Aurora observer. (Aurora, Marion County, Or.) 19??-1940, February 14, 1918, Image 1

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    f LOjtÁ^d
Published E very Thursday
$1.25 a Year
NO. 49
Keeping Kiddies O ff the Street
At the recent meeting o f the Marion •
Scout Master W. J, Uppenhahl, and I county school officers at Salem G. X.
j Gooding. G. E. Tower. G. W. Markee,
a number o f the Aurora company of
i J. W. Kellis, and Prank Hrubetz were
Boy Scouts went to Portland Friday
j named a committee to confer with the
night to attend a big meeting o f Boy
county concerning the money derived
Scouts at the Lincoln high school,where
from the sale o f Grant lands for the ,
Mayor Baker and Bishop Summer ad­
maintenance of county schools. Seven-1
dressed the boys.
ty school officers were present and
The mayor praised the patriotism and
many important topics were discussed,
enthusiasm of the boys in their work
o f assisting the government in the war, including the employment o f teachers,
industrial school work, co-operation o f
Bishop Summer gave them wholesome
advice and pointed out to them their : teachers and school officers, teacher’s ,
visiting days, standardization, junior j
responsibilities of the future. Scout- ;
Red Cross work, and conducting eighth j
master Brockway gave a review of the |
grade examinations.
work of the Boy Scouts throughout the j
county. The Scouts sang the song o f I
the organization, “ Over There,” with
much enthusiasm. A moving picture*
depicting the activities of German spies
and the methods adopted by the gov-
Nessmuk Camp w . a w> of Aurora(
eminent in thwarting tneir plots was I, .
. r
greatly enjoyed.
I held a sPec,al meeting Monday after-
The following boys went from Aurora: I n001?- Organizer Jones was here to
Robert Uppendahl, Walter Uppen- ] give the lodge instructions on the new
dahl, Kenneth Bents, Henry L. Bents, j ritual and to arouse a little enthusiasm
Jr., Herwig Nettei, Stewart Arnold ] in the matter o f increasing the mem-
Carl Ehlen, Harry Ehlen, Abraham! bership.
Loveall and Lloyd Ziegler.
At a recent special session of the
They expected to obtain uniforms Head Camp at Denver the constitution
while in Portland, but found it impos-
| was amended to provide a Patriotic Re-
sible, as the supply was exhausted.
lief fund to be paid by the “ stay-at-
home” members to pay the benefit fund
assessments due from members in the
service o f the nation. This fund is
I raised by payments of 10c per month
on each $1000 o f protection. This 10c
The registration of alien enemies en- per monthj8 ¡n addition to a„ other
Mi'ss D a ltcn , shown in the insert, is one of the educators and Instigators
ded last night. Eleven registered at | payments and if not paid render3 the o f a general movement to care for youngsters after school hours, while their
the Aurora post office as follows: Peter j member delinquent. A 3 cent per capi-
mothers are at work earning a living. The children are taught to knit, make
Joseph Irmen o f Butteville, Carl Louis j ta tax ;s also levled for expenses due
their own clothing, draw, cook and bake. They are given coffee and dainties
Bernicke Route 6, Aurora, Fritz to the war Thesa new payment8 ali every afternoon.
man o f Needy, Rev. F. Th Lucas of begin March 1( 1918, to C0T,tinue until
Ma-«ksburg Ernest Maden of Aurora, 6 months after the wal-
Christian Grofin, Volkmar Doppleb,
Eugene Dupdleb o f Macksburg, and I measure to meet the emergency con­
Charles Berold, Peter John Lindner,and fronting members and the order.
Classifications o f Clackamas county
Dr. Eric R. Starke o f Aurora,
I About 3000 Woodmen of the World are
men in this section has been made as
Katharine Trevette, recitist and I m -
in the service of the Nation, in some
personator, of Chicago, will give a
St. Valentines Day passed in Aurora ] branch of the military or naval service,
without a single known depredation by | and it is probable the number will soon
cital Thursday evening, February 21 ,
James Frederick Keffer Class 4,
I be doubled.
that little arch rascal—CuDid.
Christopher C,
Vick .4 (at Liberal) |lgt8, at the Presbyterian, church under
auspices o f the Aurora Ladies’ Aid
Frank A. Brusch 1,RaVpK Leroy! WhUe-
is 1, Harry Sherwood 4, Henry Dennis. I Society. The proceeds will go toward
Moore 4, Maurice Lewis Gothwald 4, | paying off the church debjt.
