The Aurora borealis. (Aurora, Or.) 19??-1909, June 18, 1908, Image 1

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    The Aurora Eta
NO. 8.
Newsy Items Gathered From All Parts
of the WorlJ.
General Revltw of Important Hap
penlngt Presented in a Brief and
Comprehensive Manner for Busy
Reader National, Political, Hi
torlcai and Commercial,
Taft lenders claim ho will receive
"U4, votes ou tho first ballot.
Thaw will remain iu jail because be
hates the asylum attendaut.
Leading English steel manufacturer
deny the story of a new trust.
Suffragettes of all nations are to join
in a monster " arado in London.
The Rritish Columbian government
has decided to deort 1,000 lliuflut who
are puupers.
Rapid projrfss is being made on re
pairs to the Northern Pacific roadbed
iu Montana.
I'tah democrats iiavo instructed their
delegate for l'ryun, Lut paid a tribute
to Cleveland.
Railroad commissioners of five states
met in Chicago to deride on gome uni
form measure of doing away with the
deadly grade crossings.
The plant of the Continental Oil com
pany at Albuquerque, N. M., has been
destroyed by fire. Nearly 100,000 gal
lons of oil were burned.
Over 50 Japanese women who have
arrived at Seattle to meet intended
husbands, will bo detained until each
individual ease is investigated.
The Ilritish ship lladdon Hall and
the (ierman ship Hamburg collided in
mid -ocean. Roth were damaged, but
wero able to reach Montevideo.
Roosevelt threaten to intervene in
Panama to secure a fair election.
The special senate committee has
arranged t lie preliminaries to consider
taritl revision. ' i .1
The cars in the New York to Fari
automobile race are ' encountering
many difficulties in Russia.
Unofficial estimates place the popu
lation of Chica at 2,140 000. The
population in 1U04 was 1,174,744.
Thugs entered a.Spanish custom of
fice and secured $12,000 after killing
the chief ofiicial and four assistants.
An unknown steamer has been
sighted oil the California coast south
of San Francisco with distress sig
nals. New York is sending 78 delegates
to the Republican national conven
tion. Of this number 23 are million
aires. Two hundroyl Japanese immigrants
have been stopped at Seattle until
they can show that they have a right
in this country.
The New York legislature has
passed a bill abolishing betting at
race tracks. The measure was car
ried by one vote.
The steamship Lusitania lias just
crossed the Atlantic in four days,
twenty hours and eight minutes. This
is the best time yet made.
Cortelyou is mentioned as running
mate for Taft.
Henry Watterson says Bryan will
be nominated. '
A daughter of Governor Cutler, of
Utah, has eloped with a teamster.
The new Union Pacific bonds are
being sold in London at a premium.
Governor Johnson, of Minnesota,
says he is not seeking another term.
A high wind storm near Guthrie,
Okla., resulted in the death of one
Flood have reached their height in
Kansas City. Nearly all railroads are
' Many persons were injured in Chi
cngo by the collision of two heavily
loaded street can.
Republicans of the Thirteenth In
diana district have nominated Charles
V Miller for congress.
There were fewer deaths propor
tionately in New York last week than
in any week of the city's history.
China has apologized for the recent
killing of French soldiers on the Chi
nese frontier. France also demands
the removal of the viceroy.
Senator Kittredge has probably
been defeated in the tirimaries for
senator from South Uakota. Gov
ernor Crawford is in the lead.
The recount on the mayoralty vote
in New ork i not one-fourth com
plctei. Hearst has niadj a net gain
of 135 votes.
Montana foods still tie up al! rail
roads except one.
Women's objection to bonnets may
split the Dunkard church.
A tornid'i did much datmge in the
vicinity of Mcrnt Vernon, Iowa.
Great Britain is taking stern meas
ures to choke out sedition in India.
A British steamer struck a rock off
the Chinese coast and fi0 natives were
drowned. A'l European passengers
and officers were saved.
