The Aurora borealis. (Aurora, Or.) 19??-1909, July 16, 1908, Image 1

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    The Aurora Borea
NO. 12.
Newsy Items Gathered Frem An Tarts
of thi Woril
General Review of Important Hap
peninga Presented In a Brief and
CompreheTisrvo Manner for Busy
Readers National, Political, HI
torical and Commercial,
Senator llutt criticise! tbe Oregon
primary lw,
Heat in Chicago i causing numerous
death a nil jirottt rations.
The United Stated and Mexico may
intervene in the llonduran revolt.
If elected, Pryan says he will share
the white house with Vice-President
The steamer Ohio has arrived safely
at Nome after a trip of 41 days from
June building statixtics for the entire
country show a large gain, indicating a
recovery from the panic.
Japan is trying to steal more terri
tory from China. She is using the
Corean revolt as an excuse.
A Sun Francisco girl has jut been
enught in Denver dressed as a boy and
waiting tables on a dining car.
A Chicago domcHtic is accused of de
luding an insane old man into marrying
her and giving her his property.
Twenty of a Chinese crew were
drowned in New York harbor while
trying to escape from their ship.
1'enry will orgnnize an expedition to
Big Battleship Leaves Ways Without
Philadelphia, July 13 Amid the
din of steam whittles ashore and afloat
and the cheering of thousands of per
sons assembled to witness the event,
the all big gun battleship South Caro
lina was launched Saturday at Cramps'
shipyard, on the Delaware ltiver. As
the addition to the American
navy slipped into the water Miss Fred
erica Calvert Ansel, daughter of (lov
ernor Ansel, of South Carolina, broke
the. traditional bottle of wine against
the prow of the great hull and gave the
big sea fighter its name. Surrounding
the pretty girl stood a group including
her father and his military staff, many
oflicials of the navy department, the
commandant of the Philadelphia navy
vard, officials of the city, otlicers of the
Italian warship Kttore Ficramosca, now
in Mrt, and hundred of other invited
There was not a hitch to the launch
ing. After the launching the christen
ing party sat at a luncheon and the
usual toasts to the new ship, to the
president of the I'nited States, to the
navy and to the fair sponsor of the
ship were drunk.
The South Carolina is the second of
the two all big gun battleships author
ized by congress, the other being the
Michigan, which recently was launched
at Camden. N. J.
The South Carolina has a length be
tween perpendiculars of 4."0 feet, a
breadth of K feet and her mean draft
will be 24 feet 6 inches. Her normal
displacement will be 1(1,000 tons ami
full-load displacement 17.000 tons. Her
engines will have 17.0(H) horse power
and a contract speed r.f ihi.j knots.
Her bunker capacity will be 2,100 tons.
Her cost complete will be $7,000,000.
The main batterv will consist of eight
12 inch breech loading rifles mounted
four turrets and so arranged that
A City of Tents Expect Attendance Cherry Growers In Marion Count to
of 40,000. Fight Canneries.
Oregon City. There is every indica-l Salem. Cherry growers in Marion
tion of beautiful weather for the 15th county who are facing 3 cent prices
annual session of the Willamette Valley are contemplating the organization of Luuding cheers of delegates and spec
Chautauqua Assembly, which is now an additional cannery association. The I tators. No ballot was necessary, as
open. There are more campers on the Mutual Canning company, now under I the trend of sentiment had set irre-
,. .i. v i? i t ie abso ute control of one man. islMMioiy toward inc inuuni canuiaaic.
.i. u- ...n.... xi...:.. I ucciareu 10 nave ovrrrracneu liseu in " huumii vi-
"r its efforts to comnrl the erowers to nations in his favor, ai,v ad other can-
or muameue i Diversity, wno is again gubmit fo threc.year contracts. In
vew of past experiences and the con
ditions confronting them this year,
the director of the music it Chautau
qua, said:
Forty thousand people will be on
the ground during Chautauqua, and wil
each gun can fire two shots a minute,
These guns will be able to fire on either
explore the Antarctic, but will not go hiroH(iHide and will permit 16 330 pound
1. If ua 1m will lia Imav with the I n , . . 1
iiroiccuies 10 ne uiscnargeii every min
ute. She will also have a battery of
. men ana smaller guns.
himself as he will be busy with the
north pole. .
