the fitful north breezes, which occar i sionally bring the temperature down to 50 or 60. Most of the time the I temperature stays about 70,- and for a few days before the recent rain it was between 80 and 90. Troop trains which came through Texas were queer-looking arrange­ Great Objection to More Genera.! Use o f Devices Seems to Be Their L ia b ility o f B low ing Over— ments. There were cattle cars for the horses, box cars for the artillery M aterials to be Used. and equipage and Pullman cars for the men. The three kinds were grouped in many of the trains. One The great objection to the more gen­ ferent, and it would weigh 40 pounds serious mistake of the Spanish-Amer- eral use of sheep hurdles seems to be more. ican war was repeated. The caissons their liability to blowing over. I sub­ As to manufacture, I should say, as of the artillery companies were mit illustrations of some that offer has already been suggested, that pret­ packed in one section of a train and less resistance or are better fortified ty close to where they are to be used the guns in another. Hence, when against the effects of the wind, writes would be the best place to make them, the first section arrived the contents Richard H. Mitchell in the Country as one freight on the material would might be unloaded, but couldn’t be Gentleman. be saved. Machinery does not enter moved off until the second section Fig. 1, while not strictly a movable very largely into their construction; came in. In some instances har­ hurdle, is, nevertheless, considered as so nothing could be saved in that ness was packed in the cars of one such, and is the one in most com­ way. It ought not to require any section, while the horses were in an­ mon use. I can only give measure­ great skill to saw up boards and nail other. But, on the whole, the move­ ments from memory, but should say them together, and also stretch wire ment has been successful. It is espe­ that they were 10 feet long and 5 cially notable that all of the trains feet high when set up. The figure have been handled from various parts shown is made of sawed stuff, but of the United States with great speed they are more often made of split They have received the right of way saplings; the construction, however, over everything else, and not an acci is precisely the same. Holes are made dent has occurred. with a bar, and they are set end to A little city has been built up end and pinned together at the top. h fU r/tr ç/rr or 7&Y7& around Fort Sam Houston. Saloons These, like those supported on the A (Special Correspondence.) not. The amount of dust thousands of dance halls, billiard rooms have crutch, form a perfectly straight fence, on them, if that form was desired. AN ANTONIO, Tex.—When yovi marching men and hundreds of vehi­ sprung up over night. Property has which is not so proof against the force In drawing these hurdles, I have take into consideration that cles pulled by from four to eight advanced about 1000 per cent in value of the wind as one built zig-zag or allowed the center uprights to come gray-haired men still remember mules can raise is beyond the under­ down as far as the others; in prac­ that Fort Sam Houston was not standing of those who have not tried and what would have bought the land worm fashion. In Fig. 2 I have shown two panels tice, it might be found better to make a show place, but a useful in­ to breathe in it. The dust was sim­ a few weeks ago will not now pay that are intended to be set up in this them shorter, especially if they were stitution to protect the pioneer set­ ply stifling. But Jt is settled now, rent for a year on It. to be set up on uneven ground. The The police were prepared to pre tlers from depredations of roving In­ much to the delight of the men. diagonals in Fig. 4, being on opposite vent trouble in the city, as the sol dians and organized cattle thieves, the An amusing feature of this mobiliza­ diers were inclined to have a good sides of inch uprights, will of course warlike enthusiasm of San Antonians tion is the fear it aroused in winter time. There was a tendency toward be an inch apart where they cross. I can readily be understood. The peo­ tourists. The mobilization is certainly animosity between them and Mexican should not fill this in, but draw them ple were as much aroused by the mob­ not an unmixed blessing for San An­ residents. This was particularly re­ together in nailing, as it will make the ilization of troops as they would be if tonio, because at least 2,000 tourists grettable because thousands o f the frame all the stronger. Hemlock is the United States had entered upon went home. They feared trouble of “ Mexicans" were born