The Aurora borealis. (Aurora, Or.) 19??-1909, July 02, 1908, Image 1

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    The Aurora
NO. 10.
Newsy Items Gathered Front All Parti
of the World.
General Review of Important Hap
peningi Presented In a Brief and
Comprehensive) Manner for Busy
Readen National, Political, Hie
torical end Commercial.
Mrs Frank J. Gould in suing for
Centralia, Wash, was swept by a
disastrous lire.
Desperate fihtin continue be
tween factions in Persia.
Mexican rebel have captured the
town of Viec;i. The government has
sent troops.
I'.ryan expresses perfect confidence
that lie will be the Democratic nomi
nee for president.
Cleveland was buried in Princeton
cemetery with simple ceremonies and
no military display.
There will be 1.2.-.0 American ma
rines ashore in the canal zone to keep
order on election day.
A Portland fruit ncddler was fined
$.1 for staying too long in one place
to sell his last box of cherries.
James S. Sherman, Republican
nominee for vice-president, is rapidly
recovering, and will soon be able to
American authorities do not expect
anv open trouble with Venezuela.
1 hev expect to just let Castro severe
ly alone.
Harvard beat Yale in the great in
tercollegiate boat race. Secretary
Taft. who is a graduate of Yale, wit
nessed the race, and was sorely dis
appointed. A collision between a freight and a
circus train in St. Paul injure.leight
A Chicago professor has fallen heir
to an immense fortune, mostly in
Idaho mines.
lleney accused Ruef of plotting his
death, and Kuef promptly called
lleney a liar.
A Pendleton man who is afraid to
trust the banks has $75,000 in postal
money orders.
The Venezuelan envoy to the
United States is awaiting orders to
leave this country.
Shooting and looting continue in
Teheran, the capital of Persia, caus
ing a reign of terror.
A French passenger steamer was
wrecked on the Spanish coast and
about loo persons perished.
A Seattle man was killed by a cake
of ice falling down an elevator short
and striking him on the head.
Flour and other provisions are get
ting so high priced in Chicago that
many are scarcely able to buy enough
to eat.
A well-organized ring has been dis
covered in Southern California en
gaged in smuggling Chinese coolies
across the Mexican border.
The youngest son of the late
Charles Crocker, the San Francisco
millionaire, has undergone his second
operation for cancer of the stomach.
A Russian paper predicts that when
reinforcements arrive for the Pershn
revolutionists, the shah's army will
be defeated and the government over
thrown. Thee Rivers, Quebec, had a million
dollar fire.
The w rapping paper trust Jias pleaded
guilty, and each member was fined.
Eight persons died and scores were
prostrated from the heat in Chicago.
A second son has been born to King
Alfonso and Queen Victoria, of Spain.
It is claimed many cures have been
effected in a leper colony in Louisiana.
The bribery case against Tirey L.
Ford, of San Francisco, has been
Hvde and Schneider were convicted of
land frauds, and Benson and Dimond
Two men iumned from a speeding au
tomobile in California, thinking it was
beyond control. Both were badly in
Thomas V. Lawson. of Boston, pro
poses to raise one million dollars for
z Democratic campaign fund to elect
tiovernor Johnson, of Minnesota, presi
dent, and . J. Bryan, vice-president
Mulsi JlafiM has renrhed the Moroeran
capital and proclaimed himself sultan
Woman suffragists in London bebl
the greatest demonstration eTer seen
Taft savs he would like to see
'gon.l game of baseball; a game for
W. J. Brrsn esvs that "the antt in
junction plank of the Republican plat
form, as finally adopted, is a transpar
ent frau1."
A collision of eleetrie ears three miles
from Portland on the Mount 8eott linejnatcd for governor of the r.oth billot
badlr injured s.x persons. slighMr in-1 at o'c'ock Saturday ril't by a m.i
jiired many more and wrecked two mo-'jority of fin votes in the Democratic
tar cars. I state convention.
