B RAILROAD TIME CARD SOUTHEN PACIFIC The other day while Felix Isaac-1 i son was standing with one foot on j I the curb and the other on the run-1 | ning board of his Ford, a small | boy yelled, “Hey, Felix, where i s ! | your other roller skate?” W ants, For Sale, Etc TO OUR PATRONS. FOR SALE Bargain, if taken soon— harness j store and repair shop; gasoline fil­ No. 10, 7.38 a. m. Among those transacting business; ling station, oils in connection; No. 28, 10:24 a. m. (on flag.) here the past week were, W. C. j good Main street location; Pacific j No. 18, 2:33 p. m. Kenyon of Butteville, Napoleon | highway; doing good business. Ad-j No. 14, 8:49 p. m. (on flag.) ¡Davis (Clericus Secundus) of Butte-! dress P. H. Miler, Aurora. South Bound j ville, Rev. Lucas of Macksburg and j No. 17, 2:37 a. m. [John Pugh, Jr. of Fargo. f No. 15, 9:44 a .m . (on flag.) PIGS WANTED— Eight small pigs,i After January 1, 1917, the, price ! good stock. H. C. Ehlen, Aurora,! No. 19, 3:14 p. m. | of the Portland Telegram alone will Oregon. 41-2t p.f No. 27, 5:31 p. m. (on flag.) | be $5.00 per year._ Telephone us No. 9, 7 :28 p. m. ¡your order and get the Daily Tel-j legram and the Observer both one: If you want some first grade nur­ MARKET REPORT year for -$4.-25. Only three days sery stock shoap, call at the Observ-i more at this price. er office for particulars. Eggs, per dozen, 41>; Mr. and Mrs. Lester McCleave of: Butter, 2-lb. roll, 60c Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar j Butter Fat, 42c Shaver of Molalla, were the guests j W e P ay 45 cents F or B uiteri < a T— Fat Hens, 13, 14c ! for Christmas at the home of their j Canby Co-Operative Cheese & Produce j Broilers, 15c [parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Leabo.j Company, Canby, Oregon. j Mrs. Van Cleave, who is not i£ j Ducks, 10 and 12c good health will remain with h er; Turkeys, old, 18c R elinquishment F or S ale —160 j parents for a few days. 3eese 8c acres. Address Aurora Observer Office, Beans 5c to 6c Mrs. Sarah S. Wallace, 67 years, I Aurora, Ore., for particulars. (39-4t.)} Cascara, 5c has been granted a divorce from j Lard, 15c J. T. Wallace, after nearly 5 0 1 Wheat, $1.25 years of married life. Mrs. Wallace The Aurora Observer and the Port j Oats, 37Jc charged him with cruelty an infi­ land Telegram, both one year for | Onions lb. 2c delity. Wallace is well known as i $4.25. Send the Observer your or-j a fanner and race horse m at. Mrs. j der. Wqol, 28c Wallace was given her decreee and j Potatoes, $1.35 $4000 in property settlement. For Sale— Four year old colt, I Among those shopping here for Apply to H. W. Watkins on j Christmas were, Mr. and Mrs. M.l $65. D. Leabo, Mr, and Mrs. John Shep­ the Joseph Miller place, Aurora, 39-4t; herd, Mr, and Mrs. V. Van Vleet, Oregon. A. B. Còle of Canby, was a vis­ Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Geisy, Miss Al- lie Bisang, Mr. and Mrs. R. O. itor here Monday. F or S ale —New Stevens, double bar-i Jack, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. F. Wil­ Mr. and Mrs Pearl Lundy spent son, Geo. White and Sidney Gra­ rel shot gun, 12 guage. Cost $27.50; Will sell for $18.50. Inquire at the Christmas* at Vancouver. ham. North Bound We take this opportu Thanking you for the many favors shown us in the past which we assure you are appreciated to the very full­ est extent. : : Wishing you a prosperous and a Happy New Year, t M am, Very truly yours, ------------------------------ j ®mmt Wap tra Hardware G. A. EHLEN Implement Observer Office. John Weninger was in thè city Dr. Goulet, county commission­ Saturday from Macksbufg. er, was in the city from Woodburn Thursday. It is said that Dr. Gou­ For Sale— Launch, 22 feet, with Mrs. A. D. Yergen was a recent let has up his political lightning rod 8 to 10 horse power engine; salt visitor from East Butteville. for the county judgeship. It is I water fittings. Price $55.00. Ad­ Guy N. Hickok was registered intimated that he will be a candi- j dress W. R. Marsh, Aurora, Ore­ date for the republican nomination | gon. 41-4tp at the Hotel Portland Thursday. for that office a year from next j Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Favor and spring, though this report cannot j baby spent Christmas in Portland. be confirmed. ' % F a rm L o a n s on first class The Wide Awake No Experimenting The Aurora Observer and the James Miller, son of George Mil­ 'farms, H. E. Morton, Salem, Ore. Weekly Oregonian, both one year ler of this city, has completed his for $2.OD. » law studies at Stamford University, MONEY TO LOAN—I have made passing successfully al final exami­ C. J. Hondrick and S. P. Hon- nations, which admits him to prac­ arrangements for loaning eastern drick were in the city last week tice in all California courts and the! money, and will make very low rate of fyom Needy. on highly improved farm s.