in this city probably the best material for making the greatest war of its history. Tex­ some vague nature and they did not and have never been across the line, these, and it would undoubtedly last ans are ready to fight the Japanese or want to be near it. They scurried them do not speak Spanish. enough longer to pay to have it dress­ the Mexicans or anything they can away from San Antonio like ducks ed. If ordered in carload lots, enough By no means an unimportant part find to fight. after the hunter had fired his first would be saved In freight to pay for When the troop trains rolled into shot. The ignorance of the average of arranging for the troops was to in­ the dressing. If the ends of the up­ San Antonio hundreds of citizens wel­ tourist is a matter of much amuse­ crease the post office facilities. Clerks rights that stand on the ground were comed the soldiers and cheered. Texas ment everywhere, but it is particular­ and inspectors were rushed from dipped in hot coal tar, they would every part of this department, the lo­ wants to fight. It doesn’t make any ly amusing in Texas because visitors probably last as long as the rest of cal office was spread out into tern ' î t ’ï i l difference who is to be fought, so long do not understand- Texas distances. the panel. porary quarters, and the mail was as some powder smoke follows all this The ride by railway from San An­ handled without delay. Fig. 6 shows an iron that I think manner. The left-hand end of panel war-like display. Beyond a doubt, if tonio to Laredo, the nearest point on would be a great help in clinching b slips in the right-hand end of panel Pontoon bridges and engineering every terrible prediction of Richmond the border, consumes an entire night, impedimenta remained on the cars a, and a section of the fence is shown the nails. A slot is cut in the end Pearson Hobson as to the intentions but the tourists, even after a residence ready for quick movement. Hundreds in Fig. 3. These panels are supposed of a flat piece of iron, so that it will of the Japanese were to be realized of several weeks in San Antonio, were of the cars brought here were not to be 10 feet long and 4 feet high, slip easily on the nail, and it is bev­ tomorrow Texas would simply mob Fort still of the impression that a stray taken away. Many of the bids accept­ and the lumber 1 by 5-inqh stu"', but eled from the slot to either edge. By Sam Houston to enlist and start for bullet from across the line might ed by the quartermaster’s department these dimensions can be varied to suit slipping this on the nail, the end can the front. strike one of the local hotels. Troops be bent over at more than a right Certainly, It was an interesting sight coming from St. Louis and bound for called for the delivery of goods on the idea of the user. With these di­ mensions, however, the distance be­ board trains, and not at Fort Sam to see the trains come in, one after El Paso are only one-fourth of the another, and the soldiers come forth way to their destination when they Houston. That meant that the sup­ tween the end uprights on panel ought plies were ready for shipment to the to be 11 inches. On panel a the end and organize with the speed erf auto­ reach the Texas line. soldiers who were being rushed to uprights ought to be 15 inches from matons and march away. If they ar­ Visitors are coming from every town rived at night, their tents had al­ and city in the state to see the big border points. This army of 20,000 either end. This ought to make the ready-been prepared for them by the camp. Many of them are discharged men has been divided. Ten thousand fence worm about 4 feet. As can be comrades who arrived before. If they soldiers. One of the favorite occupa­ men remained in San Antonio and readily understood, more or less worm arrived in the daytime they marched tions of these veterans in this city is 10,000 went to th? border and formed will be given to the fence by moving the second upright from either end in to the place marked out for them and that of street car conductor or motor- a wall from El t*aso to Brownsville angle. The iron is then slipped back, Troops did not arrive as rapidly panel a. pitched their own tents. Everything man. They are also scattered about as shown in the illustration, and the A panel using wire instead of lum­ as scheduled, in spite of the well-laid proceeded as if this mobilization had as waiters, cooks, bartenders and Ice- plans in the office of the war depart­ ber seems desirable, and in Fig. 4 I nail bent over and driven into the been planned months ahead. One wagon drivers. Meeting on street For would never think it was set in mo­ comers, they