The Aurora borealis. (Aurora, Or.) 19??-1909, July 02, 1908, Image 2

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Published every Pauy by
One year (in advance).. 00
Six month?......'... , ..... GO
Application, made U r second
class rates.
Advertising rates made known
upon application to the office.
Aurora, Or., Thursday July 2. X 90 3
Don't forget to have the lini
ment bottle handy Saturday.
The officii! flower of the
Alaska - Yukon Pacific exposi
tion has beendefinately tolret d.
It is the Cactus Dahlia, a l!ov r
which grows profusely aror. ('
Puget Sound.
Oregon will have good crep:
this year and tho indication iik
that good prices will prevail f i
everything with the exception -l
hops. Wo look fjr iriiprovnnent
in the hop market later.
This ii the season when tin
small'boy celebrates the anniver
sary of his independence witl
firecrackers and tin horns galon
when the old man forgets hi.
crutches and the eld lady he
John V. Gates the vvell knowi
millionaire amused ' himself l
throwing money away in his na
tive town. We are exceedingly
sorry he wasn't born in Auroia,
and in the habit of making I'n
fjuent visits here.
In addition totho prizes offend
by the management cf the Alas
ka -Yukon Pacific t.xpositioi
for the poultry show which will
be held during the latter part ol
the fair, many vuluable cups havi
been donated bypefroiis through
out the country:
A Texas exchange rays '.'Ken
tucky is a disgrace to the Union,',
because Governor Wilson pardoi.
ed Caleb Powers. Kentuck;
might redeem horFolr' by giviru
this particular editor some of th
medicine Caleb Powers has been
receiving; bu yc are inclined to
think that his presence in thf
Pine Grass State would bo s
greater dLgi ace than the pardon
ing of Caleb Powers.
The Denver newspaper men
nre amusing themselves by de
claring that Itryan has the united
Opposition of the leaders of his
party and may not receive tin
nomination. While nobody be
lieves these reports, at the sum
time their promulgation may be i
source of gratification to the
w riters. When it comes to "pij e
llr'J'UneiV' in the newspaper pi -fesJon,
Denver is entitled to
first place.
If the recommendations of the
adjutant generals of Oregon and
Washington are carried out, na
tional guardsmen will luuetwo
fi i. .eeks at Americati I.aketh's
f.ummer, inste:ul of ten days' ti
Cam) mt t,t that h;u been orden d.
There is s ilicii nt money tl is
year for a tv .-wetks' encamp
ment, and believing that the ad
ditional four days will be highly
be:u I'u ial to the men, the I end
oiluvrs anp guards have r.sked
tluit ihe time he ext. i,.!. d.
rii advci ti.iu maTa;r'r if
.lam.M s'ch'S.!. ' al t Sherman hit
upon a hapny idea of :vt tir.r him
before in.' country when the
sent out stating that
ho was very sick and not lively to
live. Ton great many,' tl.i
may look r.lri,:ht. I
w h wikes a -tu.l v
w ill .-...tien whrtl:
it the man
'.'1'iv. rt:ii-.k:
T Sherma;:
w ;h s-ck at all or i;.
the pa!"-!-- rep"it,' v-'''..My
before the next is
t. S.'me ot'
d I in dead,
e wo;ddd:e
:e ef their
"estevmed contemporary" was
At a wetldin.: up in Waslum;
ton lat week, a jilted female
rival attended the festivities rnd
expressed her disapproval of the
groom's ch;ice by giving him a
healthy fclug iji the ja.v just as
the festivities were at their
height. Ihe gr,om had his
mouth oner, ut tt e tinje ' and his
teeth v crc ;;ny ked together with
such force that, r.e LjtofT the end
of YAz tongue . Tho ycur.g men
of Oregon who hav e been ac ting
carelessly with t? c. affections of
deferent your.g Jadieshad better
take warning: apd change their
ways ii tr.ey ever cro- the
Columbia for a bride.
Chautauqua Announcement
The Southern Pacific and 0. Ii.