Apparently Going to Loot Rich City
of Torreon.
Fl Paso, 29 F.I Correo, the
conservative daily Mexican newspaper
of Chihuahua, in its issue yesterday
morning, which arried here last
night, has a story that an army of
a strength variously estimated at from
Unto to 7ooo men is marching on Tor
reon, one of the richest cities in the
state of Coahuila.
The story, after reviewing the at
tack on Viesca tells of reported at
tempts to rob the pay tram of the
Mexican Central railroad, and says
that the country around Torreon.
which is so closely settled that there
are stations about every four kilo
meters, is swarming with armed men,
who appear at the railroad stations
with guns and cartridge belts.
"These same reports," says F.I Cor
reo, "say that three bridges on the
railroad between Parass and Torreon
have been burned, probably with the
object of impeding the passage of
troops into Torreon. The incendiaries
also probably selected Torreon for
invasion because they considered it
a rich city to loot. Among the re
ports that we have heard is one w hich
says that about 40(10 armed men, near
ly all of whom are inhabitants of
ranches, are said to have passed
Homos, in the state of Coahuila. on
the Coahuila & Pacific railroad, about
6.1 kilometers from Torreon.
"Whether the movement is directed
against the government of Coahuila
or against the federal government, no
one is able to say. It is generally
supposed the movement is not against
the state, but against the federal gov
ernment. One version says the revo
lution is wholly against the state of
Coahuila, that the governor is not ac
ceptable to the people of that state,
r.nd that he was forced upon them by
the president of the republic.
'It is also said that a tram of in
fantry has been sent to Torreon from
Monterey and a small detachment of
Torreon, the town named by r.l
Correo as the oliject ot attack, is one
of the richest towns in the state of
Coahuila. There are six banks the
Banco Minero de Chuihuahiia, mean
ing a branch there; a branch of Banco
Nacomal de Mexico; the Banco tie
Coahuila; the Banco de N'ueva I. eon,
and the Banco de Durango. The
Banco I.aguna, recently organized
has a capitalisation of $1 500,000
There are about 25.000 inhabitants.
Minnesota Twister Kills Seven and
Does Immense Damage.
Clinton, Minn., June 2!). A tornado
struck this town at 5:25 o clock ye
terday afternoon, killing seven peop'e
and injuring iweniy-iivc, some sen
ously. Twenty houses, a printing of
fice and two churches were blown
The tornado, which was unaccom
panied by rain, started three miles
north of the town, destroyed two
farmhouses that were in its path and
swept over Clinton, which is a place
of about 400 people.
A Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul
mixed train was just pulling into the
station as the storm struck the town
and 15 cars were blown otf the track
as was alsr a passenger coach con
taining 17 people. All were injured
among them l ather Keavey, of drace
vine, Minn.
The two churches destroyed are the
Norwegian Lutheran and the First
Telegraph lines were blown down.
but as soon as possible news nf the
disaster was sent to the neighboring
cities. Soon help was on the way
from Ortonvilie and Wheaton. near
by Minnesota towns, on the Milwau-
road, and from Millbank. S. D,
which is but a few miles away.
Two Witnesses Inform Detroit Police
She Is Alive.
Detroit, June 20 The Detroit po
lice believe they are on the trail of
Mrs. Belle Gunness, of La Porte, Ind.
who is accused of wholesale murders
on her farm near that city.
Two young women. Lulu Raymond
and Grace Benson, whom the police
had in custody yesterday afternoon
and evening, are said to have met
Mrs. Gunness since her supposed
burned body was found in the ruins
of her home.
The police claim that the state
ments of the two voting women con
vinced them that Mrs Gunness is still
alive They gave the mines of other
persons who are also said to know-
that the woman is alive,
Collision on Elevated.
New York, June 2'J. Two trains on
the Third avenue elevated railroad
collided at One Hundred ar.d Second
street, and nart of one train was-left
hanging fr'-m the elevated structure.
