/ «¡a» ft In more than double the usual num 3-/ M ary Pickford and D u g Fair-1 Westco A u r o r a O f e w r t ’ banks are going to m a ke th eir hom e b e ro f Pa^ e3 and in a cover page o f n e Higher salaries paid for school ¡in France. Charlpv Chnnrmm four colors, the “Christmas edition” ! teachers in Lane county are attracting ====c:=:=i d class m atteflch I ' P P o f the Aurora Observer blazons “1925j more men £o that profession than for Electric, Tankless Water System Entered aa seco office at ^ ¡ F n g i s n d . N o w c a n t som e one I 0regon worJd’s Fair,” devotes'm uchj Bome time P*st> according to E. j. “THE W A T E R S Y S T E M W IT H O U T A T A N K ” 1911, 4„t of March Ig. peraw'^e F a tty ” and th e S e n it spaCe to business advertisers and fills Moore> county school superintendent P „ to tb « A « '» fM ‘ ret| 9: girls t ° ^ i o th e S o u th Sea Islands m with well-selected holiday m atter,1 Two exhibits of W hite Spring also ! Mr. Robinson has improved the Obser- / wheat, exhibited at the N orthw est Editor and Publil The V a ile-Kimes system for domestic water Supply SellingJ Newspaper to (ver very much since he purchased it a j Hay and Grain show in Pendleton in j year ago.—Portland Oregonian. I September, won first and second ‘ _ / Prizes at the International H ay and E D IT 9 R W ^ o w n . A $20,000 Special Legislature has Qj-ain show held recently in Chicago. Plumbing, Heating and Sheet Metal Works O p in io n ^ o f t a <<The newspap the smaller I met and adjourned. Did you g e t yourl A fter a gun tight with bootleggers Hubbard, Oregon W ork Done O ut o f Town Phone 4103 \m s , the weeklies' j at Kerry, in which 17 shots were tired, ►Observer mall daili-J ! money’s worth? becoming g* Deputy Sheriff Hessong of Columbia -4.are uential,¡ A fe w decades ago, th ere wereI county and Ernest Anderson succeed- | er printed, more ^newspaper is the b e a tin g , llrcal flouring-m ills in th e sm a] ] / ed in arresting Arthur Warranka, al- AURORA'S PROGRAM towns. ^ e n came paten t procesgJ ** * * to be one of the gang, and lodg■ ei-the community; the W ed him in jail. -FOB 1922" flujtoi builder of the t ovn* ' \ J e s , big mills, consolidation. The, I -------- pV ' “ ------ ' ''; -----/ What is believed to be the longest 11 - % $ 4 ik e m e n t in the town ^ jjttle m ills were sh u t. dow n. N o w / record in the state as commander of I • 'Ctes'mefy jrity and in its future. H h e y are m a k in g sm all hour-m ill a Grand Army post is held by I. W. J Falk of La Grande, who has just been J Hew Camp Ground / t h e newspaper iias an an V - k - f e pts th at will produce the same Jou r, in very sm all establishm ents;/ re' f ctAeJ *s ,c°“ manderv ° \ th,e l0* ? f o u r t h i t July M e b t J n - f0r the|the j S | | j 1 estate, on t§ _ j _ , „ , ^ ___I'n /1 P°st* Mr. Falk is now beginning his I d we shall be returning presently 22d year as commander. il 1 ¡¡ 1 business, on the old system of the local mill,i. Extensive improvements at the state I Appeal to countless thousands each year jare of, eyerMndertaking, .pplying the local market. | T hat] fish hatchery on the upper McKenzie I j Thee of every tqgvement 1 W hy not go to California’s Sunny Southland this w inter? ill cut out another big item in] that will increase greatly the facilities There you will enjoy the warmth o f an unclouded sun, minute fo, I I 'ôf hoodlin ^ 1 1 ~ W ™e *™jorß ¡ ¡ ¡ 8 « 1 * of the plant by the addition of several the bathing beaches, outdoor sports and the fragrance o f . new breeding ponds to the state pre- .thejanxious, cur