Nicaragua has appealed to the new
Central American alliance against Sal
vador and (liiatemala for helping lion
Llurun rebels-.
A break is imminent between Ven
ezuela and Holland.
French merchants are trying to
open up a trade with Poland.
Taft will spend at least a week pre
paring his letter of acceptance.
Populist national convention hissed
P.ryan and cheered for Roosevelt.
The American minister to Faraguay
was fired upon during the recent revo
lution. A woman arrested in Michigan sup-
I nosed to be .Mrs. uunncss, tne l.a
Forte murderess, turns out to oe me
wrong person.
Koosevelt will receive about $2 a
word for his book on bis coming bunt
ing trip in Africa.
It is reported a holding company
will control both Coast telephone
companies. The companies both deny
Insurance companies will have to
pay practically the entire loss of $1,
Mio.ouo in the recent dock fire in Bos
Knchid Khan, commander in chief
of the shah's forces, has given notice
that he will bombard Tabriz and drive
out all rebels.
Treasurer Sheldon, of the Republi
can national committee, says he will
voluntarily publish a full statement
of the campaign expenses.
The Venezuelan charge d'afTairs at
Washington has been recalled, thus
completing the severance of all diplo
matic relations with the United Mates.
Pinhop Fotter continues to improve
The prosecution has opened the case
against Steve Auams.
Koosevelt bid farewell in person to
the departing Feary expedition,
A Dutch consul is en route from Hoi
land to take up his station in Portland
An English parliamentary committee
has reported against au import tax on
' German ears won all places and the
nrorbl a championship in the receni au
tomobile races in trance.
The national convention of tailors at
,'hieago has declared against freak in
(novations in men i clotnes.
The American Railway association
eports that during the past two weeks
3(5,720 idle freight ears bave teen put
to work.
Interstate Railroad commission has
decided that it is net unreasonable for
the roads to require shippers of lumber
to rurmsn staaes ior same wuen it
shipped on flat cars.
In a filiht between a Northern Fa
eifie brakeman and a tramp who was
stealing a rule near North lakima
Wash., the tramp was shot to death and
the brakeman severely wounaeu.
The Amerienn battleship fleet has
sailed from San Francisco on its tot
age around the world. The Nebraska
was left behind on account of scarlet
fever among the erew. She will join
the fleet at Honolulu.
Fighting continues at Tabriz, Tenia
To Butte Next Month and to Coast
Early Next Year.
Spokane, Wash., July 13. Barring
delays not now looked for, the Chicago,
Milwaukee i. St. Paul rails will be laid
as far as Putte by the middle of this
month, according to W. K. Pnuchy, en
gineer in charge of that division. The
rail laying crews are now within a few
miles of Putte and the roadbed is rendv
or them. From Putte west the laving
rails is scheduled to commence
Julv 20.
Mr. Pauehy has just completed a trip
over the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
ght of way from Putte to Portland
and Pu get sound. The condition of the
ork is such that tie estimates t ho
com (dot ion of the entire line early in
190U. The road will be handling traffic
on the Putte division before the end of
the month.
Reports from the recently flooded
district in Montana show that damage
to the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
roadbed was greater than at first est!
mated. Petween (larrison and Missoula
several miles of rail was completely
washed awav, and the trestle work was
damnaed. Construction work in the
state was also delayed four weeks on
account of the high water.
John Worth Kern, of Indiana, Named
for Vice President.
Denver, July 11. The Democratic
national convention concluded its la
bors late yesterday afternoon by the
nomination of John Worth Kern, otl
liuluna. tor vice-president, complet
ing the ticket on which William J.
Pryan was made the nominee lor
president during the early hours oil
the morning.
'I In tiimim.-itiDii of Mr. Kern was
made by acclamation, amid the re- oonnson ana uray rteceive very Light
Nominated on first Ballot of Enthu
siastic Sesston.