Astounding State of Corruption Dis
covered in Navy Yards.
Uerlin, June 13. How many million
ha the (ierman government been
swindled out of by the recently di
covered embezzlements iu the imperial
hhipyard at Kielf No one dares even
guess. How many of the vessels built
and equipped in the yards are to bo
found to belong to the same class us
the battleships built in Russia with
wooden pegs instead of steel rivets
No one knows yet, mid no one prob
ably ever will.
The discovery that two high ollicinU
of the imperial shipyards, and possibly
a number of others, have systematical
ly been robbing the government for
year ha come us a terrible shock
to the (ierman people, who are psiud
of the proverbial honesty of their gov
ernment ofliciala, and who have always
contended that while fraud might be
found in America and b'tissia, all Ger
man government ollicers would always
be found to come up to the lioosevelt
standard, anil be aide to show a record
a clean a a hound's tooth.
It .is impossible to find out at thin
time how mauy official are implicated
or suspected; the government even re
fuse to let it be miif known how
many people are under arrest besides
the leaders, Ileinrich mid Prankciithal.
The latter is a multi millionaire, and
it i some consolation to think that he
will le able to make good the losses,
though this wi'l not heal tho wounded
(ierman pride.
The kaiser wa informed of the af
fair just u he wa about to prepare
his sport-It for the opening of tho Mari
time exposition here, and wa so upset
by the news that he found it almost
impossih'u to entertain the King and
(jueen of Hweden, who were hi guest
at the time. He has given orders that
the whole a flair is to be sifted to the
bottom, nnd that all the guilty ones
are to be punished, no matter how
high their standing.
Humors to the effect that certain
high officials in the navy department
have received their share of the stolen
funds have so far been found to bo
unfounded, and are not generally be
Mr. Bertrand Russell Conducts Pub
lic School for Mothers.
London, June 13 Hundreds of poor
mother in London are deeply grateful
to the Hon. Mr. Itertriind Russell,
who was formerly Mr. A. l'enrsall
.Smith, of Philadelphia, whose school
for mother in this city has proved a
great success. Mrs. Russell com
menced Jier ambition scheme in a
very small way first there wero
nightly classes for mothers who were
allowed to bring their children and
who were instructed by Ir. Dora Hun
ting how to properly feed and clothe
their little ones. These classes imme
diately became very popular, but Mrs.
Russell, who wa often present in per
son, soon discovered that the mothers
themselves were a poorly fed as their
babies and to remedy this she changed
the night classes to day classes and
provided' a substantial dinner at a
price of .'I eeuts to those who could
afford to pay, while those who could
not were fed free of charge.
The mortality of children in Eng
land is appalling when compared with
that of America but thanks to the
splendid example set by the two Amer
ican, Nathan Strauss nnd Mrs. Rus
sell, whose experiment have aroused
widespread interest and caused many
men and women of wealth .to come
forward with offer of kelp, the death
rate among children 'less than 18
months of age will undoubtedly go
Takes Terrible Revenge.
Yeniee, June ,13. A double trngedv
recently took place in a traveling cir
cus giving performances at tho town
of Mestre, a short distance from here.
Among the performer were two acro-
batfl, a man Rafaelli and his wife,
Kmma. A rich man about town had
fallen in love with the latter and had
begun a ILAson with her. Accidental
ly Kafaclli discovered hi wife's tin
faithfulness and planned a terrible, re
While his -wife was performing her
langeroti acts in the flying trapeze
nmier tne roor or tne eircu tent, ita-
faelii suddenly cut the rope which held
the trsper.e, ind the voting woman
fell down '- the sand of the arena.
Iving. Her lover rnhcd to her side,
and while he wa holding her head on
hi lap kneeling at her side, Rafaelli
cleft hi head from behind with an ax
anil then calmly surrendered to the
Slaughter of Innocent.
