The Aurora borealis. (Aurora, Or.) 19??-1909, June 04, 1908, Image 4

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Catarrh Twenty-live Years
Had a Bad Cough.
Mini Rnphia Klttleson, Fvanston,
Illinois, U. H. A., writes:
"I have len troubled with catarrh
for nearly twenty-five year", and have
tried many cures for it, but obtained
very little help.
"Then my brother advised me to try
1'eruna, and 1 did.
"My health was very poor at the
time I begau takinit l'eiuna. My throat
was very tore and I had a bsd cnunh.
"Prrune he cured nif. The (hronic
Catarrh h gone and my health rs very
muh improved.
"I recommend lVruna to all my
friend who are troubled an I was."
PIRUNA TABlf IS: Soine people pre
fer tablet!, rather than medicine in a
fluid form. tSuch people can obtain
I'eruna tablet, which represent the
medicinal ingredients of I'eruna.
F.arh tablet equals one average dose
of I'eruna.
Man-d-lin the Ideal Laxative
Manufactured by the I'erun Drug
Manufacturing Co., Columbus, Ohio.
Hard Uit Without Pocket a.
"The liinht ti 1 1 ii .v I n tf thing In nnvj
life for u reemlt l tin absence of
aide pockets In t In uniform trousers."
J. It. Hone, a jfiiiiuiii tit the navy re
cruiting stfltlnn, Hiiiil IIiIh iimi'iiliiK.
"The average man doesn't roall.e how
strong In tli' r'.Htoni of tluu-tlnu hi
bund in Ha trousers mh Uet until he
don pHlr without pockets. I've worn
?.e navy nulforiu four yours now, and
I frequently llnd myself trying put
my hitiiits In my pockets." Kaunas City
unlly; l)ivcls I nlil.saiulK
wr.uvs tluo tt ( oivstiputi
Avis uaiiit-aUy, ucts ti iil uh
J3tvst JorM'nvunirn nnd ( li'Jil-
lHt-(Min 4111(1 ()!(!
M rt 1 At
fllwovs Imiv lilt' l7(MUltl hu l
has i!u jiill name or the Loin-
pa Sruup Co.
klnn it t mduuf.ic lurt'd . irmtrd on tlti
triiul iicti'v iiiirkii'f.
ie aiie tily. m e 50i-Im41.
lllkaalruua Hrarllon.
"I n a fully w ori ii'il iiUmt .Ii)hnnv
when ht lut.l lli it ln-l n k hkII," aid
Mr. Ik1iii(. ' ami Iumi llio ito.-tor told
me he w i"in to . ( well I nciit fair
y df lelrirn wllti J '.v."
A. Hair
Ncirly every one likes a fine
hair dressing. Something to
make the hair more manage
able; to keep it from being
too rough, or from splitting
at the ends. Something, too,
that will feed the hair at the
same time, a regular hair-food.
VTcll'fcdhair illbcstrong,and
will remain u here it belongs
on the head, not on the comb!
Th beat kin t ot a toattmcntal -"Sola
for cr ality yaia."
Ma J l' At't , I, mm.
Aw h.ii.lMifitrr f
f 5 8PglLLi.
Makes Open Door a farce and fort'
fles Herself In Manchuria.
Foreign Merchants Are Excluded and
Clash With Powers Seems Sure -
Port Arthur is Being Strengthened
Into Impregnable Fortress Is a
Second Gibraltar.
Seattle. WhhIi., May 30 According
In a Npccial to tlie Times from Van
couver, H. ('., Japan has completely re
versed the "open door" policy in Man
churia. With the arrival of the Ameri
can hattlcAip fleet in tli Pacific, and
tin' puNMihility of trouble with the
mteil Htatea later on, Japanexu atatea-
nn'ii are preparing for any emergency.
Nut Arthur, tiie former ltuiiau
troiihnhl, in heiri; made virtually im-
reyiiahle, while the f ortiflcat iona at
lialnv, a aeaport and railway terminus
ii the inaihlainl, occupied by the Jap-
neae, are beinjj rimhed to completion
with feverih haate.
A cI:imi with the pow:-ra over a eon
iiiiwnii-e of the diacriminatory policy
i iw heinjj carried out in favor of the
mikailo'a Hiihieeta ia inevitable. If
Japan it rompelled to back down, her
tiirremler will brinif it a advantai;ea.
The Japaneae are more curioualy
iiniii-. than alarmed over the protoaeil
vimt of the American fleet to the
Theae are the rnncluaiona reached by
!. '. Iruce during a recent extensive
our through China, Japan and Corea.
Mr. lrucp ia ex Mayor of Oxford, Eng
land, and aecretarv of the Hotanical So
ciety of (Jrent Hritain. He ia niao cura
tor of the herbarium of the University
of Oxford.
'While the official rlaaaes are re-
nerved, the Japaneae people are not the
aat perturbed over the itiHpatch of
the American battieahips to the Ori
ent," Mr. I)rucn continued. "Of
onrae, everybody in the Kat, except
the iliiilomnta, aaaociatea the demon-
xtrution of American naval power with
the Mancliurian trade nueation. 1 he
famous open door policy advocated ty
all the white rue en ia in reality a
n it 1 1 i t V."
Five Years in Penitentiary and Pay
$576,000, Ross' Sentence.
Siilem, Or., Mav 31 -.1. Thorhurn
Unas, preaident of the defunct Title
liiiurantee & I mat ( oiupanv, haa been
sentenced to serve Ave years la the
state penitentiary and to pay a fine of
.nH, N.i.j, nnil to serve one day in the
Multnomah county jail for each $2 of
the linn not paid.
