V THE AURORA BOREALIS Published every Thursday by DIXON 4 HOSKtfiSON, PK0PRIETCP5 KATE3 OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year (in advance) $1 00 Six montIi3 ..'. GO Application made for second class rates. Advertising rates made known upon application, to the oflicc. Aurora, Or., Thursday 1 8 June, 1903 Bill Taft weighs 2GQ pound and ljkes to be called "Rig Hill." Aurora ha.1? shipped as hi.'ih as $150,000 worth of hops in one season. With all Jts bad features, as viewed by the newly settled cv st erner, the Oregon rain nearly always c6mes when it is mo.it heeded. If it Wtre left to a VOtt' of te people todoclde,whJ,shaliLyV'),-e-'nnt,MJ r ti ... ... gon s choice for presidential iv -m- yiee, UOOaeveit WOUlil tie named I first, last and all the- time. Money mattors are juat a litt'e tight at the present time, but the situation will improve after tPe presidential election. There h plenty of money in the country, but those who have it arc not anxious to let U go until they see ) who is going'to he;id the' admin istration for tho nextfour years. While cyclones and floods a:e v isiting the South, East and Mid dle West, and the risjng waters are destroying millions of dollars worth of farm and city property, Oregon is enjoying beautiful weather, dclisiou fruit, and look ing forward with the confidence inspire by assured crops this Fall. ' Both Mrioft and Clackamas counties 'are too 'lrge. Wood burn should begin at price cn ask ing the; "yo.tcrs of Oregon, through he initiative, give t'hia section a new cpunty. 1 is not too carl too begin thisVprk. Wf believt that Silvorton, . Agol, Gcr yaii, St, paul, Rutteville, Cham poog, Barlov, A,urqra and Hub bard would join heartily in the movement -Woodburn depend ent. r. . , -i People of the NqrthyvcKt are victims qf the habit of sing pDvjncialitjm and hlang as, a part pf their vocabulary. This, usage is not due to lack of grammatical knowledge, (u,t tq a careless in different habit in spoaking and writing. IM gratifying to know that Oregon has. produced some of the hrajnicst men of tho pres; mt feneration, among the being flumer Unreport. America's greatest nrtonnist, apd Joaquin Miller, the great poet anij liera teur. When Washington refused to accept the presidency for a third I time he wasnotimted by the high est and best of motives. Ho did pot wish to create a precedent whereby onu man should be the executive head of tho nation for a longer period than 8 years. But the American peopki cannot always be governed by precedent, no matter how great tho wisdom of the man who established it. .i . . i . . . ii ine nniencan people houltt a u-te on paper, or lu tho ttdnd. if tbo rise Up nnd by Unanimous appeal 0,H' 'nations made nnd rcprt thciu to request that a president r.crvelS Y'nV ,hw f',.i;:vl"i . mevting. for n lo'.irer period than S years he should bo willing to obev the liPunli'' will Hn ,. J ' ' ., UILH mat a gnvnt nation like ours is j K'uided by a greater Hvcr than 1 t)u finite wilm f .. set of men, and what may appear to us now the best, mijrht later prove to bo the contrary. So the best tiling we can d) now a to do the best v o can. and hold or to thoRrt hi:;h ideals and standards viu jaiiau vi Mizauon una en deavor to ;o onward and upward 1 ih rrvv'u"u ,rt trm f a in 4M-..it o.' ;.- x. . u'UnrCj fho of the Info A. B. i ? . lewnnents inourb WQ t tit r.uoj,,. u f jDlic ;.r.d piivute life. j Orar. THE GR.ANGE X W. HARROW, Chlh, H. r, ITcm Cirtpondnt JViw J .Stat Uruug FARM H07F DEDICATION. I ;; . , ; A Plaating lda Put Into ConcrtU ' Form. MjOrtimtr WhiWhtad. Not la New 3 true j alone, which la Ll ho'xe atat, In 01.1117 another state, la the naroo of Mortimer White- bead a familiar oiio. Iu (ho early yrara of the Order he was lecturer of I tbo natloaal trance atvl In s till doing Tallant work for that ifront farmers' organization. Ilia 'latest effort "for ! the good cf th Order," n La pots It. I the wrltlGg and publication of a rltuallMlc ci-retnonj for tha dedication of farm homea. This ceremony of dedication la to lo tutd out of door a on the l:wo or I grounds near the home. The arrange ment of ofllcera' atatlons la the name Ins Mhuu the grange Is In session lu the hall. The home to lo dedicated ta i tanner or streamer hunj upon ih porch. anl on this banner the came U 'concealed until the time of unveiling occurs. Slemhcra of the Order and vis-' Itora are grouped about the apace act iu art for the officers. The idea la to have tbe farm homea named and then I drilcated by this Imprenslvc ceremony. I We anticipate that this ritual will be j ndor.te.1 at the oit meeting C-f the1 n r"1 tha.