THE AURORA BOREALIS Fi.j';:!ied cverf Thursday by DIXON I II0SKIN50N, PPOPRJET0PS KATKS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year (in advance) $1 00 Six months ' 50 Application made for second class rates. Advertising rates made known upon application to the office. Aurora, Or., Thursday 11 June, 1908 Whew! A little ice water and a fan, please. Under the new national bank ing law, approved May oOth, Oregon's added juota of curren cy wilt be $2,111,000. Gov., Chamberlain ha3 refused to go as a delegate to the demo cratic National convention, be cause he is1 non-parti?an, and h is iu?t bec'n elected U. S. Senator by the republicans of Oreg'o i. Those who thought that ''the good old Rummer time' never ex pected to visit us again had their fears expelled this week. The mercury went to 85 in the shade Monday, with prospects of climb ing higher within the next few weeks. . With the election over and the assurance df a bumper crop, the people of all Oregon should "get busy" and advertise more than ever bef )rv With its latest ad dition, the Toledo Developement League, the Oregon Pevclope lnent League now has S3 mem bers. . The great Hose Festival of Port land Is now a matter of History. It was easily the most eventful week Portland ever enjoyed. The convention1 of the Pacific Coast Ad Men's League started at the Commercial Club Monday morning, closing the day with a dinner that was simply perfect. In the, valley around (Jove, Pregcn!, there will be produced this year two hundred tons of phcrries and five hundred cars of pppjes. The people there realize that they , will need from 250 to 00 people iri additien to their lo cal population to pick and puck the cherry crop. , ' ,-j ' 1 j The University of Oregon ap propriation carried at the rec.'nt election, which is the cause fir gratification . gn the part of all who bclievejn higher, education. It is truo that many who believe in a liberal appropriation for the University thought $125,000 a year too much, but it is a very moderate revenue fe'r the State collcgeif a, great rtate like Ore gqPj. hrr increase in tax'es is prl l-o ceutn on the $1000. A (nan whose property is assessed at $10,000 will pay 25 cents a year toward the support of the Uni versity, and the college is more largely patrunued by young men and women of moderate' means who are wholly or partially solf supporting, th.'.-i. by any ether clas-?. An e,ur.Mntiari . at -.the registrar'!' "vV.c i'.I comkuv i"', ;i,e tiutl Uu. is true. $150 I 0K I'.liSf ARTICU:. The IlepuMiv ;i'i Congres -icnal ti.i..uttee olt iv. $150 for the best article not . xiveding 1, CU i words on th.e subject: . why Hi?', kitit.i.ican iwkty 1 nioi'Li !t;: si en mil ( M:x r nuyi:...; :!.. j This competition is epe.i L) r.ll. ' In judging t h irerits of eon-, tribution.'. cviv ,.h r; .lion will be pven not trdy toMU rrgu-! hut' ar.d f: ! - presented, but , tiitL' corv:ncing pwer. md it should !' l' i no it tv.'i.d that j Men. ' (.r;ro :. re to bo leclcd ' " ell r" Pr :ident and Vice-Pros; lent No manuscripts will be leturn- d, but ill l e the property of the Committee. i, artielj will be widely ised both in the newspapers of the country and pamphlet form. The ward will be made and check sent to successful contest ant about August 15th. Manu scripts must be mailed not later than July 15th to Literary Bureau. Hepublican Congressional Com mittee, Metropolitan Bank Building, Washington, D. C. Good Advice. If the boys in' St. Johns who have been in the habit of spend ing $15 or $20 a month for booze will deposit that amount in the bank every month for the next two years and never drink a drop of joy water during that time, we w ill guarantee them a better time, more money, better friends, more ot them and they will never again resort to the jag shop for amusement thereafter., St. Johns Review.' The Uuyinz ani Selling of Hops That the buying and selling of heps to eastern and Londn mar kets is all a matter of confidence in the home dealer was clearly demonstrated td he, writer a few days ago, when H. L. Bents con ducted ui through his sample room3 over the Aurora State Rank. Mr. Bents receives sam ples from various growers. He takes one of these