Vote Wild Scenes at Climax o
Convention's Work Bryan Heart
It All at Hit Horn Over Long
Distance Telephone. "
uidates withdrawing before the uni
versal demand for his nomination.
The convention, after adiournimr at
the fruit men are talking seriously of I daylight with the nomination of Mr. I M.) William J. ltryan lias just been
buildimr a new cannerv. I Pryan, resumed its session at 1 1'. M., nominated for president of the United
In I ilifrttr fr.-in. nnm,. .tflttiih a nowert'ul undercurrent already 1 ... .. i . . .
.,.,,, I i, than SI each for tickets. ".. J.' V. ' " " I. ; .i 't JlJl X democratic national
" ".V .IT growers nave expressed uieir wining- "- i ,, . .;.. ,,:
ne t.i kiDi-ri u .on i lie I.Mr, hern lor seconu puce, un mei- - .-
erection of a cannery. Growers in I call of states Indiana presented the Jtory, the vote being:
at the
restaurant and. for other ex-
Will II. Yarney, known as
Denver, Colo., July 10 (3:43 A.
'Handsome Pill, an old opera singer, 0her parU of the coUnty arc aso name of Kern; Colorado, through ex- Uryan 8921
with a voice like a lion takes the part rca;zjn,j ,ne necessity of concerted Governor lhomas, placed in noinina- Johnson 46
of the Judge ! 'Trial Py Jury, that acti jf dcsire ,Q gt m thc ,ion Charles A. Towne, of New York; Gray 69
will be heard at Chautauqua Wednesday frujt business Connecticut presented Archibald Mc- Not voting 8
night. Kugene K. C.arlichs who sings ..Cherr Kr'wers an,, othcr mM NeiU, and Georgia Clark Howell. The nominalion wa, immediately
the part of the defendant in 'Tna by f ; mclf , aid Fruit Inspector K C The names of Judge George Gray, o , non ,nauon w" nimeaiateiy
Jury,' was a tenor with Frank Daniels' " 1 Zm J i h ' . w Delaware, and John Mitchell, of illi- made, unanimous, and at 3:40 A. M.
Arinctrmiir "u-ill lnv rm muh
year to build a good cannery. I shall I . .were not presented, owing to thcl"e convention adjourned until 1 r.
do everything in my power to assist I positive requests ol these men not to M. today.
the growers to organize an aseocia-1 nave. ll,tir nanus go oeiore tne con- The fc(eit 0f the aiiies" was more
tion that will remain a mutual organi-1 vcntion. .... . Lt,,., . .i-f.,.. . ,, ..
i hMi.-v- .., , l or a time it ooked as thouah a tha" at; 't was a rout. After
can be built for less than SlOOixi." I ballot would be required, but the I all their boasting of their ability to
It vi. l lw innnct! m r.r- 9 mil I stcauy line ol states winch lonica uiiwiinnoiu irom uryan more man one-
nerv this summer hut it is the nlan I seconding Mr. Kern's nomination I third of the vote nn the first ballot
tr vtni-t in th fn I Tin I ilwri v I soon I1KK1C li apiiareill mat II1C I inus urcveiu ins noiiuiiuiion wiln
urnwrM' tibin is tn erect a cannerv a I cSiancc of all other candidates had h'11' a struggle, all tney could muster
a nackinir i bi summer and net been extinguished. was a beggarly 1031 votes uut ot a
wl.rnur rnhirit i nil, I -,,l.l llio i ,-1 , i .i . I tIT. lOWlie 111 UCTS'in W3S I MC IlTSlHOlrtl Ul iuu,
cauuuiaic 10 recognize ine uecisivei iw i crx remaincu sueiu as 10 us
nature of thc Kern movement, and in I intention until the last moment, then
a ringing speech he withdrew his I cast its entire 78 votes under the unit
name from consideration and Dlcdned I ru'c for Pryan, after a poll in which
Ins support to the ticket of Pryan and I i arkcr, Mice nan and lliairman Mm-
W ithdrawals quickly followed I ners sulleiuy refused to respond.
