Aurora Observer AURORA Published Every Thursday $1.25 a Year AURORA, MARION COUNTY, OREGON, JUNE, 21 1917. VOL. VII. OUR DUTY TO HELP CITY MARKS ECHOES FROM RED CROSS FUND BAD TURNS W AR CENSUS LARG E C R O W D H E A R A PPE A L S John W. Todd, superintendent of the Salem schools, delivered a stirring ad dress Tuesday night to a large crowd at an open air meeting on the lawn back of the bank, in furtherance of the Red Breathes there the man with soul so dead ' Cross campaign. Henry L. Bents presided, and after a Who never to himself hath said, clear explanation of the object of the This is my own, my native lan d ! meeting and the great Red Cross cam paign now in progress, called upon Guy Whose heart hath ne’er within him N. Hickok who made an excellent talk burned, upon the war and the necessity for pro viding Red Cross funds. As home his footsteps he hath turned Mr. Todd’s address was a clear ex From wandering on a foreign strand? position of the reasons that impelled America to enter the war, and a power If such there breathe, go, mark him well; ful appeal to the generosity and self- sacrifice of his audience to aid liberally For him no minstrel raptures swell; . i i providing funds for the relief work High though his titles, proud his name, of the Red Cross on the battle front, i i bade hospitals, behind the lines, and Boundless his wealth as wish can claim, in caring for the dependents of our Despite those titles, power, and pelf, soldiers. Mayor Sadler, Dr. Giesy, B. J. The wretch, concentered all in self, Grim, and Mrs. Diana Snyder, heads of Living, shall forfeit fair renown, committees, reported briefly but en thusiastically upon the progress of the And, doubly dying, shall go down campaign. The Aurora Band, assisted by Dr. A. To the vile dust from whence he sprung, F. deLefpinasse and others of Hubbard U n w cp \ unhomred, and uisung. furnished a number of patriotic and other selections which were highly ap preciated by the audience, a rousing vote of thanks being tendered both the Band and Mr. Todd, speaker of the evening. The matter of good conservation being brought up, Mr. Bents and Mr. Todd both spoke briefly upon the neces sity of eliminating waste, and speeding for the next term: up production. P. C.—Clara C. Will, M. E. C,—Til- lie E. Fry, E. S.—Nora Blosser, E.J.— BE READY! Flora Dimick, M.of T.—Hattie Nelson, j PYTHIAN SISTERS ELECTION M. of R. and C.—Tilhe Webert, M. of committee of your friends F.—Miriam Miller, P. of T.—Lizzie and A neighbors visit you this The Aurora Pythian Sister’s lodge Smucker, G.of O .l.—Katherine Hurst, week for your will share of the $1000 recently elected the following officers Trustee—Clara J. Snyder. this district MUST raise for the Red Cross. It is the duty of every true American to meet the El: demands of the Red Cross, and contribute as liberally as his in come will allow, even at a great personal sacrifice. This money THE RELIABLE MERCHANTDISE STORE will be used to care for men whose sacrifice may be life itself. < Established _ 1898 Are you not READY and EAGER ] to sacrifice a few paltry dollars? < Your friends believe you are. < i WALTER SCOTT A. H. G I E S Y I h ave enjoyed good results the past w eek from my sale, so far as dis position o f goods are concerned at a discount, and w ill offer this w eek and to July 1st, m any articles at still a greater reduction, to clear the lines for other goods. Only on e w eek le ft to take advantage o f these L O W PRICES. . ; 0 i WILL.-SIMYDER CO. THE STORE OF MERIT j Owners spoiot; In Other District* affot lo evaJo THE WORKING COMMITTEES. Union Campaign Committee—H. L. The Budget as prepared by the board Colvin W. J. Flick, W. L. of director was adopted without White, chairman, Joe Resch, J. H, Eisele. change. White School Campaign Both Mr. Anderson and Mr. Snyder headed by B. J. Grim and M. Committee, D. Leabo, have made active and conscientious] assisted by A. W. Smith,and Mrs. Wm, officials and deserve the appreciation Hunsaker. of the patrpns of the district. Aurora Rally Committee — W. H. 0 O u r Men*« S u its —Oregon W o o l—including e x tra p a ir o f p a n ts a t $ 17.00 p e r suit a re h ard to b eat. B e su re to let us “show you” before you buy. T h ese suits a re very attractiv e offer ing, both in q u a lity a n d price. Preliminary to the organization of local Red Cross campaign funds, Henr^ Louis Webert, census marshal, has The city council took steps to lessen the chances for automobile accidents at L. Bents, Dr. B. F. Giesy and Guy N. J