& N. Railway Companies have
granted a ono and one third round
trip rate from all points in Ore
gon to Gladstone Park on the
certificate- plan. Patrons pur
chasing tickets will be careful to
get a certificate from their home
office and have it signed by the
Secretary of the Assembly before
starting home.
Passenger trains Nos. 11 and 12
(Ro.seburg locals) and 17 and 18
(Cottage Grove locals) will stop
ac Gladstone Park during the ses
sion. Tickets may be purchased
at any 0. R. & N. and S. P. sta
tion in Oregon to Gladstone Park
during the, meeting. Baggage
may be checked aho in the usual
manner. . .. k. .
The Portland Railway Light &
Power Company will furnish ra
pid and constant service from
Portland and Ongon City to Glad
stone Park, by motor line, during
the day and until the session for
the day is closed and all persons
who desire are removed from the
Fare from Portland (motor
line) 25 cents round trip; Oregon
City 5 cents each way.
Freight cars on the motor line
will run'into the Park at the be
ginning and close of the session
to bring in camp equipage. Port
land freight depot, at Fast end
of Madisttn Street? bridge. -
All patrons are advised to camp
on the grounds when ennveniert,
and to come at leapt ony daV be
fore the sosi ion opens. '
The following report on tin Ok
lahoma bank failure show;) the
way they do things in that new
commonwealth nnd the wayhr
si ould bo done in Ororon.
The International J3anV 6-' .,
?ato was reported to the b;
commissioner by or.o of his, exam
iners for violating tho banking
law of the state, pur 'clarly invs
managing ofllcers borrowing f;-.
the depoitors' money.
The bank commission' r .tto.;.;
visited the bank in person ivu
.ountiinatinoiaiue;..s:is-,'ere;o,ini,av,w,fll.,, v , . T,., p
nt. L. A. Connors, owed over
?:.(H0, :,nd the cashier, L. E!zy,
o.w il ov r ? i.(HK)-in other words,
i'out ;0 per cent had been bor-
r. wed 1 the two managing o h-
t i
vers. The bank commissionerdi -
. , . ,
n.amled tliat thev itnmedi ttelv re-
p .ice me money, inoy lailed to
io so.
Ho closed the bank t L':ir
T uirs. lay evening; t lephoju'd
the state banking board; nceivid
in4nu tiens to inmudiately piece.-
1 lo pay :ill approved deposits.
In I'-minutes from thoelosingef.
the bank the bank commissioner '
wrea.n iopa approu-,1 ,IePos-
us. iv v ri lav
, u i:"kr Pt
cent ol tl,.- i. !" it. i -. had appear
ed, appro, od tl.eir el .ims and re
Ov iv e 1 tin !r m .
Ity th. 1 e: d of i!u. second day
IM per cent of all t he deposits had
h.'tri p.o.l. A few depositors
wi,o in the ivintry don't
1 t be in any hurry about tie ir d. poit.
Or. farmer U reported as ans
Aei in; over th. rural telephone
that be was t busy to come af-
lor n:s money, bat will want it
a w ei k or two.
In tho meantime both tho pros-
i Ion and the cashier have been
arretted for violating th.e state
bankir.'law, and were placed ue.- heavy bond. (
There will probably bo no loss
to the state guaranty fund, and
ro aosewnjenf rtnjaired on other!
banks. Liquidation will likely
reimburse the state fund within
VO days. Th3 los wiil probably exceed the capital stock.
:-.jmm:r lea just arrived c.nd!
our-farm yru arc cutting buy to
b at the band
Mri. .Jack Kerr has been wait
ing relatives at St. haul ihe pat;
few davs.- -r- i
Coo. Oglcsby and FOno will
,oon trA-n tbei'r f. Inmr tnn
to the headwaters of Eagle Creek,
they vil! Ltart about the 12th of
July ami w ill Le absent about two
Henry Kraus; has Luilt an addi
tion to hli barn.