Weatherly Ice Cream
Nj ijal A g e n c y
There will be selection^ from James
Hong Edward Kee 1 (Agricultural
I Claim transferred to district board), | Whitcomb Riley, Eugene? Field, Kate
Harvey Harrison Hilton 4, Joseph | Douglass Wiggin, Booth Tarkington
Thoraf Anderson 1 (Agricultural Claim ! and other American authors. It is not
transferred to district board), Abrahm ! often that small towns have an oppor-
Root Hepler 1 (Agricultural Claim sent j tunity to hear an impersonator o f Miss
to district board), Grover Harms 1 ¡Trevette’s ability, who has thoroughly
(Agricultural Claim sent to district pleased large and critical audiences in
board), Walter Remi Adams 1 (Agri­ I Portland, Salt Lake, Milwaukee and
cultural Claim sent to district board), Chicago. The object is a most worthy
Clarence Herbert Johnson 2 (Agricul­ | one and everyone should ‘turn out to
tural Claim sent to district board),Glen ; help.
T h ey Knit, Sew , D raw and
Enjoy Dainties
Toilet Paper
10c each
3 for 2 5 c
Aurora, Oregon
See Our H ats
Because we know you cannot do better. We want
to show you the range of styles and colors—The
old price of $3.00 for the best makes they are down to
$2.50, $1.75 and $1.50 Each
Come around anyhow and look them over. Men’s
Caps too, Boy’s hats and Caps—Fine selection
The quality and price of our Men’s Mackinaw Coats
and Shedrayne Shirts are at least $2.00 per garment
under the regular prices 0_ur prices on men’s winter
underwear are lower.
Khaki and dark gray yarns now in stock.
--------------- THE BEST FOR THE PRICE---------------
Frederick Bartlett 2 (Agricultural
-............... ........ i—
Claim sent to district board), Roy S .! „
J „ ...
. a . . .
•v a
a r>\.
u j
i HenryJ.Ketl has submitted his resig-
Yoder 4, Chester Hudson Smith 4.
. ■ . .
j nation as road supervisor, fo the county
I court effective as o f February II.
Alfred Gus Olson Class 1, Carl Nel-
Milton A. Miller, Collector of Inter­
burg Learfold 1.
nal Revenue for the Statd of Oregon
has been notified by the treasury De­
Norman Crowley Class 1.
partment at Washington; i D. C: that
the time for filing the 1917 Income Tax
Milton Jerome Seeley Class 1,
Returns, including individuals and cor-
| porations, has been extended to April
11, 1918, thus giving an additional month
STRIKE SETTLED? NO! I to that provided by the War Tax Act
MEN ATTENTION! In order to find j of October 3, 1917, As fcoon as the
blanks are received eheti corporation
out which paper delivers the goods, | will be notified. Collector Miller would
when you register at our Employment ! appreciate the early filing of returns,
Office state where you learned that WE j so that the work of his office may not
WANT YOU TO WORK for us. Low­ j be unduly congested.
est wage nine hours $3,10, with good
A number of Odd Fellows went to
chance for advancement, if willing to ! Silverton Saturday night to attend a
work, and eight hour shift jobs open meeting o f the Silverton Lodge. They
almost daily, same wage or better. ! took along a couple o f candidates for
Bring this ad from the Aurora Obser­ ! initiation Messrs Keesling and Brush.
ver with you and you will be put to I Besides the candidates the following
work if able-bodied. Apply at Em­ i Oddfellows were in the party: Geo.
ployment Office on mill Walk, West ' Gray, Chris Zimmerman, A, J. Zim­
Linn, across bridge from Oregon City,
merman, O. G. Morris. Phil Graves,
only forty minutes ride, 20c fare, from the Hepler Brothers, Phil Wiegand.Mr.
Portland. Board and room $6.50 per i Brusch, John Daly, John Jesse, Victor
week, two men rooming together,
! Berg, Otis Nelson and Clarence Collins.
Beck’s and Electric Hotel,Oregon City.
C. F. Grover, principal of the Aur­
C rown W illamette P aper C ompany
ora school, attended a meeting of the
Marion county principals Saturday at
Salem, He was accompanied home by
i Marcus Alicante, now a Filipino stud-
Edward Schnack will hold a public lent atO . A,C.,but a native of the pro­
sale Wednesday, February 20, at the j vince of llo IIo, P. I., where Mr. Grov-|
Joe Gibson place one mile north o f !er was a supervising teacher. Young
Macksburg. He will sell his horses, Alicante was picked up by Mr. Grover
cow, heifer. 2 hogs, chickens, wagons, j as “ house boy” when he could not
hack, harness, some oats, separator) speak a single word of English. Through
churn, farming implements, household Mr. Grover’s aid and his own energy
goods and many other goods and arti-'j and perseverance, this ■: Filipino boy
cles, on the usual terms. Will Heinz, j worked his way through the elemen-
tary and high schools o f the Philippines
and then came to America where by
I his own efforts he is working his way
County superintendent Smith has an- j through college. He has made ramark-
nounced that Frances P. Dolsen, Aur-jable progress under conditions that
ora, Route 3; Eva Pillett, Aurora Route! would have discouraged most American
| 5; and Emma Louis Evans and Henry ¡boys. .It is on such young men that
¡W, Moore o f Donald, passed the eighth the Philippines must base her hopes
grade examinations in January.
