AURORA Published Every Thursday $1.25 a Year AURORA, MARION COUNTY, OREGON, AUGUST 24, 1916. VOL. VI. NO. 24. A N D R E W W IEGAND DEAD j M ARK W EATHERFORD HERE I PIONEER PHYSICIAN DEAD j PRCES OF STAPLE DRUGS. G. W . STEPHENSON PASSES LETTER FROM POPEJOYS. Andrew Wiegand died Tuesday j Mark Weatherford, democratic Dr. Martin Giesy died at his home The increase in the price of famil- j Geo. W . Stephenson, well known j A letter from Mr. and Mrs. F. D. morning at 2 o’clock at the St. Vin- candidate for congressman, Prof, in this city Monday afternoon aboutjiar drugs since 1914 is shown in th e'farm er of the Butteville section died Popejoy gives some interesting in- cents Hospital, Portland, following an White of Albany college, and Mr. I half past six. He was nearly 83-j table below. These are merely ex- l yesterday at Portland and will be formation concerning their home city operation for kidney troubled The Ecker, editor of the Independence | years of age. The funeral was held j amples of many similar increases. ! buried today at Butteville. He is of Oroville, Califrnia. It says in body was brought to Aurora the same Monitor, were in Aurora Tuesday, yesterday afternoon at 2 o’clock from j These figures are verified by W . H. ! survived by his widow Mrs. Allie .part: day and taken out to his home south Mr. Weatherford is a friend of Edgar j the Giesy residence. Interment took : Nibler, of the Aurora Drug Store. [Stephenson ,and a daughter Mrs. “ Oroville was the scene of an early east of Aurora. The funeral services ■ T. Pierce, assistant cashier of the ! place at the Aurora cemetery, J. P. I 1914 1916 ¡Deborah Scheurer, both of Butteville ¡gold stampede when men’s only were held by Rev. Troyer yesterday Aurora State Bank, and Mr. Pierce j Cole conducting the services. Dr. | Carbolic acid, lb—-• —. $ .10 >1.00 Mr. Stephenson has lived many years thoughts were of tearing up the soil at 2 p. in. at the residence, and was introducing him to a number of ¡Giesy is survived by his widow Mrs. ¡Denatured alcohol, gal..... —.30 •61 I in Butteville. He was over 60 years to seek the alluring gold underneath. burial took place at the Rock Creek ¡Aurora business men. | ¡Martha Giesy, a daughter, Mrs. Ida j Creosote, beechwood, lb..... -6 9 6-50 of age. He was the only son of A. ¡It is a miracle that .the town still cemetery, with services there, by the j Weatherford is a well known Al- Moshberger, and two sons Dr. B. F. i Dalicytic acid, lb— ...........35 4-0b j j . Stephenson, who died last year. I stands on its original foundations, as Odd Fellows. bany attorney of acknowledge ability, > Giesy of this city and Grover Giesy ’ Antipyrine, oz.... ................... 10 2.25 : large mining companies have made 1.05 Mr. Wiegand was about 72 years and if elected will ably represent the^ who was on the Mexican border with ¡Acetanilid, lb............................. 20 j many inviting offers to buy the whole CANNED PUBLICITY 3.75 old. He is survived by four daugh- i people of this congressional district, ¡the Third Oregon Infantry-when h is! Bismuth, lb........ —. .... — 1.81 | city, and even to move it free of C. D. Babcock, director cf public father died. The funeral was one of j Calomel, lb............. . .............. 62 2.50 ters, Mrs. Amy James, of Scotts Mills, ! He anticipates an active campaign, I charge to a new location across the ity for the Republican State Commit the largest ever seen in this city,j Chlorform, lb—. ....:.............. ..24 .75 ' Mrs. Viola Tyler of Salem, Mrs. Lulu j and believes he can win. j Feather river, but all were refused. tee, appears to be flooding the coun practically the whole town and coun- j Mercury, lb.............. 51 1.85 j Now we know that the enterprising Catlin of the Dalles, and Miss Cordia try papers with “ canned” political tryside attending to pay its last I Salol, lb....... . 70 8.00 I ! city, as it is and as it will be, is of Wiegand of Aurora; and one son Phil news and campaign dope upon all honors to one of its most prominent ¡Castor oil, gal................. 85 1.86 ' Wiegand, of Aurora. The only other j M. O. CATALOGS COME far greater value to humanity than sorts of subjects, including the “ Hu .95 all the gold hidden beneath it could relatives here are J. F. Ohlert, Mr. j Eight sacks of mail order cata- | pioneers. At the grave the solemn anciT^u^n^ne’ 02..................................... 