The festive ftrawberries have
about played out and our women
folks are runtlin? for wild black
berries. The county ccnwnL.-io.ier was
seen on our prairie last week h
Fpecting county roads.
Charles and Frank Ogh.-. v
went to Portland Tuesday to pur
chase a fine buggy.
Chris Kochcr .bought a fir.e
buggy at Canby last week. It's
a daisy and makes some of or.r
young men look like P0 cents wiih
their :heap outfits. .
The oat crop here is not good,
turning red and looks like it will
not amount to but very little;
wheat is good and will make a
big crop; hay is not up to the
usual crop.
Almost all CUr people Willcele-,
brateat Hubbard the 4th.
Some of our ducated dudes
will attond th Chautanqua at
Gladstone Park.
Ren VVolfcr w!l have a big hay
crop. Hen is a nutjyr from wax-
back and is pro'po (ng. While
some of our old mviS'niek'sfaams
look worse than a Mow woman's
t l. . .
ijr.- liUCKO is Alllf g up
dwelling here on hi : fine farm.
Wlieru aie yru 'i'Kr Ij. vele
brate? ' ' '
Mr. 'and Mr.j
lilt and Mr.
Mrs. A. .Woi. vnitd at Dr, i
. iivMs of Aurcraj
;'.'vb T'-erdy in their
v . ,
'-. M, Smith yisiied!
..'''a' :.',- t week.
Price it' visiting in
visited !
Mr, And Mrs Limpkio
h', I'hd Mohrs, Sunday. j
lh and Mrs, iliatt from Baker j
City are Siting their many1
friends at Needy. Mrs. Iliatt'
was Leona Mohr. j
The hall game at Needv Inst
L,: .T
.mo.., , . ,
.4.t o in o m lavorot rseeiiv.
Patteries. Needy-Catlin, Mitts
and (Jotwald. Liberal-Harry !
'..ii.. i i ,i i
. v , . , '
t atlin lor Needy struck out 1
,.,,,,, ...-. , .
men walKed 1.
Mum, v aiiiinani and tirover
Is Your Property For Sale?
W ... o.n.nn.lT rvorirint InqnMn all
p.rm.f ha I ni.rd Mlrt l. r lfm, 'nf tu.l
I iMiitirr I'm M. inr ..n th Pi. ;iic l o.. If
f.iuf pn.pvnv Ii I.. i .! wt ,11,11 (,. t j,;,, e ,
on i Hi l lui. inj ..m in di t t . l.h
i lir. numli ol pitil. butrru A.I fi.,
J VCKtON T., N lM.iCO. C A L.
There will be n switching af-
ter 1 o'clock Saturday mnv.n.
.;, v 1th. unt 0 o'Cvk the next
Sunday morning, at tho central
oillcesof Aurora. Hubbard and
Buttoville. This does not apply
to doctor's calls, which will Ixv
lut through at any tim1.
llonsr.s Fou S.u:-"J") head of
ranre horses. Weijilit from (.hh:
to 1300 povu.ds. Avs 12 to
years. can bo seen at my
f;.rm. Apply to A. Cirildlo. i
li. F. P. No. t. Aurora. Oregon.
Foil S A set of wapon hay
scales. Thoso knowing theni-
lves indebted for w eihin
ploaso call r.rd scttl App'y to
'1- Cu-o. Knight,
For all kinds of Nursery stock,
call on S. P. Keese, Canby. Ore.'
! Farm au'd
! Csarden j
Buff Orpinfftore Rolvd With
thutiatrn on Farm.
Iiy A. 0. CIUDERT.
LonjC experience baa shown that ik
rar'.-tles of fowla are better suite.!
tie requlri'iucnts of fanners am:
"''r!l ttiaa lurrd ami WhUe I'lyia
onto ICicUs, Wh'to Wyandotte an.!
Huff Orpingtons, Moth Llarrvd I'lyui
hVVif t.lil'INviTO.V C'K.
