What is Pc-ru-na. Are w. claiming too much fur 1'eruna when we claim It to b. an enVctiv. remedy for chronic cstarrhT Hst. we abundant proof that I'oruna la In real ity such a catarrh retiunl jT Let ua se what tha United ritaUs PirM?ruatory aja of tho principal ingredients of IVrnna, Take, for instance, tho Ingredient hydrastis canadensis, or golden s-l. Th. United Htatea pipcnatory ssys of thla herbal remedy, that it N largely employed In the treatment of depraved mucous membranes lining varloua organs of the human body. Another Ingredient of Ternna, cory dalla formooa, la claused In the United States Plsponnatory aa a tonic. Ccdron soeds ta another Ingredient of I'eruna. The Unltod Btatos l)li"na tory aaya of the action 6f cedron that It la uaed aa a bitter tonlo and in the treatment of dysentery, and In inter mittent dUeaaea aa a aubitltute for quinine. Bend to na for a free I wok of tosti monlala of what the people think of I'e runa aa a catarrh remedy. The beit ridenee la the tvtftliuoiiy ol ikim who have tried It. tp Agalaat a Hard Uae. TTi great driver iuto lb etrts of nature, who had ai-rutnulated a furtuot and retired from active lniiiiea In order to ! able to (ire hi wbulo tiine to study and eiiMriti)vut, n oLaerved to be cog"i tatinf profoundly. "What are you giving your mind to aow?" inquired one of hia laboratory aa slatsnts. "1 was merely wrtiiderhif,'' he anawered, "what heromea of all the corks." CRESCENT EGG-Pi IOSPH ATE BAKING POWDER A modern lesvenrrst a modrrsts price I la 30 per cent, mora efficient than "Trusfor Cream-of-Tartar products and absolutely free from the betltb-ricklng Rochrlle Salt residue Invariably accompanying tbelr uac Get it from your Grocer 25c FULL POUND -25c XT. I., 1oiialm tnahra ami arlla mora t nten'a a:i.oo ami k.l.AO alinra llmti any othtr iiiamif net nrrr In Ilia wmlil, Ih rauaa limy hoi. I llifir alt;i, tit iMltr, nil wear longr than any oilier utuka. 8ho it All Prices for Evr Membitr of the I amtly. Man, Boyt, Women, Mniata Childraa W t ToluS4 Caa4 t BGI tin Ihaaaraaaat k aa.aall.4 at aa ralia. W I. Dnala J IV aaa Sit ikoaa at. tha fc.it la tha woiM Fia 'olr rwtrlt 1'arxl ! rf ft, tr 'U i. w. i.. ituiirfiM nam an.t ptl.n la ataiuii-i on N.lt,.m. s, I I ,mrlifr. Hlna mallei limit ta.ituiito anr ail of I ha wml.l. I al alcmiii' llw. V. L. IHIl lll A. MS fiaa,fc St., Ilrmkloa. Maaa. 9 try . - '',." ,vf, v- t .ml. , ' In tour tiiouin iimiliir tit ti it lit t . n. ni m.i to wmr tlriv, uiiutls ru iti or tit htttnd, urliMrr tsri.lt, wilt. 1 li r Mt )Mm of "TEETH WITHOUT PLATES Ttia rtwult of tl vnara' riix-nrin w. lU n' ot rlla Inn l" (h In lha n inh l.- ih In iwih la ai'iNiranoa. twih li rlivw your UA ui-oii. aa you ll MHn ,i'r natural oioa Ihir Ion- ai orw.H' l.aj mm ran ilx ir cm ira nmn, tirlilxv tit ilaia ra In a l'v if a.ry rionnrli (ainloaa ai trni'iintf, tinly hull i laaa. ai ltnuni tirk. WISE DENTAL CO , INC. ! W W I M.nm.T -1 nan In I'mKan l t.l M..r. I nlLna Kiill.tiny. Il.lr.l hii.I ah Inaion mi. !.. loi.i., a A M mat' l him ila.a. I in I I' M Ikii 1.. I!allll, , I .Ira, j W. i iionra a an.i aiain ? fli I I V I i :z- in i The skin i an Index to the totality of the blood. Kczctna, Acne, Tetter, irnplcs. ra.-dics. cntpliotn. etc., show that some unhealthy humor or acid impurity i discain; and cotruptinjr the ciiculation. so that instead of supplying- iioitiishiiu nt and sttcngth to the fine, delicate tissues of the skin, it it continually jHuuinj; out its acrid and unhealthy accumulations. External application of salves, washes, lotions, etc., may relieve some of the itching- and other discomfort caused by skin troubles, and for this reason should ,e used, but such treatment cannot reach the humor-laden blood, and therefore cannot cure. A thorough cleansing- of the blood, is the only cute for skin diseases. S. S. S., a purely vegetable preparation, is the best and quickest remedy. It -ks down into the circulation and neutralizes snd removes the acids, impurities and humors, thoroughly purifies the ctrrul.ition and ptttuancntly cures skin diseases of every kind. When S. S. S. has dtiven the humors and impurities from the blood, and cooled and cleansed t!ie nci 1 heated circulation, every symptom passes away the skin is n-;on m-misLed with rich, healthful MooJ and the trouble cured, as the canst- h s U . n removed. lU.k on skin diseases and any medical advice Iut to all who vviue. IUE swlfT SPECIFIC C0.