PREMIUM APPLES. Professor C. I. Lewis, head of the Department o f Horticulture at the T h e man who ia adm ired la the swell, Oregon Agricultural College, and a dressed man whose clothes are fash ion.iibio. and are 1 91 1 s ty le s . Y o u w ill recognized authority on I fruit | culture, ■Clothe b e t h a t p|tw tn y o u r n e i g h b o r h o o d 1 Make 1911 styles iiro just in. G e t tills s u it has the follow ing to say about the the —the swellest, classiest, snappiest sty le'we ever created—and b e tt e r pruning o f apple£trees! Mani y o u r a p p e a r a n c e ! THIS IS 6I1R “ Pruning is a “ very old practice, IDEA: We want one m an as o a r representative In y o u r n e i g h ­ and a very necessary one. Its prin­ b o r h o o d . Y ou 've got a lo t o f the plants friends. T h e y w e a r c lo t h e s . ciple aims are to give I t is the easiest th in s in the vigor and to ¿make ; them fruitful, .to fábilitaté such orchard work hs prun­ ing, spraying, thinning, and cultiva­ y o u r s a l a r y , a n d the w o r t h the tion, also to regulate the amount of easiest, e le a n e st, n ic e s t o c c u p a tie a heat and light that strikes the va­ in the w o rld . Mew r e p re s e n ta tiv e s make $5 t o $10 a day. Y o u sim p ly rious parts of the tree, producing take the o r d e r an d m easu rerasats sad mail thorn to as: Wo«, maximum color and shielding against •hip *□ approval to your^frisad aad sun scald, also training | the plant to hand reg|the profit m enay. A Baguls* Oiaehi That u the boautv »1 Uoiat ia huap ness ter yesraeU . , git right d«wri now ; some desired form, wrrto us a postal or a letter fe i~ the tree out* i n h e r e are a few general principles’ fit to representatives. And Toil get the ewellestsuit eg farhioaaHle. tsitor-wiade. -one should bear in - mind; first,; study, all-w ool it 11 clothes aver w orn in yonv type ó f tree desired. Yellow neigh ho rheed. If vour personal a p p ea r­ the ance aad a h ig business i; worth a postal Newton- apples Should; p ot be prufied er a 2-eent stamp to vea. than a c t ne’e r - the saiqe ' day , as the Northern Spy. write us today, Addrees IMERICAN WOOLEN MiLLS GO., B cpt- 5 U , C feiccj» Peaches are pruned efttirely different from apples. ; Yoú should make a close study o f the bearing habits,- and Art Criticfem. type o f buds. Most apples.; and pears ■‘T rather like the motif ef that pio- bear on spurs two years o f age, buj? t«re,” ’ said, Mrs. Ol-dcastle, 'after she occasionally frúit is borne on one had oarefully inspected ‘ the new work year-*:old spurs in the axils of déavés 6f art. “ Yets, so do X ,^replied. her of the previous^ year's ' growth, on hostess, as they w ere. passing from tips o f last year’s .growth, and some the gallery, “ only .boGr hre and Josiah tim es'on one year old spurs. Peaches thought the artist meant it for a cow.” béár bn o n e *y ea roia wood and never on older growth. Heavy top pruning . — Chfeairo ¡Record-Hcry1i. tends to produce a very rank wood growth, rejuvinates plants and has a tendency to produce a heavy water sprout growth. “ The habits o f plants differ ác- cording to age as well as variety. The general ¿tendency is to grow from the Uppermost buds. The head­ ing in of the terminal growth tends to., strengthen and produce. laterals. Fruit-bearing tends to become a hab­ it, with . trees, and may be brought about by a check, su ch 1 as . light pruh'ing, not as much cultivation, etc.. Season may, have a bearing ,on th e ' tendency o f | producing- fruitful­ ness. • Spring or -winter pruning ;bas a tendency to produce wood growth. This W om an Had to Insist Summer pruning, if not done to ex­ cess, has a tendency to produce Strongly, but it Paid fruit. “ The question of high and low Chicago, 111.