' onth Kofls ami Whlttf Wj-aiulottes ar
i t- lo fo'i'i.l l-i every locality, an l cck
. fro;n tlu'ii may l.o hud at )nulU
i Coft. .Vo ;i:'.ty Kceum to liuve u
trivuter lnM on t farming commu
nity tbiiu tlie r.nn-eJ Tlymoutb Uuck.
1L Ori'lnqtuuH art comparatively new
coitr. Uit liavo rapidly made tlieli
I way to n flrst l Uco In thv utility class
i rnrtU-iilm-lr nv tliU lut a.1.1 i f th,
t !T vnrK t'y.
The CaKsti proup of fowls, among
w hK U iin- Ihe Orpluxtouti, muy lie said
to enil riu'.' many it'.tTcrent kinds, and
for tho imM piiit they have Leeu val
flel f.-r their eKH laying and table
iualliles. As with tho Amerlean rreed.
tlx nlm neems to havo 1.pu a comLl
Oiitlori of epsr laying ud miirUet types
with Mim!l frunie and miperlor .juallty
of fles!. In thin respect the Kngllsb
and rieucli liroeds may l nail to 1
iinexeclled. Koth nations are n!o
HwlUed In cr'junlh varieties, with th
aim of producing l!ch with small
frames and n fine quality of meat of
white color.
Huff Orpingtons are one of many va
rieties and prol.ahly the most popular
cf the Orpington family. They aro rap
Idly replacing many wornout strain
and munsitiU on our farms and have
taUen a rront plac lu tho utility poul
try ranks as wluter layers nnd market
fAtt-lfi Tfw... (a r.i ,1 frm
and fowls cf this Ireod. TLy Lav
, light colored 16ks and whlto Cesb
i C'LU'ke-.i Lardr nnil am rnnM!r
Km aro of uudlura or larger t'tu, no-
cording to strain. 1
"Whlto Orplustona on a aoet promls-
lag VftrlrJ' fllul nre Hkoly to become
popular on account cf their 'merits as
Inyeti and table fowla. They ro not
hilt UKl l.NoTuN UIK.
jet wi'll known. Lut will soon make
Qiuny fii. Tlii lr i hnrucliTlstloa ar
alx.iit tho Maine as those of tlio bulf
varUty, lili the exci'itli.n of the col
or f the plumule, which Is pure white.
JuLllee, Kiann'.o.l an.l U.iKe Cotnb
Duflf an. I White Orpingtons aro varle
tle of the sutne family, which are yrt
In few Xtnn.u U claim mors or leu
merit. The I'tiff nn.l white varieties
nro likely t' le first In favor of fun
lirra n:nl Iree.h-ra for some time to
piiine, an they are U-st known aal havo
rtrtululy made a favorable imprpssloa.
Witty and Cautb.
A woman suffrage leeturer. atvor.l
In to f!..' r.ostoa (;;,e... recnt!j
I'IoukM 0. own the house vlth the fol-
low In n raiment: "I h:ne no vote, t ut !
my Kr.MH h.-ts I h ive a kTent res,, t
f r thit la the nUKe-. but l am
vre If I were to K' t LI:a an 1 nay.
'J .v.'U exercise fnne'.tmr I
be .,:!d rej ly. 'I'Um.-. t"u:;i. lit-h I
h.iri-e be tLutV
A Variation In Sport,
t b-1 : :'e::v w' . ri nni,1
. law asr- ...t ilna; In j urftate?"
"TLe Kvk'v.Hkcr g t r'.bt b work
iiak!-. bets i a wlie;!. r It would be
ei.frce.1 or not."-Wal.:r.,"n Star.
A SatUfactory Hrd.
rh.!c! e -ui ;j.r'i -e booght at
raonaMe fjrires, tjl: It be at a
dN;H"rK''u ale. The owners know
thn'.r worth aad !U n t jart wla
ttem. -lh! tv'.ng the crm. the onl
ay can r't a pntlnfactary fcrd U
o raise It. Thla la not oi.1t more aat
tfart'Vy, bat It Is rr.u.i tuorv t-coaora-UaL
fs.vs; vs" -o'V)
Fine Spring Millinery
A Ccmplene Assortment of the latest Styles in Ladc3'and
Misse3'. Hat?, gibbons, Laces, Ornaments, Trimmings,
l adies; Belts, Etc. Prices Vpey Reasonable.