A lagoon near the of better nrices from the cannery this tne. supportera ot Howell, oil ine nommaiion was me closing
nlvcar or next. In California the can-1 """ r,u ."'V'""1! Ul yumicuuui , nm Uv....u.
n the field, lhe withdrawal of the I Democratic convention. 1 lie wait lor
Connecticut candidate was accom-1 thc report of the committee on reso-
pauicd by a motion that Mr. Kern bcllutions was prolonged until midnight,
nominated by acclamation. The mo-1 and after an hour of freelance ora
tion was carried with a deafenmu I tory tne delegates decided to get the
shout, and the great assemblage broke I agony of nominating speeches over as
into clamorous demonstration on the I soon as possible. I hey tneretore sus-
opera company for rour years, miss
Kdna Prowning, of Enterprise, Or., will
sing the role of the plaintiff. She has
been a decided favorite at Willamette
I niversit y and with the people of 8a
1cm. The Chautauqua chorus will have
more than 100 singers, some or wnotn
are professionals."
Bandon Business Men Raise Puna tor rv n..-8,arv rnr llf ..n ,i,
improvement. mut that may be ottered.
Pnndon.The business men of Ban- . ' ' 'M.U,U:M a'K company is
don are raising a fund for river and T, r.fu P,, t(1 dlI
harbor improvement work, independ- year contracts, but there is little hopeKern
ent of congress.
mmiili ,.f ti rnmi!11 riviT lp(lrrt
considerable volume of water from JVll?
i nr viiviijr iiuu ciuu ii a.tiu inc 111111
wil not compare with the Marion
county product.
the channel, lessening its scouring ef
ficiencv and causing the formation
from time to time ot a sand bar. i ne
money, ot wnicn a consiueraoic
amount has been already suoscriDeu
by public spirited citizens, business
men and mill and ship owners, will I Postal Receipts Increase 25 Per Cent I accomplishment of its work and thelpcnded the rules and called for nomi
be used to build a breakw.:r across During Year. I completion of the Democratic ticket. I nations before the platform was re-
ihr Inirnnn. It is the oDiiiion of enci- ... . I lhe nomination was made at 4 .2:1 1 ported.
neers in the crovernmcnt service that Corvallis. 1 he increase in the post-1 r,'cocw atuj the convention thereupon I I. L. Dunne, of Omaha, electrified
this will confine the water to the main otjice receipts in this town tor the lis- adjourned without date. The Demo the convention with a lurid panegyric
channel, and keep the sand washed ca' ycar ending June 30 was nearly 23 cratic intioual committee will assem- on the Commoner, and at its conclu-
away. rcr ccnt Y5r t0ctal of tne p,rcv,j ble this morning to complete its new sion every Pryan delegation joined in
The regular government appropri- ous year. Dwelling houses conipletcd organization and to select the chair- a most tumultuous outburst of en-
ation of f, which is being ex- "r bcKnn n the town since January man w10 wju ,e ,ie COmmander-in- thusiasm. They tore the state stand-
oended on the north jetty, is making ' "uucu tt "Vut w '.cr ll, , I chief of the Democratic forces in the ards from their fastenings ami
......i,r..i ;m,.n,.iii in tVi -n. i rcsuicnccs, anu u is esmnmcu ine
: Tl.. .1 - . t .1.1 . . I ...... i I .1,. L.ll t...i
a WOllueriUI improvemeni III inc 11- I ,. - . , ... . . I v. 01111.011. nic ihiumkj ii urirKiUCJ hkiiiicii oiouiiu uic nan, unm
trance to the river, and no vessels 1 .,, . , uwcuums mi mc year anj spectators are scattering tonight I drums, blowing horns, clashing cym
have been barbound for a period ol " '.Vu " " "Clt!"r for their homes.
....I.. An ilt.mnl u.' ill h. lCMUrm.c IMOWHIY ill HIC lilt IS
made to have the Conuille river men- ' "w c,""k "l uouu.c c v,.n .
tioned for a $500000 appropriation at brought three years ago on an aver
the next session of congress. n " mmc instance for more.