Pari, June 13. Owing to the ex
treme rigor of Inst winter and the
willful destruetion of song birds
France i threatened with the extine
tion of her larks, finches and thrushes
Professor Corcelle, of Chamherv, lis
addressed an , appeal to the 7ublie,
warning them that if farmer, game
keepers and pnaeher continue their
conduct they will soon nave extermi
nated all the smalf I ir is in the conn
try. At proof of the necessity for
legislative measures he declare thai
thousands of larks arc killed and sold
at 6 eentt a dozen.
Adopts Secret Ballot.
Pari. June 13 The Chamber of
Deputies Naturdsy adopted an amend
ment to the voting law which practi
callv put into effect the secret Aus
tralian ballot system. There ha been
mueh complaint of th svtem of
marking ballots in public. This has
enabled the big land owners inj man
ufacturer and political manipulator!
to exercise duress oa the voters.
More Space Will be Provided for
Counties This Year.
Salem. At a meeting of the build
ing committee ot the state lair board
the contract was let for enlargement
f the grandstand at the fair ground
so that it will accommodate an at
tendance of people. McFarlanc,
Uenison & McLaren, Salem con
tractors, were awarded tfie contract
for $3, '.too.
From the reports that have been
received the state fair this year will
be one of the grandest in the history
of the state. Nearly every county has
signified its intention to be on hand
wuji a large exhibit next fall.
1 rc board has already concluded to
move the administration oltices to an
ther location to make room for addi
tional county exhibits, and the build
ing committee is seriously contem
plating the necessity of putting up
new structures. Resides the remodel
ing of the grandstand, a new entrance
will be constructed before the lair
pens. The members of the building
otnmittec who were in session arc
V. F. Matlock, Frank Lee and F. V
Welch. Mike Wisdom was also in
Salem with the committee inspecting
the ground.
The organization of the Portlant'
Country club and Livestock associa
n ha been a great factor in bring
iiig better horses to the west this year
iihI will continue to be so in futuri
year. It is therctore expected tha
the racing feature at the fair thi-
vcar will be much stronger than ii
former years. The large purses hunc
it Portland will attract many driv
ers and breed rs who have never be
lore visited tne Pacific Coast. The
two fairs, coming one following tin
other, will enable both to get the ful
beneht of the exhibitions, whichwil
be the best ever seen on the coast.
Lower Prices for Wool.
Pendleton The second anil last
wool sale were a lollows: William
blusher's clip, 150,000 pounds, sold t
Defour for loc; 1). Goodman's clip
"fi.l'iil pounds. to C. H. Green foi
lc;'A. P. Warner. 12.121 pounds, tr
Kiihn, lojc; G. W. Fllis, 1.047 pounds
o Green. 121c: I). W Chapman, 20,-
130 pounds, to Green, 9c; M. P. Pom
roy. Ho 230 pounds, to Green, lOJc
I.uhr & Sons. 11.401 pounds, tr
Green, 10c; J. V. Groom. 9,997
nounds, to Green, Ulc; Henderson &
Son. 12,139 pounds, to Kuhn, Ulc:
Sam Warner, 9.SS0 pounds, to Green
i-lc; J. M. Pcmphill, to Judd, Hie
1 here will be but little wool left aftei
his sale. Prices are lower owing t
the fact that thi word from the wes
nd of Umatilla county is heaviei
than th;.t sold May 23.
Pack Fruit in Brewery,
La Grande. The Rocsch brewerj
of this city, one of the largest plant'
of the kind in Eastern Oregon, wil
be closed July 1 as a result of the prj
niDition vote at tne recent election
Plans are already on foot to convec
the brewery into a fruit packing am'
storage warehouse. It is located con
ventcnt to the O. R. & N. depot an
a large and well arranged buildint
nnd is well 'adapted to the purpose
Ju.ius Rocsch, proprietor of the brew
cry, is one ot tne pioneer brewers o'
the state and has accumulated a for
tune here in the business. However
the incrensing fruit culture in this vi
cinity will not allow his building to
remain idle long after the prolnbitioi
law goes into etfect.