discuss among them­ ment in Washington. Military men have shown one that seems to me the wood, as shown to the right. tion by telegrams flashed over the selves the possibilities of the troops say this movement again demon most desirable, as combining the great- fencing stacks and turning corners, both ends of the panels would have strates the fallacy of scattering the country in a single night. going Into Mexico. Many of these old to be alike, instead of reversing, as The telegram which set Fort Sam campaigners are worried lest by not troops In small posts throughout the shown in the cut. If this fence should country. The prospect for trouble, un­ Houston in motion was received at reenlisting they have lost an oppor-, prove reasonably wind-proof, it ought certain as it is, has caused enlistments one o’clock in the morning. An hour tunity to get under fire. to increase enormously, and scores o to solve a large problem in fence econ­ after dawn officers were surveying the If the parade grounds on which the newly-recruited troops have .come omy, as very much less fence would parade ground of 800 acres and mark­ troops are now encamped are not with the veterans. be needed if the fence could be ing it off for tents. Two hundred men large enough the maneuver grounds at easily moved from place to place as It is an interesting group of men began work shortly thereafter to lay Leon Springs, about twenty miles gathered in San Antonio. There ar occasion demanded. water mains. They worked night and from this city, will be used. This It would be absolutely wind-proof day until their task was completed. mobilization has impressed upon the soldiers who have seen service in the Philippines, Cuba, China and Alaska, around a stack if locked with the slid­ Bids for supplies for 10,000 men for officers and the war department the and won distinction for bravery, and ing-bar, and would have the advantage four months were asked. The con­ urgent need for having larger accom­ there are men here who fought Indi of being movable when the ground tracts are still being let All this was modations for the troops at this point. ans in Texas a quarter of a centur Fig. 2.- was frozen. carried through according to the Already arrangements have been ago. letter of the law. One firm which made for the construction of addition­ est strength with the least surface, Choking on Oats. came in five minutes late with a bid al barracks and further arrangements and with the surface low. The panel, Some horses eat so greedily that for several thousand of dollars’ worth of a similar nature will be made soon. Merciful Man. as there shown, can be used on the of supplies was denied permission to San Antonio looms up as the strategic Humane—My husband Is so gentl A crutch. Fig. 5 shows jt modified, to they become choked on oats. We have submit its proposition. meet the requirements of a worm one that troubled us in that way, so point of greatest importance for the and considerate. “In what way Every precaution known to physi­ mobilization of American troops in the “Why, he wouldn’t let me get fence. By substituting a post in the we often had to send for a veterina­ vacuum cleaner because it employed cians and engineers has been taken to event of trouble anywhere in Latin place of the end uprights, you have rian, who inserted a tube down her throat to dislodge the grain, says a keep the camps absolutely sanitary, America, and it must for all time In exhausted air.”—Boston Herald. the Fig. 1 forms. and as an extra measure the soldiers the future be possible to mass the en­ In Fig. 5 you will notice that I am writer in an exchange. Later he told are invited to take anti-typhoid serum tire strength of the United States not satisfied with cleats, but have us how to avoid the trouble in this No Need to Worry. way: He advised us to place a dozen and thousands of them are taking the army here. That, at least, is the opin­ “ Mrs. Plankett always has a serene introduced a bar sliding in a slot on or more smooth stones, the size of a injections. the front side of the end upright and ion of many army men. look on her face.” small hen’s egg, in the feed box, tak­ Of late the camp has been a sea The troops from along the Canadian “No wonder. Mr. Plankett’s ste­ on the back side of the second up­ of mud. The mud, however, is bear­ border astounded native San An­ nographer is the homeliest woman in right. This makes a complete lock, ing care to have them well distributed and seems to me quite essential on through the oats. This compels the able. The dust which preceded it was tonians by their utter disregard for town.” that style of fence. I should also rec horse