1 11c uiiTiiisc 111 111c iiiiiiiuir ui resi
dences last year was 81 per ccnt, and
the year before 13 per cent
Continue Forestry Experiments
Astoria. Dr. Itawley, the forestry
department eipert, who has been here
for several weeks experimenting witn
waste products of the mills and logging
Minister Ha ls Roosevelt as World's
Greatest Preacher.
Edinburgh, July 11. At yesterday's
esion of the International Congrega
tional Convention. Dr. Mills, of Chica-
Wheat Track prices: Club, 85c perl go. speaking on the bearing of Newlm.,v m hU eat nnd with manv of
bals, bearing down every person who
came in their way, women included.
They massed the standards around
the speaker's stand, and waved them
so recklessly that they tore the dec
orative eagles from their perches, .
This din continued to rise and Lajl
by turns for an hour and 14 minutes
in a vast building packed so densely
with humanity that it was impossible
for any person in the galleries to
sunilar inves iirations I and from he e l,u!?",, Kum1"' 83c' U""u'm "c; Testament ethics on the family and eco- ,e ais, and doorways jammed so
1 . '.yvi? . nomic relations, referred to what he tiat ingress or egress was impossible.
win k. i " '........ . 1. 1 J-lour Patent. f4.8.i per barrel ; I disienated as the ' work of America s I a Umnnstrnion areeted tha
here and even tuaUy w " i eonduet ei- ,tri.,K,,t" 4-,,flft?4-555 sl'rt' WO; greatest preacher, who for several years nomination of Governor Johnson, of
SrimitJ 11-40; ha, used the White House in the sp rit Minnesota, by Winfield Lott Ham,
l- 1 1 I -....I, ,:- a !, .' IUI
sent to the department in Washington 27.r)(,rH.5() ir,m-'ngf 2a.
?ri.i : i u?J !f XI tJ'Z Oats-No. 1 wbitef
the old time prophets to apply thelmond On an nrdinarv occasion this
ParleyFeed, t24.r)0 per ton; rolled, moral law to thc great American cor- demonstration would have been con
notations. The practical result of this I idered verv much out of the eom-
o.ou per von, nacning is a revival oi ine sense ot ine mon. for it continued for 14 minutes,
ethical responsibility.
nd the cheers and yells made tip in
concluding nis lauorn on linn ruant, mj . i 0jj
ment With th waat. prcslMt. of the "'l". !:fl-??Kr MJ- . The s'iCaHcr. d.ccIarc.d that "e.i,hfr M earnestness what the'y lacked in vol-
I fnri iniK". cuuuirj, .wji me great political panics aarcu io nom
General Revival of Prosperity Seems
to Have Begun.
Chicago, July 13 Careful analysis
of commercial, industrial and agricul
tural conditions made by j-epresenta
tives of the Record Herald in Chicago
and throughout the United Staes show
that business activity in all line is
decidedly returning to normal aud in
some ease exceeds it. Crops are un
usually large and the number of unem
ployed men and of empty railroad cars
show marked decreases.
One of Uncle Ham's reliable business
barometers, the postolTice receipts, reg
istered an exceptionally reassuring in
dication that the tide of business
throughout the country has taken an up
turn. In Chicago fully 10,000 railroad
men have gono back to work in the last
six months. Half of the men the pack
ers laid off last winter are at work
again. The idle ear in the Chicago
district have been reduced onehalf
since tbe high number reached in May.
Pardon Delayed Eighteen Years
Columbus. O.. July 13 Official of
the penitentiary here have started an
investigation to learn why a pardon
signed by President Penjamin Harrison
and mailed IS years ago did not arrive
until last Saturday. George Hwanston,
the man pardoned, completed hi one-
larch forests.
