THH AURORA BOREALIS Published every Thursday by DIXON & HOSKINSON, PROPRIETORS KATES OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year (in advance).......$l 00 Six months 50 Application made for second class rates. Advertising rates made known upon application to the oflice. Aurora, OrThursday Aug, 27, 1908 The world is but an experiment station. Perhaps the future will be the reality. A Missouri editor, who Is a prospective candidate for con gress, has filed suit against the Woodman Lodge for $10,000 for alleged injuries received while "riding tho goat." The editor probably needs campaign fund3. President William P. Stark and three members of the Missouri State Board of Horticulture will spend two entire weeks in Oregon before they complete" their tour bf the State. The name of Stark Is well known to every fruit grower in America, and the good bpinion of these gentlemen is worth much to the state. Clackamas county is turning but a good crop of teachers this year, eighty-seven applicants having appeared before the board of examiners. According to State Superintendent Acker man, the average salary paid male teachers in Oregon is $G5 per month, while the lady teach ers receive a salary of $50 per A fuller, sweeter melody . The meadow lark doth pipe, When the prunes are turning pur ple, And the hops' are getting ripe, n Note:-Just as we started to Ayrite p poem, of which the above isalragmcnt, me omce uevii began twisting the office cat's tail, and when we ,naa succeeucu jn quelling the muuruanco me fnuso had left us, so the lo.-'s fulls on our readers. . T Owners of famous Vorses, as r.vcllas breeders of fancy stock, are coming to Portland daily from all parts of tho country to see the marvelous grounds and track of the Portland Country Club & Live stock association. t The show will ppen September 21st and continue a week. Track and barns will bo entirely completed by the opening pay. No matter how much visit ors may expect, they will not be disappointed, for the whole sit uation is ideal. The night riders of kentucky have precipitated an internal strife that amounts almost to civil warfare. The situation has become so acute that Gov crnor Willion ha?, been compell td to pardon men, charged with Ivillincr the marauders?, without trial. He fore Daniel Boon pushed over tho Allcghanics and founded thu first white, sojttl mivt in what is : now the hlue brnss State, . ..Kentucky va known as "the dark and bloody ground", end sr.o lids fair to ir.aintiv.n her prehistoric reputa tion. We are in receipt of the annual catalogue of the Oregon Agricul tural 1a go, and it i. a pleasure to note the rapid strides of pro gress U-ing made by the institu tion. I'lan- avo been made for the e.NUh.Mvn of tho various phases t f industrial work in agri culture, horticulture, household .cic!W and arts, and commerce. The College now offers an excell ent opportunity for the young men ami yours women of Oregon to rc reive a thorUh and soien- tilic training alonir Huso Full information .?;U be supplied anyone by addresin the presi dent or iicrvtary. of hearing the Honorable Alton B. Parker, democratic nominee for president in 1904; deliver his views on the issues of thc day. Io advocates the repeal of the tariff, publicity of campaign contributions,- application of the anti-trust law, establishment of government savings banks, and some other things. He wants Bryan elected, and tho trusts "busted". In view of the fact that Judge Parker is receiving $50,000 a year as a corporation attorney we cannot see how he can consistently work to put him self out of a job. Guaranteeing Bank Deposits. Postmaster-General Meyer en-! dcavors to advance reasons against the guarantee of bank deposits on the ground that it would lead the dishonest banker into juggling with public confi dence, securing enormous de posits by offering 0 per cent oni time certificates, and then abl sconding with the cash. A ten year old schoolboy with a nori mally developed brcin would not ' advance such ail argument. The demand of depositors that they shall bo able to get their money from the banks is as just as the demand of tho bankers that they shall get the money, or its equiv ilant, loaned out on securities. The banker demands that his money shall be protected by real property; the depositor should de mand that his money in the bank shall be protected by a guaran tee fund, the creation of which will not work a hardship upon any bank. Mr, Meyer says: "The guaranteeing of deposits by all National banks would mean nothing less than that the