No one was killed in the colli-ion,
but 12 persons were injured, though
probably none of them fatally. It
was a rear-end collision, both train
being hound uptown, when the fol
lowing train crashed into the other.
'I he colliding trains were going at a
moderate speed.
Deadlock Broken.
Charlotte. N. C. June 23 Con
iressnian W. W. Kitchin was nomi-
Border Town GjptureJ After BlocJy
Su prise Government Forces, Raid
Ammunition Wagons and Capture
Horses Intercepted While Mak:
inj Escape and a Desperate and
blood Fight Follows.
San Antonio, Tex, June 27. Las
Vacos. Mexico, directly across the
Rio Grande from Del Rio. Tex., yes
terday afternoon witnessed its sec
ond battle of the day in what may
be the opening of a general uprising
agnint the administration of Presi
dent Diaz. All wires on the Mexican
side leading across the river have
been cut.
At 5:;to yesterday morning a band
of 150 revolutionists sJilently stole
upon the camp of the Mexican cav
alry at Las Vacos and captured all
of the horses, as well as making a
raid upon the ammunition wagons.
They were discovered just as they
wete about to leave, and a pitched
battle took place. Firing continued
until 10:30 A. M. More than aooo
ts were tired, and several men
were killed. One wounded man made
his way across the river to Del Rio,
but he tefused to say whether he wai
with the government force or the
Yesterday afternoon the firing upon
the government troops had been re
newed, and the sounds of shooting
were plainly heard in Del Rio.
Where the revolutionists were gath
ered is not known, but that the attack
upon Las vacos was to follow imme
diately upon that made upon Viesca,
a town 111 the interior, there is little
doubt. Viesca was attacked and
captured by the revolutionists last
Thursday afternoon, when several
were killed and wounded.
Del Rio, Tex., wired last night that
revolutionists and Mexican regular
soldiers came together across the
river from that point yesterday; that
several on both sides have been
killed and two Mexican officers seri
ously wounded. All communication
is cut off, for the authorities will not
permit any one to cross the river.
Mexican official statements that the
rebel invaders were repulsed from
Las Vacos arc not wholly credited
LI Paso. Tex., June 27. In an en
counter between revolutionists and
troops of the Mexican government in
the town of Las Vacos, in Coahuila,
Mexico, near the border across from
Del Rio, Tex . early yesterday morn
ing, between 40 and 50 were killed and
the Mexican commandant badly in
The sheriff of Valverdc county, this
state, telegraphed Governor Camp
heil. of Texas, th.t the revolutionists
had been repulsed, and that a number
of them were fleeing to the United
Conference to Meet in Denver and
Control Negro Vote.
Springfield. 111.. June 27. Colored
voters of the United States who are
antagonistic to the candidacy of W
II . Taft. Republican nominee for
president, will hold a national confer
ence at Denver on luesday, July 7,
the day the Democratic national
convention opens. 1 he purpose ot
the gathering, as stated in the call,
is to "consider their political aflilia
tions and conditions, and develop
plans to change the political complex
ion of states .wherein the negro vote
is the balance of power.
They will also memorabze tnc
Democratic convention "to declare
against degrading a soldier of the
United States army without the pre
limmary of a trial, ami pronounce
for a strict adherence to the constitu
tion and all of its amendments; diS
cuss the feasibility of nominating a
candidate for president on the Civil
Liberty party ticket, or vote di'ect
for the Denver nominee, and issue an
address to the colored citizens of the
Mother Dies for Child.
Long Beach, Cal , June 27, -The
body of Mrs. William D. Watkins
was found yesterday floating in the
West Naples canal. On the bank the
ran of her seven-year-old daughter
Lva. was found, and effort are being
made to recover the child s body
The horse and buggy with which
Mrs. Watkins and the girl started
from home early yesterday morn;ng
stood near, tied to a signboard. The
theory is that the child slipped and
fell into the water, and that the
mother was drowned 111 trying to
save her.