spicy readipsffor o^^eopie-thapejieoi^g ioWn fc fe transporfca?,on dowers and oranges. The new era will see a great re-j gervej were announced by M. L. Ryck- r . - W L t S É . mopl e in the ley was president J ïMâËÈÈ & . pot recoglire Iw J Many tributation of industry back to man, superintendent of the state fish lege in Portland, also of e m Taeo- I m .the %iiik they country. This country has fgotj properties treating the] u* .. %: Representative Sinnott appeared be-1 ma- M¡ss, or Mrs., Ritfer was or.ei: — '/ puWish' r '" “.royally if y give him i live in the country; in d u stry , , . , , , , . 1 fore the house appropriations com- r, time a student of hi* and now a / i f 0 doI\ for Observation and Dining Cars scrip tio n . ¡ st be taken back to the country; ! ltiee t 0 urge an appropriation. o f f: grass widow Qbr ? ri T h e v ^ i. a / year\b Ipscnption. \. Via ^H JS S > « - , for À They II cities and tuwns should sup-i §400,000 for the Powder river irrlgfa- j t arrested, j OUt hf fila rfihiurepus L 0 __1 wor]c *- unselttS^f hi&,D0g^ o '\ pi more of their requirements, tlon project in Baker county. The j The Scenic Shasta Route blackmail 1 * but himself at l e a s t s \ , , n I dbX ify their industries, enable Jo- treasury estimates submitted to con- | ,r . ..» onth requested |j a m a n e e t i i é m ^ e e s s ^ f ess early ln this month requested If anything 5 ^ ^ . Provide all the comforts of modern travel, The rail journey affords I an opportunity of seeing many interesting places along the way. .and thus keep it in the -.in # - _ • effort will be j j hd ^control of the people who have ‘ 1 d« next sr" lned so H jjjjc P I e th e|j,ade a(, ‘ ¿he regular session of ,over, hio ..wihan I I—„— „j __ _ /greatest interest in its success. F i-ilie legislature to reduce taxes through reconed as • 'S * 6 ^ j u^ucing industry is all wrong; thellhe elimination of millage taxes and When the t I is iB ,. are on sale to accom plish 1 tmhg to do with in d u stry is to run r 1 8 l°PP‘nS off of departmental appro- j ,wid lashioned. The woman usuaiyjthey ^ ^ E. S. WOLFER California Sunshine and Oranges 1 Through Sleeping Cars Round Trip Excursion Tickets „ Santa Barbara—Los A ngeles —«San Diego gets the pay now-days, and perhaps / ”’w ' "p,lh]7'u . | B jit; under the management of people J )riatIoas was i° dicated addresses , . v. . j: Mr. Pubhshet, ., y , 6 , /fnade by legislators at Salem during Published, you just hav/to ! she is entitled to rt-but tins graft- get in md mate J / who own it, andVho stay on the job. U (pecla, is!enib,r. ing and blackmailing is entirely tool to w n p u ta n ew v a J u ^ J Make every community as nearly ; illicit game hunting in the Modoc easy to get away with. This girl j vm]r nrjTlp , y , on a independent as possible. The great! lava beds proved a costly pastime to For /ares, train schedules, descriptive folders or sleeping car reservations, ask Ticket Agents, or w rite met Crumley on the-train coming L A ,° U ave em I modem city is* an abmonnal devel-i ■f’ c - Kreish* a trapper, who was plac- owes s y 4 how t — f t tends break ---- dG^ , n ^ rmder arrest by Game Wardens* from Tacoma; jshe willingly, of her / bow . m uch - l the town , ----- -- to ---------- ‘J ? # x x l - t® town , T . . , 1 Courtwnght and Miller, having been, x I 1 much youmave youdiave done for fc- S ------1 I , to, his I appart- x • , , B mree will, went ------ and , the district,■ 1 8 S 0 CiaI- found with the carcasses of eight deer I , , how i E , the !under lts own weJgh t- p Portland, had a good time,. „ , , , * , . ’ merit and persistency of . T worJc j ly bsd and . economically unsound. / ;i his possession. He was brought j wi r wor / y ou can see the evidenee of this, in | bWore Justice Harrison Wilkins atj all night, and the next day/r L fix t , .L fAeir f busi- ,, , , • ,, , ... I ' the man arrested. Crumley- 3 at 6 UOi , the aeute housing problem of cities, I Dorris and fined $250 and sentenced / * , j l - j - j • ness- s she wanted his diamond ring, j Southern Pacific Lines JOHN M. SCOTT. General Passenger A gen t h io,you can tteU lhem m s o : , . ,u ¡- , j . . . 1 to 150 days in jail , , , g f lp f , ,, 1 a n d m th e breakdown of municipal y J , . , ,, ,, , many words but you cal tell them / r . „ , ,. - The Oregon public service commis- he evidently didn t count hen jn a m e . ' J facilities, especially traction sys-J>10n ha, suspeoded „perat,„„ -o f, ^ .he yiamondI class, or the high y ou ia J l0 J tte 1 er t0 ft I teras.-Henry Ford. u,,: proposed taritts setting out la o ic e d crowd, bhe had better been1, f wntented when she had a ho me I ° f f ‘ , rp , ,, . ? . . ,1 I 0 ________ .______ I creased rates which were filed recent- HUSH-A-BYE S jfh y the Rockaway Beach company, I t?pe Garibaldi Beach W ater company and man of her own. Oh well it's proilt £rom your wofk and the ,. ... . . ... ' 4 credit that is your due, you have to When you want a child to slum-/ arid the Tillamook Bay company. It life in the everyday life in the cities n o show w + them k « that + ____ _ pa- IK«,. V.iw.»y is io more moan soothing then you and your her, v.raT nothing than I fSApfobable that a joint hearing will be Simpletons and Easymarks. per are just as important an insti-j “Hush-a-by4^aby,” use a4ul-a-bye held on these several matters at a; reasonable .eariy date. Eugcne Debs, ex-socialist candi- tution as the school and the library tone; but if you want action, givel The police ^system now in force -Jn ■ date for president, serving S sen- ¡and the commercial club—which is. angry dogs a;bone.-^Par. .ifbgttanl iis obsolete and a général j revision is needed in order to put it j : tenceoften years for violating the / tme-rSo says thei Pacific Printer I espionage aot, _, j i^& iB her. imuatioii fi oin Here’s hoping Debs will be a good Miss Claire Windsor, the hand fellow, and not “bite the hand that some movie star, wealthy, world-re-1 feeds him.” nouned, and who gossip says will LOUIS WEBERf Notary Public Fire Insurance AURORA - OREGON It’s all over, the holly .withered; probably marry Charley Chaplin, toys broken up, turkey bones knaw- was a little tow-headed, but pretty ^ ^ « * * ^ + * ^ ™ * * * ™ ed and the old man can begin to J sch°°l-girl living next door to the, editor in Cawker City, Kansas. save for nexCChristmas. to visit the / Geo. Cronk, her father and the vil- Along with battle ships, let’s Jage merchant, was one of the finest j CANBY MEAT MARKET scrap the heavy trucks that ruin!men we ever knew. Perhaps if! Our reputation speaks the pavement. Miss Cronk would look around, she! for our could find a better man, but not a Fresh and Cured Meats 1 bigger fool than Charley Chaplin. Aurora and Community adjacent are again to be favored with a splendid evenings e n t e r t a i n m e n t from the ficieficies.0 Jj| The Standard Oil company has re-.] j mittéd to ¡ the secretary of state $44,- 251.59, covering the tax on the corpora tion’s safes of gasoline and distillate in Oregon for the month of November. From the Union (Oil company . the secretary of state has received a i check * in the amount of $16,220,87, while from the Associated Oil com- j pany -there has been received the amount of $14,368.50. F. L. MATHEWS & CO. Senator MeNary has written a letter First Street, near First National to the directors of the Portland cham- j Bank ber of commerce, calling attention to Canby, Oregon, the unfortunate condition of about, 1100 ex-service men living in Oregon ! who are unemployed. The letter ap- ! 