1® man Side of Hughes” , the “ Peevish 5.50 possibly be. Wiegand being his great uncle. He logues came in the mail to this post i impressive Masonic burial ritual was Cod liver oil, gal....................... 90 ness of the Oregon Journal,’ "Hindu .08 has brothers and sisters living in 1 office a few days ago. The mail or- ! read, the officers of Champoeg Lodge Epsom salts, lb........................... 02 “ Thoughts have now turned to Labor in Canada,” heavy editorials 7.65 Michigan. der company send these catalogues I conducting the cerempny. ¡Mehtylene, blue, lb.........1.15 i other vocations than delving fhto the from the Oregon City Enterprise, in 1.2 P Mr. Wiegand was born in Germany by freight to Salem, from which place Dr. Martin Giesy was born near j Saccharin, oz...................... . j depth of the earth for the shining terview with Nicholas Murray Butler but came to America as a boy. He they are mailed to all patrons within [Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, more than ¡Bicarbonate Potash, lb — ..... 6$ fa 2.30 I yellow metal. First and foremost almost predict!no the election of W i - has lived in Michigan, California and ! 150 miles of Salem. Regarding the I 82 years ago. With his parents he! A few weeks ago, antipyrene was i are olive and orange growing. Our -on, “ disquis'tions” upon the ances moved to Bethel, Missouri, in 1845, [selling at $16 an ounce, the Aurora citrus fruits are the earliest and best Oregon. He came to the latter state Salem Capital Journal says: try and lineage of Sam Jacirson and abou<t'T880. He has been a member I “ A check for $1896.45 was receiv-fand -crossed the plains in 1855, to j Drug Store having sold its surplus in California, bringing the highest Woodrow Wilson, omitting all men of the Aurora Lodge, I. O. O. F. for ed a few days ago by Postmaster Willapa, Washington. In 1858, he stock at that price not long since to prices. Consequently great olive tion of Wm Howard Taft, Teddy Mercury, a number of years, and has numerous Huckestein, in payment of postage on ' moved to Portland where he clerked a wholesale drug house. i plants and orange packing houses Roosevelt and W . J. Bryan, and Os friends here to mourn his death. I have sprung up like magic. Oroville j catalogues from an eastern mail or- j in a store a few months, coming to now selling at $1.85 per lb., has been wald West. j der house, to be mailed locally and | Aurora in the fall of the same year, selling at $6.2 5 per pound. j now has three immense plants, hand Doubtless much of this stuiT wil! into the second and third zones. I Here he quickly become one of the ling enormous quantitief '»f olives be acceptable to the country press, THE M ARKET BASKET “ The shipment of 2700 catalogues chief men of the Aurora Oolong and and employing many peoyie. MACKSBURG but the Observer pleads guilty to a The following is a list of the offer- to be sent within 150 miles of Salem, for several years was buyer and sel- “ W e live near what is known as Although the fresh and spring-like lack of appreciation of “ embalmed” the “ West End Swimming Hole,” and ings of fruits, vegetables and other | is shipped by freight in two cars, and ler of the goods handled and produc- condltion 0f vegetation in our vicin- jC0DV of this kind from early morn till dark, the town products found in the Aurora stores: the $1896.45 worth of postage the j ed by the Colony. Meanwhile, h e j}tv ||gg get ag}de au apprehension o f! * takes its turn diving into the cool Home grown 50c house paid, was for the shipment by studied medicine under Dr. Wm. drouth we were ready to welcome a I It is reported that T. A. Livesley & waters of the Feather river. This' Appjes, Astrachans, etc ........ box 75c mail from Salem under a special per- j Keil, and began to practice about refresiiing shower on Thursday Aug Company contracted recently for the year the summer season has been Green corn, .......................... doz. 15c mit whereby the catalogues are dls-1 I860, becoming one of the best 17th., and happy to have two days delivery to them of several thousand ideal— fine and cool, except a few Cucumbers, —...... I . ; .................. doz. 2 5c tributed and mailed from the freight j physicians of the valley, with a exemption from dust. Fears were— Home grown tomatoes .............. lb. 5c depot. practice extending over hundreds of -t of course— entertained for the uncut pounds of hops a t 9 % cents. very warm days. Cabbage ........ lb. 2c “ And this isn’t all. The same square miles in Clackamas and grain, lest the ripened heads of wheat “ Do not think because we are Oro A Matter of Birthdays. Blackberries ......................1.... lb. 2 % c house makes this large a shipment I Marion counties. Some of his first ville boosters that we have foresaken J and oats should grow heavy enough Teacher— Why were you not at ! Oregon— not much— Oregon still Green beans, .................. lb. 5c annually and in between times sends I patients were the Federal soldiers ! with water to fall. Damage to the Plums 2c out a few hundred more. The mail camped at Barlow in 1861. Dr. Giesy stacks of cut grain was also feared, school yesterday ? holds a very warm place In our Willie— It was my birthday. P otatoes...................................... lb. I V 2 C order house sending these catalogues practiced medicine about 35 years hearts.” but happily the rain though refresh- Teacher— But I don’t 6tay home'j Cantaloupes............................ 2 for 15c | will not send a second unless there until trouble with his eyes ’ forced ! ing the grass and flowers, as well as from school on my'birthday. ! “ Onions ............................................. lb. 2c | has been enough business to justify him to abandon his surgical work, infusing new life into the vegetable I Willie— Well, l ’ guess you’ve got DR. FULLER HERE DAILY Summer squash, ....................... each 5c the expense of printing and mailing and a little later his entire practice. gardens, did no harm to the grain. | used to ’em.— Philadelphia Record. , „ „ , - . . Dairy butter, ............................ lJo. 2 5c the catalogue, all of which indicates He was a good business man as well _______ || e ! Dr. John Fuller is now in Aurora Three days of sunshine and wind put- u u v Creamery butter ........................ lb. 38 that this one house is receiving busi- as a good physician. About 1870 he ting all in fine shape for the harvest, j All the same-tbeie Is no evidence of j each day from 3 p. m. to 6 p. m. at the Fresh eggs, ............................... doz. 26c ¡ness from 2700 families within a dis- established the Aurora Drug Store Oats are turning out well, though we | prosperity to be deduced from the pres- j residence of Miss Margaret Fry, where Dry bean s...... ..................... lb., 7c to 8c j tance of 150 miles from Salem. The which he conducted until a few must wait for the thresher to tell us j ent demand for sleeping^ porches. j he has secured an office and room for Lard, ............................................. lb...J7c citv and rural routes from Salem re- months ago. o th e T?-*^r*bcr i i 1 -— ■-— —— — * ¡the treatment of his patients here. lo the. aerfe; ‘ September 8, 187*0. Dr. GTbSy r’aaitedi meats>..___......... 10 ., T 7 t<i ¿be ce^ve’ fiiore' tiiaii 1000 of these eaf<f- H& guarantees scientific treatment Wheat— experienced farmers say— ! It must be some satisfaction to con- I united in marriage to Miss Martha is in fine condition. Sugar, ................... per 100 lbs., $7.75 logues. gress to have no temptation to hunt of all diseases, without the use of drugs. Miller, who survives him. Seven Bananas, ..................................... doz 25c D r . J ohn F uller , Specialist. Potatoes are promising an except- | for trouble. children were born to them, only Lemons, ...................................... doz. 2 5c ionally fine yield, both quantity and I Oranges ...................................... doz. 40c I The Warm Spring Indians are three of whom are living. Dr. Giesy quality being far better than here- j again on their way south to the big himself had nine brothers and four tofore. ' hop yards of Independence, where sisters all of whom are dead. are prepared to fur- Exceptional too, is the fact that j Little Folks magazine and House- they go annually to pick the festive He was a Mason, a member of the price is correspondingly good,! wife, both 1 year $1.10. Observer hop. nish all kinds of rough lum Champoeg Lodge. In politics, Dr. and not in inverse ^proportion as so j Giesy was a staunch and lifelong often hitherto. ber, delivered or at the democrat, being at one time many Winter apples are abundant and of i years ago almost the only democrat fine appearance. mill, all sizes and lengths, in the Aurora precinct. Only a few • This is the off year for early ap- j j of the pioneers that come across the at very reasonable prices. pies, in many of th \ orchards, but' plains with him in 1855 are still this will only make us appreciate No lumber »old or delivered Saturdays living among them are Fred Keil, other fall fruits the more. Plums Harvey Lumber Co., August Keil, Charles Snyder, and are plenty and