Lake Homesteads in Demand.
I.akeview. Many land filing are
being received at the land office
most of them homesteads. Fver
piece of land that can be cultivated y
being taken under the laws governing
this form of entry. l ew timber fil
ings are now being received as lam'
of this character is scarce indeed ir
this district. Occasionally someone
finds a quarter section or an 0-acrr
tract t hit has been overlooked in th
ruh, but most of the filings that arr
being made tinder this act are or
claims that were at f;rt taken under
the homestead act.
Experts at Butteville Grange.
Salem. Considerable preparation i
being made for the horticultural meet
ing to be held at P.uttcville under the
auspices of Rutteville Grange, Satur
day. June 20. Dr. James Withycombc
of the Oregon Agricultural College
F. C. Armstrong, county fruit in
spector. and prominent fruitgrower?
will participate. A large attendance
is expected.
Ready to Construct Road.
Astoria Not only is the Pacific
Railroad & Navigation company mak
ing preparation to put a large force
of men at work on its road within ?
short time, but it will begin active
construction almost at once on the
proposed road from Atoria to Ne-
halem valley. Sufficient work will be
done this year that the line can be
computed by next summer.
Timber Transfers H Clatsop.
Atoria. Deed have been filed for
record whereby J. F Wheeler, of
Portland, sell to the Jones-Wheeler
I company 3,0f)2 .72 acre of timber land
in the southwest portion of Clatsop
county, and W. Jones, also of
Portland, sells to the same company
r.1"t 2 acre in the same locality
The consideration named is purely I
t nominal.
Big Vat Erected for Ure by Umatilla
Pendleton Fvery horse in Um:.
tilla county that has the mauve niu-.t
he rounded up and dipped. This is
the edict issmd bv State Veterinarian
Koruick, who has been here for a
ouple of days in conference with Dr.
s. W. McClure. head of the federal
bureau of animal industry in the
northwest. In order to eradicate the
nange, which is so prevalent among
he hundreds of Indian horses on the
eservation, the government inspectors
stationed here have just completed
irrangeincnts for dipping every eay
ise on the Umatilla reservation,
vhether infected or not.
A great vat ha been -constructed
icar the site of tha old agency, and
Or several days the reds have been
ngaged in the task of rounding up
heir ponies. County Inspector Rry
nt started out Tuesday to make a
our of the county, and every white
nan's horse ftnnd to be infected will
e tkcn to the reservation dipping
at nnd given a bath, the owner being
barged the nominal sum of 50 cents.
The order on the part of the state
eterinarian wa issued at the in
tance of Dr. .McClure, who insisted
hat it was little short of.folby to
lean up the reservation horse when
hose of the adjoining ranchers were
n many cases just as bad.
Wisconsin Company Negotiating for
Woolen Mills.
Tendlcton. Agents of the Racine
voolen mills, of Racine, Wisconsin
;te here looking over the Pendleton
voolen nulls with a view of nurchas
ng them and making them a part of
he great Racine industry. It is pro
mised to employ at least 200 men and
vomen in tne Plant and to increase
he capacity by more than three time
ind make it the biggest woolen mill
n the northwest. Pendleton, being
n a main line 'of transportation and
n the heart of the sheep district, has
)cen selected as the most favorable
ocation, for the branch of the Racine
lf purchased the mill will be de
oted exclusivc'y to the manufacture
f high grade Indian robes, blankets
nd similar lines of goods. -
Klamath Should Yield Oil.
Klamath Falls. A. L. Darrow.
ashier of the Fort Sutter National
ank of Sacramento, who is heavily
ntercstcd in Klamath realty, has re
timed from a 200-mile drive over the
lamath basin and states that indi
ation point strongly to section of
Poe and I.angell valleys being great
il producing districts. Mr. Darrow
ias been in past years connected with
he Standard Oil company and speak
rom experience. The Klamath Oil
ompany will sink experimental wells
his spring.
Open Bida for Building Sites.