Trolley Line to Hillsboro
Hillsboro The United Railways nnry. 12: Kastern Oregon. 117.50;
city, f'Js; wheat and barley chop, $27.50. 1 inate a man to the presidency who was I Judge Gray's name was greeted
May Ilmotnv. Willamette alley. I not known to be a teacher of righteous- with a namrlie outburst of eheerinir
$13 per ton; Willamette Valley, ordi- ncss. - from the scattered delegations which
During a discussion that followed, supported him, but by this time every-
has concluded its first preliminary mjxed, 15; alfalfa, $12; alfalfa meal, Dr. Prown, of California, declared that body was too much exhausted for any
survey into Hillsboro since its pres- t20. . ... incidentally he had seen more drunk- prolonged demonstration,
ent owners gained control. lhe line Frrh Fruit Apples, new Califor- enness in Edinburgh in a single y The adoption of the platform was
comes from near Linnton. over the i.50 per box; old Oregon, 1.237B ,han in a whole month in "wicked .ban marked by an outbreak of decided ill-
Cornelius Pass, runs through the
UHhanv - Phil ids - West Union sec
tions. the richest dairy section in the
country, and crossing the north plaint
of the Tualatin, strikes iii:iroro
three blocks east of town, on Main
street. The new survey taps an im
mensely rich section.
Better Telephone Service.
McMinnville Representatives of thc
DeVarnev - Wagoner company met
met with the directors of the McMinn
ville Local & Long Distance Tele-
Dhone company last evening and an
nounced active work to begin on thc
line connecting this city with the
2.2.1 per box; cherries. 25e per pound; I Francisco."
apricots, fl.2.1 per rraf; peaches, fi.X'i)
85c per box; plum, $1 per crate; grapes,
l..r)0(ci.75 per crate; figs, fll.oO per
box; currants. 8e per pound
Herrie ritrawl-errie, 90c per crate;
blackberries, I.5 per crate; raspner
eeling. A resolution in favor of the
celebration of the centenary of Abra
ham Lincoln's birth had been declared
carried unanimously, when I. I
Strau, of Maryland, attempted to of
fer an amendment. His voice was
drowned by hoots, and when later, in
Cleveland's Will Filed.
Trenton. N. J, July 11 The will
of Grover Cleveland was probated to
day. It is in Mr. Cleveland's own
rles i i ! VVtTer Vrate VoirVnberVies 50 "nlw",in. make dis- "own1 0 hoots, and wnen laier, in
ries, per crate; loganberries ""? rinlirpa ,' ,.. extrrit f,f hi, wealth on,lnK the nomination ot Dryan
90e per erate: gooseb rries, CftCc per r'"u'" tH J:f'e5x tried to e.nlain his intention fo
"i inner some minor ncucsis, ami inei-- , I , "Y . f,
pounii. I, r.f - f.m.i r.t muiii for irhlmove the addition of the name of R.
l'otatoe:enr t ahrornia, iy,e per ry - - ; ' rre to the resolution, he was
nin. ; new uregon, iMe per pounu . ; i i I K
i mV. ..nArA I of the estate is left to Mrs. Cleveland I"
old. fi0(T C3e per hundred
Onion California red, tl.50 per
sack; garlic, Bri lOe per pound
Home company in Portland. All poles l-5- ..... r
L. ,.t,..-fin l,av horn Vegetables Artichoke. r.
Root Vegetables-Turnip. l0 pl.r Place wnere ne . ieu. ami i nai ni, . ....y
sack; csrrot. $1J50; parsnip, 1.73; ' , ,n ,,,"v,:, .
how'ed down so furiously that he was
In ih. uiii Mr nrr(iM I lorced to aoandon me auempi IO
the desire that he be buried at the md"c V"-
place where he died, and that his body
!" per do.;
necessary tor construction nave Dccn i 1 ntrs executor
purchased, and are neing delivered aPrjjn, lfle per pound; beans, Ce per "ecutor.
along the line. Work is to begin at I"nd; eai. age, ifai-,e per poun.i;
ci.....,,.4 ,, corn. 30 W per dor.n; encumbers,
Portland and another in the direction R". r'1' (T SV""1:
of McMinnville.
is made executrix and Frnk S. Hast-
Bridge Goes Down.