received instructions from the clerk of two dangerous turns in the city street Hickok were called to Salem Thursday the Marion county war census board to when Monday night it directed the to attend a county meeting to outline notify Sheriff Needham of all violations placing of two concrete movable block the work for the big drive next week | of the war census law, in this district, Marion county will raise $50,- j a careful survey of the Aurora pre- with signs “Keep to the Right," at by which of which Salem assumes $35,000 j cinct makes it certain that every per- the Aurora State Bank coi ner and at 000, the Sadler & Kraus corner, a “Go and the country outside of Salem | gon 0f military age registered. Since the last published report, one more has Siow-Danger” sign at the H. L. Bents $15,000. corner. Most of the counci Imen ex Thursday night at a meeting here I registered by card. This was Lynn Henry L. Bents was chosen chairman | Evefette Eberman, whose registration pressed themselves as favoring the ar of executive committee, with card was forwarded from Alliance, rest of every motorist or 'other driven Guy the N. local and Mrs. Di&na Snyder, Ohio. This makes the total for this vichicle violating this traffic regulation members. Hickok Mrs. Snyder was made precinct 42, five having been absent The council also authorized the com chairman of the “census committee,” and registered by card. pletion of the graveling on Second and Mr. Hickok of the “campaign” street and Fifth street, and the mayor committee. The census committee im wa3 authorized to proceed with plans mediately prepared a list of every head for street oiling. GO EAST ON VISIT a family and of others in the Aurora The city recorder’s report showed of who ought to contribute to the $2000 available for all city purposes Section Red Cross funds. These lists aim to be Mrs. John Lettenmaier and little and that about one half of the $1500 as complete as possible, and to include daughter Alice left Wednesday morning provided for street work has been used every possible contributor. With Mr. Hickok as chairman, the on a two-months trip to St. Paul, Min- campaign committee consisted of a neeota, to visit Mr. Lettenmaier's rela BIG BASKET PICNIC AT captain or leader for each of the fol tives and to Valley City, North Dakata to visit her father and sister. Valley LADD HILL JULY 4TH lowing communities: Butteville—John City was her former home. Miss Mab Murray, with Napoleon Davis as alter el Van Vleet left with her to visit rela nate and assistant. Fargo—G. K. Ladd Hill people will observe Inde Fargo, with Fred Bents as alternate tives in Michigan. She will be absent pendence' Day, Wednesday, July 4, and assistant. The Grim neighborhood about three months. They left over 1917, at Ladd Hill Grove, with an old' —Byron J. Grim, with M. D. Leabo as the Oregon Electric from Donald. and assistant. Aurora—J. time basket picnic. There will te alternate W. Sadler, with Dr. B. F. Giesy, G. A. speaking, music and athletic sports Ehlen and Nora Blosser as assistants. Mrs. Helen Anderson Eberman ar Napoleon Davis of Butteville will de A. H. Will was chosen bookkeeper to rived Tuesday from Alliance, Ohio, to liver the address of the day, along the keep the campaign accounts in the visit her parents in Portland and rela patriotic lines that is especially reve- proper form. tives and friends at Butteville and lant this year. Stress was laid upon necessity for Aurora. Everyone is urged to bring well-filled energetic action, as the actual cam lunch baskets, and enjoy the day. paign lasts only from Tuesday to Sat can possibly do so to contribute liberal There will be a 100-yard free-for-all urday of this week—five days of actual ly to this fund for the benefit of the dash, fat man’s race, ladies’ race, sack campaigryng. It is assumed that the men who are wounded or sick m the race and various other athletic sports. Aurora section should contribute at service of the nation. They pointed The speaking will take place in the least $1000 to this great $100,000,000 J out that every man not called into his forenoon, the sports in the afternoon, fund, and the executive committee im-| country’s service at the front should be with band music all day long. In the pressed upon all workers the necessity willing to make heavy personal financial evening there will be a big dance at and the urgency of the /for strenuous sacrifices for the sake of the men on the ,Ladd Hill Club Hall,. across the action, H. L.. Bents, Dr. Giesy, Mayor j