E RAILROAD TIME CARD SOUTHERN PACIFIC North Bound No. No. No. No. 30, 7.38 a. 28, 10:24 a. 18, 2:33 p. 14, 8:49 p. No. No. No. No. No. 17, 2:37 a. m. 15, 9:44 a. m. (on flag.) 19, 3:14 p. m. m. m. (on flag.) m. m. (on flag.) South Bound 27, 5:31 p. m. (on flag.) 9, 7:28 p. m. MARKET REPORT Eggs, per dozen, 36>: Butter, 2-lb. roll, 55c Butter Fat, 36c Fat Hens, 13, 14c Broilers, 15c Ducks, 10 and 12c Turkeys, old, 18c jeese 8c Beans 5c to 6c Cascara, 4c Lard, 15c Wheat, $1.10 Oat*, 37|c Onions lb. ljc Wool, 28c Potatoes, 90c J. P. Feller, president of the Farm Speaking of the Aurora schools, [ers’ Fire Relief Association, was in J. V. Fike, supervisor of the north this city from Donald Monday on end of Marion county, says, “ I found business. an able and efficient corps of teach ers, and much interest on the pan Mrs. A. E. Feller, Mrs. Wm. Bit- of the pupils. I am writing your i tick, Mrs. Wm. Ryan and Mrs. Cros Board in regard to a few things nec by of Donald were calling on friends essary before I* can standardize your here Thursday. school. Aurora should have a Par- Dr, John Fuller, chiropractic, has i ent-Teacher Association.” I removed from Canby to Ranier, Sunday a number of Odd Fellows where he will go into partnership and Rebekahs drove out to the Chris with his brother. Kocher home to pay Mr. Kocher a The handiest, neatest, most econ- fraternal visit. The afternoon proved omical little things on earth— o u r !an enjoyable one to Mr. and Mrs. gummed labels for business men in ! Kocher and their guests. Those who went out were Mr. and Mrs. G. A. all lines.— Observer Office. | Ehlen, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Cole; Mr. A large ear of corn surrounded at j and Mrs. Chas. Beck; Mr. &nd Mrs. the base by four “ young ones” is a Henry Beck; Mr. and iMrs. A. B. corn curio from thg Muecke Ranch, Dentel; Mr. and Mrs. Chris Zimmer left at the Observer office. man; Mrs. Wm. Carpenter; Mrs. Adams; Mrs. Ed Graves; Mrs. P. H. Chris Scheuble, Oregon City attor ney, threatens to test the game com Tucker; Mrs. C. B. Brewer and Mrs. mission’s order shortening the open Henrietta Will. HUNTERS We carry the following Brands of Loaded Shells: WINCHESTER W ESTER N SELBY season for China pheasants. U. M. C. Mr. and Mrs.- U. S. Armstrong SUNDAY SERMON were visitors in Aurora Friday. Next Sunday at 11 a. m. divine Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Boesche were services at the Presbyterian church, business visitofs here Friday. j The pastor was highly pleased with the fine appreciative audience last Among the hop growers here re Sunday evening. The singing was cently on business were Chris Lorenz very good. The pastor from the be- G. C. Carothers, Geo. Oglesby, Ed j ginning had faith in the fine lot of Graves and John Nordhausen. Aurora people that they would value Dolly Simkins, who underwent an a regular English service every Sun operation for adenoids and the re day when once installed. No com moval of her tonsils, has recovered munity in this great land of ours can afford to be without it. Putting it sufficiently to enter school again. Aurora Post Office— Diana Snyder, on its lowest basis it is an economic Postmaster; W. H. Ehlen, assistant' Mrs. George Harvey left Tuesday | proposition, and placing it on its Emery Howe, carrier Route 1; Zeno for a visit with hér. daughter at Stel-; morai an(j spiritual point of view Schwab, carrier Route 2; -Jas. Foley, la, Washington. Her daughter may [ q 0( i alone can measure the results carrier Route 3; J. R. Marsh, car accompany her as far as Portland. to the present and on-coming gener rier Route 4; Percy Ottoway, Car ation. Let us be wise and stand to The Wide Awake ard waij Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sadler and ate®»«! rier Route 5. Office hours, 7 a. m. gether with the pastor in this the to 7 p. m. Sunday’s, 9 to 10 a. m. family and Mr. and Mrs. N. C. West- greatest of our American institu Mails close for the south at 9:20 cott and family motored Sunday af tions. Though not legally connectée a. m., 4:30 p. m., 8:00 p. m. North ternoon to Wilsonville, Sherwood with our Government, it is the mosi at 12:00 m., 2:15 p. m. and 8:00 and Newberg. vital thing to the people of America p. m. Why not take in the October Ball to-day. It has the panacea for all at the Aurora Band Hall Saturday human and national ills. Had Christ O. O. Shaw made a trip to Canly evening, October 21? Music by the the right of way in the heart of ev Band Orchestra. Dancing at nine. ery man, woman and child, we woul* * D r Wednesday. Tickets, 75 cents. have heaven on earth, no wars, no Mrs. Walter Grim was among the strikes, no labor troubles, peace and The infant child of August Rotten ladies shopping hère Friday. plenty and joy indescribable. How bsrg of Macksburg died last Friday | as well as ONIONS and WÈË Mr. and Mrs. Felix Isaacdon motored and was buried -gunday at the Bear- can any one’s mind be so benighted as to be indifferent to God’s Holy I ONION SETS are bought J to Portland Wednesday evening. creek Cemetery, %sv. Lucas conducting | church, and His Divine Son, Jesus the funeral services. Mrs. Geo. Askin, Sr., and daughter ♦ by us, in any quantljj Christ.