Mrs- Rose fliesy,
!The Best $1. 00 A Day Hotel
. .In Northern Marion Co.
a First Class Cafe in Connection
General Merchandise, Dry Goods, Clothing
Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Flour and Feed,
Hardware, Tinware, Ftirnifiire, Etc., Etc., at
Correct Prices.
'A- H. GIESY & CO,
. ; tslfc!lsbed 1893.
Aurora - . - Oregon
Henry Snyder, at the Postoffice
is authorized to receive subscrip
tions for 'the Boreal is. i Better
hand him yours. !
For fine candies and choicest
fruits call on Henry A. Snyder,
the Post Office Store. 1 .
Wanted - A tract of Ian 1 from
2 to 3 thousand acres in one body,
that can be cut up in small farms.
Wm. Cantwell & Co., j (LINKS IN OREGON)
Canby, Ore. i From AURORA, both ways
. ! through Portland to -i ;
For the best tcbacccs and ci-: Chicago t $"3 40
s:ars call 6n Ifeiny A". Snydrr, the j St Louicj .. . ' 'c.O
post Qirico sbre. ;Stt Paul ; ; ; f)0
11 ! Omaha . CO 90
WOOL WANTED Kansas City., ,.. GO.'OO
W. S. Hurst & Company are in j The rates from Canby are ter
tho market ' for all thq wool and 1 cents less than the above, 1
mohair they can pet at their j The Ratcsrom' Aurora or Can
warehouses at Aurora, Hubbard j by, one way through California '
and Canby. They are paying the I will be '
highest market prices. Don't! Chicago $ 87 50
fail to see them before selling. I gt Louis........',',.. ,.' . . . . 82 5q
St. Paul g5Q
Order your hop tickets early. I Omaha ...... ' tx'aa
and you w ill be sure to get them !
on time. The Borealis will con-
tinue to print the best hop tickets
to be had in the country.
When in Portland stop at the
Cascado Hotel, Sixth and
ers. Free bu3 and baths.
List your Real Estate with the
Canby Real Estate Agency.
Hr Gam Clocked.
TTi ttmlj looklnrf UtUe woman on
the EnclUl car not lml that her purso
wa not In tier bag where slu had
placej It. InsKaJ, It waj hanc'.uz from
her arm on a chain banluz la full
vUw where It wouhl tempt the nimble
fingers of the plckiwkcts naslncJ to
that Unt. WlUi ctvat forethonirht she
rlcktsl up the purse and started to p it fi-..,-ItlnthaU?.
Hut the purse dldnt go UTlltJ blOrO
lo. tcuie It was attached to the arm 1 ,
of the irMinmony faced w oman stauJ
tng' next to her. Of counw tho oman
with the tag storped right thr and
dropped th atranger'a pnrse.
"You'd tttf at tint alone," upoke np
tho prslmnfoy faced woman. "I've
bean watrhtnir rrn wi n
f.x. and yo ixt think I didn't see
what were trybig U do."-Cv
laiul PUla lHJer
Let us figure on
Good Work
The Borealis,
Pot Office
Low rates
Will be made this Season by the
Kansas City 75'nQ
tickets will' be ON sale'
vih,' 7' 10' 20
Auuusi i, 7, 21, 22
God for return in 00 days with,
Flan-,st(Wcr privileges at pleasure
i within limits.
1 For any further information call
1 on tne local agent
Geo. Miller, Agt, Aurora
H. N. Brown, Agt, Canby, .
or write to ,.
Lomplete btock of Fresh Drugs
Prescriptions A Specialty
Plain and fancy Stationary,
blank books novels, etc., at tho
Post Ollice Store, Henry A. Sny
der, proprietor.
your job printing.
. Reasonable Prices.
Aurora, Oregon