Aurora observer. (Aurora, Marion County, Or.) 19??-1940, March 23, 1911, Image 3

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U Yu Waal tn^Kanw What’s Gaia*. «• Jnst Gkacc
O ttr' a * Cal—i al H un.
Hand in the names of your v it
Correspondence solicited.
Wm. W urster »pent Sunday-
The Observer and Weekly Journal,
one year for $1.75.
i* V-. . ' V*
' X' ' J£-'
r s . ^ L . Bents visited
George H art wig made a business trip
■ • s» ■
• .
Portland Tuesday.
to Portland Monday.
! j
The G t^srrer and Weekly Oregonian,
Miss Laura Bennett spent S tn o fiT a t
L l u #75>
the home of her parent» in- Salem. t i
i , • -
• ...
T \ . - \
L. Bents was a Portland vis­
Fred Giesy, of Portland, spent Sun­
it« ^ mi Saturday last.
day with his unde. Dr. M. Giesy.
William Wolfer of Hubbard,
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Miller were Hub­
visitor in town.
bard visitors last Friday afternoon.
made a business trip to
C . H. Wakefield and John McNeil, of
Wood burn, were Sunday visitors in the county seat Tuesday.
Mrs. J. R. Marsh and d s u ^ ^ r ^ J f is s
Mis» Francis Weaver, of Hubbard, Alma, visited in Portland last Saturday.
Dr. W. H. Goulet, V. S., of Wood
•pent part of last week visiting friends
burn, was a caller here la»t Friday..
in Aurora.
Mrs. Helen C. Hurst, who has been
Read Hie advertisement» in the Ob­
server if you sre looking for Hie best ill for several ,wefeks/f is much improved.
places to trade.
j Mr. and fat»». Je^n Damm, of Macks-
J. B. ‘H urst and Mr. Terry, of Canby, burg were ¿hopping in town last Mon­
were business callers in our hustling day.
if'-' " 1
town last Friday.
Mrs. Diana Sn^dfer, our popular post­
A. J. Mishler returned from a week's mistress, was a * Portland visitor on
visit a t Mad*** and other Central Ore­ Tuesday.
gon points lsst Monday.
F. H. Goyt, manager, of the Wood-
G. A. Simkins purchased the stock o f burn Lumber Co., was a business caller
liquor formerly owned fay August Kling­ here last Saturday.
er, a t receiver's sale last Thursday.
Miss Georgia Kraus went to Portland
C. C. Schmucker will hold a public Saturday for a few
\ vV
salt of personal property a t his home atives and friends.
one mile south of Needy on March 24.
Mrs. McCarthy, of The Dalles, iji vis­
J . H. Settlemier, Jr., and a party of iting her mother, Mrs. Maftin Lebo,
fx 7
Woodbum school teachers visited our who lives near town.
town on Thursday evening of last week.
The Woman's Club held their regular
A cement walk, which will add to the weekly meeting yesterday.' afternoon,
appearance of our Kaon street, is to be with Mrs. J . Ogle as hostess.
laid from the bank corner to Miller's * ' A baby girl recently gladdened the
■ garage. -
home of Mr. and Mrs« Wm. W urster.
Mrs. Eugene Moshberger and child­ Mother and child are doing Veil.
ren, of Woodburn, spent Saturday and
Dr. M. Giesy, has about recovered
Sunday n t the hosne o f h er father, Dr. from his late attack of rheumatism and
M. Giesy.
is again able to be »round the store.' -
M in Enuna Quinn, deputy county
Mr, and Mrs. j . B. Hurst, of Canby,
çlerk of Clackamas county, visited in came up Monday for a short visit with
the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Higgin­ Mr. H u n t's mother, who has been: on
botham Sunday.
the sick list for some time.
A. € . Scheurer spent Sunday a t the
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Miller took ad-
bedside of his mother, Mrs. Joseph of Hie fine weather and excellent roads
Scheurer, of Hillsboro, who has had a last Tuesday and made a flying trip to
severe attack of heart trouble.
