The Aurora borealis. (Aurora, Or.) 19??-1909, December 10, 1908, Image 4

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Is a Constitutional Disease
It originate in impure blood and
requires constitutional treatment, acting
through and purifying the blood, for it
radical and permanent cure. The
greatest constitutional remedy is
Hood's Sarsaparilla
In usual liquid form or in chooolatwl tab
lets kuowu 8aratab$. luodoHesU.
Naal and other local forms of catarrh
are promptly relieved by Antisepleta or
C'atarrlets, file., drujrziHts or mail.
C. I. llood Co., Lowell, Mans.
( klii' fequalur.
Tsacbar Tom in, do you know what
fatltuda is?
Tommy Ys. ma'am. It's distance
north and south of tbs Chlcsga rlrsr.
Ohlcajo Tribnni.
Oaa Mara I'afariaaata,
Tbt polict Justice looked at tbs bat.
farad, disreputable iiinirn of ma o hood
bsfors bim sud turnml to tbs olicsnan.
"Oflicsr," bs fckksd, "what Is tbs com
plaint V"
"Rhtumatis, y't honor," spoks n tbt
prisoner, anawsrlug for almtl(. C'bicaf
The Rsk.
Ostfnd Ta, what do thejr mean when
they any "Money Is rasy" lu Wall
I'a They mean that It la easy, ray
on, because they hsvs Just gotten It
from easy people.
Ostend Then why can't we get It?
Pa Becaim those that have a bold
n It art not an ay.
rraas Til lO P. aft
Talk about your moving picture that
they charge a dim to see,
Well, they may I real amusing, but
Just take a tip from me!
There's a transparent curtain and two
"apoonera" on our street.
Talk about your moving pictures well,
we guess we hsre tliem best.
Javaalle Depravity,
"Kitty," said her mother, rebuking!?,
"you roust sit still when you are at tbs
"I can't, minims," protested tbs little
girl, "I'm a fl.lsetsrisn."
Taa-SIIaele Uallatlas.
lllratn Burrows How's yer cbawln'
terbacker, Ezra?
Ecra Skinner (reluctantly producing
plug) Fallln' fast; I don't eipact It
to last the day out Tuck.
Trtafttak al llamaa Nalare,
Theni aerrBtce" mothers In the Til
lage mothers' club agreed to decide by
ballot which had the handsomest baby."
"Well, who won It?"
"Each kid gut one Tote." Judge.
rarllcalar llaialrt.
"Kitty, wouldn't you like to know
something shout F.apersnto?"
"Do you hsTe to lesrs to play It, er U
It aometbing you est?"
There ars now over 2."iO,K0 words In
tlis Kuilish language acknowlcdsed by Ihs
best authorities, or shout "0,000 mors
than la the (Jeriimn. French, Spanish and
Italian Isneuscea combined.
K you've yet
v'il comfort it qives in
l the wettest weather
MADE, roa
Hand at"vic
CATAioo rati
IMMt CO tflM a 1.
fuwt a (mwm ta iiwTitt. nmilui
TUs sterling household remedy is most
ucccsttfully prescribed for a "world of
troubles." l or derangements of the di
gestive organs it is a natural corrective,
operating dirrctly upon the liver and ali
mentary canal, K'nl'y -ut persistently
stimulating a healthful activity. Its
beneficial influence extends, however, to
every portion of the system, aiding in the
froceaea of diction and assimilation of
ood, promoting a wholesome, natural
appetite, correcting sour stomach, bad
breath, irregularities of the bowels, con
stipation and the long list of troublea
directly traceable to those unwholesome
conditions. Kasparilla dUjcls drowsi
ness, headache, backache and despond
ency due to inactivity of the liver,
kidneys and digestive tract. It is a
(trengtheniug touic of the highest value.
