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About Aurora observer. (Aurora, Marion County, Or.) 19??-1940 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1916)
% Aurora Published Every Thursday VOL. VI. Observer AURORA AURORA, MARION $1.25 a Year NO. 2). OREGON, JULY £7. 1916. FARGO NEWS j Fargo visitor Tuesday. A SERMOXETTE I MACKSBURG | JUNE ROAD EXPENSES The Presbyterian church will hajfe With glad hearts the ranchers i. The following are the road ex Mr. Glen Garrison and W?n. Sween- | Mr. Henry L. Tautfest was a Salem a regular pastor. One service every found their hay, which had been ly- penditures in the districts of Clacka I ey Ip Donald were visitors here dur- j visitor during the week, becoming an Sunday.'^The man o’* woma* that ing out in a three day’s rain, praeti- W as county named below: ing the week. American citizen he having taken out neglects the house of God makes cally uninjured. When spread out | DISTRICT NO. 23— W- W. Irvin, Summer pruning and trimming be- his fJnal papers today. an irreparable mistake. The spiritu- ; in a bright sunshine and a drying 43§1.50; R. W. Zimmerman, $42.25; gan at the Fargo Orchards this Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eberman who al element in man is the only true wind, a slight discoloration was "C. F J Ziegler $12.00; V. Beig $10.00 week. have been residing at Seaside for the Mr. Fred Bents is busy tettering basis in the social faric of society on found to be the only damage it had summer have returned to the ranch W. I- Bauer, $30.25; A: Anderson, his hay and getting it under cover. which to build a true and lasting sustained, and once more, the. lu and will make their home here. $3.50; R. C. Veteto, $3.00 E. Hus- Hop trellesing is going on at a pr sperity, whether economic, moral gubrious prediction of hay-famine, tus, $3.00; C. Veteto, $2 •■'); W. D. Donald visitors during the week or spiritual.. A true church with a starving cattle and consequent all Fish, $18.00; G Potwin, $15.50; R. lively rate at all the yards in this were Ralph Rader, G. K. Fargo, Mrs. vicinity. true consecrated pastor i«- the great round calamity has fallen to the D. Zimmerman, $6.50; F. Norton, est asset in any community. This is ground. Let us not, however, be too Henry Tautfest purchased a load F. B. Fargo, Glen Richardson.^ $41.25; A. Anderson, $35.07; H. H. Mr. John Kister was a Woodburn worth while the working out of the hard on the pessimist. Like all Deetz, $92.65; A. Pratt, $28.50; A. of young pigs during the week. j Mr. John Schwabauer was very ! visitor during the week, home, the commercial club, business other created beings be has his use Genska, $83.09; -C p . Ziegler, $32.- interests, or any other organization in this world. More than one, prob successful this year with his crop or G. K. Fargo was a Salem visitor .15; J. B. King, $9.10; V. Berg, M I.- honey, having taken a larger number during the week, that stands for growth, development ably, but of this we are -certain. JT: G. Plantz, $19.30; F. Bacbert, and progress. Every economist mor- The mind, even of the most thought $30.3 0; E. M. Zimmerman, $44.30; of pounds from, four hives. It was £ ^ Sanders and family enjoyed alist, humanitarian and .tatesmari less is sure to be influenced by bod R. D. Zimmerman. $34 CO; F. Kerr, disposed of to D. W. F'mders for 10 a pi©asant trip up the Columbia will endorse and support tnat state ing of coming ill. When such a and 1.2 % cents per pound. | River highway Sunday. $16.38; G. C. Mills, $12.30. Mrs. J. P. Clark of Newberg ar ment. Let us think it through. calamity as famine is laid before him. Mr. Thos. J. Binder of the Mutual L. S. MOCHEL, Pastor. he will put out all the force within k DISTRICT NO. 24— D. R Hostett- rived during the week to visit with Benefit Life Ins., association of Port to avert it, and what can be more ier, $52.75; L. P. Spagle, $31.25; L. her family. lan d was a visitor during the week. strengthening than is the calling out j A. Askin, $18.00, F. J. Spagle, $2 00 Mr. Priar and family took an out RUNAWAY GIRLS CAUGHT Albin Frederickson, $9.00; August ing at Macksburg spending the day Mrs. Dy Foou and Mrs. Sun On were of all one’s latent power? visitors with Mrs. F. B. Fargo dur Two girls from the Boys’ and Girls’ Many a deed of prowess would Stuwe, $20.00; J. J. Kramer^ $3 0.00; with their daughter. HONOR ALASKA GUESTS ing the week. I Aid Society Home at Portland were in -; prediction ¡¡¡g |g§||| to desperdte Lucius Simpkins, $2.00; H. H. Deetz, Mrs. O. P. Higginbotham, Mrs. Joe Jigger and family of the Dy S-Thompson of Needy gave tercepted Monday at Wilsonville by effort the sluggish energies of a $33.90: S. J. Kauffman, $37.95; L; Vandeluer and Mr. Fr^nk Miller were j Foon ranch spent part of last week P. Spagle, $14.66; Enos Yoder, $16.