conservative and honestly man aged banks would have to pay the debts of bank3 which have been badly and dishonestly man aged. Under this system there1 would be nothing to prevent a not over-scrupulou3 banking ofii- ceriri the competition of securing deposits by going tot depositors and offering them six per cent for their deposit?; ckii'minj that they had no risks) as deposits are , giidrantpedl The bank; in turn, would have, to make invest ments which would involve great risks in order to make any money, , . "If successful this would tend to increase speculation, which is ! ono of the evils of the present day, with the wild cat schemes and high finance that have been so much in evidence the past year." Mr. Meyer proposes no reme dy for the protection of the wage earner againt these "not over-scrupulous" bank officials. He is anxious, however, tq pro tect "the honest banker" against the wild catter. He says in sub stance, let the depositor look out for himself, but protect the banker. It is the people's money the banks are using to do business on. Why should not the bank ers be willing to guarantee their depositors the same protection that they themselves demand? Why does Mr. Meyer fear the loss of the banker while he says nothing concerning tho loss of the depositor? A few huudrcd years ago our forefathers believed in the di vine right of kings. They did not dream that they themselves had any rights, but with advanc ed thought and intelligence andJ an awakening public conscience, men are learning that one man or set of men have no more rights than another. This is the only true republican doctrine, and those who advocate any other doctrine do not represent the ideals of government bequeath ed to us by the founders of the Republic. --M rxf c o o Mvvwif o r tr ?cMrrT "9 - r rjafe LENOX PORTLAND S NEW and most MODLRNLY FURNISHED HOTEL THIRD AND MAIN STS PORTLAND - OREGON FOR SALE:-84 head of An gora goats,$2 per head, Half are nannieis. Call or write, G. H. Gray, R.F.D. 3, Aurora, Gregon. 2t-9-4 Is Your Property For Sale? W. art rnntttntlr toc.Mnt In4utrlei from all partK.f the United S;afra fi r Farm. Vlurraida and C'numrT "4 Cuy Mm.i on lha Pacific Contt. II yout property it fur til (ball b. f lad lt plar. It on ou;litt. ami put rrm lit direct cor rupnndanc. with I lar. Burnt! of t'iH!W. twy.n. AJdreaa, TOWN COUNTRY JOURNAL PUB. CO. HO JtCHkON T., AN MANCIOCO, CAL. The Jistacada News formerly owned and published by II. A. Williams, has been sold to Geo Estes, E. A. Sparks and C. E. Dubois, of that town. They will change the nam 3 of tho paper to "the Progress" and use it as i local political organ. For the best tobaccos and ci gars call on Henry A. Snyder, the Tost Olfice Store. For iioml.u lio Ir. MiIvh' Antl-Ptiln J'liN Possessing every convenience and an ideal location fronting on the beautiful city plaza. Adjacent to business center. Up-to-date grill. Telephone in every room. Private baths. Bus to and from all trains Rates: European Plan Rates: American Tlan C $1.00 and $1.50 per day $2.50 and $3.00 per day X C $2.00 and 2.50 with bath $3.50 and $4.00 with bath ft O. H. SPENCER, Manager b 'J Canby Tribun on fil Aurora Bore it on fil A v A. H. QIESY & CO Dealers In General Merchandise, Dry Goods, Clothing Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Flour and Feed, Hardware, Tinware, Furniture, Etc., Etc.; at Correct Prices. HIGHEST PRICE PAID P0R COUNTRY PRODUCE. A. H. GIESY & CO. Established 393. Aurora - - Orceon LIST Y OUR with Real Estate A. F. WILL, AURORA, OREGON. If you want to Buy or Sell come and see me. My object is to bring the Buyer and Seller together. Land-seekers cheerfully shown over any property. Call at Residence or Write for Information. Agricultural College Corvallis, Oregon Offers collegiate courses in Ag riculture, including Agronomy, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Husbandry, etc.; Forestry; Domestic Science and Art; Civil, Electrical. Mechanical, and Min ing Engineering; Commerce; Pharmacy. Otters elementary courses in Agriculture, Forestry, Domestic Science and Art, Commerce, and Mechanic Arts, including forge work, cabinet making, steam fit ting, plumbing, machine work, etc. Strong faculty, modern equip ment; free tuition; opens Sept. 25. Illustrated catalogue with full information on application to the Registrar, free. 8-27 Mrs. Peter Cooper Haines, ha3 turned against her husband for killing Editor Annis, whom Haines accused of stealing Mrs. Haines' affections. Any man who has a wife whose" affections can be "stolen" is a fool to kill