If it fails to aatiafr we authorize all
dealers to refund the purchase price.
llovT Chkmical Co. Portland, Oregon
C. Gee Wo
Thi Chinese Doctor
icaa I vti k now
lrusihul h Srtla.
mrmi tvusaa) of asla
ejerfuk ft4 srrlmts
cur. ! Is ttMlajr hrr
I by all bis iatiefJ
lit srMirot uf bis
t.ta.. H irtsj any sn4
9J. fi,l hutrSJ reHtav karl
kxtj I sal mrm stiitrtat inihooa to las n,4
vt ..- tf K ia Mnlr. W it a hmmm aarta
rvnMtosj aa suarantasMi fr rirt re.ta.rvli.
at, tuns tr hI '. rhanmat aanivianeajt,
a. .it-r an. I t. !.. y t r- r i v .m riat
assjsMaasi aw mmm mmm wtnaiaa.
coNMtiATtoN rurc
eMt MiMa r rllr writ lur klMk a4
The C. Cce Wo Medicine Co.
MIW rinl M.. Ntae MarriMa
rartlaarf. Of.
No. (0 01
I YMrN wr,,,,,s; taalTrttseelaae
11 SPfc T W . B
av A.
Important Points In Policy of New
Tariff Revisian Come Firit-Large
Number of Measures to Govern
Trusts Reform Injunction Law
Extensive Improvements to Rivers,
Beginr.hg With Ohio.
Hot" Spring, Va . Dec. 5. The
World is able to present here the
principal legislative program of the
Taft administration;
Tariff revision is the primary rea
son for the extra session that will bo
called immediately after March 4
Mutt, but the next President sccs n,)
reason why, during that extra session,
the Sherman anti-trnst liw should not
be so amended that railroads may
make rate agreements under the strict
supervision of the interstate com
merce commission. It is not likely
that more subjects than the tariff and
an amendment to the Sherman act
will be named by Mr. Taft in calling
the extra session, though he may de
cide later to mention aM of the prin
cipal laws that he hopes to see en
acted. These are:
1. Tutting a limitation on the issu
ance of interstate bonds and stocks.
-. Authorizing railroad to make
rate agreements which otherwise
would he in violation of the anti trust
law, subject to the approval of the
interstate commerce commission.
3. Defining particular cases in which
temporary restraining orders may is
sue without notice, and prescribing
proceedings limiting their operation
to the very shortest diy.
4. Such Amendments to the law or
ganizing the bureau of corporations
as shall require certain large corpor
ations doing an interstate business to
submit to the scrutiny and examina
tion of agents of t lie federal govern
ment. 5. Reorganizing the department of
justice, the interstate commerce com
mission and the department of com
merce and labor in respect to the jur
isdiction exercised by them over in
terstate corporations, both railroads
iind others. It is Mr. Taft's idea that
the three departments should work
harmoniously, so that no one shall in
going over ground covered by another
and so that there shall be no conflict
of authority. Ultimately cases han
dled hy these departments must now
go to the courts, but it is Mr. Taft's
idea that a large nutnluT of cases can
be disposed of finally and equitably
by the departments under the right
sort of law.
fl. Reform in the monetary and
banking systems of the country. This
is recognized as one of the great
problems nclore the new administra
tion, but it is not expected that it
will be taken up at the extra session.
7. Conservation of the natural re
sources of the country, including the
Appalachian bill. The oucstion of the
constitutional power of the federal
government' in this matter is not yet
clear, it can be said that Mr. Taft is
in sympathy with the end to be ac
complished, but that he will recom
mend no legislation until he is satis
fied as to the exact length to
the federal government can go.
H. Improvement of rivers and har
bors. The new administration is com
mitted to an energetic policy of im
provement, particularly of inland
waterways. The Ohio river nine-foot
channel from Pittsburg to Cairo is to
tlie front at present. It will cost $H,, and the next president favors
ine issuance ot nomls to push the
Dutch Warships Make Demonstration
Off Venezuelan Coast.