Steel Mills Resuming.
Pittsburg, June 27. Ten depart
ment of the Homestead steel work
of the United States Steel corpora
tion will be in operation tomorrow
the first Saturday that they have op
crated during the past three months
This will add an extra dav't pay to
the 2000 men employed in these de
partments It is general'y expected
there will be almost a general re
sumption of the entire works next
YhwmhfMlP vwr .
Wtf-y .
The ifooil old Fourth' a cumin'- t tie bt-xt
i1mv In the yvur.
And Itttie -u icft anxloiia like when
olire It (irartln' ni ttr ;
Tuer Uik of nrecriu-koi ami tln-y tin-am
alxnit the iwIkp.
The Jir old Kmuth wit certainly J'
made fer Mole luiya.
til I'm Kcit a it rent W minion, with fuie
you have to Unlit,
AnJ lot of urt-at Mil eiHi-kcra that'a ttllfd
with (Ivnatiilie ;
Hut I'm a little feller alnf have a tll
a he.
ind I tfu-pt Mint plain tnriel"i IM lv
lo do fer me.
I'a aays tint! Klant t-rnckt'ia alu't lit ft-r
little chap,
lie's aore on all toy plain) and hales thcsi-
paper cap.
Ibi don't Intend til 1 hlldren aliall ever cele
brate Ity blowing off their tinner he ay they'lj
i.ave id wan.
You're nolhln' hut a laby," my father
ara "a yet.
And your daddy ean't ipilte epare you; he
need you had, vml liet.
Illll got uonie Klant darker T Well, that
1 know I true,
Itut I K"" that plain torpedoea will have
to do rer you.
It hard to tiavi. I, Ik brother and wateli
them at their idny.
And Je' to be a lit tie chap cud aort )' In
the ay ;
To have folk alway tell you, you ran t do
thu anil o,
Itecauwe you're Jen. a Utile t-hap not old
euoiiKh, you know,
liut ma, he nee I'm tearful, o abe take
me In her In if
And aaya, "Why, what' t tie matter) You'ra
eryln'. Illlle chap."
Then, a ahe liemU to kUt me, I'm brave
a I ran lie.
I file that plain torpe.loe are good enough
for me !
Louis K. '1'hayer, In Woman Home Com
I anion.
Salem SUIrr ( milled vlth
ln the I-lar t him mt,
' ij llaK na naineil Old
,N (Jlory in ls.'.l l,y a
1- 'v (M" I kip
fc.'SX j-er lirtiniil William
rV Ilriver I B-erlH.
by the P.oHton Jlol.
1 a ?j lie waa at mat iinie
itil Li- ....j. 1 ,1... 1.. 1.
Clia.-ba I out r.
Captain Itriv-r, a
mloi-SNf III lliM-Jt ei
wtilor, waa prtnir
Inir to dliaiie thu
brlic'a eourae to the aouthern Par-ilic.
Juft before tlie rg left SabTii a yoiiri
man at the head of a party of friends
aaluted Captain I 'river on the ii of
the I-vKfeit ami prewiite. him with a
larfe ati'l twautif ully made Amerb-an
It aaa done up In top and when a.-. it
op aloft and broken out to the air Captal-i
liriver thr'atene.l It Old tSlory.
lit took It to tbe Bo'ltti Parifif. uu
yeara after when old a fureed liitn to
relino'l'th the aea be treastiri" trie (la
aa an old friend.
