THE AURORA OBSERVER ■ ■ B it maty L aia-w h > s mm ™ to poy n ta ns for too yaw 191 fn r dm T h in ! a va callad w McNeils C h o p is now sen M cKinley and Sound Money li WM H ; L in k ? ■ M a ry " I m Marion county's people this year must pay a total of • tr e a t a i« M fnuMicip&y, scnooi «Mici road (U9tnc% um ok 1 o% I v M uw b a ta r i j r th e « i» M m m h v ÉÉM m ade WM m mm m ê P re s id e n t S d i h k y w a* . im i te rm i t ’ M kaaki M i (n e tM i IB M i H t fre q u e n tly t {tarif M f lf ÿ » A Saak account la a can for warry. An yaa a feaak depositor ? please take notice! The Sandy German Lutheran school has discontinued the teaching of German announces Rev. Mr. Jobberfuhl, German language” in the Sandy pastor and principal of the school. He promised American schools has been part of a deliberate plan of the sheriff Wilson and assistant United States Attorney La- apostles of German “kultur” to make America a vassal of I tourette of Oregon City that the school will be 100 per Germany not only economically industnally, but educa* I cent American from now on. Next! tionally and politically. This treacheous plan is not more surprising than the fou t a t tempts of the German embassa­ The big Socialist meeting at Chicago Saturday having dor to influence congress and intimidate our government. resolved itself into a patriotic demonstration, the pro-Huns But it is surprising that Americans allowed themselves to are deprived of another source of consolation, socialist be so easily dedeved. The German government believed leaders declare the Kaiser and the junkers to be the arch­ as late as 1914 that failure of our government to stop mu­ enemies of socialism, lauded Abraham Lincoln,praised the nition shipments to the allies would result in a great Ger- president, cheered the flag wildly, pledged themselves to m in revolt here, O.ily the existence of hundreds of Ger­ support the war and urged the purchase of liberty bonds. man language newspapers, hundreds of German language Local pro-Germans who were about to throw themselves schools, (and the teaching of German in thousands of our into the arms of the socialist party now will draw back public schools), of thousands of clannish German societies, with horror. and of a widespread German propaganda—only these things could have led the war lords of Germany to believe Hot-air Harley, mayor of Astora, continues his gas a German uprising possible in America. At the beginning of the war German was a popular language in America. | attack on the Oregon delegation in Congress for their fail­ Today no argument can make it so, and few are left ure to get aeroplane contracts for Oregon. He asks If it bold enough to demand its continuance in our public is not wise policy to build aeroplanes in Oregon where all schools. A few school boards insist that German shall be the spruce is found. In like manner why not grow ban­ taught, but thousands of schools have wholly abandoned anas and yams at the Astoria city hall where hot-air instruction in German, while in others thousands^ patrio­ abounds? Mayor Harley’s'tirades all resolve themselves tic Auerican pupils-r more discerning than their elders-carn into a covert attack upon Senator McNary and campaign not (knowing the Kaiser as they do) reconcile the study of material for the millionaire sheepman of Stanfield who is his language with loyal Americanism, and a clear con­ trying to break into the United States Senate. science. Today wherever in America the language of the Hun is taught there is exhibited disloyalty to American The United States grants religious freedom to all sects ideals—either openly or hidden in the hearts of the Ger­ but it does not release the individual of any sect from man sympathizer. their duty to the government and the nation under whose laws they live. The mere fact that certain sects like the Mennonites are not required to serve in the trenches but only as non-combatants does not clothe them with any vested rights. The power that grants may take away. The government must have money to carry on the war, and it is no long step from voluntary loans to conscription of property. Conscientions objectors want the protection of the government and laws under which we live but some of them refuse though abundantly able to support the govern­ ment with loans which will be repaid with interest. Such individuals are not good citizens because they wa nt much for which they are not willing to sacrifice a single penny in return. They will neither fight^nor buy war stamps. They are slaekers who deserve pittiless publicity and universal contempt. ICTOÜY TIBERTY BONDS pave the way to VICTORY in war,—an early, complete, triumphant VICTORY. If we are to win the war abroad we must first learn to spend wisely, to abandon luxury, and invest every dollar we possibly can in the bonds which provide the materials and equipment without which the war cannot be won. *S ave and Serve l Buy Liberty Bonds T h is S p a c e P a id f o r a n d C o n tr ib u te d b y H MRS. IDA .H MILLER : : OREGON AURORA *■ Potatoes for Patriotism. By eating potatoes instead of wheat the people of the United States can One ounce less of meat each day help win the war. We have not for everyone means a saving of 4,- enough wheat for the Allies and our­ 400,000 meat animals a year. Save selves. We have an abundance of po­ your ounce. The sacrifice is small, tatoes. Wheat flour is a concentrated but the result for your country is food and therefore good for shipping; potatoes are bulky and are conse­ large. quently not suited for limited shipping 1,185,000 tons of sugar will he saved space, nor are the Allies so short of the first year if each of us uses