samples,, sep arates it into two parts, keeps one part himself and sends one part to the market in London. Ho numbers the sample sent to correspond with the sample re tained. For instance he received a sample of hopd from John Smith. He separates the sample into two parts, numbr3 both parts 20, and sends one part to London and piuts the other in his simple room. He knows just who is the owner of sample No. 20, and if the London buyer wants any of tho hops numbered 0, he cables the Aurora office and Mr. Bents immediately notifies the grower of the sale. It would be an easy matter however, to send a good sample to the London office and thert deliver an inferior quality of hop. As payment is usually made at once, this could easily be done! But the most valuable as set of the hop dealer is absolute reliability. And when the Lon don and eastern buyers once learn this it fc' easy for him to do business. Aurora is to be con gratulated in having no other kind Of dealers but the best and r.'os-t reliable , I iml:- Their straight forward methods and honest dealings viJ both sellers and buycre gives Aurora the re putation of, being the most active hop market in the Willamette Valley. II. II. Palmer, former editor of the LaGrande Elgin. Leader, who so mysteriously disappeared from LaGrande several weeks ago and who it was thought had commit ted suicide, has been found. Tin'1, discovery was brought about by his request for funds. Palm er wrote to Mr. Snyder, hlJ form er partner in Impress, for St ance. No cttert will be made to bring hini back to Klein, as, prac tically all the bills again t the 'itm wore tal.en care of by Mr. 'n vder. M M i l ; n i 1 1 e Tel ephor, e Hi grter. II ..LI I l! . ..? f. .... II" i- iiunoarui iciut na dij;miccvss. The picn'e gien by the K. P's. it Hubbard last Saturday was a complete success in every partic ular Those who attended pros;l thenselvcs a; eminently satisfied with the entertainment ; t o ided. One fent i' e ef the day wa-Uhe ball game L Canby and M. Pa :!, w hich was fast, furiom and to a fini'h. and resulted in a score of 0 to 2 in favi r of Canby. The weather wr.s ideal, and great crowd came from WckhI b'?rn. Aurora. Needy, Canby, St. Paul, and ether points. An or ation wa delivered by Hon. J. K. N.Bell. After the day's festi vities the picnickers danced until the wee smell hours. ' A ROTHSCHILD STORY. "Th Rtward That Cam ts a Student With a Heart. OU liotbucLllil to:l.3 cr popular now in ruror. "Some aro truo," aaja nn Kngllsh writer, "ixjiue lire only ilcvcr, nnd many arc plmp'y larea ll ja. I'.ut all are rta'l vrftU intereat" Here is one from tbe Pj-itaudcr, Lon diu: "At a lutubeon given by Eiupreua Eugenie at tbe Tullri the Load of tbe I 'a r l.i house of ItotharhlM waa watej ofpostte a groat painter. Roth schllj waa not blessed with (rood looks nnd bad, moreover, an expresaloo of dlatrcM end resignation combined. Tbe painter could not take hla ryea off him, and this worried Rothschild not a lit tle. After the meal he asked the paint er why bo bad taken so great an Inter est In blm, nnd to his great amaze ment the painter Informed him that bo had studied blm aa a model for a teg gar In a picture he wu then eroirbig. Rothschild's face brightened, and bo enld, 'I will alt for you.' And be did. One day when he waa rnadng a pupil of tho painter's waa bo touched by the expression of woe on the face of the model that he slipped a five franc piece into the 'poor man's' baud aad van-lt-hed before nn explanation was possi ble. Tbe next day the young man re ceived 400 aa Interest on his well In fested 5 francs." SHOOTING WITH MORTARS. Hitting the Targst ts Simply a Matter ef Mathematics. How do we hit with the mortars? An observer near the short who sees tbe target communicates the horizontal and vertical angle at which to lay the mortar and the Instant of time at which to fire, and tbe gun does tbe rest. If yon were standing at the cen ter of a large clock dial laid flat on the ground and wanted to hit w ith n base ball a man walking around on the out side, you would notice how long It took the man to get from I to II and again from II to III. Then you would de cide whether if the ball were thrown brer a