to eat less greedily, as he must omend the-same device on the board eat carefully to avoid biting on the stones. We had no further trouble as The Absurdity of Overwork. MERELY OBEYING ORDERS captain discovered that he was shy one gendarme. Investigation discov­ long as we owned the horse. Dr. C. Hutchinson Eely, the brain ex­ Policemen of Mexico City Take Every ered the gendarme asleep in the ma­ pert of Duluth, was discussing the new chine, where he had camped out ever tuberculin cure for progressive paraly­ Care of Hogs. Instruction In a Literal since charged with its care. And it sis, a malady common to brain work­ Don’t make the mistake of allow­ Sense. is very cold up on this Mexican pla­ ers. ing the young boars to run with the teau at night, as Mexico City is more “ Tuberculin has cured a third of the W Q gilts until they are three or four Mexico City is possibly the best po­ than a mile above sea level. 11* UL iffE cases it has been tried on,” he said. months old. liced metropolis in the world, but Its “ Hence it may be called a pretty good Feed a large variety of food, but officers, while vigilant, take every in­ cure. But a better cure for the diseases Fig a. avoid sudden changes. That is, do struction given them in a literal sense. Active Frenchmen. due to overwork is rest.” They will arrest anybody or anything panels, as on uneven ground one end not change the whole ration at any A study of the activities of the Dr. Hutchinson Eely thumped the ta­ might spring up and allow the panels one time. that violates a city ordinance. French population based on the last ble vigorously. To produce the full development of to separate. A short time ago, says a New York­ census hae just been published. It “When a professional man tells me Of course on this skeleton any kind bone the work must be commenced er, who recently spent some time in shows that 20,720,879 persons, Includ­ he Is too busy to take a rest,” he cried, before the animal is born by feeding * that city, there was a collision be­ ing the army, are engaged in active of wire can be used. Personally, “I tell him he is like a workman who tween two automobiles, one of the pursuits. The figure represents 53.3 would not use barbed-wire of any sort the dam plentlfuly with bone-produc­ machines being so badly damaged per cent, of the population; it in­ is too busy to sharpen his tools.” as a gift. The illustration is intend ing foods while she is pregnant. The development of the bone in a that it had to be left at the place cludes 13,027,000 men, 68 per cènt. of ed to show a two-strand twisted wire where the accident occurred. The the male population, and 7,693,000 placed six inches apart, which is much pig carries with it the development Origin of Horrid Styles. persons occupying the machine were women, or 39 per cent, of the females. A Chicago physician, a woman, has closer than it is used on longer of the vital organs and a large in­ promptly bundled into the auto which Agriculture still employs 43 per found a new reason for the prevail­ stretches, but that number of wires crease In the amount of lean meat in was able to proceed and the entire cent, of all the inhabitants of the ing atrocities in feminine wear, such seems to me about right for a good the carcass. party went to the police station. country, and more than 50 per cent, as big hats and high heels. It is, she Job. They might be placed closer at But that did not excuse the broken in 59 departments. In 16 departments says, because women haven’t time to the bottom and wider at the top, per­ Succulent Feed for Cows . car. It was formally arrested on the the population engaged in industrial think about clothes and allow shoe­ haps. That hurdle (Fig. 4) made with One of the most practical ways of spot and an officer detailed to see that pursuits ranged from 40 to 64 per makers, dressmakers and milliners to 4-foot uprights and 14 feet from end supplying succulent feed for cows, it did not get up and limp back to its cent., and in 12 from 30 to 40 per cent do their thinking for them. That’s it to end of upright, would weigh about when one has only a small herd and garage. By some chance the broken Automobile construction occupied exactly. They talk so much about 65 pounds, and cost about as many does not have ensilage, is by raising automobile was forgotten for two days, 22,000 persons, and electrical ma­ these things that they have no time cents for material. The cost of the roots such as mangels, rutabagas or at the end of which time the police chinery 20,000. to think about them. all-board one would not be much dif- stock carrots. MANNER OF CONSTRUCTING i PRACTICAL SHEEP HURDLES S ijlju