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About Aurora observer. (Aurora, Marion County, Or.) 19??-1940 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1917)
muuU Aurora AURORA Published Every Thursday Observer $1.25 a Year NO. 23 AURORA, MARION COUNTY, OREGON, AUGUST 16, 1917. VOL. VII. for rapid cooling. 234— J. I. Roberts, Hubbard........918 TWO ACCIDENTS DISABLE 31— N. L. Meten, Aurora____„ __ 90 AGENT MILLER STATES After the containers are cool, 53-—H. Hutchinson, Donald........919 770— Clarence Bents, Aurora....... 92 BENDSHADLER, HARNACK store in a dark, cool place. VIEWS ON CAR SHORTAGE 774— F. L. Eberman, A urora......921 749— A. W. Daniels, Hubbard........95 Rapid preparation for canning is 225— E. W. Hoffman, Hubbard._924 760— P. E. Hughes, Hubbard........97 especially desirable for corn if a 28— John R. Kraus, Aurora......933 Arthur Harnack was seriously injured Station agent Geo. Miller makes an 181— R. E. Andrews, Hubbard....9 41 good quality of product is to be ob List of North Marion County Men 183— G. J. Brill— Hubbard............98 56— F. Knapp, Aurora........... .......99 Saturday while working at a clover hul- tained. The best results can be se 101— A. W. McKay, Donald — 953 earnest appeal to local shippers to help Showing the Order in Which 5— W. S. Cammack, Aurora— .7101 out the government by heavier loading 192— E. C. McTimmonds, Hubbard— ler at the D. S. Miller farm, the bones cured w'hen one person cuts the corn 741— R. W. Aston, Hubbard........107 They Will Be Called. ......................................957 in his forearm' being partially crushed from the cob and another fills the 11— A. R. Eisner, Aurora— ..— 137 of freight cars. .He says much of his 233-—W. Sc'nlittenhart,Hubbard..961 aid the flesh stripped from his hand containers. If it is necessary for one 6— E. M. Clemens .... ” ..„140 company's trouble comes from the 31^—J. L. Snyder, A urora......=...965 person to work alone she should cut Dr. Dedman who was called 51— C. E. Geelan..............j ..149 practice of using a whole car to carry 3£ c ~ t W. H. Ortman, Aurora— ..971 a id wrist. , P Below are given the names of those all the corn necessary to fill one jar, . . . . —H registered for military service, who 30— Wm. Lettenmaier,Hubbard 152 a shipment that only half fills it. “ The 765— R. H. Rouston, Donald......972 |to attend him’ took the inJured man to pour on boiling water, add salt, place 199— O. M. Pulley, Hubbard........153 national welfare demands the complete 47— T.,Cronen, A urora.... ..........973 a Portland hospital where the wound the rubbers and caps in position, and are well known in this part of Mar- 773— W. C. Dentel, Aurora-------..155 use of every freight car,” says Mr. 203^-H. J. Roedel, Hubbard........988 was treated, and pieces of bone re- put the jar or container into *hot wa ion county. The number at the left I 25— A. C. Krieger, Hubbard— ..159 ter at once. The extra cooking which Miller, “ and if the public will co-oper 754—rE. R. Feller, Donald............ 990 ! moved from the arm. is the serial number and the one at i 222— K. B. Grimm, Hubbard........171 ate by getting together and ordering George Bendshadler was painfully will be given to the cans first filled 68 J. O. Webber, Donald............ 997 the right is the unmber that shows 297— Wayne B. Gill, Woodburn..l74 goods (whenever possible) m carload 752—-W. P. Eppers, Donald......1003 ! burned by electric current while work- will not be injurious and a better the order in whitfti the registered 221— S. H. France, Hubbard........191 lots, by loading cars ip per cent above 227— W. F. Ledke,Hubbard..... 1004 ' ing on an electric light pole at Hub- product will be secured than if the 753— C. E. Feller, Hubbard ........200 market capacity, and by loading and 2— D. L. Anderson, Aurora ..1025 j bard. Coming in contact with live cut corn were allowed to stand until ones will be called for physical ex- ! 212— L. R. Andrews, Hubbard— 215 unloading promptly, working Sundays 215-—P. L. Calvert, Hubbard......1027 I wires rendered him unconscious and he all jars were filled. amination in the Northern Marion | 49— C. J. Espey, Donald—--------216 hung by his safety belt across the and holidays, if necessary, there will 3— K. G. Becke, Aurora...........1030 county district.. Thus L. E. Swan ! 