1 peals to the chamber for heroic offerti to provide employment for 8 8 maay ef these men as possible and urge» action on the part of.the Membership to use its? influence to biLis end Applications fc? authority to con struct four tiveriigad crossings on the Pacific highway over the tracks of I the Southern Pacific have been filed 1 | A G O O D PLACE TO STOP When you come to Canby with thè public service commissior*. These crossings are to be'ìocated, at COMMERCIAL Oakland, Sutherlin, Wilbur and Dhady Point, all of them being in Douglas county. It was estimated that the construction will involve an expedi- Hoard nnd room, by day, or week j ture of approximately $230,00*0. Furni shed housekeeping rooms r. After spending approximately $350,- “ 3 to n at the Commercial” ! (TOO in development work and running MR.S. T. H, EARLS a tunnel 250 Ifeet past the place wh ere Manager it was expected to find the Las¿ It will profit you ! camp on an efficient basis in accordance, with the actual ne|Bs of the city, de- / dared the tax sj&ervision commis sion, in a reportifollowing the slice/ of $72,000 taken^ff the police budget in which it scored thé police depart- j nient and pointed out its various d?- / E n tertain m en t I Ellison - White Lyceum B tr eau The De Marco Aisb l up Entertainers AURORA BAND HALL TH U R SD A Y NIGHT January 5th The OREGONIAN ANNUAL Comes Out YoV i Don’t Want to M iss It REMEMBER THE D A T E JANUARY 2nd, 1922 You Will Want It HOTEL This is Oregon’s Annual Big Paper, Illustrat ed with hundreds of pictures of Oregon. Every family sends a few copies to their friends back East. I will have in Aurora 100 extra copies of this Annual. Leave order at Observer Office Now. BERTIE HELTZEL, A g t SEND SEVERAL F A S T - - - K E E P O NE | RRg- Chance vein of gold ore, the cornu copia Mines company cut *Jhe ledge] Friday and a revival of the mining in dustry at Cornucopia is assured. Robert M, Butts, manager'of the com Ask your G.rp c pany, says that enough ore is ap parently at hand to keep the mill running seven or eight years. I Judge Bingham of the circuit court BRANDS ' at Salem granted a certificate of prob able cause following the filing of a bill of exceptions in the case of Dr. R. M. Brumfield, Roseburg dentist, who was convicted recently of first degree murder in connection with the Hubbard Creacne ry Co. death of Dennis Russell of Dillard, HUBBARD, ©SI 2 . Douglas county, Brumfield is under,jj death sentence. The granting of the j II We buy Butterfat and ; Eggs at Highest Market Pru 'es certificate automatically stays the ex-i| eeution of the convicted man, who was = sentenced to hang in the state peni - 1 -------- I tentiary January 13. “ Mother Hi ibbard BUTTER f g i a n t STUMPING POWDER «* non-freezing; theft ime. don't eau.« headache. E v e ry user a booster. J* R. : p i t t s Phone 52-5 Canby, O regon Our Ad vertising 1 1 1 Ser nee M e a n s M o e te ! M r. B u n t Sales for You tess Man ad v ertisin g in When you be • this paper y- gu »' ta r t on th e road T h ere is no to more bu: attest m edium fo r better or ctieapt( reaching t he bu3 era o f th is com- munity. W a %l90 provide /hstec Printing of description