The Aurora borealis. (Aurora, Or.) 19??-1909, June 11, 1908, Image 1

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AUKOIt A, OREGON, THU ItSDAV, ,U'Xi: n, i))s.
NO. 7.
The Awora' Boreai
Newsy Items Gathered from All Parts
of the World.
General Review of Important Hap
penings Presented In a Brief and
Comprehensive Manner for Buty
Readers National, Political, HI
torical and Commercial.
Great scarcity of beef in Chicago
causes high prices to prevail.
Seventeen of the finest paintings in
Paris have been seriously injured by
A life-Me bronze statue of Presi
dent MeKinley has been unveiled at
The Russian douma has refused to
make the necessary appropriation for
a new navy.
The death roll from the explosion
on the cruiser Tennessee has now
reached six.
A Norwood, Mass., boy of 14 year
has confessed to the killing of three
smaller children.
Gas in a mine at Gladstone, Colo
rado, killed twenty rescuers of im
prisoned miners.
O. II. P. Belmont is some better,
although his physicians hold out small
hope of his recovery.
A New York actress has secured
damages for the sale cf her photo
graphs without her consent.
A new record for motor bicycles
has been established at Buffalo, N. Y.
On a race track ten miles were made
in 0:4( :t-5.
John Brandt Walker, leader of a
great bear campaign in the New
York stock market, has failed. At
one time he had a fortune of $3,
ooo.ono. Brewers from all parts of the coun
try are to meet at Chicago to plan a
defense against the ever increasing
wave t prohibition now sweeping
the United States.
Because of washouts in Montana
the Burlington road has canceled all
Pacific Coast trains running in con
nection with the Northern Pacific
until further announcement.
King F.dward has started for Russia.
Sir Robert Hart predicts a great fu
ture for China.
Eight persons were killed in a col
lision on a trolley road near Annapolis,
Scandinavia. .Neb., has been wrecked
by a cyclone. Franklin also suffered
much damage
Mayor Busse. of Chicago, has lecn
marriod a month, and his friends have
just found it out.
Hearst has made a net gain of 103
votes so far in the recount of ballots
for mayor of New York,
While O. II. P, Belmont's physicians
have not abandoned' all hope, there is
little chance of his recovery.
A tornado in Nova Scotia killed two
persons ami injured a number of others
Much damage to property is reported
i lie interstate commerce commission
will be unable to give a decision on the
Pacific coast lumber rate case before
July 1.
The situation in Persia is steadily go
ing from bad to worse, and it is believed
the present shah will not rule much
Japan says the revolt in Corea is now
confined to the remote districts, and
that in a short time the entire country
will be pacified.
The crown prince of Servia is ac
cused of plotting against Montenegro.
English socialists oppose the pro
posed visit of King Edward to Rus
sia. O. 11. P. Belmont is believed to be
dying of an operation for appendi
citis. The Union Pacific will immediately
issue $30,000,000 in bonds for the
building of new roads.
The Erie railroad will immediately
reopen its shops, giving employment
to several thousand men.
Governor Johnson, of Minnesota,
sty no one yet ha the Democratic
nomination for president.
A Lo Angeles banker has been
robbed of fioooo in jewel which he
was carrying with him on a street
A number of clubmen in Los An
geles have been arrested because
they were selling liquor without) a
Indication are that Hoke Smith
has been beaten by Joseph M. Brown
a Democratic candidate for governor
of Georgia.
Trainmen on the Nashville, Chatta
nu3 & St. Loui railroad threaten
to bo on ftrike unles the company
tikes back some discharged men who
belonged to the union.
C. J. L, Meyer, aged 77. first presi
dent of the Chicago Northwestern
railroad, and worth at one time a mil-1 a heavy storm of hail, which aefm
lion d !hr, M applied for admis- parried it, did damage estimated at
sion to the Milwaukee county, Wis- 1 10 000 A number of person are
cousin, poorhouse. J reported injured, none fatally.
Tornado Sweeps Path Along Kansas
Nebraska Line.
Omaha. Neb., June 8 The tornado
which passed over Southern Nebraska
ami portions of Northern Kansas Fri
day evening was the most destructive
and covered the most territory of any
similar storm which .has visited the
state in many years. At least twenty-
itif persons are known to be dead.
five fatally injured and a score of
others more or less seriously hurt,
some of them dangerously.
Additional reports received state
that several persons were killed at
the towns of Byron, Neb., and Court
land, Kan., which towns have been
cut off from communication with the
outside world.