8— M. E. Dick, Hubbard..........217 be no such thing as a car shortage. j 220-=-C. E. France's, Hubbard....1038 wires which burned his arms and wrists. will be the fourth man called for ex- j 781— E. A. Scholz, Aurora........... 222 Such action will also assist Uncle Sam 188-pR. ~B. Kromling, Hubbard 1043 Mr. Robinson, of the Molalla Electric Chester Weber came up from Port amination, Chas. Fowler the seven- j 23— W. F. Keil, Aurora.............. 234 in a “ war measure” of no inconsider 200— W. M. Pully, Hubbard......1051 company, who was present, quickly land Saturday to visit at the Giesy teenth, P. E. Gibbins the twenty- 3 02—-s-J. w . McKay, St. Paul........246 able importance.” 192— J. E. McLaughlin, Hubbard— .. i ordered the current shutoff at the pow home and on Sunday spent the day at first, E. M. Zimmerman the thirtieth, | 780— Louis N. Racette, Aurora....269 ................................. 1053 er house, summoned help, and Bend- Mr. Dentels, returning to Portland Sun and so on. The numbers omitted, 185— F. D. Downing, Hubbard....286 61— L. R. Nichols, Donald..........434 232L—G. Redding, Hubbard........1051 i shadier was assisted to the ground. He day night. like 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, etc., are the names 229— C. R. Newton, Hubbard......298 1209— F. Yoder, Hubbard,...............438 203-^0. J. Skeen, Hubbard........1058 j was somewhat dazed and rather pain- | fully burned, but is still in the ring. of those not living in this immediate 750— W. H. L. Daniels, Hubbard..301 777— O. E. Green, Aurora............ 439 Local exemption boards have been 58— J. W. McKay, Donald..........302 part of the county. 33— Otis A. Nelson, Aurora...„...440 instructed to apply exemption regula FARMHOUSE DESTROYED 19— Felix Isaacson, Aurora.......304 Names of the registered men of 32.— Phil H. Miller, Aurora........441 tions strictly in cases of exemption 4— P. M. Blaschke, Aurora.....306 Clackamas county, living near Au BY FIRE SUNDAY NOON HOW TO CAN CORN 63— G. Pantenburg, Aurora..... 443 claims on account of dependents. It is rora, have not been obtained, though 206— N. Troudt, Hubbard..... .309 758— Arlo Gray, Donald..............445 probable that the government will ap- this newspaper requested a list from 228— G. V. Miller, Hubbard.... ...310 64— A. Sehiewe, A urora............ 450 peaf to district boards all discharges or Can as soon after the corn is gath the county clerk of Clackamas coun 747— R. R. Case, Hubbard..........322 224— M. A. G. Howett, Hubbard..452 The house, woodshed and milkhouse exemptions granted on the ground of ered as possible. Remove husks and ty— one of the members of the ex 17— Guy N. Hickok, A urora......331 762— Jip Lee, A urora.................. 4 54 on the Trevette farm (the old Stephen dependency. The county attorney may emption board. No Marion county 237—-G. M. Wallace, Hubbard..... 335 41— Fred J. White, Aurora..4 59 be called upon to make the appeals in silk. Blanch by placing in boiling son place) was completely destroyed by men were called up for examination 202— D. F. Sdhenky Hubbard........342 48— C. M. Dunham, Aurora........460 behalf of . the government. The dis water for five minutes. Remove and fire about Sunday noon while the ten on the first call, but the second call j 769— B. O. Bayley, Aurora.......... 353 38— Zeno Schwab, Aurora..........461 trict board will be much more severe dip quickly into and out of cold wat er. Cut the corn from the cob and ants, the McNamee family were at din 776— Will G. Gooding, Aurora ....354 742— Ramey Aven, Hubbard.........462 includes Marion county men. in it& rulings_than the local boards. It 783— L . E. Swan, Champoeg........ 4 ; 744— Earl D. Carver, Donald........361 743— F. C. Berhorst, Hubbard....467 will be their policy to allow exemption pack directly into hot jars or cans ner. Only a little furniture was saved. 