( ATLANTA. CA. Tke Bl ria. How doe it happen that Brows la treating everybody In eight 7" "Why, you see. years ago be preeented his wife with a little toy bank In which the children could keep their pennies." "I are. And now he finds hlmaelf the head of a frug-al. Industrious family." "No; now he finds tbs bank." I'uck. lie Kim. Uol.ua (jolde hua accepted tha young curl's jiroposul for his daughter Lotta'a hand. "And I trust. Lord Lacland" so, with stiff, old world formality, the In terview concluded "I trust you know tho valuo of the prize you're gettlngT' The other flushed. "Kr seventeen tullllous, la It Lot?" he stammered. As ta Ike IlelU. I'retty (Jltl Ves, I must say that 1 have a host of adtnlrcra. Nw (Suitor More than you can shuke a stick at, th? Pretty tilrl- Kr worse than that. More than my father can shake a atick at Mlalake la the Ksaae. Girl (iu grsnd stand) It's Interesting to watch tbs crowd. Look at the faces of the people. They're all agog for tbs game to begin. Tie Fared Youth Allagog? I don't find any such name on tbs score card. You mean A It rock, don't you T Chicago Tribune. Mother win find Mrs. WlnaloWs loothtaa "yrup lb be. remedy to uwlut l&eilch.'lilrVa luilog tba Wetbiug period. Nat Baapleleas. The Coimtable Yes, your worship, the prisoner Is a most suspicious char acter. The Accused (Indignantly) It's him that's suspicious. Aw'ni po stjHjHKioua o' onybody ! Punch. Ma.lt. Mrs. Ptubb It states la this mnga- cine, John, that the shortest men on eurth are the Laplanders. Mr. Ktubb I I'm I They couldn't bo any shorter than an American man after his summer vacation. piTC St. Vltua' IMana ana roa Dimm twrwa IllJaaaUr tar.4 l.r lr. .Ina'a Uraal Net Ha mi err t. Hnt for rtIS II M trial bolt la aa! Irantlaa. tr. H. U. ailaa. La., ml Irub St., J'tila4lpUi, fa. Lost lis rle. 'Great guns, barber, that razor of yours is lu a terrible condition 1' ex claimed the victim In the chulr. 'YcHsuh, Ah 'spt't yo am all right. Ah done wore dnt razor to er ball las' til'fct. sah, an' Ah reckon de grln'stone aii what It needs." Huston Pimt. lie Kirn. "Why Is It." aaked the teacher af tha clua in cheniiatry, "that there la more nutriment In henna, for exaumle. than there Is in pork?" "Ileraune," answered the bov with th had eye, "when you order 'era st a lunch counter you get a plateful of beans snd only half a hits of pork." Chicago Trib ute I'rrmaarat Receiver, Patience I hear Will la going to mnrry that girl he's been spending so much money on. Patrice Yea He's going to make her a permanent receiver. Yonkers Statesman. Kllrhena. (tablM, ahU and kennrla. If "20- Mula-Team" IUirai la aprinkled on tha floors and lilarra Infartnl with dry rot, mould, decay, and lllKM-ta auch aa UwtlM. an la rnrk marhaa Kim and ohrr vrrmin, It will arrvat tha dry rot and driva tha vrrmin away. Itorai la not Injurloua, and tht'ra la no danger from poioonlna whan uaina It, A Uralla lllat. Chnr't- v:?rkt rs often feel great awk- wh nines lu umkltig public appeal for funds. Few of them, declares the Washing ton Star, can curry off that embarrass ment with the grace of the colored prencher, who snld to bis congrega tion: Hrtiilren, Ah katn't preach byab an' bourd In lieh'n." Catarrh Cannot be Cured with I.nCAI.AI'IM.K'ATlONH.sa they cannot ri'aih tlii. a.al ol thnt lca. alarrl. (an i.i.m! or eollatttullotlal dt.vaaa nml l nl.. t ..... It ymi miiat lake Intarnal rvmedlva. Haiti aiarru i urr i lakrn internally, and acn ilt r,"'!V M,'0, Ul btinxl ami tuueoua .urlarea. lull a t alarrh ('lira la n..i a n.....k ku.ii It waaprem-rilieil by oneoltna Iwat tibyalo am lit ihUcoutiiar for rean ami la a renular vf. erlptton. 11 Ii rnmpoaiMt ot tha tniilra HOW l.rnmhltlixl with Ilia l.al l,l.vl K...la-r. aeltng ilrptly on the niurona aurfarra. The M-rl..i t eomhlnattnrt of Ihntwo tnar.llenta ta ..vniiiiTiiiirn woniirtnl n-aulta Incur "a nmrrrt M.-nn ror t. atmon a la frt-e. a ,rvJ rlKN1r Yr, L,'rol . Toledo. 