At Fairfield more than forty build
ings were more or less wrecked and
some of them. including three
churches, were demolished. The los
will exceed ioo.mio
In the vicinity of llickley farm
houses stood the bnwt of the storm
and one or more fatalities are re
ported, with a number receiving in
juries, some ot which, will prove fatal.
Serious damage is reported from
Byron, ten miles west of Chester, at
tended by considerable fatalities, but
no details can be learned. All the
bridges are out and communication
by telegraph and telephone is entire
ly cut off.
A telephone message from Hardy,
Neb., says the town of Courtland,
Kan., just across the Nebraska line.
was struck by the storm and that sev
eral casualties occurred, but lack of
communication makes confirmation
impossible today. Trains in all direc
tions are abandoned because of wash
outs and destroyed roadbeds. At Ge
neva the storm wrought great de
struction. The storm has covered such a wide
area and been so destructive wherever
it touched the earth that it has almost
caused a panje among the inhab tants.
Hundreds of farmers drove into town
seeking (dicker, many of them being
homeless. v
Rivers Begin to Fall, but Communi
cation is Stopped.
Missoula, Mont., June H. Saturday
night at 0 o'clock the sun broke
through the clouds after 33 days of
rain and the rainfall, which had been
lessening since morning, ceas-d.
The rivers show a lower mark than
they did 24 hours ago and there is
hope that the worst is over. But
there has been great damage and it
may be days or weeks before railroad
traffic is resumed to the eastward.
All day Saturday Missoula was cut
ff from the outside world. Not until
night had there been wire communi
cation and it consisted of a single
line to the west and none to the east.
Saturday night and Sunday morning
the high water reached its maximum,
registering the highest mark ever
known in this country. All of the
city and county bridges arc out and
Missoula is divided into three dis
tricts, each of which is without com
munication with the outside. Three
large residences in the city went down
the river. Their occupants had been
warned and were out before the flood
struck. The big log-jam of the Black
foot Company has been held in place
and the great power dam owned by
. A. Clark is intact.
The damage to farms in the bottom
land will he great. The loss to the
city and county will run far into the
thousands and cannot be estimated
until the water down. The out
look toif'iy is encouiaging and it is
believed the crisis ha? been passed.
Continued Rains in Montana Cost 8
Lives and Much Property.
Great Falls, Mont., June 8. Never
before in the historv of Montana has
here been such a flood as ha been
sweeping down the valley of the Mis
sotiri River and its tributaries. Five
lives have already been lost in the
waters in this vicinity, and the dam
age to farms, railroads and industrial
and commercial institutions will run
into the millions. Thevriver i at the
highest point ever known since the
first settlement of Montana and it is
still rising.
Some of the smaller outside town
are in even wore ennumon man is
Great Fall. At last report Choteau
wa completely surrounded by water
and all bridges were gone. A large
part of Belt was partially under water
and the people had taken to the high
Canadian Bridges Go Out.
McLeod. Alberta. June 8 The Ca
n.-w'ian Pacific hridtre at West Mc
d wa swept away Friday night
M.irv's bridge, between here and
I.ethbridge. is a total wreck and the
Canadian Pacific pulping station
his been swept into the river. "he
bridge at Browket on the Crow's Ne-t
line is expected to go at any time,
and and freight and passenger
traffic is at a stand-till. Rain con
tinue to fall in torrent. Farm for
many mile- around are inundated and
hou'e have floated away, and the ls
will be enormous.
Twister Strikes Oklahoma.
Durant. Okla . June H
i.-K su.rt nvrr ferriti.rv mi!r
wet of Durant Saturday night de
at.-i.-,t A ,i r n firm li,.ti& i n i uifti
tarries Entire State by 1.300 or
More Over Cake.
Hawley and Ellis for Congress by a
Large Margin University Appro
priation Bill Carries Many New
Districts Go Dry Control of State
Legislature Is Uncertain. ,
I"M"l"M"l I II I HI MI 111 III I M'
J United States Senator George
E. Chamberlain, Democrat.
Representative First Congres
" sional District Willis C Hawley,
.'. Republican.
Representative Second Con
" gressional District W. R. Ellis,
Justice of the Supreme Court
" Robert S. Bean, Republican.
Oregon Dairy and Food Com-
missioner J. V. Bailey, Repub
lican. ' Railroad Commissioner, First
' Congressional District Thomas
K. Campbell, Republican.
Railroad Commissioner, Second
Congressional District Clyde B.