365 745— Harold Case, Hubbard........483 claims on the grounds of dependency to within one fourth inch of the top. The fire caught on the roof which was 755— Charles Fowler, Donald...... 17 | 240— P. Whitney, Hubbard 775— P. E. Gibbins, Butteville.... 21 j 778— J. Kister, Aurora.......=........ 384 217— L. S. Crawford, Hubbard....493 only when a charge on the community Pour in enough boiling water to fill all ablaze when first seen by Mrs. the container. Add one level teaspoon 1— L. A. Askin, Aurora...........-385 242— O. K. Yoder, Hubbard........496 43— E. M. Zimmerman, Aurora....30 if the man is taken into military ser lOAlbert Ehlen, Aurora^.. ........ 36 | 187— Earl H. Kocher, Hubbard—.386 232— H. F. Pardey, Hubbard,......498 vice. If a wife can support herself or full of salt to each quart. Put rub Stephenson a near neighbor. The build 52— J. W. Geelan, Aurora..........387 198— E. C. Palmer, Hubbard........501 has relatives who are able tdi support ber rings and caps of jars into po ings were insured in the Farmer’s Fire 797— H. L. Hunt, Broadacres........ 40 36— E. I. Pierce, A urora............391 195— C. S. Moomaw, Hubbard ....506 here, the district board will not ex sition, but do not tighten the wire Relief Association for $600, but there 18— R. C. Higginbotham, Aurora 43 clamps. Seal tin cans completely. 46— C. H. Coleman, Champoeg.... 51 766— T. H. Shook, Donald ....'......408 1061..J. W. Evans, Hubbard........ 507 empt her husband. was no insurance on the household It appears that j 223— W. B. Hatcher, Hubbard......53 j 205— J. B. Stauffer, Hubbard......411 44— C. B. Baker, Hubbard..514 exemption rules are tightening up in a | Place containers on a false bottom goods. The McNamees lost practically of wooden slats or wire mesh in a everything except the clothes they 772— W. C. Campbell? Aurora........58 j 241— -F. Wolfer, Hubbard............419 226— E. Kohle, Hubbard...............515 startling way.. vessel of water deep enough to covev were wearing. With the assistance of 40— R. Stewart, Aurora..............420 757— Lorin G. Giesy, A urora........64 7— Elmer W. Deetz. Aurora....516 the containers completely. Keep the kind neighbors they have been fitted 194— L. A. Miller, Hubbard............70 | 236— C. F. Thayer, Hubbard........424 216— T. J* Christen, Hubbard......519 15— Binger H. Giesy, Hubbard— 78 23 4— M. G. Berry, Hubbard........42 5 out with clothes and necessities. 26— F. W. Krieger, Hubbard ....522 L. J. Ghapin and Mr. Goe, represent water boiling for three hours. 29— E. F. Lathrop, Aurora...— 429 239— C. W. Will, Hubbard..........526 ing the Wittenberg-King company of Remove the jars, tighten covers, 218— W. E. Dreher, Hubbard...*—.86 Whether the house will be rebuilt, m were here Saturday, looking for invert jars to test se 55——A- Knapp, Aurora......... ....53 3 y^jyiffiltnÉliiiiTl VilF1^ - fl.R Miss Trevet- ^ W s n o m e is in rortianctT The Mc appfe contracts for their big evapora m urait, as "jars mi 42— Roy L. White, Aurora:.......539 Tins may be placed in cold water Namees were renting the place. * J 21— Hugo P. Keil, Aurora..........544 ting plant, They will pay $8 per ton 238— L. A. Will, Hubbard............ 547 f. o. b. Aurora in car lots for “ cull” 804— G. S. McGonegoe, Woodburn.... apples. “ C” grades are below the ................. .556 standard grade, and will bring $15 per 230— F. Newton, Hubbard........ 557 ton f. o. b. Salem. Apple growers can THE RELIABLE MERCHANTDiSE STORE combine to make up a«carload, and thus 65— H. B. Schultz, Aurora..560 Established 18S8 751— C. H. DeWitt, Hubbard......563 ¡save the culls that are usually wasted. 62— P. H. Norvell, A urora..573 j . ____________ 207— E. E. Watkins, Hubbard— 574 New and up-to-date line of jewelry just arrived. 67— R. B. Sykes, Aurora— ....... 57 5 SILVERTON PYTHIANS Try my Italian Style Heinz Spaghetti with Imported We are also prepared to have your watch repairing 59— E. Miller, Aurora.....„.=.591 VISIT AURORA LODGE! CL ease, cooked ready to serve. Also the celebrated done promptly and skillfully. 764— S. A. Moore, Donald........... 595 14— W. C. Fry, Hubbard............ 615 Heinz Pickles of the “57 Varieties”. 