point halfway between IUI and V Just as be arrived opposite 1 1 1 1 the man and the ball would reach the same spot at the same time, It being understood, of course, that ha main tained uniform speed and direction and that the ball was thrown with proper force. Instruments give us the range and obsertatlons, and mechanical de vices give Us the range differences, in creasing or decreasing by certain abort Intervals of time, too short for a ship of any sIm to eBcarm by attempting to change direction or unocd.. Our ob server's circle has 81,000 divisions. Captain Howell In Scientific Amerk-nn. fcerelsssiMss of the Uns. Tbe rtrldlcs bnd been In their hew country houw for scarcely a wcelt tie fore the girl who went out to hunt for strictly frcxh egg came back empty bnnd"d. ,. . , . "Wheri nre tho cggi, KIlen7" naked fclrs. Ilrldje, , . . 'Sure, mum! OI couldn't folnd a" I , i . . ..... "DM you look In the henhouse?" "!s, mum." i : "And In the haymow?" . VOl wlnt all over the place." "And the manger?" "They warn't there, muni." "Well, sometimes. Henry collecti the eggs In n bnfiket and hnng'i It tinder tho cow shed." "Oi found the bnKltct, but It win Imply. OI hunted all over the place and, high nor loweorra n sign of thlm cpR could Ol folnd Anywhere." "I!r me." said Mrs. r.rldlc absent ly, "I hope they haven't been rilHluld!" London Scraps. The Ayes Had It. Thero Is n certulu representative In congress whom Hecretnry.l & young la1y. She Is prttty, and she 1 as bright ns she U gid looking, being aN the possessor of a pair of Unutl ful eyes. The other day she called on a calJnet official to nsk a favor for a constituent.- The grave and dignified bend of the department looked at her and snld: "My d.-nr young lady. I am afrn.'d 1 ennnot do what you ask, although your big brown eves" "Then th nycs have It," quick as a flash the young lady said. And fche pot w hat tho reijues'el One ef the chief sources of food for the Inhabitants of the Hawaiian Is lands Is the tulierous root of the taro p'ai'f, ul.ic'i i.ninevv!iat resembles the v att r illy. The roots of thl.-i plant nie j'v.'iMid up Into pulp niul allowed tc ni;r. In whli h form It Is called "jh1." The jitulT Is icry stl-ky, nnd the na tives oat It by slh'kl'ig their Oncers If to a dish of It at.d then licking them off. That boy Is n r;!;My unsatisfactory and tinproiiiNI'ig jropo!!tlon. both for! himself an 1 otht r follvs, who Is laiy as nli get our. but stl!' Innhls on bailug three ii.jiiare rie-'!s a day. It Is a , eoiiree of hu r aii.g eiapernIlon on' the jart of those who have to put uj vlth folks of this type that their ecu aiUutloual Inactivity Is almost always "econipjHilod by a remarkably eoiuid state cf f.hysleal health. A fri. M thi writer knew some ycra nc f.!!.l ti!Mii;f for t!n ministry. While pofsess'.n s!ruvrl:y ni.d ( to e marked decree, I.e so. JltMdent and ill nt ee In the pv.'ptt tint his l.ea'.th broke dnva. cm,1 :is n result b. IiaI to ijuit his work. ! He moed en to a f.r:n t,!,h he own el and txlay ruus a moJil dairy, from uhl. h Le yuppl'e m llf to a large mm I - r of cuto:;iers In a nearty twn. While he n b-i-jjer bis a ult fro:a svh!-h t preach. b- srl'.l hns tf.e same opportunity t. ! il squarely with his , ffllows ail to c've "govvl roeafnre, ffesscj down and ruur.Ing over." j WOLFER PRAIRIE Summer is here ane the warm gun hine is dojng a great deal of good. John Jesse made a business trip to Oregon Cityi Wednesday. Most all the young folks from here attended the picnic andj dance at Hubbard, Saturday. ; Ralph Gibble who has nAur()ra working at Chehahs, Wash., fori the past G months is home for a short visit. Needy First team defeated Monitor Sunday on the home grounds. Hops , are ,'bumM Every one is looking forward td the picnie at Liberal, June ittth. Katie Hitter is staying With hef sister-in-law, Mrs. Percy Hitter of Marks frairie. The second nine of Iseedy, which is now known as the "Red Sox", wron an easy victory over the Mack?burg nine on the latters diamond; Score 9 to f A Social dancexVill be given ih Smith's HalhMacksburg Saturday night, June 13th. Every one come and have a godd time. Music by Garrett's Orchestrd. Where! OH Where! Can we cel ebrate the 4th? For thb best tobac'co.4 iind ci pars call on Henry A. Snyder, the Post Otnce Store. Let Us figure on Good Work - The Bordalis; Post Office veoetieieOejetieftereOeijeiiereieie6e.'jejetiew4vetf'ejev.eOei4tf Gr(rCriitirrC:r(rCrtrCtrCtttrCrCrtt When Butte Was 1 ! U n e x ! t ! ei j ! 