1 for the future.
Dr. E. R. Starke o f this city was ar­
rested as an alien enemy Saturday af-
The following have been named chair-
| ternoon at his office by Deputy United
, men o f the Liberty Loan committees
I States marshal Carter, He was taken 0f the towns mentioned, for the next
to Portland Saturday night. It is said bond selling campaign, probably next
that numerous complaints o f Aurora month:
people were made concerning Dr. j A u rora ..._____ ________ GuyN Hickok
Donald_________ ___ _____ Henry Zorn
Starke’s utterances and actions have I
Hubbard______________ L. A. Beckman
been made to the United States district I Monitor......... .............. ...C . W. Coynes
attorney’s office and that these com- St. Paul______________ ........H e r m a n Waltz
plaints resulted in the action o f the Woodbum----------------- ..J . M. Poorman
United State’s marshal’s office. It ap- Canby------------. . . ------------- W. H. Bair
Molalla_____ ___________ .John R. Cole
pears that objection was made to
Wilsonville____________J. R. Thornton
numerous night visits that were made j Committee members will be chosen
to the homes o f various friends o f D r .. jn each town, appointed by the state
Starke, where he is assumed that be j chairman, and when the campaign
spread the gospel o f Pan-Germanism, | opens, it is expected that every person
Dr. Starke came from Germany t o . jn every community will be asked to
America in 1911, obtained his dentists. purchase. And if unable to do so to
diploma in Philadelphia, and came to I gjve their reasons.
Oregon and practiced his profession in
Astoria before locating here a couple j
I o f years ago. Here he acquired a good
practice, and has given very general
satisfaction as a dentist, though many
people refused to patronize him since
Edward Cookingham,executive chair­
the declaration o f war. He is a regis­
tered reservist o f the landstrum, has man o f the Liberty Loan State Central
never made application for American I Committee o f Oregon has appointed
citizenship, and has stated he “ doesn’ t! John Murray, M. G. Smith, C.F. Grov-
want America to win the war.” I f the er, Guy N. Hickok and N. C. Wescott
request o f the U. S. district attorney members o f the executive board o f the
at Portland is granted by the Washing­ Third Liberty Loan for the Aurora dis­
ton authorities, it is quite probable trict, under the chairmanship o f Mr.
that Dr. Starke will be interned for the Hickok.
What the amount, o f the
period o f the war. He told the Port-¡Third Liberty Loan will be or what
land authorities that he had always in- j quota o f the Aurora district will be is
tended to return to Germany to prac­ not known yet, but it is certain the
tice his profession. The Oregonian o f amount will be in figures that will
Tuesday called attention to the Doctor’ s make it absolutely necessary for every
striking resemblance to the pictures of citizen to subscribe to the limit o f his
the German Kaiser.
It is rumored that further investiga-
In the Donald district Fred Yergen,
tion will be made as to the extent and] b . S. Quinn, J. C. Moore and Mrs. John
character o f the underground propa- Miller constitute the executive board
ganda that has been carried on here.
under the chairmanship o f Henry Zorn,
I president of the State Bank of Donald.
| It is not expected that these Boards
AFTER VAN TRUMP’S SCALP will do all the work, but they are
authorized to requisition the services of
I any citizen to press the campaign to a
The county court had a warm session | successful conclusion,
Friday over the recent appointment o f j
S. H. Van Trump as county fruit in- I
spector. The prune packers and grow­
ers and many orchardists are opposed
to the appointment.
j . j . The Aurora Auxiliary to the 3rd Ore-
Van Trump was present and said be gon will nave a Silver Tea Friday af-
did not give a d-------- about the job ! ternoon, February 22, from 2 to 5
anyhow. The fruit men called things i o ’clock at the I. O. O. F. hall, also
by their real names and told Bushey other aide attractions. Everybody cor-
plainly what they wanted. Whether dially invited. Gentlemen, this means
they get it or not remains to be seen.! you, too.
A . H. G IE S Y
Spring line of Men’s and Boy’s Hats in various Colors and Shapes at
the Low Prices 75c to $3.00 considering present conditions.
My stock of the Celebrated Men’s Leather Working Gloves un­
excelled. Just the thing for Spring work.—Take advantage of the
low price on my few remaing Ladies and Misses Winter Coats.
Always monthly arrivals of “ The New Idea” latest fashion patterns
carried in stock.—Only 15c Each.
A full line of new and up-to-date styles in men’s
hats, quality goods at before-the-war prices. Our
assortment is large, values are right, at prices from
$ 1 .0 0
to $ 3 . 5 0
Bov’s felt hats that cannot today be bought
from any manufacturer or wholesaler (as cloth is
being substituted for felt) are being sold at our store
at 5 0 c to $ 1 . 7 5 This is almost your last op­
portunity to buy felt hats at any price.
W IL L -SN Y D E R C O .