-m u' siren era-- dally to the Ordr for use. '"Wit cannot Mfrfala further ,a dc-taii. but win only add that some of the puma go's contain ed in the ritual ar itiOHt 'exalted In k nttitcnt; beautiful In etpreaaloq and In erefy way worttiy' of the object to' which the writer' dedicates the work. 1 COUNTY. DEPUTIES'. MEETING. New Yerk Submattara Meat For In tarchangs of Opinion. There waa a largo attendance at the meeting of the county deputies at Fyr anise, N. Y.," on March 10. Kvry rrange county )u four was represent ed. Tbe ineetlnjr ' wasM'ormal In, Character, there belnjr no prepared pa Pts read at the nioetlnjj. The unwrit ten work of the Order was exemplified, and many dueatloua ' were asked con cerning it. In fact, the' entire 1oq might be given the tltlo of "A Ques tion, IIoj." A committee was appoint ed to prepare 'a programme for the next meeting, which will bo held In connection with the state grango mect and papers will bo prepared on t !'lcs of greatest Interest to deputies' In thj evening a banquet was held by the deputies. J1, J. Harden was tonst master. The following were tba'tpVak; ors: biii ietu'ry 1 N. N. Giles ' oil ' "Tho l:aco Truck Oumblef and Other Things." Rate' Master Godfrey on 'Good Pondn." I'red Phepard cn "Evcv' lutlon of Agriculture," U. S. Comstock on "Tho (ii-n:g iv-puty as Other's See Ilu.;" Janus Wlngate took for his sub-' Ject ''The Ulsters." and J. II. J. AVat klus Mj nboiit "The Storjr Teller.? Tho Oranga Lacturar. Tho C(t;uiultee on goI of ha prdor at the lust national grange meeting said, among oilier tlilug", that the lec turer at a grange- should bo selected with great care, for, to this most Im portant otllciul left the work of not only getting up and presenting ideas lug anil Interesting programmes, but of molding and developing the mind mid cburueter of the younger mem ben. TTe. literary programme, should never be iHiilUcd,, but fhould be short and Interesting aud so varied from tlnm to time ps to co er pll phases of furn llfo lu and out of doors. The current topics pf tho day should be dlxmssed' fnmj a nonpartisan stand point. Hut especially should we aim to discuss those questions which are purely loci In character and have ta do with our town, our particular locali ty and our home. V have seen great Improvement In tho surroundings of farm homes after a good, active grango has been cBtyLUxlied In many a rural community. Not For Paraonal pain, Those who go Into tho grango for the purpoM of using tho Order to fur ther their Interest personally, politi cally, fuanelnllyor otherwise will not Ma-V In u ,ol"f The sooner such mem bers aro let or made to kuow that the Ouler cannot bo used by them to fur tier tiielr Individual interests low soon er they win drop out. and Uie sooner they drop out the letter for all con cerned. New York Taruier. A Suggsttion. Here la a suggestion for the lecturer: het summer, when the weather U pleasant and driving Is good, ak your MwmU i s to take a drive out about tho country and i.ttWe i brief call here ' " 4.111. ni. 4 lien iil.tNe :uint nl cnidtrliltf lufonuatlon. Uniform T.nt Dock. Oppot.d. Tli. io fu t or thrt'o r."vlutl.MH intmiu-a at t:.j .-n- y..ik t.to srrnDtl ,Iuvn" vorins a iai'"orm i v,',n tost took. Neither I ino vm aj tisl. n;ul the matter U 'iv lvfon t!). !i'KUUtun, niul thero U no tlouM that t.'u lnf!iUtUe com niltfc wl!l oj p(.it.i tlu MM la acv-nrd anon with the aotlca of the ut KrauKo. Knulonla jrrange, No. 1. cf New Tork I rrJoKtnf i:i new rjiurters. A jilcss ant friturv of a nveut rontln a a full Mo. tbe SUGGE3TION? FOR DAIRYMEN. In u ramth'et recency Uuel by tbe I In in- iitvUir.ii i t thtf fleoa rt meti t of agriculture at Wchlngton. e.aliled 'T wenty Dairy Suggestion. With Spe cial liefv'rcnce to Sanitation." the fol lowing directions are given relative to th? proper care of the dairy herd. They aro much to tbe polut find " '0 pvied up.lu every cow st:fle lo the lao-I: (t) Have the herd examined at least twice a year by a skilled veterinarian,- promptly removing any ani mals suspected of. being in bid health. Never aid an anljial to the herd an iens certain It la free from dlase. par ticularly tuberculosis. (2,NeYer allow a cow to .be.excltod bj fast driving, i.buso, loud talking or unnecessary dls tarbance. Do not expono her to cold or storms more than uecessary. (3) Clean the eidlre body of the cow