Willcmstad. Dec. V II avinir hern
unable to obtain amicable settlement
of outstanding differences with Veil
eiucla, The Netherlands government
has begun a naval demonstration off
the coast of the Ninth American re
public, and since Wednesday vessels
flying the Dutch flag have steamed
from Puero Cabello to I.a toi.ivr.i at
a distance of aooo yards from the
Will Not Admit Charge.
Wilmington, Del.. Dec. 3. K. A.
Dunont, secretary, and I'.dward M.
Mead, treasurer, of the several powder
commmcs nu.nnst uhirb tmt lm
been brought by the government, were
examined tot iv tetore I nitctl States
Commissioner M.ihntTev tiv ilie .r,,v.
eminent counsel in regard to the pur
chase of competing companies by the
iMtnom company, ami an etlort was
made to show that, during several
vears when no dividend urro .1...
dared, the money was used in pur
chasing other companies, but they
won i, i tv i atlmit tins.
Finds Infernal Machine.
Stockton. CaL Dec. 5 Whit is be-
lievid to be an infernal muhme was
found in the Western Pacific con
struction yards today bv a workman
under a pile of tie. It consisted of
a two-gallon can of dymmite. to
which was attached a blasting fuse
live feet long The worknnn to,k the
infernal machine to an open tield and
r if otT, il-r explofcll shaking the
buildings within a raduts of ten miles.
There was enough explosive in the
can to have blown a business block
Seventeen Die in Storm.
St. lohns. N V , Dec. 5 Seventeen
person have per. shed in a storm
which ha lashed the New
coast for 4 hours. In all ten fishing
vessel have gone ashore, most of
th em brrikinir into fragment on the
rock. l? storm caused much dim
.ie to wharves and boats in the tin
merous harbors.
4 i
! 'J
- 'V I
Catarrh Twenty-five Years
Mad a Bad Cough
Miss Sophia Kittleson, Evanston,
111., writes:
"I have been troubled with catarrh
for nearly twenty-five years and have
tried many cures for it, but obtained
very little help.
"Then my brother advised me to try
Peruna, and I did.
"My health was very poor at the
time I began taking Peruna. My
throat was very sore and I hud a bad
"Peruna has cured me. The chronic
catarrh is gone and my health is very
much improved."
I recommend Peruna to all my
frienda who are troubled as I was."
PtkUNA TABLETS: Some people pre
fer tablets, rather than medicine in a
fluid form. Such people can obtain Pe
runa tablets, which represent the
medicinal ingredients of Peruna. Each
tablet equals one average dose of Pe
runa. Man-a-lin the Ideal Laxative
Ask Your Druggist for a Free Peruna
Almanac for i)0.
Tbs St. Pelerihurg correspondent ol
the Loudon Mail tay that r driinn
mads of thin Uavus of silver sr bin
used In the Russian military hoipital for
dlMafi of the rsr, to rsplsce deftctivf
orgs ns.
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslon Boothlai
Syrup thH b. i remedy to una lur Itisircb Idr-ui
luring llit testhiug JKiriod.
Slaniaa' to a horns filrl.
I am sorry you ean't be uiy bride, May,
Hut my father won't give his eousent,
And if he, in a rage, rut nie off, May,
Why 1 never could pay for our rnt.
But why should we live sny more? May.
Id death wt utiuu.d not he apart.
I miflVr aloii, and am xcized, May,
With a grief that Is searing j)iy heart.
So let's floe from the odious world. May,
Where there' nothing but troubles nud
en res,
Ah, won't it he graud, when we two, hand
in hand,
Ars climbing the gulden stairsT
CITC Ht. Vltua' Dnnr and "rvom oiamwa puna
I II J aBti7 ear. I.y lr 1 InaaOrvat Nfra K
alorer. Hxntl (or rSEB SI 00 tnal loitl ana trfaOa.
Dr. H. U. klma, Ld., ail AiH-b Ut., J'blla.lvllii, l a.
Tm Avoid UllalaWea.
"I want a bottle of Hylndd's Extract,"
ssid the prominent jHjIit Irian of the
'Steeuth ward, sleppiug into a drug store.