— L. S. MOCHEL. were here from Needy, Tuesday. Canby has organized a local 1 at our warehouses-; Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Miller drove to Hughes Alliance. Mrs. M. J. Lee was | | Aurora, Canby - Netarts Bay last week on business. elected president; Wm. Bridge, vice- president; H. H. Eccles, .secretary; I Hubbard. H. W. Peter and wife were among and H.. A. W. Graham, treasurer. LOCAL AD RATE. the Macksburg people here recently; y u n ic iits , o e s ig r r c tti Oysters Stews, Oyster Cockails, A uniform aad invaria Mrs.-Av* 3Y-Powers was in Portland Chili Con Carne*, Sandwiches and Coffee o f '5 pents per.lineTs'lnâde for a í'áappg the latter part of the week visiting will be served at Mrs. Scheurer’s Con vertising notices of every description W HOLESAÏ fectionery store Saturday night, the in the news columns of this news friends. evening of the October Band Dance. paper. This rate applies to for sale, Main Office Helena Morris has been quite ill for rent, lost, found, card of thanks, Mr. and Mrs. Rueck of Macksburg, Portland, OregotH the past few days from a gathering Wm. Steinbach of Union District, Mr. “ want ads,” and to all kinds of sim- in the ear. and Mrs. D. B. Yoder of the Needy Iilar notices as well as to all notices of Aurora, Representive$¡ Among those who went to Oregon neighborhood, and Harry Schultz of [entertainments, fairs, socials, shows, City yesterday were Mrs. O. G. Morris Champoeg were ^ the city Saturday, j e^c‘ reductions or discounts. H. H. HURST. ♦ and Mrs. Art Artus. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Zimmerman! ‘ ~ Special services at the Lutheran spent a couple of days at the Albany F or S ale —Farm wagon, John L. church were attended by a large con Round-Up last week, guests of their Snyder, Aurora, Oregon. gregation Sunday. son Julius Zimmerman. More than Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peter were in. 15,9P0 people attended the Round- J. HAMPTON WING F or S ale — A lot of good used Cedar VIOLINIST the city from the Lone Elder neigh Up. Hop Posts, 12 and 14 ft. lengths. Phone and Teacher of Violin and Piano borhood last week. M. H. Herbaugh, of Needy, recent or call Fred Anderson, Aurora. 31-2tP. P hone main 2240 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Albee were ly indicted by the Clackamas county H 314-315 Tilford Building here Friday from their home at Mer grand jury, pleaded not guilty last PORTLAND, OREGON. F or S ale — 150,000 New Oregon Im week in Judge Campbell’s court, idian. proved strawberry plants. Price de and his trial has been set for Nov livered, $3.50 per 1000. Phone 551-20 Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Dugan and Mrs ember 14. Needy Mutual. J. J. Taylor, Route 2, Wood were shopipng in the city All dental work cd 10-1 to 12-1. The Federal Grand Jury concludes Box 25, Aurora, Oregon. Saturday. its work this week at Portland, ana ----- ;_______________________ _________ moderat^ Chas. Gelbrich and Wm. Gebert its members are home again. Those T n . . , ... ... .... . , LOST— Breastpin-, set with white were Clackamas county farmers here „ from - this section were John Murray ■ T , . , . . . ■> , _ „ , , ", stones. Lost somewhere between the Saturday. PLATE WORK A SI worn of Butteville and A. D. Gnbble of T , . . .. . ., •_ „ , . Jos. Erbsland residence and the Luth Beaver Building, Oregon City % Macksburg. . ™ , Mrs. Wm. Prahl and her mother j eran Parsonage. Please return to Mishler & Gribble BuildiiS P h ones—Pacific 1221. Home A 198 were among those shopping in Auro John Duggan, who claims the sum I Lydia Bruss, Aurora,-Oregon. ra Saturday. Phone, Main 20 Aui of $180 due hinj for work with his team and wagon in and about the N. E. Cole was among those who “ Hard buyers,” men and women sawmill of J. E. Southerland, has be attended the Albany Round-Up Sat gun suit in the circuit court to col who buy with their heads as well as urday from Aurora. lect the same.