dally, while, li.i 1 r In the region of the udder should le kept short by clipping. (4) Po not allow any strong flavored food . like garlic, cabbage or turulps lo be eaten sxcept Immediately ufter . milking. Chauges In food kliotild Ik made grad ually. (3)' Provide pure fresh water in "tbundauce. easy of access, but not too cold. I'nder the head cf milking and handling of the milk the following sug gestions an made: (1 Use no dry, dusty fuod Just previous to tallklng. (2) The milker should wash LU' bands before milking and also see that the udder of the' cow' and surrounding parts are" wiped with a clean damp cloth before he begtna operations. (3) In. milking tiewhould be quiet, quick)'.' dean and thorough,' commencing b!s milking at the same hour every morn ing and evening and milking the cots In the same order. ) Tta milk shoo'J be carried to the milk room as fast a It accumulates and strained through cotton cloth and cooled at onco to oO 3egreea F. - Warm milk should never be inlied'wlth that which lias already been cooled. ' " s ' RENT OR BUYf -The above query (s one' Ihat often confronta young people at they start housekeeping on their own account, and they are often perplexed to know which la the wiser and more econom ical course tq pursue. Wb,Uo clrcuru stances to be found In, some portions of largof cities may make the plan -of owning a home of one's own inadvisa ble. It seems to be the consensus of opinion that under average conditions those who buy nre'at the end of a term of years financially ahead of what they wquld baVe been had they rented a property of ari equal value. Added to tho fact that In a period of twelve years one would pay out In rent ron- sMerably more than the place rented could be. bought for at the beginning of the period la the satlsfactlo-i of having a home of one's own, a consid eration that it Is no easy to mensure In dollars and cch(. Moreover, where young people buy a homo of their own and have to go In dellt for It there Is constantly present on Incentive to be ecQuomJcnt nnd careful In one's expend iture.' ' Thus tho putting of money Into a home results in much the name conditions that prevail when oue Is carrying life Insurance or putting money pi(o other forms of Investment. Payments musf be made at stated In tervals, nud vconomy Is accordingly practiced that these may be mot Where one rents a portion of the sala ry Is devoted to this purpose, but the process goes on year nncr year with nothing to show for the money one has paid during the Interval but a bunch of receipts for rent which, have no ue gotlb)e value. A TROUBLESOME MICROBE. While tobacco growers the country over nre peotered with Insect euomles that work mote or ess damage to their crops, the worst parasite which some or the growera In portions of Kentucky have to put up with la a two legged microiK? that wears a mask, carries revolver and makes a practice of set ting the grower's tobacco storehouse nfiro and perhaps killing the owuer. So destructive have the attacks of these Night Klders been during the past year that many of the Independent tobacco glowers of the state referred to have had to vacate their Dlantatlons and move to other states. The motive for these vicious attacks on the independ ents seems to tie traceable to their un willingness to have the ptlce at which they shall sell their product dictated by the- Tobacco Growers' association. through which as a result of a mutual agreement the members have been able to raise the price of tobacco trout 9 to 18 conta a pound The Independ ents, not liking dictation as to the management of their business and many of thorn having Insufficient means to enable them, to hold their product for n considerable period of tl.ne. have sold or offered to sell at lower prices than those set by the as sociation, with tho results as stated aliovo. A POOR SWAP. t'nUs (he tusiness opening wlilcU no can irot is dts-IJ.Hllj suorlor that country I ml U maklnif a very quwtlon n'!e hhift ho swaps the InJopeniUiiro j'nil luvilthfal 4ujk-al toil, though' at times atrrvu .w and monotonous. d the many jloaant arcjni.MtnlnMMits and associations of country tlfe for the rlty Job. with Its meager r p, ty of sun .hlne nnd fresh nlr. raitMng ilmy. inrlrg street cars, ru' j and hutry. dependence and tread at;; eritei.