— Your vision— the most important United States district court, and the j interest Homer H. Smith, room 5, McCormick thing on earth fore precious thau United States Circuit Court of Ap- ! Carl Becke is home for the building, Salem, Oregon. Phone 96. all the wealth of the world is your Christmas holidays, from the Uni­ peals. It also confers upon him the | eyesight. Any optical service but degree of juris doctor. versity of Oregon. The Observer, Rural Spirit, Poul­ the best obtainable would be a The petition of C. M. Critenden W. L. Preston returned to Aurora try Life all three one year, and the mighty poor buy for you. this week after several months’ for letters of administration in the At the most reasonable prices 1 matter of the estate of Andrew Portland Telegram 3 months, for absence in the east. Milton Berry shows real estate and $2.50. Send your order to the Ob­ place at your command an exper­ A. H. Geisy has been sick this personal property of the value of ience covering 34 years of eye ex­ week and confined to his room at $1000. The heirs are Walter H. server, Aurora, Oregon. q a: amination and fitting glasses— not the home of his sisters. Berry of Hubbard; Nellie A. Haw­ only experience but years «if scien­ kins of Ackerland, Kans., Samuel Maary— For success and hapipness tific study of the subject and every Miss Barrett, who has been vis­ A- Berry of Mabton, Wash.; James iting her cousin, Miss Louine Kerr, C. Berry of Butler, Mo., and Bessie many thousand memebers, both sexes, modern aid for proper fitting. My examinations are thorough, wishing early marriage, hundreds has returned to Seaside. Wallace of Hubbard. wealthy, confidential descriptions and enable me to determine the ex­ Dr. and Mrs. Starke of Albany, free, established ten years. The Re­ act condition of your eyes— my were' Christmas day visitors at the FINAL NOTICE. liable Club, Mrs. Wrubel, 732 Madi­ methods are scientific and accu­ home of Mrs. Triphene Will. rate.— In the County Court of the State son, Oakland, Calif , . 11-9 to 1-12 My interest does not cease with Julius Zimmerman and two sons of Oregon, for Marion County. were here Christmas frpm, Albany the delivery, but continues for all In the matter of the estate of NURSERY STOCK to visit Mr. and Mrs. C. Z. Zim­ Katherine Schuele, deceased. time. Patrons are welcome to drop merman. Choice lot of Italian prune trees, in at any time for adjustments and Notice is hereby given that the of the also Vrooman Franquette walnuts examination. If you break your Among those in the city to spend undersigned, as executor grafted on black walnut roots, and Christmas with relatives were, Mr. above named estate, has filed his all kinds of other nursery stock. glasses I can replace the lenses final account in the above entitled while you wait, except compounds and Mrs. D. S. Miler, Mr. and Mrs. court, and that Monday the 22d Buy direct ifrom the nursery and and Kryptoks. B. H. Will, Mrs. Claud Reed. Brooks day of January, 1917, at the hour save agents' commissions. I am a graduate of Heidelberg 42tf The Rev. F .th?” Lucas of Macks­ of 1:00 o’clock in the afternoon of Nursery, Lafayette, Oregon. College, Germany, in medicine and burg, was here Thursday enroute said day, in the said Court, bras I surgery, but I do not practice med­ to Salem to bring home one of been appointed by'the said Court as! Southern Pacific icine, as I am a specialist in opto­ August Blaske’s sons for Christ­ the time and place for hearing ofj Found— On objections thereto and the settle­ train on Thanksgiving day, a pair metry and devote my entire atten­ mas. of spectacles in case marked “Rr. tion to the correct fitting of glas­ ment thereof. Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Tyler Dated and first published the 21 Hauz Spectacle Co., St. Louis, Mo.” ses. - Left in seat by lady who left the and son, Paul, and Mrs. Louisa day of December, 1916. I guarantee satisfaction in every train at Aurora. Owner may have respect. I use no drugs or drops Forstner of Salem, were Visitors GEORGE A, SCHUELE, same by applying to agent at Au­ here Christmas day at the home Executor. in making examinations as they are rora, and paying for this ad. of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Catlin. OLSEN & KELLEY, Attorneys, dangerous. Portland, Oregon. The Pythian Sisters remembered many with Christmas baskets and “Hard buyers,” men and women Christmas cheer this week. Where- Rooms 209-210-211 U. S. Bk. Bldg. ever there is good to be done, there who buy jyith their heads as well as their pocketbooks, will be quick to this order is found to be active. Notary Public SALEM, OREGON. take advantage of our four-magazine v Among those taking recent ex­ bargain offer. See advertisement on Fire Insurance amination for teachers’ certificates page four. at Salem were the following: Es- AURORA OREGON tella P. Grettie of Donald; Lew W. Grimm of Shaw.; and E. A. McKey flo w to Control Cockroach P est I Attomey-at-Law | of Hubbard. Practice in all Courts DR. de LESPINASSE The cockroach, one