— Salem Journal. their pocketbooks, will be quick to Attorney-at-]Law i Mr. and Mrs. B. R. W olfer and take advantage of our four-magazine A letter from Mrs. Lynn Eberman I Practice in ali Courts I Mrs. John Shepherd were' in Aurora bargain offer. See advertisement on to Mrs. O. Pv Higginbotham states OREGON WOODBURN Monday from W olfer Prairie. P. H. MILLER, Proprietor that Mr. and Mrs. Eberman are nice page four. Prof. Anderson states that the ly settled in their new home at Al school social planned for Hallowe’en liance, Ohio, where Mr. Eberman has General Harness Findings MARRY— For sure success try an has been postponed to a later date. a good position on the railroad. Harness Oiled by old responsible club, established nine I Half Sweeny Collars Barrels and Tubs. | H. L. Mills, A. R. Eisner, Ira Miss Emma J. Snyder, grand chief j years, guarantee satisfaction, over t If you need any fit' Tubs for Meat 2 Dipping Process Harness Made to Order White, V. Van Vleet and'Otto Knorr of the Pythian Sisters of Oregon left 50,000 members; many wealthy; tes ▼ or Kraut, or any Oak Barrels, from * were among the recent visitors here. Monday fo r a trip to. Salem, Falls timonials and descriptions free. RE- s 10 to 50 gallons, for Wine or Cider, « Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done Everything for City, and Dallas on her first extended | LIABLE CLUB, MRS. WRUBEL, Box Mrs. Geo. Scholl and children were official visit to the various temples I - *» F. G. PETER I i th ^ Horse Phone Aurora Mutual AURORA, ORE. 8-31 to 11-5 here from Hubbard last week visit of those cities, as the head of the ol 26, Oakland, Calif. ing Mrs. Triphine Will, Mrs. Scholl's der. mother. MONEY TO LOAN—I have made W. S. Hurst was at Barlow last We would rather be known as! A marriage license was issued at week loading a couple of cars of po- | arrangements for loaning eastern | money, and will make very low rate of “ particular” printers than as cheap Salem Tuesday to Valry DeGrace or tatoes. He has already shipped more i interest on highly improved farms.— Grande Ronde and Amanda Knapp . ._ . , T ,, Homer H. Smith, room 5, McCormick printers. We have noticed that th£J than 40 cars from various Valley ! building, Salem, Oregon. Phone 96. of Aurora. I so-called “ cheap” printers never get points this season. The Hurst ware very far, and their customers do not house at this station is now open In Fred Scheurer, of Butteville, is Two Days In One. I seem to get very far either. No bus- credited with the idea of Calling out charge of H. H. Hurst. Chatham island, lying off the coast j inetss has ever reached and held the the militia to patrol the border at G. A. Lanse, of Pasco, Washington of New Zealand, In the south Pacific position of permanent success by the that place. has purchased the big caterpillar en ocean, is péeuliarly situated, as it is j use of cheap printing. The printing FOR SALE— One horse Studehak- gine and all attachments, from the one of the few habitable points of the [ of an eminently successful business er wagon, with patent Servant huhs, Fargo Orchards company, and John globe wbere the day of the week is distinguished by its high quality, changes. - It is just on the line of the and iron axles. Phone 2705, Huh-|W. Sehwabauer loaded it on the car demarcation between dates. There at j however, and the inference is so plain bard. Mrs. Peter Zimmering, Route- at Fargo Monday for shipment, and 12 noon on Sunday Sunday ceases and ! that every one who reads may easily then went to Portland Wednesday to Instantly Monday meridian begins, apply the inference to his own busi- 2, Hubbard, Oregon. join Mr. Lane. | They will motor to Sunday comes into a man’s house on j ness. Mrs. F. B. Sackett and son, Vernor the Lane ranch where Mr. Schwa- the east side and becomes Monday by |__________ _______________________ __ Sackett were here Sunday from Sheri bauer will unload the caterpillar, the time it passes out of the western Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Grim left Thurs dan to visit Leland Sackett, assis place it in working' order, and give door. A man sits down to his noonday day for Toledo, Oregon, to visit their tant at the Southern Pacific Station Mr. Lane a week’s instruction in op- dinner on Sunday, and it is Monday neon before he finishes it.—London daughter, Mrs. A. F. Will, for a week here. They returned home Monday. ! erating tt. Licenses (Ümmt (Ea p its Hardware G. A . EHLEÌ [ potatoes ! Wants, For Sale, Etc D R; DR. L. G. ICE I DENTIST ! I { E. P. M ORCOM } Aurora Harness Sn! Bologna Lunch Loaf W ienerwurst Pork Sausage Corned Beef Pure Lard Home Products ICE W U RSTER BROS. Globe. . ..V .f . p? ten days, ^ -g ,J »«M