"Hybrid's Extract?" qurried (lit drug
gist. "That's a niislicine I never hearj
of bpfore."
"I never heard of it. either, until fiwli
but I'm under contract to writ a testi
monial for it. and I want to Mud out what
diseases it claims to be good for."
Voa Can Get Allen's root-fast TRET.
W rite llina. 0'itel. I.p Hoy, n. v., for a
" awniiiMi, aeiniiK li-i-i, U makca
new or Unlit nU,n-n Py. A eeruia t uis lor
noma. IiiiiiuwIiik nail, anil Umlona. All ilriiK
lUUaelilt. i.K I'oa't aee'i( auy auUtituK
It's flee from this odioim world. May,
And go to the land of frothlea toj.n.
tliilinhle waiters and coiinlless de
lights; where your pipe doean't go
out every few minute nd you
don't have to trump ten miles to
get a clirvk cashed.
Vala Record.
Lame Back Prescription.
The increased use of w hiskey for
lame back rheumatism is causing con
aiderable discussion among the medical
fraternity. It is an almost infallible
cure when mixed with certain other in
gredients and taken properly. The fol
lowing formula is effective: "To one
half pint of good whiskey add one
ounce of Toris Compound and one ounce
Syrup Sarsaparilla Compound. Take
in tablespoonful doses before each meal
and before retiring."
Toris compound is a product of the
laboratories of the Clobe Pharmaceuti
cal Co., Chicago, but it as well as the
other ingredients can be had from any
ood druggist.
illnalratlna- It.
".!..auh." ke, Mra. Cbiuwater, look
H up from rhe newapper he was reaJ
"i. "aliet i a 'homeatreti h'?"
"Th ." answered Mr. Chugwsfer,. lean
"t t'Sck in hia e-ny chair, alowly extend
t his anna at ililit anV with his
o.l?. ami s.N-omp.intii'c rtie exerciae wita
i''ainsl yswn. "Vo.i're aen nie d ( B
-..-I :,-, "rhi.n-n Trthuna.
rl l (Mlttl .S)fi... I 4.1. . laal, i
l-r in fur. ... I" '
Condition of Washington' Governor
Eelect Becomes Mora Serious.
Pav Kid!rs. Cal, .Dec. 4 (1-jv-ern
r-e!ect C'i'-grnve's condition
become r.iorc erioui An cperation
h.ts been mrfornied by Drs. Dresser
and Sawyer. Dr. Dresser says: "1
don't think he can hold out two weeks
longer." A specialist of Ilcrkeley is
here on the case and said: "Chronic
disease is getting linn. l.ven if he
survives for some tune, he will cer
tainly not be able to return to his
home state for inauguration as gov
ern! r."
After a consultation the snecialist
said that he thought everything was
being done tor the governor and ap
proved the course ot treatment, and
it was decided to continue the course
as heretofore.
Paso Kcihles, Hot Springs, Cal..
Dec. 4 (jovernor-clect Cosgrove of
Washington was reported bite last
night to be somewhat improved. Dr.
I', (i. Kcinhardt, of t'n- University of
California, was in consultation yester
day with Dr. Dresser, the attending
physician, regarding Mr. Cosgrove's
condition and approved the course of
treatment that is being administered
to him. Dr. Dressci said shortly be
fore midnight that the patient was
resting well and that he had appeared
to be somewhat stronger. The report
that the fioveruor-clei t had under
gone an operation yesterday is un
Prosecution In Ruef Trial Trying to
Prove Bribery.
San Francisco, Dec. 4 In the Rucf
bribery trial yesterday the prosecution
endeavored to show by the testimony
of Adam Dahler, acting treasurer of
the United Railroads, that the $-(0,-i)i))
drawn by Tircy 1.. Ford from the
mint was never turned over to the
company. Mr. Dahler said that he re
tained all the gold coming in and de
posited all currency and checks. He
said that after the graft iniiiry h id
begun in lliurt, (leorge F. Starr, the
company's treasurer, went east with
a number of vouchers and books to
be expertcd.