4- Aitchison, Republican.
.,i,..,hiiJiiiiii'iii...w.ii ipinni 1 1 ....ini
Portland, June 4. Governor Cham
berlain's plurality over Cake for
Uftited States senator will be about
700. He now has 1540. Complete
returns from a large number of coun
ties increase previous estimates. For
example. Malheur, which had prc-
iousiy been in the Chamberlain col
u;nn by 100, nearly doubles that plu
rality by giving him l'.iO, with five
small precincts still to hear from.
Cake's previous lead of 18 in Benton
county is cut down to eight, while in
Clatsop the full vote raises the Demo
crat's plurality from 300 to 357. Crook
county, too, gives Chamberlain a lead
of 224 over his competitor. The full
vote of Douglas shows that each sen
atorial candidate has 181)0 votes. If
this is correct, it shows a slight loss
to the Democratic candidate. Gilliam
county comes in vith only 20 for the
Republican nominee, while Lake,
hitherto in dispute, adds 70 to the
Chamberlain column. Lane county,
however, as the country precincts are
heard from, continues to add to the
Cake figures. In Wallowa county.
with 11 out of 20 precincts. Cake has
lead of 11.1, which will probably
reach 200. Marion, with every vote
counted, shows just 11 for Cake, while
Multnomah, with the count complete
and a total of more than 25,000 for
the two candidates, shows just S)!)l for
the governor.
Air. Lake has carried 19 counties
and Mr. Chamberlain 13, counting
Douglas a tie. The- state at large,
outside of Multnomah, on the vote so
far at hand, has given Chamberlain a
plurality of 632. Seventeen counties
out of 33 are complete, and most of
the other are practically complete.
It is not probable that the final re
turns will make a difference of more
than 100 votes in Governor Chamber
lain's plurality one way or the other.
Hawley, Republican, is elected to
congress in the first district by 15.000
or more, and Ellis. Republican, by
15,000 or more in the second district.
Bean, Republican, for supreme judge,
has a very large vote, having no op
nosition, while Bailey. 'Republican, for
food and dairy commissioner, wins by
23,000 to 30.000. Campbell. Republi
can, is successful for railroad commis
sioner in the first district, and Aitchi
son, Republican, for railroad commis
sioner, for the second district, has
5000 or more plurality.
Fifty-two members of the legisla
ture are for Statement No. 1. includ
ing Kay of Marion and Boncbrike of
Benton, who are pledged conditional
ly. A majority of the legislature is 40.
Tin ml
I tied.
Hen ton . . ,
flat kamanf
(lutnojit . . ,
Columbia .
831. ..
Crook 1
1 1 ,,Via't" ! I
r.iiimmt !!
i!i 20
Ilarn'r . . . .
Jni'kflunt ..
JiMltlne . ,
Kl.imath ...
Lincoln . ,
s'aPietir ...
Marlon . . .
Morrow ...
Ph-rmiin . .
I matlllat .
fnlnnt .
2.7 4 r,
3.2 Ml
.... 73
Wallowa .
1.8541 1.839
- ! J""ton
l.SII 1.7
t 330
1.7331 l.tH
12.1 57 J. 703
Ch.fntiT:nl' rl'rl!tjr, l.tll,
f'om flrt offlrlill.
tr,m.te ur.ntTW lI.
:i;tinittd and Incomplete.
Result Close in Marion.
Salem. June 2. Conmlcte returns
from :i precincts in Marion county
give Cake aim 1 votes and Chamber
lain 21)37. The remaining precinct
are not expected to change the rela
tive positions of the senatorial candi
dates very materially. Returns today
confirm the report of yesterday that
in other Kepubliean candidates have
received substantial majorities.
Josephine for Chamberlain.
Grant Pass. June 2. Returns are
now in from 12 precincts out of 10 in
this county, and the Democratic party
nas, so tar as these returns show, cap
tured United States senator on the
state ticket and county senator, sheriff
and treasurer. The county as a whole
goes dry by a vote of about 300.
Cake's Plurality Only 20.
Condon, June 2 Unofficial returns
give Lake a lead over Chamberlain
of about 20 votes in Gilliam county.
London gave the governor a majority
of five.
Clackamas for Chamberlain.
Oregon City, June 2. Very frag
mentary returns are being received in
Clackamas county, and while the re
turns are in from every precinct save
one, the figures are far short on the
amendments, and some of the offices
Chamberlain ha carried the county
by about .0 votes, receiving 2." 1)3, to
210S for Cake. Ilawley's vote is 2321).
to 01)2 for Whitney.