Washington. The supervising
trchitect ha announced that bid will
e opened July If' for public building
ites i:0x1.1.S feet at Albany and La
Irande and 110x140 feet at Pendleton
Wheat Club. PiSAc per bushel;
ed Russian. N"7iS7c; blucstcm, 9K
2c; valley. 8Sfo hlic.
liarlcv Feed. $2.1.50 per ton; rolled,
27 5orVi 2S.: 10; brewing, $2(1.
Oats No. 1 white, $27.50 per ton;
rr.iv, $27
ifay Timothy; Willamette Valley,
'17 per ton; Willamette Valley, r.r
linary, $15; Fastern Oregon. $13.10;
nixed, $10; clover, $14; alfalfa, $12;
If. a If a meal, $20.
Ilutter Fxtra. 2.1c per pound;
'incy, 21c; choice, 2'ic: store, irc.
Fgp Oregon. lW?inc per dozen
Poultry Mixed chickens, 2i 12c
iound; fancy hen. 12c; roosters, He;
Vyer, 20c; broiler. 22c; duck, old.
7Viic; spring. 2ort7?fc; Rcr H(n)
c; turkeys, alive, f't 18c for hens,
'4i K,c for gobblers; dressed, 17i l'.'c.
Apple Select $2.10 per box;
'ancy, $2; choice, $1.50; ordinary,
M 2.1.
Potatoes Old Oregon, f 17 1. 10 per
Fresh Fruits Strawberries, $2i 1 7.1
er crate; cherries, r,i 1 .40 per box;
;ooseberric. t,ri 7c per pound; apri
ot. $Kfit.50 per crate; blackberries,
0 1 25 per crate.
Vegetable Turnip, $1 .10 prr
ack; carrots, $1 .50r 1.75; beet. $1.7.1;
f.mnips, $1.2.1; cabbage, $1.7.V,2 per
wt ; bean, IKiTlsJt per pound; head
ettuce. 12K11c per; s'.pira
:u, $1.50 box; egirplant, 2)e pound;
larsley. 2.1c per dozen; peas. t'n 7c
er round; pepper. 2c per pound;
adishes, 1.1c per dozen; rhubarb, 2fi,
'c pr pound; spinach. ?,c per pound;
au'iflower, $2. SO per crate.
Hops 1007, prime and choice, 5
'c per pound; olds, 2j2Jc prr pound.
Word FaMern Oregon, average
'er, llrtTl'e per pound, according to
ihrinknge; Valley. lO'I 12r.
Mohair Choice, ISISjc per
Cic?r2 Park !1jT4?e per pound.
Hr, Rest, $0.23; medium,
f5 75''iC; feeders, no demand.
Cittle steers, $3; medium.
$4 30 4 73; common., tl.'Vfi 1
'ot, best. $1; common, $3.10
'i've. fl.SO'V: .
Sheen I'.cst sheared wttheM. $1:
mixed, t3. 503.73; spring Iambi, 13.
Announced in Connection With King
Edward's Visit to Russia.
London, June 10. Foreign Secre
tary Grey s announcement in the
house of commons that no negotia
tions lor new treaties would be in
itiated during the king's visit put an
end to talk of a probable triple alli
ance between France, Russia and
Great Prit iin, but it did not atTcct the
dope of those Fnglishmen who arc
lesirous for closer relation between
these three now ers that important
diplomatic consequences will result
frotn the meeting in Russia yesterday
of King F.dward and l.mpcror Nich
olas and their respective foreign ad
No secret i made of the fact that
the presence of Sir Charles Hardinuc
and M. Oswolsky at Revul is for the
uirpose of discussing question that
i.ive arisen out of the convention
which put an end tot he recrimina
tions between Russia and Great
Rritain over Persia and Tibet anJ
Afghanistan, more particularly the
present unsatisfactory state of affairs
in i ersia.