(leorge W'lcutt, secretary of the
United Railroads, testified regarding
the books in bis charge. The pro
posed introduction of a letter which
Wilcutt said he had at his office, and
which is supposed to contain some
reference to the S'.' drawn by
Ford, led to a wordy clash between
attorneys. 1
William M. Abbott, assistant coun
sel for the United Railways, was
called, but on advice of his counsel
refused to testify on the ground that
lie was under indictment in connection
with the trolley franchise matter.
Judge I.awlor overruled the objec
tions and compelled him to testify.
He then related tlv incident of his
trip to the mint with Ford, when the
latter obtained one of the install
mcnts of the $oo,nuo made payable
to the order of Patrick Calhoun.
pillagers;rule city.
Troops Disperse Haytian Mob With
Volley, Killing Twelve.
Port an Prince. Dec. 4 For many
hours during the night following the
flight of Xord Alexis riot and pillage
prevailed in Port an Prince. The
populace, maddened by the spirit of
revolt, turned from the skiff that car
ried the deposed president .to the
French training ship. Duguay Trouin,
and gave full vent to Its passions. It
looted stores and residences, fought
over the booty and was held in check
only by an armed force hastily gnth
cred together by (icneral Poidcvin
which fired a volley into the mob and
drove the rioters from street to street
and finally into seclusion. Twelve
persons were killed and many wound
ed before order was restored. '
So serious did the situation become
that a committee of public safety,
composed of the most prominent mili
tary leaders, was organized. Scores
of citens were placed under arms to
assist the loyal troops in patrolling
tl.e eity and comparative tranquillity
now reigns.
The American. French and German
ministers decided early in the morning
that they cou'd trust in the arrange
ments made bv the committee to
maintain order, but they jointly gave
notice that, if trouble occurred again.
they would land forces from the war
Want Large Warehouse.
Helena, Mont., Dec. 4. Montana
sheepmen, including the members of
the state board of sheep commission
ers, met here today in conference with
representatives of the Chicago Associ
ation of Commerce respecting the
building in that city of a wool ware
house to cost $100,000. Very liberal
tcrma have been offered and w hile no
definite action was taken at this after
noon's meeting, the project is general
ly favorably received. The sheep com
mission announces that it has no im
portant recommendations to make.
Sought Throughout Land.
Los Angeles, Dec. 4. Theodore S.
Lowe, formerly agent at a New York
substation of the United States Ex
press company, was arrested in a local
cafe tonight on a charge of embezzle
ment, preferred by his former employ
ers. He is accused bf having appro
propriated $450 of the company's funds
three months aero. Officers throughout
the country have sought him since.
lAiwe intimaus that his people have
money enough to settle the difficulty.
Fired by Incendiary.
Re J Lodge, Mont, Dec. 4. General
Manager C. R. Clachorn. of the North
western Improvement company, who
has made a thorouch investigation of
the cause which led to the great disas
ter on ovember 20. has come to the
conclusion that the fire in ftope No. 2
was of incendiarv origin, and tndav
offered a reward of $2,500 for the ar
rest and conviction of the gnilty party.
ITT k r"H- J ,O,t07; "!'."; t-vynu to ahln l!aa Fn-a a4 PM., to n. than a.
a.. 1 1 at ht.i.i. Urn. f r l'r., Virk.t l;..rt. Miwin- luisa. ano ,(k,u,
i i;Tp,r T.Ji'r:!i ivzzt
IUteulitouuJ.l..,ltKM. AaUaraca lira. 1. in Mlamaljl u
Aeeop la l.lttla Half."
A s ftnJ teaeher In the Italian rpiar
ter of un Aineili iiii city told her chil
dren tin story t the fn ii i id the
grains. Tony was especially delighted
with the "lory, nud eum-ily xoiight his
chum, Joe, who was in another class.
Hy good link, the teacher overheard
Tony'a version.