-i 1
Lane Gives Cake Big Vote.
Eug.'iie, June 2. Lane county re
turns, three-fourths in, give R. S.
Bean a lead of 20 to 1 over both com
petitors, Bailey 2 to 1 over Emery.
Lake lead Chamberlain f0, which
will likely be over 700 nlurality. Haw
ley beats Whitney 2 to 1. T. K. Camp
bell, for railroad commissioner, and
Edwin Bryson, for prosecuting attor
ney, are polling a big Republican vote.
Cake in Washington by 160.
Ilillsboro, June 2 The unofficial
vote gives Cake a plurality of only
ion over cnamueriain. Illasviey car
ries Washington county by over looo,
although the exact figures are unob
tainable. The entire Republican leg
islative ticket is elected
Chamberlain in Lake.
Lakevicvv, June 8. With several
precincts yet to repoit, the vote
Lake county is as follows: Cake
217; Chamberlain, 373; Hawley, 308
Whitney, 101). Other Republican can
didatcs are ahead in the same propor
Cake Plurality in Yamhill.
McMinnville, June 2. Returns from
22 of the 23 precincts, of this county,
though incomplete in some instances,
give Cake 1003. Chamberlain 1522,
Bailey 1326, Emery 770, Hawley 1623,
Richards 232, and Campbell, for rail
road commissioner, 2018. Judge Bean
leads all other candidates, his total
vote being little short of 2300.
Forty Saloons Voted Out.
Pendleton, June 2. Practically
complete returns from the county
show that Caxc has a plurality of 230,
and that the county has gone dry by
700. putting more than 40 saloon out
of business, 23 being in Pendleton.
Cake Loses Linn.
Albany, June 2 Chamberlain ha
carried I. inn county by 417 votes. The
complete unofficial count on the state
ticket in Linn is as follows: Cham
berlain, 2301); Cake, 11)32; Cyoper, IMS;
Amos. Sit; Hawley, 2311; Whitney,
1C50; Richard, 230; Staver, 1)4; Bean,
2D.I8; Brix, 308; Bright. Is7; Bailey,
2283; Emery, 1021; Hoskin, 212.
Opponent of the university of Ore
gon apf ropriation have scored heavily
in this county,
Slight Margin for Cake.
Marshfield. June 2. No return arc
complete at this hour. Votes a far
counted in the county indicate
that Cake will defeat Chamberlain in
Coos county by a small majority.
Other state officers on the Ri publi
can ticket will have majorities of 500
to 700.
Chamberlain Takes Clatsop.
Astoria, June 2. Complete unof
ficial return from all except f ur
small precincts give Chamberlain a
majority of 2D7 over Cake, and indi
cate that he will carry the county by
about 300.
Crook Goes Dry.
Prineville, June 2 With two small
precincts to hear from, Crook county
has gone dry by nearly flno majority.
Even Prineville ha gone dry by three
votes. Chamberlain is well in the
lead of Cake for senator, having a
majority of about 100.
Chamberlain Leads in Douglas.
Roseburg, June 2. The count for
Douglas county i not yet finished,
two large precinct remaining to be
heard from. Chambrrlain will have
the lead over Cake by not over 73
Hawley lead Whitney, the vote b ing
11)83 to 1020. The university of Ore-
9i'l2!l65!13!i4igon appropriation bill will carry by a
good majority,
Jackson Votes Out Saloons.
Medford. lune 2 Official count
from 21 of Jacks m county's 33 pre
cincts Medford not included, give
Cake 74. Chamberlain 10i8. Pro
hibition has 1134, and anti-trohib'tin
N81. The Medford count cannot pos
sibly change the result, though there
will be a majority in favor of the sa
loons. '
Baker Favors Chamberlain.
Baker City. June 2. With onlv one
small precinct to hear from, B.iker
county give Cake 1334, Chamberlain
IM'1, Cooper 240; for congressman,
Ellis 13S0. Jeffrey lltfi, Sinders 273,
Shaffer 113; for justice of supreme
urt. Robert S. Bean 2tilfl. C. J.
Bright 121), C. C. Brix 313; railroad
untvisM iner, Aitchison i:t28. llama-
ton 708, Newell 724, oung 07
Cake Ahead in Wasco.