I lit good effect of thi agreement
already have been shown in the speedy
ending of the threatening frontier war
on the Indian border, a situation
which in the old days of suspicion and
enmity between Great llritain and
Kum.i might have led to an Afghan
Following- so soon upon the visit to
Fngland of President Fallicres of
France it is hard to disabuse the pub.
lie mind of the feeling that King Ftl-
ward s trip to Reval ha also some re
lation to Furopcan affairs and as an
actual 'alliance is considered impos-
ible at present, serious though! i be
ing given the suggestion that thi ex
change of ivisit signifies that Great
Hritam's policy in F.urope in the fu
ture will follow closely that of the
dual alliance between France and
Russia. The foreign office say that
too much significance must not be at
tached to this visit, but thi is the
usual ofiicial policy during such ncgo
Little 'Damage Done to Roadbed bs
Montana, Floods.
Rutte. Mont.. June 10 R. A. Har
low, vice-president in Montana of the
St. Paul, said little damage wa done
to the Montana roadben, but that he
hciicvcd considerable damage wa
done east of Saratoll and that it will
be fur days before traffic i re
sumed. Northern Pacific official.
have no idea when they will resume
service westward and there is no
change in the Great Northern.
The Northern Pacific tracks east of
Ilutte are open, though the railroad
company is still having considerable
trouble with rock slide in the moun
tain near the continental divide. A
number of stalled train of the east
arrived yesterday and departed south
over the Oregon Short Line bound
for the coast via the Oregon Railway
& Navigation Line.
General Manager Gillie of the
Amalgamated Copper Company said
yesterday that the damage to the
lloston & Montana smelters at Great
ball i not so heavy as was first
thought; that so soon a ore can be
shipped the 1'oston Hi Montana mines
here will resume.
Japanese Troops Kill 113 Insurgents
Within Four Days.
Tokio, June 10. A dispatch from
Seoul dated yesterday (June 9) re
ceived at army headinarcers report
that from June 3 to June 7 the gov
ernment troops hid twenty-six en
gigenient with the insurgent. In
these cnnngrtnent 113 insurgents were
killed and twenty-five taken prisoners
The recent transfer of Corean cab
inet ministers were due to the fact
that during 3 conference of provincial
governor a number of case of negli
gence of the -ovemors to present the
actual fact concerning the attitude of
the Corean government towards the
insurgent were overlooked, also
neglect in failing to correct false nnd
malicious report concerning Japanese
poliry, thus tacitly encouraging the
insurrection. In consequence the
minister of agriculture was trans
ferred to fl'e home department, and
yesterday the new home minister an
nounced the removal of seven provin
cial governors, showing a determina
tion to elT'ct many Sweeping changes
in local officials.
May Reveal Big Deals.
. New York, June 10. li e extent to
which the great Furopcan banking
hone of Rothschilds wa interested
in the merger of the transportation
lines in Nrw York City may be dis
closed in the municipal court, prob
nb'v June 11. Walter Luttzm, confi- adviser to August lielmont,
who wa cnlled a a witnen yesterday
in the sniuin connection with a deal in
Metropolitan stock, wn ordered to
appear agiin on June 19 and produce
nil tie correspondence the I'.Hmont
firm had exchanged with the Roths
child bearing upon the merger.
Death Question of Hours.
New York. -June 10 At 12 30 thi
morning the watcher at the bedside
of Oliver H. P. PcJrr.or.t were waiting
fr.r the enl. Sin.-e early yesterday
afternoon Mr. Relmont hi been un-
conscious arid all hope of hi recov-
lerv hs hen abandoned. Hi dath,
hi physician think, is now only a
question of houri.
Rains Swell Streams an J Weather
Bureau Predicts HooJ.
Prospect Is That Water Will Go Even
Higher Than Before Veritable
Cloudburst in Kaw Val!e Resi
dents of Topeka Much Alarmed
at Outlook.