one. potatoes as of wheat. Next to cereals, ounce less each day. This will keep potatoes have been in this country the mainstay of starchy food, which sugar plentiful and cheap. supplies energy. The more potatoes we eat, the less The Allies are all in the same boat, wheat we need. A medium-sized po­ a long way from shore and on limited rations—and Uncle Sam is running tato, weighing about 3% ounces, sup­ the relief ship. It’s up to us to save plies about as much starch as two small slices of wheat bread one-half the cargo. inch thick. In other respects also, Reduction, Production — the 1918 the potato measures up well with wheat bread and even has the advant­ watchwords. age over it in supplying certain salts Food will win the war. Save it. which the body needs to counteract the acidity resulting from the use of Produce it. such foods as cereals, meat and eggs. If you run your household on three By exercising her ingenuity the house- pounds of sugar a month per person, 1 wife can prepare potatoes in many when fall comes the grocer won’t have j different attractive ways, thu$ increas- | ing their proportion in- the family diet to hang up the sign “No Sugar.” } and conserving wheat and ether sta- The second helping is getting to bí? • pies needed for shipment abroad. An j important use of potatoes, also, is in bad form. the mixing of breads, in which mash- There’s lots of money to go round, ' ed potatoes up to fully ten per cent may be used without detracting from but bacon, beef and wheat can’t make i its appearance or taste; in fact, many the circuit. Save your share. persons hold that potatoes properly Waste and want are twin sisters mixed in bread, improves both appear- I once and flavor. ■ ■ ~ ... ■ - and neither beautiful. „ __ . FOOD ADMINISTRATION FACTS If yet an not, start an account »Ith ns today. AURORA STATE BANK Blacksmithing ALL KINDS OF FORCEWORK, WOOD­ WORK, PLOWSHARE GRINDING. Horseshoeing a Specialty A FIRST CLASS JOB GUARANTEED F. V. EPPERSON Aurora, Oregon Wurster Bros. Conduct The Most Modern and Sanitary Meat Market in The Willamette Valley. Try Their Home Products— Pure Lard, Weinerwurst, Pork Sausage, Bologna, Etc. Aurora, Oregon Wants, For Sale, Etc LOCAL AD RATK. A uniform and invariable charge of 5 cents per line is made for all ad­ vertising notices of every description in the news columns -of this news­ paper. This rate applies to for sale, for rent, lost, founc$, card of thanks, ‘want ads,” and to all kinds of sim­ ilar notices as well as to all notices of entertainm ents, fairs, socials, shows, etc. No reductions or discounts. The Observer and the weekly Ore­ gonian both one year for $2.00. FOR SALE—One Simplex cream separator almost new (guaranteed.) $6u.00 (Sixty Dollars.) C, G, Ellison, \ Aurora, R. 3, Oregon'. FOR SALE—One very •' (3-2*) line piano, oak case (Clarendon) almost new, worth five hundred, for $250,00 (two hundred . and fifty dollars.) C, G. Ellison, Aur­ ora, R. 3, Oregon. (8-2t.) If you use gummed labels for any I purpose, ask for our new catalogue Marry, if lonely. For speedy mar­ j and price list. W e can save yau riage, try my club, very successful, money. Aurora Observer. best, largest in 4he country, established l i years; thousand wealthy wishing to | FOR SALE—Bronze Turkey Eggs $3 marry at once. Confidential descrip­ j a setting .also Barred Rock Eggs $1 tions free. Reliable Club.—Mrs. ¡for 15. H.W. Watkins, Rt. 3. 4-tf, Wrubel, 732 Madison St. Oakland,Cali­ I FOR SALE—Washing Machine in fornia. 12-7-1917 First Class condition. Will sell cheap FOR SALE for cash or will trade. Whai have you? Holstein Friesian bulls ready for ser­ Apply at Observer office. 4-tf vice. Also a few calves from good producing dams. Buy them while they MARE FOR SALE—Coming 5 years. are young and have them grow into Weight about 1100. Inquire at the money.—Ernest Werner, Kt. 2. I Observer Office, Aurora. (3-2tp) FOR SALE—Eggs, Barred Rocks, R. I Sauerkraut for Sale—In five-gallon I, Feds, and . White and Brown Leg­ lots. J. J. Sperb & Son,Hubbard.Ore­ (4-2t-p.) horns, $1 per 15 eg g s.—Lewis Keil, gon. (Hubbard Phone) Aurora, Oregon. (52-8$) I F O R S A L E—Two-year old colt, FOR SALE—White Leghorn eggs, j chunky built. Price $75. W, A, Rog­ 5-2tp. $1,00 per 15, $6.00 per 100.—Percy ers, Route 3, Aurora, Ottaway, Aurora, Oregon. Hop contracts, deeds, m ortgages, S. C, Ancona and White Orpington pills of sale, satisfaction of mort­ eggs for sale. Inquire of Zeno Schwab, gages and sim ilar legal blanks for sale at the Observer Office. Aurora, Oregop. FOR SALE—White seed oats, (Mort­ NOTICE TO VOTERS gage Lifter,) best quality a t.$68,00 per ton. Buyers to furnish their own sacks. Henry Tautfest, near Fargo. (P. O, The registration books are now open Aurora, R. 3,Oregon.) (1) and voters not already registered should apply for registration in order that they FOR SALE—Four horse power Cush­ may be qualified to vote at the primary man gasoline engine, good as new'. election, May 17, 1918. Voters who Cost $160. Will sell for $65.- Guaran­ have not voted during the past two teed to be in first class condition. years, or who have changed their resi­ Henry Tautfest, Aurora, (R. 3,) Ore­ dence to a new precinct must register gon.___________ r- ____ (1) again. Voters living outside incorporated FOR SALE—A number of second hand garden tools, in good condition, cities and towns, are required to give cheap, E, M. Hurst, Aurora. (2) the range, township and section where they live. Naturalized citizens must FOR SALE—Heavy team harness, al­ exhibit their papers. Registrar’s office so Sharpless Cream Separator. H. W. at the Aurora Observer Office, Watkins, R. 3, ‘ 4-tf. tf. Mrs. C, S. W escott,