the battle front, and that no citizen Wvtiaittette frt*5n B utteville. Sadler and of t h e it&os t o |‘can J hia do*ur d u t y to- which the funds are put and declared aid in some manner in this great strug- that it is the duty of every man who gle for the liberty of mankind. Among those actively engaged this week in the Red Cross Campaign here are the following: Executive Committee—H. L. Bents, Guy N. Hickok /find Diana Snyder. Campaign Committee—J. W. Sadler, chairman; Dr. B. F. Giesy, G. A. Ehlen, Mrs. J. W. Sadler, Mrs. N. C. Wescott, t Mrs. Nora Blosser, Mrs. O. G. Mor ris, N. C. Wescott, J. M. Will, Geo. Louis Webert, Mrs. Henry SCHOOL OFFICERS CHOSEN L. Wurster, Bents and P. H. Miller. Butteville and Fargo Campaign Committee—John chairman; At the annuul school election Mon- W. R. Scheurer, E. Murray, A. M. Cone, Mrs. I day Dr. B. F. Giesy was elected direct A. D. Gergen, Geo. Fargo, Mrs. Fred or to succeed Fred Anderson who de Fargo, D. W. Sanders, J. J. Ryan, Fred clined a re-election, and Mrs. N. C, Bents and Peter Mathiot. Wescott was chosen clerk to succeed Donald Campaign Committee—J. P. Feller, chairman; C. A. Adams, O. O. T. M. Snyder who also declined to Freeman. serve again. Clearance SALE SATISFACTORY A n d A ll-O ver-A prons in th e latest designs an d p a tte rn s, h a v e ju st arriv ed , a t $1 .0 0 to $1.50. T hese deserv e th e atten tio n o f every lady w ho ap p reciates som ething n eat, serviceable, an d a ttra c tiv e in house dresses. NO. 15 Ehlen, chairman; Ivan Dimick, and N. C. Wescott. At Butteville, A. B. Dentel was re elected directors, and Mrs. A. B. Den tel clerk. The proposal to establish a ORGANIZATION.COMPLETED. district high school was decisively de-' The meeting of ail the Red Cross J feated by a vote 38 to 12. Committees Sunday at the Pioneer Ho I At the White school all three mem tel was attended by representatives of bers of the^board were chosen, with W . Butteville, ' Donald, Fargo,* White C. Grimm, chairman, and A. J. Smith School Union, and Aurora, as well as and Perry Morgan-, members, and Mrs. by Postmaster Kenneth Grimm of Hub Jennie Earl, clerk. x bard, who took up the work of organ At Champoeg,Gus Vaughn was named izing that city for the campaign inde as director, and Henry Zorn as clerk. pendently. At Donald, J. P. Feller was re-elect It was voted to take as few as pos: ed director and Mrs. Freda Moore, sible the pay-in-installment contri clerk. Mr. Feller has served for years butions, of on account of the necessity on the Donald board. for a permanent local organization to At Meridian,Matt Bonn was re-elect collect such contributions. ed director and Charles Watts,-clerk, present at the Sunday meet I and the budget was adopted jast as ing Those were B. J. Grim, M. D. Leabo, John prepared by the board. Murray, C. A. Adams, H. L. Calvin, At Marks Prairie, George Rueck was Geo. O. O. Freeman, G. N elected director and J. H. Kraus re Hickok, Wurster, H. L. Bents, Mrs. H. L. Bents, chosen as clerk. At Needy, L. P. Spagle was elected A. J. Smith, E. A. M. Cone, Mrs. N. C. to succeed Mr. Lofgren who declined Wescott, Miss Wakeman, Mrs. Nora j to run again,and Solon Kinzer was per- Blosser, Mrs. O. G. Morris, N. C. Wes j&uaded to accept the clerkship again. cott, Mrs. J. W. Sadler, J. P. Feller, J. At Union, W. L. White was re-elect W. Saddler, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Fargo. ed director and W. J. Flick was again Cards were distributed to the various committee chairmen, one card for made clerk of the district. each person of contributing age in the entire district to be covered. These You are cordially invited to attend cards showed the name, residence, the dance at the Aurora Band Hall, business, and number in the family, Saturday evening, June 23,1917. Danc together with an estimate of the ing begins at nine. Tickets 75 cents. aapuct to be sought. F ree Ice C ream C one W ith E very T w o-B it P u rch ase REST YOUR ACHING FEET BY USING “EASEM” AURORA DRUG STORE AURORA, OREGON SMART and NIFTY In our dress goods departmentyou will find the season’s smartest and most nifty patterns in wash goods, also novelty patterns in wool, silk and worsted, and silks. Our display of white goods is very extensive, showing wide range of materials and prices. Which is the best brand of hoisery for you to buy? We answer, Burlington. Which is the best line of guaze under wear to buy? We answer, Athena. Where's the safest place to trade? SADLER i KRAUS ----------THE BEST FOR THE PRICE------------ 1