any man for "stealing" them; If he is afraid someone will steal his wife or her affections he might adopt the plan of a man we knew in Texas. He built a high fence around his house, and every time he went away and left his wife at home he chained the' front gate securely, locked it with a padlock, and put the key in his pocket. When he got back home wify was there, and the iron fence was so high that no one could get oyer ifc without using two ladders, which was not likely. There are various ways of keep ing a woman and her affections from being stolen, and this was one practical way that has come under our observation, And we believe it is better to use a chain and a padlock than a gun. MERCHANT TAILOR- I Guarantee rrly Goods arid a IVrfeH full Always Keep an Excellenl I !r'6 to Select from Special Attention given to ClenWg; Prkssing and Repairing. Give me a trial W: J. PAUL US W00DBURN OREGON W. S. HURST &XO. PRODUCE AMD COMIISSIOM MERCHANTS Wholesale Dealers in Wheat, Oata, Hops, Potatoes, Onions, Onion Sets, Green and Dried Fruits, Oregon Grape Root and Cascara Bark. Highest Market Price paid for all kinds of Produce, Etc. Branch Offices at Hubbard and Canby. Sole agents for Hallock O. K. Potato Digger. CALL ON OR ADDRESS ' W. S. Uurst &'G)impany AURORA OREGON litts.3. i? r 2i t I The fflt. Angel Academy and College! I t MT. ANGriL, OREGON I Normal Courses A Si ecialty t Send your daughter to this delightfully situated, firstclas boarding school. She can enjoy nature to its fullest extent in the cool groves, productive orchard?, and tpacious campus which dot the grounds of this flourishing institution, She will receive superior instruction and frv.h, wholisomo food. These with laundry and lodging will cost her 1G a month, a sum for which you can r;ot keep her at heme tnd educate her. The Benedictine Sifters can afford to offer you the 40 low rates because they arc located in the midit of n farming country where the cost of living U at the minimum THE FAVORITE SALOON Is a Gentlemen's Resort. You not only find gentlemen in front of the bar, but behind the bar. Durrenberger& Fisher, Props. Their long experiene in the business has taught them that it on ly pays to Buy the BEst Brands of Wines, Liquor, and Ci ars " Oregon Harness Gloves, Trunks, Suit-cases, ValiSeS, and & Telescopes. g WM. GIESY Aurora Oregon Woodburn ' f , - . ;. : - --v. . s v. ..V-'c:;;, ... . MMha4Maai THE VALLEY HOTEL Prices Very Reasonable. Strictly Home Cooking. The very place in town to make yourself perfectly at home. Near the Depot WOODBbRN . OREGON l UOHU'S BS SUCCEE0 1 SPECIAL OFFER: I jUt. U itriU K. n. .!.. A trial Will 1 . rui. you our pnuAu.Di cuaut UHrtt-."Ht ! M TKn.tira is aUU Vrt16j.t Mention. thla Paper. aaAAaa SENDilOCENTS H.W. BucVbee, w'V&oWl Henry Snyder, at the Pc itolTice j tinue to print the best hop ticket; is authorized to receive subsorip- to be had in the country, tions for the Bcrealis. Better ' - hand him you -. ! aaaaaaM jaaavnMaUMraaawM ; For fine candies and choicest i fruit3 call on Henry A. Snyder, ! , the Tost OTice Store. I Order your hop tickets early, tmd you will be sure to get them Aurora Drug Store Complete Stock of Fresh Drugs Prescriptions A Specialty DR. M. GIESY, PROPRIETOR. V. had the pUasurc last V0cv!wow,w''M41 time. Tho Borcdis will con- i.t In3ot lnfUtt!-tr. Mile As a result of the conference held between Gov. Chamberlain and E. II. Harriman at Ftlican Lodge last week announcement has been made by the Governor that a railroad will be built into Central Oregon a the earliest possible date. This will open up to settlement hundreds of thous ands of acres of fertile land and more than double the population within the next ten . years- Thej greater part o.thtj (stp.. b: penetrated T.p: zt hrld lands tyiry,.U WaCci, and can be put U'.vi ar Irrigation. An irrigated t'ountry With a mild climate is one of the most pleas: ant countries to live in, because of the continual sunshine and the of long and frequent rains. Every species of agricul tural product grows abundantly in this favored country, fruits of the mo3t delicious quality reach the highest degree of perfection and Nature, aided by science, d 3os her perfect work. News of this new development will be hailed with delight by all Ore gon. Frank E. Dodge CONTRACTOR & BUILDER All kindaof building done at moderate figures. All work guaranteed first class in every particular Plans and Specifications Fur nished Upon Application , No matter what size building you want I can fix you out. Satisfaction Guaranteed canby. cxtao -