Captain I 'river mivel to Na-olnille
Teun.. iu lv'7 and died there ia 1VI
wMwnA mP
Prcvioiiii to the onlbrttik of IiomI illt ii--between
tlie North Bill the Soulli Oil
t!lor wiiH fluiitf lo the hreeitc every day
from the window of Cnpiiiin PriverV
NtiNliville Iioiihi, but when the IhiIIHn he
Kit 11 to xip 11111I the txlor tif KiuiMiwtler t
limit tlie air 1 obi linn lind to he ae
It waa kepi out of aitflit Insbh' n jrre.u
bed roiniol-ilbly linlil Feb. 'JT. 1 when
tri x. lien. NeUon'a w inn of the I'nioii
army npiM'iirt'd in Nnshville. Ciin'n
Ihiver pieMeiiled it to the (''"eriil to h
lioiii-(l on tbe t-iipiiol. It wit run up
Cnplniii Ihiver hiinself. lie wnti-lied il
llirolij;! I he niKht. nii'l. n heavy will'!
1'iiiiiiiiK up, ln took it wiwn 11111I Mint 11
new IU if up in its plin-e.
The iriKiiml Old tilory win preserve:
nnd afier ibe ibiilh of ("upturn Ihlvet
it una prct-ciitfil by the toinpiler of the
Illiver llieiiioirH to the V.wt lliatltllte nl
Siiletn, Mns., where It tuny now be ei en
I'hiIi Alton I Klrrrraekrra.
'I he renter pin t of the nlmoat $J,0"0,
INKI worth tif Mret-rarkera annually e
ported by China coiiicm to New York. And
the I'llileil StateM htllllcU lli lt to CIllllH
In ila liae of them.
'nioiiHiimls of Cliim-se men, women nnd
children work nt tlie innkliu of fire
clinkers, for there are no nmiiiifiu-torlcs
there. III" work beiiiK done by hand. They
r-i-le only hImhiI $I.IO for nutkiiiK 1o,
taxi tirecriii-keri-. btbu-iiiK from alt In the
lliolliilig llll!. I eleven at night aeven dnya
a week.
So a Chlniae wo-iian or child works
like a slave for two liya to earn what
ia epeiit on a few hum hea tf lirecrai kera
by the urchin bent on doing Jiixtica to the
(iiorioua I-'ourth.
SuHueatlona for riremirka,
No tiiiilter how warm and wearied a
man may le a (ireiTink r dropped down
hi ahirt collar will stimulate him.
One o! the latent ipi p ia '1 paint
mull IhmiiIi in imitniion of a g"lf ball
and let a friend take a whm k al It.
tine of the mo-it propitious pUcea fir
a Is n Hu(Ty hat, or, l.e'01
atill, the l.i" k liii ir.
One of the capital dl . er'i iii- "f hi
evening eiitertainnii'iit la l f.t.tii a p'n
wheel to a hut- tiirtnin, lot;. I. a m 'i s.
to the fue ai.d ' wt lo.f the 'tmcn d 1.
S'Mne pit .cr h (ila'.e hi, it win
ibiW for n evr-k ( Inrrf.-t, I III the Im-iI
auihoritlea agne " It Is wen at :n
le-Kt in n '-rowl'l diniiu room. New
York Herald.
Some lunrth of July I'roterlia.
A lit firecrai-Ver In the hand iau't
worth two In the j.a-k.
Tliere ia no ue pulling the tritrger after
the gun has been fired.
Io not I'x.k a irift mnimn in the mouth.
Never I-ght your I'oman candle at both
It ia the pinwheel that loaea by doing a
good turn.
One allow ibrt-sn't make a pring nor
on fire ra'ker a t'uurth.
Mr Snitik old tlrewoiks,
1 1 Ik tin 4.- nns very bright !
I'ihi,p IhmikI.I llieni iIkM and left
To aei t hem 1. IT at 11 h I.
Hut JiinI thet) 111 tin Johnny ped
The owner' Ui'k vta turneil
To eee tlie whole illxplay no off
The loul of Jolmiiy ytarued.
lie 1 1 I . U , r found a burning fl.
An-1 belli It to tlie inn ; '
A llttl .ark lm eoon epled
And then the dee. I dona.
A f!th a bang!- pop ! crak I
AM ! and lis la r-'nir '.
Nett dr Hi.. 1. in told hi iielirhUira tUal
111 aluik bbd 'iii u.T grrat.