of splendid size and Aurora, Oregon Emanuel Keil, son of the founder of sweetness and as they have the prop- j the Aurora Colony. In his work as erty of acquiring richness .by beina j a pioneer, physician, Dr. Giesy did a dried, many barrels of these will f i u ^ j great work in the development of their way into the drying house anc» I this part of the valley. thence to market, which, to a large proportion of them, will mean the j older world. A BIT OF CHARITY. Blackberry vines are loaded with ! Marion county being again too poor to pay for such a notice in the coun fruit of the best quality. In all the rush of purveying for the try papers of the county, the Observer W. H. NIBLER, Proprietor is glad to give, free of charge, pub threshers fitting the children for the licity to the meeting of the board ot hop fields and later for school, the AURORA, OREGON equalization at the county court ranchwomen do not altogether, neg- | house on Monday, September 11th, lect their social duties. The Mother’s Club met on the ! I 1916, at 10 a. m. to publicly examine afternoon of Thursday, Aug. 17th at j the assessment rolls and correct all the home of Mrs. John Heinz. Ail j errors in valuation, description or. j quality of land, lots or other prop were busy throughout to afternoon. erty, and continue in session until The visitors were: Mrs. Henry Brush, I Mrs. Henry Walsh, Mrs. Collins, Mrs. j such work is completed. A charming All parties interested are notified | P°tratz, Mrs. Keesling | to appear and examine their assess-1 luncheon was served. Mrs. Heinz ments for the year 1916, and if not j and Mrs. Keesling entered their satisfied with the same, file appliea- names as new members and the club * WE Rough Lumber Colgate’s Goods AT THE AURORA DRUG STORE Hops! Hops! Hop Picking Hop Pickers Supplies WE carry supplies of every descriptor! for the hop pickers camp, including hop-pick ers gloyes, tapes, hats, aprons etc. No store can supply better groceries, can ned meats, lard, camp and cooking utensils at reasonable prices. You can secure CO M P LETE O U T F IT S at this store W E B U Y E V E R G R E E N B L A C K B E R R IE S CRATES FURNISHED WILL-SNYDER CO. THE STORE OF MERIT I tion in writing, properly verified, for j adjourned to meet August 31st at i a reduction or alteration of the sam e! home of its president Mrs. John | during the first week of such meet- Hepler. [ ing; as no complaints can be receiveu j Smith has been absent for I thereafter. lover a week on his summer outing The board of equalization consists I ^ut *s expected home in a few days, of County Judge Bushey, county! Mrs. Simon Miller is enjoying a clerk U. G. Boyer, and County As- j visit from her sister Mrs- Schanbeck. Mr. Drier is in Newport and is ex sessor B. F. West. pected home soon. GETTING PLENTY OF BOOZE. Western Hope, Rebekah lodge, No. Clackamas county imported ap-1 135* of Aurora, was visited by the proximately $10,000 worth of liquor j foilowing lodges at their last m e e t- j the first seven months under the dry:I i Q S> Saturday, August 19. Those ! law. The amount seems to be in- from Canby were Mrs. Koeher, Mrs, creasing rapidly. For instance, 57 Knight; Mrs. Kirk, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. shipments of whiskey were received | Hurst, and Mrs. Dimick, formerly of j in this county in January; 199 in | °^ Canby, now of Aurora. Those' Miss Ida Stauffer, February; 399 in March; 48 5 in from Hubbard: April; 577 in May; 579 in June; and | Mrs. Beck, Sr., Mrs. Beck Jr., Mrs. j 730 in July. The month-by-month j Zeek> Mrs- Melvin; from Scotts Mills: record of beer shipments follows: I Mr. an<^ Mrs. J. H. Daily and Mrs. January, 2; February, 13; March 42; ¡J°n es; from Needy: Miss Cordia April, 74; May, 102; June. 200; and j Wiegand. After lodge was dismissed T . cv __+ » ,1 I all were invited to the dining room j and were served with ice cream, cake liquors show the same preportion of j an(j water melon, which all seemed j increase. j to enjoy.. . For the hop growers we have all the necessary supplies that are commonly used. The best lamp and lantern oils, tallow candles, lanterns, latern globes, brooms, hop thermometers, chains, sulphur pans, and a big and complete stock o f pure food groceries, meats and lard. For the packers we have hop hats, gloves, tape, aprons, any and everything used in cam p ing, and the best o f the good things to eat. ~ See our remnant counters and special shoe table for great bargains. WE BUY EVERGREEN BERRIES. SADLER I KRAUS -THE BEST FO R T H E PRICE