Portland in their automobile.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Will came up from
There will be Sunday School services
Portland last Sunday and will make a t the Presbyterian church a t 10:30 Sun­
their future home here. They will oc­ day morning, and the Christian Endeav-
cupy the Arthur Kraus building.
or society will meet in the evening
Mrs. Elms Palmer, o f Nebraska, ar­ a t 7;30.
rived last Saturday evening for a sev­
Miss Sarah Stewart, who formerly
eral week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. held a position with the Aurora State
John Lundeen, of the Aurora hotel.
Bank, came down from Salem Sunday*
George Simpson, who recently under­ and is again temporarily occupying her
went an Operation at the Good Samar­ old position.
itan hospital in Portland, is improving
Mrs. William Ryan and little daugh­
rapidly and will be home An a short te r went to Hillsboro last Saturday to
visit a t the .home of her mother, who
The Pythian Sisters, auxilliary Of the
Knights of Pythias, will give alocal
talent entertainment a t Mjller'a hall on
April 1. D fn 't fail to keep this in
Mr. and fairs. George Leffler, who re­
side about three miles east of Hubbard,
had the misfortune to lose their infant
daughter, aged three hours, on Monday
of this week.
' Everybody should turn out and attend
the the dance given for the benefit of
thebasebal) team a t Miller's hall next
Saturday evening, March 25. A good
time is assured.
Sam Hooyer has obtained a logging
contract with the Inman Paulson Go.'Z
of Portland, and last week moved with
his family to a point across the river
above ButteviUe.
The Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian
church, of Donald, will give a program
and bazaar next Saturday night. Ice
cream and cake will be served. D on't
forget your
has been quite ill.
C. B. Brewer, of Missouri, on Mon­
day purchased a 4-acre tract near town
of Joe Marsh. Mr. Brewer is a plas­
terer and cement worker and will im­
prove his property and move his family
here. A. F. Will made the sale.
•;/' - U j ¡§§|
£■> x
George Hartwig, our enterprising
hardware dealer, has ordered a Bowser
gasoline tank with a capacity of 175
gallons, to be placed in front of his
store. The cost when installed will be
about $260.
The city council will meet this even-
ing with a representative of the Pacific
Pipe and Tank Co., to draw the plans
for Hie erection of mi 80-foot tower and
a 15,000 gallon capacity tank for the
water system.
Notary Public:
All Loflal Papar» Draw» Up
With NmjtaMMaaad DarpStch
,' 7V; • •
DR. B. F. GIESY; M. D.
Drain Tile m
Road Culverts,* - Well
. .-vsi'.
. f . . . : ‘ ■
■ vi ,,
Concrete piare,for buildings
any sj^ y o u m e y want. ; *;
If in need of anything,. in
this lineasi!* and see me.
One order witt mean more, j
BROS., Props
W. A. W inder
C mi « . « TiU l U w
Aurora, * ■
. aurora ;
v , ^t&regon
m d
Cadici, Sait Drinks,
G prl, Tobactea,\ Post
Cards and' Stationary.
L O iu s
itow famoun Saleas Beer.
Also a fine lifte of the bHÉt
Wines, Liquora áád Cigars.
M m '
I'm * .
«ndC ured Meat*
- slw ty ^sR b an d ' F iA a i l Oyntors
'ÍÉ ñÉ lM ^io a l. Veni,
G et our price#
G. A. Simkin«, Prop.
w e R e r t
Gét TTiem at*Smith's
Notary Public
Fire Inaurance
Assistant Superintendent C. W. Mar
tin and Traviling Freight Agent H. A:
Hinshaw, both of the Southern Pacific,
were in the city Monday to complete a Office at Aurora Drug Store
deal for a lease on a warehouse site
Both Telephones
with Mishler & Gribble, commission
Those new ; Spring Suit» for Men.
¿ M ade to your measure and no other.
Fine tailoring, p o p td ^ ' prides. Sat­
isfaction or your moneys refunded.
O. H.Ï SMITH, the Clothes Man #
aurora .
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