- a delightful d.nner party at her home, j Deputy Sheriff W. C. Murray. They I lover o£ ease. Let us be pal1?eJlt passengers thru here Sunday. at Hopmere. onormg rs. . . i more an am -: were Minnie Shields of Silverton and L be pessimist, whose distorted vision ■10; O. B. Hartzler, $7.60; C. E. Hil Mr. Wm. Richardson was a Port lly of Nome, Alaska, and Seattle, \ Martha Heifig of Eugene. They were and „ loomy views only in jure h ni ton, $11.25; C. D. Hartzler, $4.80; C. C. Knutson, $6.40; O. W. Town land visitor during the week. Wash., Wednesday July 19, 1916 The U their way to Eugene, along the U , , whUe hiB waraings often do AUCTION Miss Myrtle Prink and her brother tables were tastefully arranged, the Oregon Electric. They had been with-j untold good send, $12.00; F. A. Emmert. $30.00; Among the things offered for sale decorations being sweet peas and honey- out food 24 hours when detained. They S J. J. Kauffman, $2.40; G. W. Sehua- of Portland who have beer spending The crops owing to warmth and at the Auction Saturday, July 29, at the week with their cousin’s Gladys suckle and a beautiful collation was j slept in the woods. They have been bawer, $10.00; A. L. Headings, $4.00. served. The afternoon was pleasantly returned to the Home at East 29th and moisture, have advanced to a point and Pansy Prink returned home on ' the Aurora Livery Barn are the fol- DISTRICT NO. 25— C. Boeche, where they are, comparatively safe, , lowing: spent in reminiscenses and music. I Irvington. Monday. even in the event of prolonged $18.00; H. Drown, $6.00; Ed. Mur Among those present at the dinner ______ Misses Nellie and Carolyn Fargo j Black Horse, 4 yrs. old, wt. 1100 ray, $14.00; N. Scott, $2.00; Geo. drouth. were Mrs. W. A. Gilmore, DorothyJ were week end visitors at the ranch Blue Ribbon Walking Plow, 14-lnch. The Walsh-Hepler sawmill is busy pkîkenson, $2.00; B. Albicker, $4.00, Robert, Howard, and George Gilmore, j PYTHIAN PRE-CONVENTION NOTES ! Stump Puller, this week. of Seattle, Wash., Mrs. A. G. Thomp-j The Pythians have changed the reg- turning out material for the new d. Graves, $7.00; A. D. Gribble, made his Dozen White Leghorn Roosters, Mr. Ralph Rader has son, Marjorie and Carl Thompson o f , ¡stration place from Portland Hotel to barn Herman Liebig is planning to $34.00;. J. M. Stewart, $10.00; Carl 2 Saddles, selection of the cast for the Mac Kalb, $4.00; E. Keesling, $32.00; Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thomp - 1 the Oregon Hdfc^l, next v. e^k at the build. I Washing Machine, Ijtay Stevens, $3.00; S. O. Gribble, cabees playlet to be put oa at Don son and Miss Gladys Thompson of j convention of the supreme lodge. i 3 Buggies, Selma, the little daughter of Mr. $2.00; G. W. Smith, $3.00; H. E. ald in the near future. Those to Needy, Mr. Edwin Hilton, Miss Inez! ■ . ~ _ , Mare and Colt, 1 and Mrs. Jess Hepler fell from a Smith, $12.00; Geo, Smitn, $12.00. take part are, Mr. Hoskins, Miss Hilton and Miss Goldie Hilton of Needy, The convention trip oyer the Colum- fence last Thursday, injuring her I Wheel Barrow, , Verna Lamb, Mrs. John Miller, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Thompson, Hattie Sighwayto BonneviUe, where the DISTRICT NO. 29— Guy Hickcoek, I Several Tables, arm so badly it was necessary to Wm. Biddick, and Mr. Osborn. and Berneta Thompson. j S a I m o n ^ n n e r t a k e s Place’ wlU c o s t Bdok Rack, I Pythians and members of their families take her to a surgeon who found a £3.00; G. H. Gray, $31.50; Arlo Gray A large crowd of young people ; Roll of Chicken-wire, $2 each for auto fare, Salmon dinner dislocation of the elbow. The child $>8.00; Lewis Keil, $4.00. from Hopmere were here Saturday Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kraus were here is free. is doing nicely now, and is playing I DISTRICT NO. 57— Fred Walch, Several Iron Beds, evening to attend the semi-monthly Tuesday from Marks Prairie. about with her arm in a sling. Wooden Beds and Springs, $$.00; H .. T. Kister, $4.00; J. W. dancing party held at the home of The trip to Seaside costs $3 for the Double Wagon, The Mothers’ Club met at the home Eby, $9.00; Herman Liebig, $5.00; Mr. Pearl Lundy. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Eccles came round trip. The clam bake takes j lace 1 Single Harness, of Mrs. G. M. Baldwin, on Thursday. H. II. Gortzen, $7,00; Earl Dwor- up from Canby Tuesday afternoon to at Seaside and is free to all Pythians Miss Mabel Personae of Portland • Kitchen Cabinet, Present as visitors were, Mrs. Drier^sphak, $6.00; A. F. Eyman. $20.50; i visit Mr. and Mrs. *van Dimick. and their families. was a guest Sunday of Mr. and Mrs I Chairs and Rockers. Mrs. Henry Walsh and Mrs. W 51 Kyniston, $4.-0G, X. Brier, '$<1,00-; ’ G. K. Fargo. Aliks Lieta Bents is spending the ¡Tables and Writing Desks, A large number of Aurora Pythians Roth. Mrs. Simon Miller was elect f t . H. Kyllo, $6.00; J. Fisher, On account of the’ funeral, Rev, ¡200 Yards Burlap, week in Portland, the guest of Miss will attend the supreme lodge doings at ed vice-president of the club to take $ 6 . 00 . “ B. J. Hoadley of Portland failed to 150 Second Hand Grain Sacks. Amy Gerstel. . Portland next week. Many of the the place of Mrs. Frank Hilton wno make connections and was unable to Jersey Bull members of Una Temple, Pythian Sis has moved away. Mrs. Drier Sr., Ivan Dimick is authority for the preach at Fargo Sunday. Sunday Automobile ters of this city will go also, the Su invited the ladies to her home for Chas. Eilers of the Hollyheim Or statement that a worn out battery school services were held as usual. Horse and Buggy preme Temple holding its convention at the next meeting which will be on chards was in the city yesterday. from your telephone or auto, thrown the seme time. Ice cream social at the church W ardrobe Thursday, August 3rd. in the fire in your stove will clean Boys’ Life (the Boy Scout Mag Saturday, July 29 th. Everybody Perfection Oil Stove The school meet In Macksburg. out the flues and chimneys thorough azine), $1.00 per year. The Observ come. last week, was a decided success both And a list of a thousand other useful ly causing all the soot to disappear. Century magazine and Outlook er. Mr. Jim Kinyon of Butteville was a in attendance and in the character of articles. Observer The zinc in the batteries is what does both one year for $5.00. the exercises. Miss Frances Cooper of Independence the work. office. Saturday night and Sunday morn is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ing brought us the welcome sound of GeO. Kraus. the Lutheran church bell. A pleas FOUND—Near the Henry Pardey ure we can not have as often n,s we Farm, a motor cycle license tag, No. wish owing to the Macksourg con C F-7. Call at Observer office. Write for particulars regarding cream shippers contest. Valuable prize? gregation being only one of four free—just what the farmer wants—chance to start a herd of registered Miss Gertrude Walling was the guest parishes. Rev. Fr. Lucas has in stock without cost to you. Almost in every instance the dairyman with of Mrs. Edgar T. Pierce last week, re 'Charge one of which is in Washing registered stock has made big money. You have the same chance as any turning to her home in Salem Saturday. ton. one else. If you are already a patron don’t delay but send in your registra For Preservation of Eggs The Ford Family (a motor mag- The campers have returned from tion card. Woodburn, glad to be at home again azine.) Every Ford owner should 25c Pint, reduced to 20c though giving a glowing account of take this magazine. $1.00 per year their enjoyment during the past I Mrs. John Barkman was here from week of fine weather. Donald yesterday visiting her sisters, A. 0. INDEPENDENCE, OREGON Mrs. David Kaufman who left last Mrs. A. C. Seheurer and Mrs. A. W. week for her former home in Pen Keil. nsylvania, has with her two small Sale Bills— Get them at the Obser- children, reached her journey’s end j ver office. We print thm« in the most W. H. NIBLER, Proprietor and writes of a safe and pleasant j attractive form at the most reason trip. AURORA, OREGON able rates. SURPRISE MISS BENTS A number of the frienl« of Miss Leita Bents very pleasantly sur prised her Saturday afternoon when a score or more of them assembled at her home. Cards and refresh ments were the features of the afternoon. In behalf of