Cologne, July 10. The new bridge
under construction over the Rhine at
Cologne fell yesterday, and many of
the workmen ennaa-cd on the struc-
Sherman Must Rest. . Iture lost their lives. Up to noon 14
N. Y. July 11. The phy-1 bodies had been recovered, and nine per i.m; T, !""'. P" sician of James S. Sherman, the Re- '! -" j; ' "T Tii tpiffnMinff
pound; lettuee. l, d. 15e per doren; lh1in nominee f1r vice president. T ,,n'u"d- , r """j
parsley. 1 per dore; pears. 23, . . him , aj, Mr.'shcrman JP0'1',1. h w"fnl I,'"!. M ihl
to I;; IJ" 1 1 rn??'o permitted in spend two hours each T .'"T,,0'' 7j lhP nJ
Ishes, 12V,c T..r loen; rhnbirb. Unit in 0jnc over correspondence an.l bridge collapsed, and the crashing
ot nA.,t. .,,(,, .1, nfinndi in- ,n K . v . c ?. v ." f5l'. '' down of the spsn carried down several
IIIC HJl HIV ..... .... v. ,
R. F. D. for Echo.
Echo. A petition has been sent
Wanhington, I). (!., by the citizens
this section asking that a free rural mntni.. Oret'in. 2 SO per erate: Cali
4f, choice. 20e; stere. l"e.
Kgg Oregon, 196 20e. per
Cheese Feiey eream twin, IS'e
mail delivery route be established. The
year term for violation of the pension names of nearly all of the farmers in
laws in li0 and departed from the this section of the county were secured
prison without discovering that the 0 the petition. The proposed new
stain had teen officallv removed from I route will take in all of the Puetter
bis name several montn neiore. inn creea ani ,Meaiow country, ami u win r r,onn,. fujj frMm triplets, lJiic
envelope containing the pardon was probably be established ia tbe nest four f0n .feam Yonn America. 14'ie. '
dated Heptember 3, 1S90, fl p. m. Jmonths. Poultry Mis ehicken.'l2e ponnd;
fancy ben. 12tf12V.e; ronter, Pe;
Shah Will Apologize. county saw m.ii. sprintr. ISe; dock, old. 1213e; spring,
Fugene. The Lane county court 1 1214f? i4e; geee, old
cUr.. mi-t tt ftritit in rrf It
rorn.a. nf-u rr crate. ., . Sherman has recunerat
Muier-r-itras, Z;,e per poun-ij rancy, f(, more iy tnan aft ny pre.
other spans. Several workmen were
thrown into the river. ome ot tnem
are still underneath the scaffolding.
vious attack, vwu'e it is anmitiru
th: t he will ultimately have to be on
crated upon for the trouble, it will
not be until he has gained
Bishop Potter Weaker.
Coopcrstown, N. Y.. July 11
New Rockefeller Baby. Thrbor Me.. Tuly 10. Mrs.
his John D. Rockefeller. Jr., gave birth
to a son late yesterdiy at tne Kocae
fcller summer home here. This is the
third child, the others being a boy
and a girl.
Window Glass Goes Up.
Cleveland, July 10 A raise of 10
London, July 13 The London Times Kugene. lhe Lane county court U2Hf" i4e; geee, on. Sfime; young.
f i .l- - j . :i t t..alattpa that two representative of tne
In v.-.'r... lahsh will bo to the Pritish legation at
. I r i. . hnt.,.;.. tnm k i.riinni tl the rnimtv tVtnir tbvm t A
Beven persons were drowned in floods' -iren Pntih subject dnring the recent purchase a portable sawmill, to be flTTTe: heavy. Be. IcatMcd a'arm yeterday morning, and and 20 per cent in the P' ' Rj
at Uncoln, Neb. I uprising. The shah has issued a fresh ned by the county as an aid to the Pork Fancy, 7'4 pe' pound; ordl- spent a comfortable diy, bnt the im- was decided tip n by window glass
Presidential Nominee Taft player rescript, promising to restore the courts building of plank road and bridges asrr, d'e; large, 6e. IproveTcnt was not so srrest a to manufacturers of the United State!
right field ia a baseball game. lof justice immediately. .for the outlying road districts. Mutton Fancy, 8e per pound. I allay the fears of his family physician, there yesterday.