The Dalles, June 2. Wasco county,
with three pieiiiuts to hear from,
gives cake 14:id, Chamberlain i:u5,
Bean 2138, Bailey 1823. Emery 6:0;
1 His 18:i7. Jeffrey r21; Aitchison 1223,
Young Mi. For prohibition 1418,
against 1016, making this the only wet
town i'ii the O. K. & N.
Chamberlain Ahead in"Union.
La Grande, June 2. With all but
one very immaterial precinct in.
Union county is in position to give a
careful estimate of the line-up of poli
ticians in this election. Chamberlain
carries the county by a small margin
I he votes complete from 20 to 21 pre
cincts give Cake 1340,' Chamberlain
Cake Leads in Benton.
Corvallis, June 2. Cake's majority
in Benton, complete, but not official,
18. Incomplete returns from nine
out of 10 precincts give Hawley, for
congress, and other Republican state
ticket, a probable plurality of 5i)0.
Corvallis precincts gave the univer-
ity appropn: tioii a strong vote.
breaking nearly even, but outside pre
cincts went heavily against it. Re
turns from four precincts give vote
of more than four to one against sin
gle tax.
Grant Goes for Cake.
Canyon City. June 2. Complete un
official returns show the following rc-
uits in lirant county: Lake C8'j
Chamberlain 032. Prohibition carried
by about 20 vote. Result on amend
ments has not been tabulated.
Cake Loses in Polk.
Dallas, June 2 Unofficial returns
from all precincts in Polk county but
one give dcorge E. Chamberlain
majority of 178 votes over Cake for
the United States senatorship. Other
wise the state ticket is running from
::)() to 500 votes Republican. The pro
hibition vote leads by about 200, and
the county will probably go dry by a
300 majority.
Cake Carries Tillamook.
Tillamook, June 2. Hawley 680
Whitney 11)3, Cake 340. Chamberlain
431, Bean 774. Bright 73, Brix 137,
Barrett HOI, Kuykendall 183. Beals
304. Loughlin 420, prohibition 330 for
against 400; county high school de
feated; university, for 200, against
332; woman suffrage, for 308, against
331. The entire Republican ticket lias
carried, with the exception of treas
urer. Harney is for Cake.
Bums, June 2. Eleven out of 19
nrecincts in Harney county, four-fifths
of the entire vote, give Cake 3'J7,
Chamberlain 21)0; Ellis 402, Jeffrey,
Cake and Prohibition in Wheeler.
Fossil, June 2 Cake has carried
Wheeler county, probably by 100
votes. With three precinct to hear
from, the result now stand: Cake
.'IH2, Chamberlain 300. The univer
sity appropriation has carried well in
the county.
Columbia for Cake by 160.
St. Helen, June 2. Incomplete re
turn show Cake iia a plurality in
Columbia county of 130. Prohibition
has been defeated by 80 vote. The
Republican ticket i successful, with
the exception of county judge and as
sessor, which havr been captured by
the Democrat.
Wallowa Remains Dry.
Joseph, June 2 Partial return
from Wallowa county, covering, how
ever, a majority r f the vote, give Cake
a slight lead over Chamberlain. The
county remains dry a a whole. En
terprisc retains the county seat, Wal
lowa failing by a small margin to
wrest it away, though it made a fight
so hard that it ended with an offer
representing $13,000.
Increases Lead ln'Multnornah
Portland, June 3. A the count
processes in Multnomah county Gov
ernor Chambt rlain maintain hi lead
over Cake, and will probably carry
the county by 800 to loot). At an
eai!y hour thi morning complete un
official returns from 10.1 precincts ami
in complete return from 13 of a total
f lit. give the following result
Cake, 11.127; Chamberlain, 11,1)32;
Chambrrlain plurality, 80.
The pluralities of the other Rpub
lican nominees for the contested 01'-
fires'are increasing a the count pro
grease. Willi the exception iii four
I prrcinct. including l airview and M
John, every precinct on tlie Last .Side
in which a local option election wa
held went "wet" by a heavy vote
Chamberlain's Lead in Jackson
Jacksonville. Jiin" 2 Twenty one
out of 32 precinct in J.nkon county
rive Chaiiib-rl un 1177. Cake fiOO
llammersley. Republican, and Ni
Democrat, are elected to the -legislature
Prohibition carri" 21 precinct
by 300. University of Oregon appro
priit'on ha 43) majority. Amend
merit raiing salary of legislator
dunging eat
of rnb'ir building
- Jcpial uffragr. fisheries bill and the
jrecaii rave an lost.