In his excited, broken Pnsllsli he
told the fable nan Ii us It was written,
until he came to the end. This was his
rendering of the climax: '
"I)e olda fox he nay. 'Da grape no
good, anyhow; alia 'Hour. I guvss I
jo geta de banau.' "
Xr t'ae fur It.
Mrs. Pneuhride (at telephon) Iltllo!
Is that the health depart ineut?
Voice Yes.
Mrs. Pneubride I wish you would send
one of your ol!i'-ers to il7 Itilus strt-ct.
This hotu is full of cockroaches. Chi
esjo Tribune.
Dr rar.
Ffrancr fon horseback) Uncle, what
is tha price of oats to-day?
Uncle .I', (sitting on the fence) We
don't sell our votoa in these diggiu's, mis
ter. r. you a candidate?
lire I iu prompt a t'naaudraia.
"You called on Mls Tartun and she
irreeied you with: 'Why, Mr Sorreltop !'
Wll, what was tln-re in that hurndess
ticlauiatinn to offend you. Percy?"
"Yes, but s'.ie er didn't punctuate It
that way. She said : 'Why Mr. Sorrel
top?' M
i Sua it ii
similaiiiiUtficFoodaraji'tjula ling tiie Sionrais aMUwc'Js rf
ness and Ii.'st.Contalr.$ nctor
OpuuvuMarphinc norkocral.
Not N An c otic.
"---aaaaBaSBBaj a aBBBB-BB-aaaaBaaai
yinvafii Slid'
JiX-Siwn e
st itstSmt
Carttitii .C.tipr
Irwavhii tiam
Aperrect Remedy forfrnisllpa
lion . Sour Stonuch.Uiarrtaa
Vorras f om-ulsioas.I,m,rish
nes3andLoss of Sleep. ,
FacSlniile Signaiure of
piimMteij h 11 P r dm 1. 1
Exact Copy of Wrapper. TMt n(w YO(l, crrr
nai 00 au
I1KUI ritHxn
no rr bitii
More Converts
Every Year
Every day in every vecur
wives are giving up their
Powders and turning to K C.
which has stood so well the
Ending out that
j - .v a n
costs cne third the price of rowder any
where near K C quality, and males
better, purer, more
'11 23' Ounces lor
K'iJ Ma-Fir
- --- UI..H av
'-al syrup better than Mania.
hU& aJ a Solvl DV tfracf.
" m
Ila CoalJn't Tell m Ma.
"Well, gm.d by. dear!" said Mr. Trua
boy to his beloved spouse. "I must go
und dictate those letters twenty-six of
them no you mustn't extH-ct uie horns
'very early."
"All right:'' was the response. Tut
I wish you wouldn't work no hard."
Half an hour later. Mr. Trucboy en
tensl bis club and sat down, with threa
otiicis. ut a nrd table.
"Jut a moment, you fellows, before
the tirst hand Is dealt. I've got to keep
my word with my wife. One of you
Just take down what I dictate: 'Abe
d c f g h I J k I m n o p i r t u r w
x y z.' There! Those k-tters are off
uiy mln J.
Ila Could Not Tell a Lie.
Inquiring Lady 1 low much mlVx
doe" jour cow give a day?
Truthful Hoy 'pout twelve quarts,
Inquiring Lady And how much of
that do you soil?
Truthful Itoy Tout twelve quarts,
ladv. Human Life.
Tbt Horsemen.
A Teterlnary aurpeon pronounced a
hunter to be atlllcted with an Incur
able disease.
"What had I better do?" queried tha
owner to bis groom.
"Well, sir." was the reply, "con
scientiously siH'iiklng, I should part
with him to unotlicr gentleman." Tit
P.ltn. '
. . J , ittfna'alrtti
For Infants nnd Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
"l- uaa.3Ua
m a yuan
ft tV' S6
Get it from
your Grocer
-.. - tit
VJSv. V U411 IT
that comes, more rinii;.
exorbitant crierd RaL-intr
the honest and reliable.
test of years. They are
healthful baking.
23 Cca!a