0. "old hr lrint.ta, i.rt.eVv.. lake Halts ramlly l'ltla lor con it! ration. Wit the Mlaalrrl.. "Mlntah Walkah, wot am de dilTunce 'tween a trav'ler start I it' to Taugler an' a plate o veal hash? "I give that one up, George. What la the difference between a traveler starting for 1 angler and a plate of veal haahT" "! one am Moroeco bound aa' de uddah am half calf." "Indies snd gentlemen, the celebrated vucalixt. Prof, ltoi de itote, will now aing that beautiful and touching ai'ntimentitl bslUd. 'Take Your Face Away, Clarence; You Have Keen t'aing a Safety Kasor.' " CURES ECZEMA, o ACME.TETTER ETC COLOR TESTS FOR WARSHIPS ay Department Will Try a Green on the Yankee. Invisibility Is the Object Sought by Officials White Painted Vessels Can Be Seen and Their Identity and Power Established at Far as Glass Can Reach. Uoston, Mass., Sept. 5. The famous "white squadron" of the American navy may become a "green squadron" as a result of a series of tests that were commenced this week with the big auxiliary cruiser Yankee off the Massachusetts coast. I'.arly in the week the Yankee left the Cliarlcstown navy-yard, where every portion of her exterior had been painted a deep slate green. The cruiser was then sent to sea f r a scries of tests to determine at what distance she would be dis cernible in the new color, and how it would act in various sorts of weather. Later the Yankee will be painted other shades of green, and the same experiments will be made. The re sults of the tests will not be an nounced until the experiments have been completed, though it is pretty well understood that some one of the shades will be selected. The navy department recently decided that the white painted warships were too easily seen at a distance, and their identity 'and power were clearly dis closed as far as the eye or glasses could reach. Acting- on the advice and recommendations of the K'neral war board, of which Admiral Dewey is chairman, it was decided to have a series of practical experiments to absolutely prove the advantage of a more somber color ami to test, by practical methods, the various shades of green paint as a method of hiding i ships approach. 1 he carrying of the painting scheme to the masts, ven tilators and every exposed portion of the ship's exterior above the water line is a new idea. indicts;three policemen. Springfield Grand Jury Harshly Re bukes Cowardly Officers. Springfield. 111., Sept. 5. The spe cial grand jury called to probe the re cent race war adjourned tonight, iftcr returning 17 more indictments This makes a total of 117 during the session. Among the indictments re turned this afternoon, four were against Springfield policemen. They arc indicted for alleged failure to sup press the riot when detr.ilcd for that duty. Sheriff Warnock. Chief of Police Wilbur Morris, Captain Charles S. Walsh, of Troon I), Springfield, and other officers are commended by the grand jury. The report condemns alleged cowards among the officials and says: 'After the most diligent inuuiry we condemn in unmeasured terms the cowardly, contemptuous action of those members of the police, who, having taken the oath of office, failed to do their duty." GIANT TREES SCORCHED. Threatening Fir at Calaveras Grove Now Under Control. Stockton. Cal.. Sept. 5. Informa tion from Mr. Whitcsnlcs. owner ot the Calaveras grove of big trees at Ilig Trees today, is to the effect that the fire which has been raging dose to the grove for the past three days. s now under control, though still burning to the north of the grove on the ridge toward Oardncr s. No fur ther alarm is felt at the grove, and unless something unforeseen should occur all danger as far as the big trees are concerned is past. The latest reports are that the wind has abated. Last night the fire fight ers got the better of the flames, and they are now under control. Men are still working in isolated portions of the grove, extinguishing the last sparks, so that the flames may not break out afresh. Pope Would Quit Vatican. Rome, Sept. 5. Kxpressing great fears that he has not much longer to live, and that the burdens of the church are becoming too much for him to bear. Tope Tins X today, in an interview with Hishop Uurkc. of Albany. N. ., declared that he is filled with an uncomiucrahlc desire to return to private