—“ I suffered from a fe­ heads is not worth discussing. We male weakness and stomach trouble, know that low heads makes cheaper and I went to the store to get a bottle orchard .work, and one is not so apt o f Lydia E. Pink- to lose trees from sun scáld Or Remember, a short ^ trunk ham’s V e g e t a b l e borers. Compound, hut the may not mean a low head. There clerk did not want- are,g.;. several types g of trees, such as to let me have it— the «pen tree, sometimes called the he said it was no “ vasev’ or goblet,” or leader of pyra­ good and wanted me midal type. A 'great deal of precious t o - t r y something time is wasted on the discussion of else, b u t knowing these types/ Some varieties tend to all about it I in­ make an unsatisfactory growth, espe­ sisted a n d finally cially th e . yellow varieties, if grown got it, and I am so other than by the leader type. The glad I did, for it has cured me. Northern Spy does much: .better when Opon - ii-ees are ,¡^etí- P “ I knoW of^ o m^ny cases where.wo­ growki- open. men have be&ncured by Lydia E, Pink- erally weak, due to allowing®* the ham’s Vegetable Compound that I can branches to ¿start from one bud. Do say to every suffering woman if that not do this. Select the branches medicine does not help her, there is carefully and allow plenty of space nothing that w ill.” —Mrs. J a n e t z k i , between them. Wear This Stylish Saif! SHE GOT WHAT SHE 2963 Arch St., Chicago, I1L This is the age o f substitution, and women who want a cure should insist upon Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound just as this woman did, and not accept something else on which the druggist can make a little more profit. W ¿m en wh o are passing through this critical, period or who are suffering from any of those distressing ills pe­ culiar to their sex should not lose sight o f the fact that for thirty years Lydia E. jPinkham’8 Vegetable Compound, which is made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for fe­ male ills. In almost every community you will find women who have been restored to health by. Lydia E«>Pink* ham’s Vegetable Compound, t Sar&hn« industry. The sardine industry gives employ­ ment, ip the Spanish port of Vigo, to 23;000 people, of whom 8,000 are wom­ en. The wages of the men range from 80 cents to $1 a day and erf the women from 25 to 35 cents. The value of the preserved sardines exported last year was $2,208,500. No Lazy Children. It Is now asserted that there is no such thing as a lazy child. There is ^always some other explanation of the backward child; generally sickness or hunger. DYSPEPSIA “ Having taken your wonderful ‘Caeca- rets’ for tnree mouths aiid being entirely Cured of 6tomach catarrh and dyspepsia, I think a word of praise is due to ‘Cascarets’ for their wonderful composi­ tion. . I have taken numerous other so- called remedies but without avail, and I find that Cascarets relieve more in a day than all the others I have taken would ia a year.“ James McGune, Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good. Never Sicken. Weaken or Gripe. 10c, 25c, 60c. Never sold in bulk. The gen­ uine tablet stamped CCC. Guaranteed to cure or your money back. . What Ails lasisftt Z COFFEEb i TEA SPJCE5 BAKING POWDER . > EXTRACTS „ U U ST RIGHT Í Ksm m m m s> COSSET & DEVEfiS I You} D o you feel weak,*tired, despondent, have frequent head­ aches, coated tongue,., bitter qr bad taste in morning, “ heart-burn,*’ belching of gas, acid risings in throat after eating, stomach gnaw or burn, foul breath, dizzy spells, poor or variable appetite, nausea at times and kindred symptoms P I f you have any considerable num ber o f the above sym ptom s you are suffering fro m bilious* ness, torpid liver w ith indigestion, o r dyspepsia. D r . P ierce’ s G olden M edical D iscovery is m ade up o f the m ost valuable m edicinal principles know n to m edical science fo r the perm anent cure o f such abnorm al conditions. It is a m ost efficient liver urrigorator, stom ach tonic« bow el regulator and # nerve strengthened TR Y MURINE EYE REMEDY for Red, Weak, Weary; Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn’t Smart—Soothes E y e . Pain. Drtiggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, .50c,:- $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eye Books and* Eye Advice Ftee by Mail. lAprine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. The “ Golden Medical Discovery” is