782— Wm. Sohn, Aurora..............619 About forty Pythians Knights from 180— G. S. Andrews, Hubbard ....621 Silverton and Hubbard visited Hermes Fresh lot of Sweet’s Candies just in. 746— C. C. Case, Hubbard.........630 l Successful Grocers have learned that housewives | Lodge of this city Friday evening to 763— A. D. Marris, Hubbard........645 ! establish closer fraternal relation are as particular about the methods of baking 189— F. LaC?hapelle, Hubbard ....655 among the members of the order in this 768— S. E. Baker, Aurora............678 bread as they are of its textures and flour I part of the valley. An interesting so- 756— G. G. Garrison, Donald........686 j cial session followed the regular order 13— A. G. Fry, Hubbard............ 726 i of business, many new acquaintance 20— F. M. Keil, Aurora...............727 AURORA, OREGON ships being formed in true Pythian 190— H| E. Lankins, Hubbard ....748 spirit. Refreshments were served and is made clean, sold clean, delivered clean. 37— John Pugh, Aurora....„..."r„..7-53 ' a general good time prevailed. Agency for this celebrated bread. Baked by Log 50— B. Q. Gearin, A urora..........772 231— H. Newton, Hubbard..........776 Cabin Baking Co. of Portland, Oregon. 34- —Wm. H. Nibler, A urora..778 “ COOK BY WIRE” 761— G. Kunkle, Donald...............779 THE NEW IDEA FASHION SHEETS FOR SEPTEMBER AND 27— L. C. Krieger, Hubbard..... 790 AUTUMN QUARTERLY ARE NOW ON FILE. 24— Charles Kerr, Aurora..........801 The electric range demonstration at 779— 0. W. Lindquist, Aurora ....803 the Will-Snyder store was witnessed by 558-—R. C. Kocher, Woodburn....804 | a large number of Aurora ladies. The 219— C. E. Favor, Hubbard........812 I demonstration was pleasing in itself, 45— R. A. Barney, Aurora....815 ¡but Mrs. Robinson’s efficient and skill- 186— A. G. Kauffman, Hubbard „818 I ful manner o f conducting it added to 12-—J. A. Fosmark, Aurora........834 ! its attractiveness. 748— C. I. Colenbaugh, Donald..836 j The economy, cleanliness, and con- 9— L. E. Eberman, Aurora......840 jvenience of the ranges and other elec 16— W. A. Giesy, Aurora...:.... ...843 tric apparatus shown attract the at- 184— G. F. Carels, Hubbard........853 jtention of housewives everywhere, T O BECOME MORE FAM ILIAR W IT H O U R 60— A. N. Murphy, Aurora........858 j “ Cook by wire” may become a house- GROCERY AN D PROVISION DEPART Of all sorts—including many articles of tinware, 759— G. H. Hartman, Donald......860 ! hold slogan ere many moons in Aurora, 208— Guy G. Weaver, Hubbard..861 MENTS. W e use the best judgment pos graniteware,and aluminum ware are included in our j It was shown that the electric range 771— Wm. Bents, Aurora............ 863 j ovens cook meats at a greater saving sible when securing our supplies, and at all stock of kitchen equipment. We cannot spare the 204— Elmer Stauffer, Hubbard....876 I of food values than any other method. times ask you to bring any goods back that space to enumerate even a small part of the inter 57— W. E. Long, Donald......,.....880 | A six-pound roast “ cooked by wire” 197— C. F. Palmer, Hubbard......883 you find not to be what they should. Our esting kitchen supplies that every housewife needs, weighs 1J pounds more when “ done” , 767— D. C. Walker, Donald..........886 j than when cooked by gas or in a coal prices are as low as good quality will permit. wants and demands. 22— Otto K. Keil, Aurora....916 | or wood range. ORDER OF CALL El A. H. GIESY JEW ELRY È AURORA DRUG STORE “ Hokum Bread” We Want Y O U t Kitchen Utensils OUR ALUMINUM WARE Offerings, however, must be mentioned. It is‘ so attractive, so convenient, so durable, and so cheap that every woman should investigate at once. Our Aluminum ware prices are lower today than present wholesale prices. We bought before the big advan ces, and will give our customers the benefit as long as our present stock last. WILL-SNYDER CO. THE STORE OF MERIT I P A Y CASH Beginning M O N D A Y ,A U G U ST 20,1 will pay cash for W e sell three grades of hard wheat flour. Fine and coarse salt and all kinds of feed. CREAM, EGGS and POULTRY AT THE J. M. ERICKSON NEW WAREHOUSE AURORA, OREGON SADLER I KRAU S ------------------ THE BEST FOR TH E PRICE------------------