life in his old home a? Venice, where he may spend his declining years in ntiiet rest. No adequate intimation of the mental suffering Ins holiness has been under going had been made until his state ment today to the American prelate Germany Can't Understand. Berlin. Sept. S The action of Ger many concerning Morocco, it wis et plained today, is limited to the sug gestion of the signatories to the Al geciras act that the time has arrived to recognize Mulai llafid as sultan of Morocco. Official wonderment is expressed at the agitation of the French and F.nglMi newspapers over the occurrence. I hey act as though tiermany hail done something outs Jc her powers instead of something th it one of the signatory powers must do. $4,0C0.00O Given to Charity. Oswego, N. Y.. Sept. 5 More than ll.non.ooo are left the charitable in stitutions, the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Yale University by the will of Frederick Cooper Hewitt, wh.i died at hi home here last Sunday. To relatives and friends les thin tMm.ooo is Uft. The estate is esti mated to be worth fJ.ooo.ooo to 000,000. acts foatlyj(t prompt ly on uio bou els, cleanses mc system ejjcctu ally, assists one "m overcoming habitual constipation permnncnTly. lo goi as l)cneicial effects bn the Genuine. Manufactured lytho California Fig Syrup Co. SOLO BY LEADING DRUCCIST5 -5C pBOTTU TOVER'SFISH BRAND WATERPROOF OILED GARMENTS are cut on largs patterns, designed to give me wearer ,the utmost comfort ilCHT DURABIECLEAH CUARANTtlfi valERPItOC SUITS 322 SLICKERS 322 ton mw tuts ml at of m fu l Knew the (.arae, A young woman was lu company with a university gruduate, and natur ally the tiilk run upon books. Ity and by there whs u lull in the conversation, broken pie-Hc-idly by the young woman, who said: "What do you think of Fielding. Mr. Fiiiltb?" "Oh," was the answer, "fielding Is Important, of course; but It Isn't worth much unless you have good butting average. All la tk a. 'Here, you !" said the aristocratic own er of the comer building. "What sre you putting up this measly chipboard shack alongside of my house for?" 'Shark nothlu'l" answered the busi nesslike youth who was snperlnterding Its erection, with equsl srroganca. "This Is a shoe shin in parlor." I H.V Hi Wtf .i 1 a - - w What is Castoria. OASTORIA is a harmlcD3 enbstitato for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Dropg and Soothing Syrups. It i3 pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor othor ITarcotio substance Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Povcrishness. It cure3 Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It reliovcs Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Platulency. It assimilates tho Pood, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural deep. Tho children's Panaccsr-Tho Mother's Pricnd. Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought,- and which has been in uso for over 30 years, has borno tho signaturo cf Chas. H. Pletchcr, and has been mado under his personal supervision sinco its infancy. Allow no ono to deceivo you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" aro but Experiments that triflo with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Expcrienco against Experiment. U OHOL 3 Per I'tK P Acgc(aMePrppanJ!onrcr.ls slmilaiiiiii!cnwtfan(fRrtuti ling Uic Siomacis aMDtmcls jf inn rromofes Distionfhrcrf J ncss and IVst.Contiin$ w itiw Ojiiuw .Morphine nor Mineral. OTNAHCOT!C. jAfou&nMiz.'mEX immjim W jAtuttmi ifcaaayaaw Aaraa Anerfoft rVme dv ftrCcinsflM lion , Sour Stomjch.Plarrtora Vorms f oiTN"ulstonsJfTnsH ncss and Lo SSOFSlllP. racS'ir.ak Siframrtof mmm 'vi "si-nni ; Exact Copy of Wrapper, A nrl.ht l.ad. That'a a powerful boy of your'n, 1 Ike," said a prominent citizen of folk- ! vllle. Ark. "You bctcha!" proudly replied "the parent of th prollgy. "He can swear like a pirate nml the little feller's only 5 years old and hain't never bwn lu ! siht of the ocean lu his life, uelthcr!" i I'uck. TTe Ksplatuefl. "How many home power Is she?' ?" he mirthfully Inquired. The stranded autoinobtllst was work ing over hla car. I'p came a sarcastic follower of the plow. "Slvty," replied the autonioblllsL 'Then, by hek. why don't she go?" "ItecaiiHe, my friend, thirty are pull ing each way." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Tallest Tree la lb World. The tallest tree lu the world sovfar as has been ascertained Is an Austra lian gum tree of the species eucalyptus rcgnans, which stands In the Cape Ot way range. It Is no less than 413 feet high. On m trees grow very fast. There Is one In Florida which shot up forty feet In four years and another In Guat emala which grew 'M feet lu twelve years. Thla correspond to a rise f ten feet In a year, or nearly one foot per month. IS OUIt MOTTO Said an Employer: "Stick to quality. It will win out in the end." We do "stick to quality." Thst is the reason our graduates are so thorough and in such demand. Investigate our claims to superiority. Catalogue, business forms and penwork free. Call, phone or write. Portland ItiiK.iiPHM College Tenth and Morrlaon, Portland, Oregon . P. ARMSTRONG. LL. B.. PRINCIPAL BUSINESS PORTLAND, BEHNKE-WALKER STUDENTS SUCCEED. WHY? They sre Trained for business In s business-like way. Why not enroll In a reputable school that places all ot its rrauateaT I. it WALKER. Pres. SEND TOR Letters from Prominent Physicians addressed to Chas. II. Fletcher. Dr. F. Gerald Clattner, of Buffalo, N. Bays: "Your Castoria is good lor children and I frequently prescribe It. always obtaining tha desired rebulta." Dr. Custavo A. Elscngracbcr, cf CL Taul, Minn., rays: "I have used your Castoria repeatedly la ray practice with good results, and can recom meed It tv nn pyrelst, tal'.C sx & harmless remedy for children Dr. H J. DcnnU, of St. Louis, Mo., says: MI hare used and prescribed your Castoria In ny sanitarium and outside practice for a number of years and Cnd it to be an excellent remedy for children." Dr. S. A. Buchanan, of Philadelphia, ra., says: I hare used your Cas toria In the cute of. my own baby and find it pleasant to take, and tiara obtained excellent results from its uso." Dr. J. H Cimpson, cf Chicago, 111, Bays: "I haTe used your Castoria in cases cf colic In children and Lave found it the best medicine of its kind on the market" Dr. TL e. Esklldson, cf Omaha, Neb, says: "I find your Castoria to be a standard family remedy. It is the best thing for Infants and children I have ever known and I recommend 1L" Dr. L. II. Kollnsoa, cf Kansas City, Mo, says: "Your Castoria certainly has merit. Is not its ace, Its continued use by mothers through all these yers, and the many attempts to Imitate It, sumclent recommendatlont What can a physician add? Lrave it to the mothers." Dr. Edwin F. rardee, of New York City, says: "For several years I hara recommended your Castoria snd shall always continue to do so, as it haa InTarlably produced beneficial results." Dr. N. B, SIzer. cf Brooklyn, N. Y, says: "I object to what are called, ratent medicines, where maker alone knows what Injredlents are put la them, but I know the formula of your Castoria and adrise its use."- CENUiriE CASTORIA always iJeari ma The Kind You Have ilways Bought in uso For Over 30 Years. rmu uarw mmn. rr iaaM ataaaT. ac vaa arr. For Coughs and Colds There is a remedy over sixty years old Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. Of course you have heard of it, probably have used it. Once In the family. It stays; the one household remedy for coughs and hard colds on the chest. Askyourdoctoraboutit. " I have had pneumonia thraa tlmst, and Atrr'a Cherry I'actoral brought maiatalr Ihroutfh each tuna. I hava luat r wo trad from inj laat attack. ad aiitTvn. No won.ler I rai It." -K.V, Hiuoma, ttUTaua folut. Wla. A Hulm bf J. O. A jar Co., LowalL. Maaal Aim uiauuiaulurara ut 110 tC raL5PARILU' tw O MAllt VIQCR. w Ayer's Pills Increase the activity ot the liver, and thus aid recover rcsccnt maplcinc JL'EOmtJStTSSTAIlEHSCfjn WHEN YOU COME TO PORTLAND ARRANGE TO STOP AT THE CORNELIUS PARK AND ALDER STS. A New and Modern Europaah Hotel, catering particularly to Stata prop la. A refined place for lad ire visiting- the city, clone to the shopping center. Kates reasonable. Free Bus. K. L CUHKE, (lati of Portland Hotel) Up. P N U Na 37-0 w II EN wrltlne; to advertiser pleas mention tins paper. COLLEGE ORKliON CATALOGUE O. A. KOSSERMAN. See. Bigaaturo of