Tremayne, Cora war stamp campaign with colors Mrs. C, C. Oldfield was here Friday Ausve, lego Grindeland,* Nellie Berg, I Wm. HEINZ I the flying, having over-subscribed its quota from Meridian, She brought in her Viola Ziegler, Martha, Johana Yost, ? AUCTIONEER J to the extent of $ 1000 . sister who returned to Portland after Lena Sandsness, Letha Porter, Elmer Live Stockand Farm Sales a Specialty a several day’s visit at the Oldfield Berg, Lloyd and Ben Ziegler, William Ziegler, Lyle Pennel, Chas. Radcliff, T erms R easonable farm. Mrs. T. W. Brown and daughter A g Fred Leffier and Robert Tremayne, Phone Canby 13-15 (Mail—Aurora Route 1) i nes have moved to Portland, and the Pioneer Hotel has been closed. Mr. Among those whose applications for Brown is in the service o f the Oregon final citizenship papers will come be military patrol. fore the court in July is that o f Henry Pardy, born in Germany, now residiug 5 Asquith & Blosser 5 on Route 1, Hubbard. Christy Hostetler was home recently ! PA IN TE R S and \ from Camp Lewis to visit his father 1 JT APER HANGERS | M, H. Hostetler at his farm home east Many friends of Paul Blaschke f Hubbard. He looked every inch a gatheied at the station Wednesday a f 2 Aurora, Oregon 1 o soldier in his khaki uniform. ternoon to say good jbye as he passed * It's Up to Us. through enroute from Woodburn, where "Germany’s war of starvation is a he entrained for Camp Lewis, challenge most of all to America,” In an action to recover $4000 ftom says a Food Administration Bulletin. Charles B. -Miller and wife, W.W. Irvin “ Against Germany’s lust for dominion, has filed proceeding with the clerk o f Do you think you have done all that America's purpose is to establish the the circuit court at Oregon City, In should be required of you when you society of nations. Against destruc BY PARCEL POST the complaint the plaintiff states that loan your money out o f your abundance tion, America’s aim is healing. Against Accordeon, Side, or Box Pleating, under an agreement o f recent date he while other men give their lives? Sac mastery, America’s ideal is service. Hemstitching, Scolloping, Braid had contracted to dispose o f a 225 acre rifice a little, indulge yourself less,save I “ We cannot surpass the steadfast ing, Embroidery, Buttons "cov farm at the rate of $125 per acre to the more, loan all you can until you can | ness of Britain, the courage of Italy, ered, from your own material. the exaltation of France. defendants. An imperfection was “ We cannot excel the Allies in hero ART EMBROIDERY & BUTTON CO. claimed to exist in the title, and upon do no more. ism, in endurance, in fortitude. Our 633 Morgan Bldg. PORTLAND, ORE. the correction o f this the .purenaser force in battle, though it may be de was to pay down the sum of $2500, with A very pleasant surprise was given cisive, will not be as great as theirs. $1500 in escrow. Now the ' plaintiff Mrs, G. Dentel Thursday, June 20th, it “We can hope to contribute most to the common cause from our larger states that the title has been proven DR. de LESPINASSE flawless and charges that the defen being her 70th birthday. Vocal and in- j resources. To relieve desperate pri dants are in possession o f the property strumental music and games passed a j vation, America can supply food DENTIST “ Giving up wheat is a little thing but refuse to pay the specified sums. very pleasant afternoon, Mrs. Hen Trullinger Bldg Phone United 6319 In the complaint, damages to the derson from Spokane, Mrs. Chester compared to their death struggle—in which our soldiers are splendidly amount o f $4000 are asked as liquid Weber of Portland and Mrs. Vaudeleur H ubbard , O regon sharing. ation. rendered some very beautiful music. A j “ A little thing—yet we can do it dainty lunch was served after which j with greatness of spirit. Supporting the guests departed wishing Mrs. Den- | our army and adding, whole-hearted Phone Broadway 3019 NOTICE sarvice to humanity, it is in America’s tel many more happy birthdays. power to defeat forever the passion of IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE; conquest OF FERDINAND MANTIE. “ Now is the hdur of testing. Wheat NOTICE is hereby given that the un is the test.” dersigned has beeh duly appointed Ad Shoes for Every Mother’s Son ministrator, with will annexed, o f the Give the Children Milk. Union Make. Ask Your Dealer estate o f Ferdinand Man tie by the Milk is one of the most important county court o f Marion County, Oregon 251 16th St. North, Portland, Or. food sources the human race pos and has duly qualified as such. I f not, get a policy in the Metro sesses. For the proper nourishment All persons having claims against said politan Life Ins. Co. and then hold of the child, it is absolutely indispen onto it. It means self respect, it estate will present them to McNary & sable and its use should he kept up in means that nobody will have to McNary, attorneys for the undersigned, the diet as long as possible. Not only put something into a hat for you at Salem, Oregon, Within six months does it contain all the essential food or your dependent ones if you from the first publication of this notice. Always in the market for old should be snatched away from elements in the most available form Copper, Lead, Zinc, Iron, Brass, them. For appointment see This notice is published tne first time for ready digestion, but the recent Old Newspapers and Magazines on this 27th day o f June, 1918. scientific discoveries show it to be es HUGH J. MEADOR, Agent (neatly folded),second hand sacks, pecially rich in certain peculiar prop JOHN HYERLY, 200 Masonic Temple and junk of all kinds. erties that alone render growth pos Administrator. AURORA - OREGON OREGON CITY - ORE. sible. Last publication July 25, 1918. Implements Hardware Store RAILROAD TIME CARD Wurster Bros. Conduct The Most Modern and Sanitary Meat Market in The Willamette Valley. Try Their Home Products— Pure Lard, Weinerwurst, Pork Sausage, Bologna, Etc. Physician and Surgeon LOUIS W EBERT Sapolio doing its work. Scouring for U.S.Marine Corps recruits. Join Now! A PPLY A T A N Y POST OFFICE fo r EAT POTATOES SAVE WHEAT H P ra x J U K ; E. M. HURST m JKJUUXJUC; The man who knows the com fort of a good-tasting chew sticks toRealGravelyChewing Plug every time. Lasts longer than ordinary tobacco, too. “Pleated Skirts” Have You Your 0 Life Insured * U .S . MARINES SERVICE UNDER THIS EMBLEM « NIEHOFF SHOE MFC. CO. Men who wear this emblem are Peyton Brand Real Gravely Chewing Plug 10c a pouch— and worth it Gravelylaata aomueh longer it costs no more to chew than ordinary plug P. B, Gravely Tobacco Company Danville, Virginia 3cm GAS OILS AURORA GA RA G E IS NOW CARRYING A FULL LINE OF PARTS FOR CHEVROLET and FORD CARS ACCESSORIES Greases MILLER & ISAACSON, Props. Free Air THE TELEGRAM and OBSERVER, Both one year-$5,50