1 t l t A vi For Cvo weeks lost, winter the city of Butte, Mont., was a barren desert. It waa the driest placo on earth. The water supply was all right, but owing to a strike all tho newspapers were suspended. Uutto's experience proved that in this day, and ago tho local newspaper ii a public necessity. Nobody knew what was happening. Falso ' 4J x ie x ! J H T x 4X 4 ! x ea ei ea it i ! I S 1 t e vt e ci ! 4 4'l 1 4 4I 4 4t V' 4 n( 4 ( '. 4 4-1 1 4 4-n - 4 4-T 4 4J 4 4l 4 4 CI 4-.t rumors Fpread liko bad buttar. Fako stories about citizens circulated by word of mouth until several duels almost re sulted. There wero no neV!papers to; tell the truth about things. ( Business suffered worst of all. Merchants tried handbill?, which didn't fill the bill. They work ed tho billboard over time, but only bored the public. The people cried for new?pap3 as babies cry for (See ad.) For once in tho his tory of the world it wa? demonstrated beyond jTradvonturo that a town without a live newspaper w a ilea.! one. Stores could not do business without prrly adverting their wares, and they ruld r.ot advrrtUo properly without news paper Butto merchants aw r.ow advertising to make up for lost time. Business mo-n who didn't think much of advertising before have ler.rr.ed itj vnlno t.nd are rising newtpap r fpaco. Tl;i xperi( noe f llutt carries a lesson for every other town tliis one, for instaire: 4 4 : 4 PAYS 04 4 t C 4 : ADVERTISING tS-2J-Jl,",0r ,;1 v 4044 v??94 41. 41 4? Fine Spring Millinery A Complene Assortment of the latest Styles in Ladies' and Misses' Hats, Ribbons, Laces, Ornaments, Trimmings, Ladies, Belts, Etc. Prices Veey Reasonable. Mrs- Rose Giesy, THE NEW AURORA HOTEL A. LNDEEN, Prop. The Best $1. 00 A Day Hotel In Northern Marlon Co. First Class Cafe i. ; AlllTOicl j A. H. GIESY & CO Dealers in Qdneral Merchandise, Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Flour and Feed, Hardware, Tinware, Furniture, Etc., Etc., at Correct Prices. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. A; H. GIESY & CO; Established tS98. Aurora - - Oregon your job printing.lLoW rates Keasonabe Prices. Aiirora, Oregon Building. t4 4i I4 4t X4 4I l4 4I 14 4t T4 4 r4 if r4 4 I I4 4 1' X4 4 IV l4 4r 4 4V C-4 4I If 4 4l 4J J4 4I X4 4 t r-e 4I I4 4! t4 n I4 tf I4 4I J4 4I 4 V t4 4 4I I4 4 t4 4 t4 44- t. 4 4I X4 4I X4 4I J4 4 t4 4 r I4 4I 4 4I re t I4 4 t4 4t t4 4 rv t4 4 : XI-4 4 i;- t4 r re 4t 14 4 : r-4 4 f4 4l 4 41 t4 4I r4 4t ITS OWN WAY. I r-4 K-;..rnPf?(; 4.7 44 40. 4 ;vV?99 Oregon in Connection Oregon Will be made this Season Jby the SOUTHERN PACIFIC. (LINES IN OREGON) From AURORA. both ays' through Portland; td Chicago.... $7.1.46 St. Louis...:.. : 63.40 St. Paul G0.90 Omaha... ; . G0.90 Kansas, City MM '...v.v. 60.90 The rates from Canby , are ter! cents less than the above. The Rates from Aurofa or Can by, one way through California; will be Chicago.! 7.5Q St. Louis 82.50 st. paui.....:..:...;... '.:.::. si.5q Omaha. ... 75. 0Q Kansas City ;. ,'.'"::. V;' .. . 75.00 TICKETS WILL BE ON SALE MAY 4, 18 JUNE G, 6, 19. 20 JULY 6, 7. 19, 20 AUGUST 0, 7, 21, 22 Good for return in 90 days with stopover privileges a.t pleasure within limits,. For any further information call on the local agent Geo. Miller. g', Aurora, II. N. ifrc-rr, At Canby, or write to ', , . . WaL McMUKRAY, Portland Oregon, l Aurora Drug Store Complete Stock of Fresh Drugs Prescriptions A Specialty DR. M. QIIiiY, PROPRIIiTORl Plain ar.d fancy Stationary, blank books novel'?, etc., at the Post 0:f;ce Store, Henry A. Sny der, proprietor. The Canby Developement League is issuing 5000 attractive circulars, descriptive of Southern Clackamas county. The copy is now in the hands cf the printers, and the booklet will soon be ready for distribution. N HAY FOR SALE -About a ton of choice clover hay for sale. In quire at Aurora Drug Store. Fop all kinds of Nurserj stock, can en S. B. Reese. Canby. Ore-