not a patent medicine or secret nostrum« a full list o f its ingredients being printed on its bottle-wrapper and attested under oath. A glance at these will show that it contains no alcohol, or harm­ ful habit-forming drugs. It is a fluid extract made with pure, triple-refined glycerine, of proper strength, from the roots of native American medical, forest plants. W orld’s Dispensary Medical Association, Props., Buffalo, N . Y . To Pollen Furniture. Fpr furniture there is nothing to equal, olive oil or raw linseed otl, rub­ bed into the wood, according to the |VfF|VJ Kidney trouble preys upon the •grain. The woodwork may require mind, discourages find lessens restaining as well. Ordinary old oak AND ambition; beauty, vigor and is always Improved by rubbing it with cheerfulness soon disappear warm beer. It should be remembered W O M F N when, the kidneys are out of order or diseased. For good that linseed oil has the effect of dark­ results use Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root the great ening mahogany. kidney remedy. ; -At- druggists. Sample! bottle by mail free, also pamphlet. The Preacher’s Trade, Address,‘Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. If the minister knows nothing about politics let him keep clear. But if he eu t tne i runkmaKers prosper. knows, , and knows what he knows, “ H erel’’ shouted the railway official, and how to say it, let him do that “what do you mean by throwing those thing. His utterances then will trunks around like that.,?/’ The porter trouble some brother of course. But gasped" in astonishment, and several what of it? To trouble human con­ travelers pinched themselves to make science is the preacher’s trade.—The sure that it Was real. Then the offi­ Continent. , ' cial spoke again. “ Don’t, you see that Pr. Pierce’ s Pleasant Pellets first put you’re making big dents in the con- up 40 years ago. They regulate and ! Crete platform ?” Short Stories. invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules. "B lack Lightning.?’ In photographs of lightning, streaks of “ black lightning” are often seen branching out from the main white flash, and people haye iohg wondered what these were. It is now found, says the Scientific . American, that they are due to the over-exposure of the photographic plate and the “ re­ versal” of the negative into a posi­ tive. Mothers w ill find Mrs. Winslow’ s Soothing Byrup the best remedv to use for their children luring the teething period* v\ Beautiful Labrador Coast. Doctor Grenfell says that the Lab­ rador coast, which he knows so well, is every whit as beairaful as that of Norway, and he is working on a chart which will be accurate enough to guide pleasure craft through the bays and channels of that shore. There is really nothing to go to Europe for but the ruins.-— ^ ’« Corrmanlon.- PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINT- MENT; fails to cure any case of Itching. Blind, Blèèdiiig or Protruding Piles ,in 6 to 14 days. 60c. SICKNESS if You muöt keep Che stom ­ ach and liver in an active condition, the bowels free fromconstipation and the blood pure. For this work OREGON AND WASHINGTON FARM. LANDS Bought and Sold HARRY M. eOURTRIGHT Yeon Bldg., Portland, Ore. One Point Lacking. I The story, is tol& jn Barry O’Brien’s book on John Bright how, on one oc­ casion, Sydney Smith, while looking critically at the. unfinished portrait of a celebrated Nonconformist divine,’ said to the ¡artist:"“ Do you not think you could throw into the face a strong­ er expression of hostility to .the estab­ lished church?” Pruning Young Apples. “ Head the trees low, from 18 to 20 inches. You can cut, say about Send for our select list o f 25 inches, and this will give you FIFTY CALIFORNIA PAPERS more space on which to form the You can insert display branches. Never allow all branches ads in the entire list' for is not a “food” —it is a medicine, and the to grow near top of eut; this means FIV E D O L L A R S AN INCH only medicine in the world for cows only. that at the growing season you will Made for the co w and, as its name