Kansas City, Juno 13. Unusually
heavy ruins fell yesterday iu Kaunas,
Nebraska, Missouri nnd Iowa and tha
Member bureau predicts that the Kaw
and tbe Missouri river will again reach
tbe high Htago on Wedueaday night. Al
p. t". tbo Missouri here hud fallen
23 of a foot, but bud risen .1 of a foot
at Nl. Joseph and coutiuues to rise
tbere. Tbe Kaw fell about six inches
yesterday and wiis stationary last
nigbt. At Topeka 'the Kaw is rising
Tlnwentber bureau predicts that the
new Hood at Tonkii will exceed that
of Tuesday. All of tho tributaries' of
tbe Kw ure very high, and more rain
threatened. Tbe crest of the new
flood hero will bo reached Hunday
light. A heavy downpour yesterday .
morning caused some additional trou
ble from Hooded buseiuviits in the West
bottom, where tbo sewers were unable
ti carry oil tbo excess. No further
iHtniigo was experienced in tbo utoek
yards', Argentine and Armuurdnle, Kan-
a, und m Harlem, Mo., and none is
Tho utockyards nro still idle and the
packing bouses wero unable to continue
working -v i-n if thev bail Mock. The
railroad, on tho other hand, were in
better Hhupe, but schedules were still
All Japanese Immigration it Shut Off
for One Year.
. Vancouver, Jt. C, Juno 13 The Ca
nadian government has notified the
government of Japan that the limit of
iiiiinigrunta allowed for one year has
been reached and that no more Japan
ese laborers can bo sent to Canada be
foru Jniiuury 1 of next year. This ia
in accordant o with tbo understanding
reached hotwofu tbo Laurier adminis
tration nnd Tokio last January, which
provided that not inoro than 400 each
year should bo sent. Mix hundred and
eight bad come up to tbo end of May,
1 more nro arriving tiy every boat,
looks like a burelHCed evasion of
tbe arrangement on tbe part of Jaan.
Japanese Consul Yada said tonight
that oven tbe 400 hint not yet arrived,
when tho number of tourists and stu-
lents wn taken into consideration. As
l mutter of fact, Canadian ollicials as
sert, not more than o per cent of tbo
new arrivals ure exempt from tbo ar
rn ngement.
Rochester Jury Brings in Verdict In
Rebate Case.
Rochester, N. Y Juno 13 Guilty at
charged in the indictment, was tbe ver
dict brought in by tho Federal Court
jury in tho Ptnndard Oil company case
hero at fl:3t) o'clock this evening, Tbt
jury had been out uitico tho noon re
cess. Daniel J. Keefe, of Iluffalo, who eon
ducted the defense, moved for a new
trial and it wa arranged to have
Judge lla.i l bear argument on the mo
tion July 7.
The oil company was lared on trial
.Inno 1 for an alleged violation of the
interstate commerce piw in accepting a
concession from the filed tariff on ship
ment of oil from Olean. N. '., to Rut
land and Mellow Full, Vt. There were
40 eount in tho indictment, each repre
senting art ion on a ear of oil. Tbe
maximum Ann on each count is $20,000,
or a total for tbo whole of ths ship
ment of H0O.0lil).
More Track Washed Out.
Missoula, Mont., Juno 13. It 'was
reported Thursday night that several
mile of Northern Pacific track had
been washed out near Hand Point, and
there is little hope of opening up trans
portation between Misoul;i and Hpo
knne for some time. Heavy rains lat
nit'ht delayed repair work west of here,
and much of the work has been do
st roved. An etTort will bo made to
morrow tr. run a train from Arlee and
transfer passengers who have been
stalled for severwl day at Pixon. Tbe
distanco between the two points it II
Diet to Save Car.
Roval, June 13. It became known
here yesterday that a womn school
teacher thwarted a plot to kill Crsr
Nicholas just after the ceremonies in
th !ulf of Finland on the occasion of
the kin's visit. Th wornin had been
picked by the nihilists to throw the
bomb thst would have killed the crsr
and hi entire farrilv, but "be commit
tcl suieilo ruther than carry out tbe
mandates of tbe secret order.