the assembl ed friends, Mrs. G. A. Ehien present ed to Miss Bents a handsome piece of silver. The following ladies were present: „Mrs. Fred Yergen, Mrs. Chris Giesy, Mrs. Henry L. Bents, Mrs. George Yergen, Mrs. Fred Far go, Mrs. Geo. Ehien, Mrs. Frank Miller, Mrs. Jim Ogle, Mrs. A. W. Kraus, Mrs. N. C. Wescott, Mrs. E. G. Carpenter, Mrs. C. S. Arnold, Mrs. A. C. Seheurer, and Misses Lieta and Velma Bents, of Aurora; Mis. Bitney, Miss Aletha Bitney, Miss Hazel Bit ney of Woodburn; and Mrs. C. S. Hoskins, and Mrs. F. A. Sexsmith of j Donald. ¡SSI J j J H U R R Y UP! Silicate of Soda Independence Creamery AURORA DRUG STORE Save Your //ops Don’t neglect to spray your hops, nor to buy your whale oil soap and Black Leaf-40 from us. It pays to buy the best— the kind we always sell. Work Shirts—50c quality at a special price of____________ W ILL-SN YD E R C O . THE STORE OF MERIT 35c MANY MOTOR TRIPS John Lettenmaier was in town Wed- A lucky tishing party motored sev-lnesday. He says the loganberry sea- ¡eral miles above Molalla Sunday and ¡son is drawing to a close. His acre! brought back some fine specimens of field yielded about 4 tons of berries, mountain trout. The fishermen were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Yergen and family ( W. H. Nibler, Lee Carpenter, Ivan I were in the city Wednesday evening. Dimick, Emery Howe, and Leslie i Mr. Yergen is about to begin spraying j Grazier. They found many motor bis hops, as he will take no chances of i parties ahead of ;hem. They walked having them overrun with vermin. He j in about 5 or 6 miles, and did most bas 0ne 0f the best yards in this section i of their fishing above the mouth of I Pine Creek, iu the Molalla River. j The vermin breeding weather of the j last three or four days has caused many i Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Giesy and ^prudent growers to get ready to spray f family, and Mrs. Merton Skinner, eir hops. The lice have now mounted i their house guest, motored to WII- . to the topmost foliage, and growers hoit Sunday to spend the day. They will do well to carefully examine their may return later to camp at the yards There -g no doubt of the bene- I springs. j fit of spraying. Among those getting j Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Piper and j ready to spray are H. L. Bents, H. J. I j family have returned from a motor- Keil, Fred Yergen, Ernest Piper, C. S. i ing trip to The Dalles and Central j Arnold and J. P. Feller. I Oregon, after a week’s absence Mr. ... . _ _ . I t ,. _ ._ ,. . /. .i Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Smith were here i Piper reports the wheat crop in i . , . , — — ... , 1 j yesterday on their way to Portland, re- ¡fme condition m that section. „ ’ ! turning from a trip up the valley where Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sadler and lit- : Mr. Smith, representing the Seavey i j tie daughter Peggy, and Mr. and Mrs. j j 0p ^ bas been looking over the hop j Zeno Schwab and family motored to jyards. Mr_. Smith believes some In-! Gervais Sunday evening. j dependence yards will yield lighter than | Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fry and fami- ¡last year, though in general the pros-j ly and Mr. and Mrs. Leabo and Ralph ipects are good for a larger crop than; Leabo made automobile trips over : last in most of the hop section. Hei j the Columbia Highway Saturday. i fears the lice are a greater menace | Mr. and Mrs. Avon Jesse of Marks j th&n the growers realize, the cold wea- J i Prairie, Miss Henrietta Beck of Au- I ther causing the vermin to seek the i rora, and Clarence Eid of Canby j uPPer foliage where they are not no - 1 j motored to Wilhoit Sunday in the ^ce<^ as much as when they infest the i latter’s car. , lower leaves. ilxonev oney Si sa v in g P rices i m For Hoosier Triple Coated Gray Enamelware The quality of this ware is well and satis factorily established for its durability and economical service. Dish Pans, Water Pails and Tea Kettles priced at 45c each. Good fair sized covered Kettle with bail priced at 35c each. Sauce Pans large size, Pudding Pans large size, Bake Pans large size, priced at 25c. Right now in the canning season you will find these prices for the quality of the ware remarkably low. A sharp advance became effective some time ago for all such wares. SADLER i KRAUS ----------------THE BEST FOR THE PRICE— ------------