-e Coupled wlt'i tSo (Irawluuks :r temptations nnd pi:flls of which U-. country bred t.oy Is alir-.t eaUie.y fre. Iu a major! y of c.ses where fe aiote U made a country llrthiii'. t 1 wapp'd tor a worthless meie of nrt'a" jVttige. The SaUm "Canning Ccirtrny has comncneed putting up tti aw bt'Tieu with a lull "force. All day Tuesday a continual stream of teams unloaded berries at the doors of the cannery and it was expected that, today would also be a busy day. A force bf over 130 women and 20 men are row en gaged and it is possible that the force tvill be increased when all the growers are hauling. If the weather continues to remain fav orable it is thought by-thc Can-nery-' men that there will be a larger amount of berries canned this year, than - last -Salem j btatesman. 1 1 i j Henry Snyder, at the PostofTice is authorized to receive subscrip tions for the Borcalis. Better hand him yours. ' i1-- For fine candies and choicest fruits call on' Henry A'. Snyder, the PosT-0fl.ee fetcfe. " 1 " Ranted A tract of land from 2 to 3 thousand acres in one bo'y, that can'betut'up in small farms.' : VYm.1 Cantwell & Co., Canby, Ore. fVr the, bust tobaccos and ci gars call on Henry A. Snyder,1 IhO Post 0(T;ce Store. ' Miss Mable Kraus, and her sis ter, Mrs. Dr. " Giesy, are tTfie guests pf Mr. and Mrs.- Lee Eckerson of Canby this week. 0 Let' us figure on Good Work The Borealis, ' fbst Office A Little Printer's Ink Makes Millions -Think Think Think ! More tmth than poot rv. A littlo rrjntor'a prints a littlo advertise ment in a littlo '.'raoga zina" that circulates a,a littlo price an goca into a million littlo homes, chiufly in hq littlo qtle and towns and country places. Tho millions of poopla in these homes aro caused by the Printer's. Ink: tq think that they can, get b'K bargains, for their money by sending (t away by mail, order ing tho things advertised by tho littlo pinch of Printer's Ink. Sometimes when they roccivo the PtutT thev order by mail they lmve another Think coining. They think, "What fools we mortals be," and apply the Think to themselves. And tome times somo of them think something like this: "Wonder why Mister Man, our local dealer in many things we need, doesn't advertise these things in our local paper? Maybe if he did we wouldn't be tempted to send to the big city for these same things. If we were sure we could buy then at home for about the same price and have a chance to sec the goods before taking, we thin we'd prefer to buy them at home." Now, ili tcr Man, V-.it di you think think think! CONCLUSION: THERE'S PLENTY OF PRINTER'S HK IN THIS NEWSPAPER SHOP. Fine Spring; Millinery w A (Dcrr.plene Assortment of the latest Styles in Ladies' and Misses'' Ikts, Ribbons, Laces, Ornaments, Trimmings, Ladies, Belts, Etc. Prices Veey Reasonable, ' Mrs, Rose Giesy, Aurora THE NEW AURORA" HOTEL - A. LVNDEEN, Prop. The Best $1. 00 A Day Hotel In Northern Marlon Co. - First Class Cafe Aurora A. W. Dealer! iq .General Alprchandise, Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, groceries, Flour and Feed,' Hardware, Tiyyire tnirnifiine, Etc., Etc., at. Correct Prices.1 HlGHnST PRICE Vb FOR COUNTRY PRdpUCE. A- H- GIESY & tO. - i. JTablub-jd 1893.' . v. Aurora - ' Oregon your job printing. Rfaonabq prices, Aurora, Oregon Building. Oregon in Connection Oregon (Low rates EAST J Will be made thi3 Season by the SOUTHERN ILINES IN OREGON) Fjbm AURORA, both ways through Portlarid, to1 01 1 1 ciuHs.::..:::.:::. $23.40 St, 'Paul... ro.oii Omaha ;.. . 60.90 Kansas City...... G0.9U The rate fom pnby arc ten cents less than the above.' ' Th Rate frprn Aurora or Can by, pqe way through California,' will lo ' " 1 Chicago... $ 87.5Q St. Louis.. . 82. 5q St, Paul 81.50 Omaha i 75.00, Kansas City..'. .'. ..... 75.00 TICKETS .lLh BE ON SALE MAY 4, 18, . JUNE S. 6. 19. 20 JULY 6, 7. 19, 20 AUGUST fj, 7, qi, 22 Good fprreturi) i 90 days with stopover privileges at pleasure within limits. For any further information call on the locaj agent Geo. MHJce, A.gt. Aurqra, II. N. B'rfinAgt, Canby or write tq Wrn. McIvURRAY, Cntr! fj5rtf Ayir.t Portland Oregon, j Aurora Drug Store 1 Complete Stock of Fresh Drugs ! Prescriptions A Specialty DR. M. QIESY, PROPRIETOR, Plain and fancy Stationary, (blank books novels,etc, at the j Tost OlRce Store, Henry A. Sny, ' der, proprietor. At the city election at Hhbanl I Ia5t Monday the following officers jwere elected: Coucilmen-Geo. W. Knight, Ifc M. Scholl. M. S. hrock, A. Christen. A. D. U'olf er, Recorder, C. M. Critendcn, Treasurer, G. M. Fry, Marshall, Chas. Kinzer. . T, j school clect'on Hubbard U-.stnct No. malted a. fel lows: M. choll, director. W. Hurst, ''crk (re-clcctr 1.) BACIFIC