indicates, have to rub o ff buds and cut out all a cow cure. Barrenness, retained afterbirth, THE HAKE ADVERTISING AGENCY, he. has been used success­ abortion, scours, cakedudder, and all similar undesirable branches. Do this be,-, 427 So. Main St. 12 Geary St. affections positively and quickly cured. No fore the branches get very large, in fully for 58 years. Try a one w ho keeps Cows, whether m any or few, A LOS ANGELES. SAN FRANCISCO Tf the spring of the second year. I can afford to be w ithout “ K ow - K are. ’ bottle today for It is made especially to keep co w s healthy would prefer to prune; young trees Our book “ W h a t to D o W h en Y our Cows before growth starts in . spring. Se­ .P oor A ppetite D yspepsia Are Sick’ ,’ .sent free Ask youi; local dealer for **K o w - K u r e ’ ’ orsefidtdthem anufacturers. lect from three to five of -the best I ndigestion ’ !¡ C olds & G rippe Dairy Association Co., Lyndonviile, V t branches and cut back to growth 10 M alaria F ever & A gue to 12 inches in length. Remove all OPIUM— TO0ACCO laterals. During the se co n d , year each All Druggists Dealers H abits P ositively Cured. branch will throw out a large num­ Only authorized Keeley In. stitu te in O regon. W rite ber o f new branches||: Only allow f o r illu strated circu lar. two of th^se new branches to grow KEEIEY INSTITUTE 71 E.11THN. on the previous year’s |growth. Cut Has Been at Work Lông. th e se . back f rom 10 to 12 inches in With water when the crop needs it pro­ In Sherbrooke, Canada, a power length. Occasionally we \ allow some duces more than a large ranch without. company began Work on a dam, and la BUY 5 OR 10 ACRES Of of these branches to remain, hut i:these have.: ! a, tendency to produce the ‘ bottom of the river discovered a early fruit, too early for the good perfect well, round and smooth bored. The engineers followed It down and of the tree. “At the beginning o f the third year found the well was 30 feet deeip and is o u r pride—o u r hobby—o u r study f ö r years and you should again thin out excessive, still boring. A round stone, whirled now o u r success, and ours is th e best painless Work o oe fo u n d anyw here, n o m atter how m uch you laterals, " the same as the' previous by the rush of the river* had-been bor­ t pay. C o m p a r e o u r P r ic e s . year, but you ean allow the remain­ ing— for how many million, years ? it W e finish piato and bridge w ork f o r out- ing laterals to b.e headed b.ack to was . still whirling, * turbinelikef and o f - t o w n patrons in I o n e , day i f desired. two or ¡Vthree buds. The heading still boring.— New York Press. : Painless e xtra ction back process gives strength and bal­ ¡free when plates o r i bridge w ork is order- ance to the trees. The weak forks Distemper ed- Consultation free. should not be allowed to grow. . From In all its forma among all ages o f horses M o la r C ro w n s $5.00 the* third yéar on the pruning be­ and dogs, cured ahd othersin the 6ame sta­ 2 2 k B rid g e T eeth4.00 comes less vigorous, the aim being ble prevented from having the disease w ith [Gold f illin g s to check trees making excessive ter­ Spohn’s Distemper Cure. Every bottle In Marion Co. S. E. o f Salem. Enam el F illin g s guaranteed. Over 500,000 bottles sold last minal growth and removing the lat year. $.50 and $1.00. Good druggists, or I S ilv e r Filling's .50 HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Bankers. :6o od R u b b e r _ erais where they are too thick. If send to;manufacturers. Agents wanted.* ! P la te s 5.00 Chamber of Commerce Building., Portland, Or., Managers. •you practice severe pruning you will Write fbr free book. Spohn Med. Co., Spec. B e st Re d R u b b e r _ Branch Office on the Grounds at West Slayton. Contagious Diseases, Go&hen, Ihd. soon have a large brush heap. _______________ I Plaies 7.50 «.