of the worst £ WOODBURN OREGON f J. D. Lofgren of Needy, ' has pests of the housewife, can be success­ DENTIST »4044444444444444444444444 been delivering potatoes at the W. fully controlled. Here is the remedy H. Bair warehouse at Canby, being given by George A. Dean, professor of Phone United 6319 a part of the 1000 or more sacks entomology in the Kansas State Agri­ Truliinger Bldg which he raised this year on an cultural college, and used not only in H ubbard , O regon homes, but in many big flour mills in STONE & MOULTON 8-acre field. Kansas. Attomeys-at-Law Get a large pan or a deep jar, the For the third- time the Aurora Office Phones: Pacific 405; Home A270 Wells Fargo express office was deeper the better, and place a foul, 4-5-6 STEVENS BUILDING broken into Sunday night and sev­ damp dish rag in it. Set up sticks or ON IMPROVED FARMS AND CITY eral packages of California Sun­ laths on an easy slant from the floor Oregon City, Oregon PROPERTY A T LOWEST RATES shine taken therefrom without to the pan or jar, so that there will be no difficulty for the roaches to get leaving the customary “affies” at * o£ to the edge of the jar. The roaches THOS. K. FORD 5 cents per. Hence Wells Fargo are will run up these laths or sticks and cut fifteen or twenty dollars, Geo. be attracted to the damp dish rag with­ Miller out 30 cents, and the six in the jar, for they congregate in such consignees out of luck. And it was places, ♦ _ < \ W. H. ASQUITH theis first order! Barrels and Tubs. |[ t OAINTER and Place this trap in the pantry or % kitchen or wherever the roaches are I J If you need any fir Tubs for Meat | . Sheriff Esch has served the writ found and leave It overnight, as the l f APER HANGER of habeas corpus granted by Judge roaches hide and are quiet during the I 4 or Kraut, or any Oak Barrels, from | ‘ Aurora, Oregon Galloway on petition of Ina An­ day and make their odious raids at £ 10 to 5 0 gallons, for W ine or Cider, « j > derson, mother oif Cecil Anderson, night. The first thing in the morning V ° '° F. G. PETER 115 ]71 who is alleged by his mother to be pour boiling water over the rag to kill wrongfully and unlawfully restrain­ the roaches hiding in it, for they will ed from his liberty by his grand­ surely be there if they are in the parents, William and Nancy Ander­ house. 1 J. HAMPTON WING $ son, who live near - Aurora. The 2 V IO L IN IS T $ writ cites them to appear in the cir­ A T iny Invention. and Teacher of Violin and Piano & cuit court on December 29, 1916, A German scientist has invented a Attorneys at Law ^ T hone main 2240 ? and show cause why the child tiny electric oven, to be placed on the 314-315 Tilford Building $ should not be delivered to his moth­ platform of a microscope to heat or United States National Bank Building PORTLAND, OREGON. er, who has come from Hill City, dry objects that are to be examined. Salem, Oregon Kansas, to get it. Hardware Store j Buy Harness | B u y It F r o m Now j Us W e Make Them You may think you can get along without that uew set of harness this winter, and possibly you can-BUT WILL IT PAY YOU? The time lost in repairing and tinkering and cussing on old and broken and unreliable harness will just about pay for a new one. And time is money these days. * v Then broken harness often causes runaways, and they often result fatal­ ly to the driver or the animals. No, unreliable harness does'NOT pay . Buy a new set NOW, and buy-it from US, where- it is BEST and CHEAPEST. ^ Send us your Harness and Shoe Repairing by Parcel Post—We pay one way. | N. BECKER& SON | WOODBURN, OREGON | LOUIS W EBERT DRM. P. Mendelsohn M oney to Loan Carson & Brown Get The Most F op Your Money I E. P. M ORCOM I Send your subscription to our paper at once, and we will give you' a year subscription to these splendid magazines for only 25 cents additional. The extra quarter brings you $1.35 worth of standard magazines. I I - This offer is open to old and new subscribers. If you are already a sub scriber to any of these magazines, your subscription will be extended one year from date of expiration, This offer also includes a FREE dress pattern. When you receive your first copy of Today’s, select any dress pattern you desire, send your order to Today's Magazine, giving them the size and number of the pattern and they will send it to you free of charge. Never before has any newspaper been able to offer magazines of such high character *at this price. W e are proud of this offer and v?e urge you to take advantage of it at once. . $ i .5 0 Send Your Order Before You Forge!!! §- The Magazines Will Stop Promptly When Time Is Up FARM ? » ¡L « 5 ^ I LOANS NO COMMISSION Eastern Life Insurance money can be bor­ rowed of us on first class farms 6 per cent without commission. Write to us direct and and save money. Give full details in your, first letter. We refer to any Bank in Portland. DEVEREAUX 2 S 5 S r 607 Concord Bldg. PORTLAND, ORE. Take advantage of our Clubing Offer