Rising floods Break Communication
by Wire anJ Rail.
Long Stretches of Track Washed Out
and More Likely to Go Deluge
Still Continues Many Passengers
Marooned on Trains In Out-of-the-Way
Missoula, Mi nt . June 0 At 5 o'clock
1st eevening the flood situation in west
ern Montana was growing more serious
;ch minute. Helena is cut off from
the outside world. She is without rail
way, telegraph or telephone communica
tion, l or a short tune in the afternoon
there was a telephone connection, and
at the time it was learned that all of
the stream in Helena and vicinity are
overflow ing, and that there has been
much damage to farms and consider
able Ess of livestock.
The Cireat Northern's branch lines
arc out ot service, and the mam line
in northern Montana is cut in several
places. The first train started eastward
out of Spokane over the Great Northern
is now tied up. There is no communi
cation either by rail or telegraph.
All streams continue to rise. The
Big Black foot river is nearly its high
est flixid mark.
The Northern Pacific has lost sev
eral miles of track east of here during
the day. At Bonita. Nimrod and Bear-
mouth the telegraph operators have
been compelled to leave their posts,
Iriven out by the rising waters. At
Garrison nearly all the residents have
lied from their homes and are camped
upon the hills in the rain.
None of the dams on the river have
given way, though the power dam
iwned by ex-Senalor William A. Clark,
alxne Missoula, is reported to be in a
ci it ical condition.
Yesterday afternoon the Northern Pa
cific released by wagon transfer 200 of
ihe passengers that have been marooned
east of here. Th will be sent to Spo
kane on a made-up train.
The damage to the new roadbed of
the St. Paul line between Missoula
and Butte will not fall short of a mil
lion dollars, and it is becoming greater
all the time.
The Northern Pacific has assembled on
this division all of the piledrivers from
the west that it can get; it has taken
from its own western 01 vision and has
orrowed from oilier roads. The fight
against the water is being carried on by
10,000 men, but the water is gaining
steadily, and the rain continues to fall
in torrents. The Missoula river at this
ilace is but a few feet below the high
st mark ever registered. The expensive
city bridges are ' in danger, and are
guarded to prevent their use, so danger-
)iis are they considered.
West of here the Nort'ir-n Pacific
ha no trouble as vet.
At midnight the Northern Pacific has
surrendered the fight against the water
east of Missoula for the present. Un-
ess the ram stop soon, there will be
very little left of 130 miles of the most
expensive on the line. 1 wo tug
teel bridges have been washed out, but
t is not tuiderstood that they are de
I lie serious feature of the situation is
the fact that the high water has ex
tended west of Missoula, and is attack
ing the track between Missoula and the
west end f the stale. The Idaho di
vision has sent a big force of men over
to help in the fight on the west end.
Four Men Killed by Explosion on Ten
nessee at San Pedro.
San Pedro, Cat., June 0. While the
L'nited Slates armored cruiser Tennes
see was steaming at 11) knots per hour
on speed trial off l'ontt Hueuemc, Ca!.,
at 11 :o8 yesterday morning, a steam pipe
in the starlxiard engine room hurst un
der a 233-iMtind pressure, killing four
nun and injuring ten others all of the
men in the rompartmeiit at the time.
l'wo of ilie injured will die.
The expl sion, the cause of which is
yet unknown, occurred only a few min
utes after Admiral I riel Sebrcr, Cap
tain J. B. Howard and Chief Engineer
Robertson had left the engine room on
a tour of inspection. Four of the men
were killed instantly, and two more are
expected to die at any moment.
Boycott Is Spreading.
fokio, June 0. Two hundred thou
and yen i now indicated a the size of
ihe proposed present to Canton guilds
if the lioycott is discontinued. Mean
while advic-s from norih China iiid
Manchuria Mate that, owing to the ac
tivity of the Cantonese emissaries, the
movement i r:i"idly spreading through
out the north. The rmi'Siries are w rk
ing systematically and secretly. Their
literature makes no mention either of
the boycott or of J.ip.-m, speaking of
'the national disgrace with r ference to
the country responsible," which the Chi
nese all iiii'lrr i.n;d humus Japan.
Bringing Back the Meat.
Tmdon, June 0. It i declared here
toiby that 210.ono pounds rf American that ha hern stored in Imdon,
Glasgow and Liverpool was today re
shipped by fas; steamer to New York
to meet the continued shortage of meat
in the United States,