“ About the summer .of the fourth OR. W. A. WISE, P bejioebt ano M anager P a in le s s E x t r 't io n .50 YAARS ESTABLISHES IN POSTUMI B E S T M ETH O D S year you can do some summer prun­ His Salary. ing. .This can be done about the “ Is your young man gittin’ a sal’ry. A la . work f u l l y g u a r a n t e e d f o r f i f t e e n y e a r s . P N U No. 12— ’ll first or middle of July, and should be *Melia?” “ Sure he !is. An’ what’s very moderate. In removing branches, m o’, de boss tol Wilfiam he’s gwine Painless Dentists H E N w ritin g to advertisers please | cut them close , to the . body of the to double it.” “ Dat’s fine! How much Falling Building, Third and Washington PORTLAND, ORE [W m ention th is paper. tree. Never allow a branch to drop Is he gittin’ now?” “ I dunno what Office Hoars: 8 A . M. to 8 P. M. Sundays, 9 to 1 so as to tear the tree, making a bad wound. All wounds should be paint­ he’s gettin’ now, but I speck it’s some- ed o r , covered with grafting wax,- If fin’ dike half wbpt Wot rwineter git.” you have a large growth of tvater Only One “BROMQ QUININE” sprouts, indications are, that you are That is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look |E S T A B . [l I to I * 2 á £ * 3 * 3 ^ ¡ £ * 4 S h o e s for the signature o f E. W. GROVE. Used tho doing too much pruning. The weak W. L. Douglas shoes cost more tit make than ordinary shoes, er the tree,‘ branch or twig, the more World over to Cure a Cold in ¡One Day. 25c. because higher grade leathers are used and selected;with greater we winter prune to give vitality. The Difference. care. These are the reasons why W . L. Douglas>shoes are guar­ Never prime ¿branches that are froz­ Minister— “ Now, Tommy, suppose anteed to hold their shape, look and fit better and wear longer en, as this causes dip hack, and the than any other shoes you can buy you did something naughty and were wounds do not heal .well. On mature BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES. *g| asked if you did it, what would you trees heading back near strong lat­ The genuine have W . L. Douglas name and the. retail erals has a tendency to reduce the say?” — Tommy — “ I dunno.” “ You price stamped on tne bottom , which guarantees,, hull'-Value water sprouts at the point o f cut­ don’t know? Why, why? What would and protects the wearer against high prices and infenorshoes. ting. W hen water sprouts begin to happen if you told a lie?” “The devil’d REFUSE SUBSTITUTES CLAIMED TO B E *JUST AS GOOD' grow, remove at once. .T rees that get me.” “ That’s right. And what i! . y ° u* dealer cannot supply you with the genuine W .L D o n g la s shoes, write __________ _ l o r Mail Order Catalog. Shoes sent direct from factory to wearer, a ll charges B O Y S SH OES have a tendency to bear every year you told,the truth?" “ I’d get th’ dev­ prepaid. W . L . D e n g la s, 1 4 5 S p a rk S t ., B r o c k to n , M ans. $ 2 . 0 0 , $ 2 . 5 0 ¿ $ 3 . 0 0 will stand more pruning. Trees that il.” — Cleveland Leader. are eight or ten years of age-that; are vigorous and not bearing heavily, are being pruned too severely or re­ ceiving too .much cultivation. Trees that tend to produce fruit every oth- or vpar oh nnid ha nrnnpd honvioci- more good s brighter and faster colors than any other dye. One 10c package colors silk, w o o l and cotton equally w ell er year snouia De pruned heaviest and Is guaranteed to give perfect results. A sk dealer, or wie w ill send] I postpaid at - 10c * a package. ^ — ................... ........ ... W rite for free booklet the fruiting year.” h ow to dye« bleach and mix colors. MONROE DRUG COMPANY, Quincy, Illinois. HOS TETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS r K o w -K u n ALCOHOL & A SMALL FARM Painless Dentistry 1.00 1.00 ? » Wise Dental Co.,inc. W . jSÎQIÎDÉIsi ^PORTLAND. ORE. Future of Chee 8 etr>aKtng. Cheesemakers of the next century, maybe sooner, will have a seed germ laboratory attached to, their factory, In which pure .cultures* of the cheese bacteria, germs responsible for the flavor of each kind of cheese, will be grown and • nursed, and instead of fromage de Brie, Stilton or Gprgon- , rola, com ing'from different p&rts of the world,-they will all be turned out from one factory, and no telling how cheap. __________ . PUTNAM I,. 3 D O U G L A S FADELESS DYES