Sentence was imposed bv Circuit
Jude (ienrge II. lhirnett, after the mo
lion of lloaa for arrest of judgment
and fur new trial had been overruled.
Appeal hns been taken to the supreme
onrt,' nnd Uosa haa been admitted to
Imil in the sum of (il)00.
This is the penalty Hums must pay for
the conversion of $.'ISH,:t7n" of state
aehoid f u in 1 ileposited by State Treas
uri-r Steel in the Title ( nn rn n I ee i
I'nist Compiinv I In n k and paid out of
Die lank by its officers nnor to the
tune the bank closed last fall Voss
was niMiiiiger of the bank, and as such
tilled Steel in securing legislation
wnich would enable the bunk to get
session of the state school funds
without pitying interest thereon.
Port Arthur, Onf., Loses Three Lives
and $500,000 Damage.
Toronto, Out., Mav .'Id.--A apecia
from port Arthur today aava the civic
t'ower tlam mi Current river burst yes
terday, causing a disastrous flood. The
lnss of three lives and a money Iosh es
t hunted at $.1(111.0111) ia reported. A
Canadian Pacific freight train pulling
into Port Arthur ran on the submerged
tracks nnd the engine was overturned.
Kngineer Savage, Fireman McKride and
lirakeman lnmann, who were on the en
gine, were pinned under the wreckage,
and drowned. The Canadian Pacitic.
h'a lw;iv Cuinpanv will be the heaviest
loner, several miles of its track having
1 1. en washed away.
The freshet was due to heavy rains.
The power house, the Canndian Pacific
railway bridge and the pavilion at the
park were swept away. A number of
faiuiliea living near the dam are miss
ing. Tornado in Kansas.
Topeka, Kan., May 30 A teriifle
wind storm of almost the proportions
of a tornado, which passed over the
southern part of Lowell County Thurs
day night, killed one man and injured
11 persons, seven of them probably fa
tally. Th storm traveled from the
southwest and was 1"( yards wide. It
look everv thing in the path and scat
tered a number of houses, barns and
small buildings over the prairie. The
property damage will amount to thou
sand" of dollars, and the damage to the
growing crop is large.
Islanders Fear Massacre.
Athens, Mv ,til.Many men and
children fleeing from the Island of
Samoa have reached Smyrna. They rep
resent the situation there to be most
critical. It is fear.'l that the Turkish
reinforcements now on their wiv to the
island wilt start a general massacre.
A proposal that the powers dispatch
warships to Stmoa ia being urge. The
principality of Samoa xits under the
k'u.irantce of Prance, Mritain and
Epidemic of Suicide in Russia.
St. Petersburg. May .VI .There has
I een an epidemic of suicides in St.
Peters! urv that has lasted for three
months. The aver,. number of deaths
haa 1 een a month.
Monitor Florida Stands Fire of Navy's
Heaviest Guns. .
Ti.:...l l- VI., ...t ;,. I,... n.tii.-.l
Bay, May the danger
and apparently anxiou tu experience
open war at sea, Commander John C.
Uuimoy. i-teuienani uu u anu --.i
men on the monitor Honda icmaint-u
on board her today while 12-inch shells
were hurled at the great hulk from the
great gun of the monitor Arkansas,
anch' red :too yard oil. with her broad-
Mile battery in full play on the target
n'l';, r . . i
When it was hrt planned to make
. . ,1., 1 ,i t
the vuus in warfare, it was not dreamed
d keeping any of the men aboard, but
the plans for the test were changed
suddenly today. 0'inmanler (Juimhy
and his nun eagerly volunteered to
stay alxiard their thip while she was
submitted to the hammering of the big
projectiles. The imminent danger did
n-.t lessen their determination in the
When the time came for the test, the
Florida immediately steamed into' her
position. I he Arkansas and her tender
then anchored fore and aft otT Thimble
Shoal, .'too yards from the Florida with -
her broadside bearing upon the target
hip. I he Arkansas is in charge of
Commandcr Harry M. Deiibaugh. who
with a detail of oflicers, took up h.s
position on the bridge.
I he first shot was fired at a screen
target raised above the main turret of
the and pierced the exact, cen- I
ter without a moment's hesitation, giv-!
mg the men aUan! the ship to under-
stand they need not think any of the
projectiles woul go wild.
I hen, according to the program, the
Arkansas Inyan firing heavily upon the
Florida and the shells licgan hammer-
ing aga;nst the plates of the Florida,
which stood under the uimbardmetit '
with. nit even showing s;gns of being
crippled. As far as could be discerned
from the use of the glasses the efTect
was not noticeable, but thejexperts on
the Arkansas renorled that the shells
were having terrific effect upon the '
Florida. I
During this lombardment the men
aboard the Florida gave no signs of
being displeased with their dare-devil
experience, and gave no signal of dis-.
After the main bombardment the Ar
kansas' guns were directed against the
hig experimental mast which had been
erected aft ttnon the Honda. It was
1 2 5 feet high and on it were two tnr-
rets, in which dummies had been placed ,
to show the effect on men in the fight-1
ing xops uuring an acuiai engagement,
I'liiniiiii. i o:v ii.iu own lii.ii ru iii inc.
main turret of the Florida to show the,
effect of the impact of heavy shells,
upon them
1 he big guns made quick impression
upon the mast target, and if men had
been in the place of the dummies they
would not have lasted more than two
shots. ( I
The "bat tit" will result in much val-'
liable information which will be used
I... .1... -. .1.- : .1.- .v... I
"? ; "Vl, c " i
iimik ii mime nil no - v ,11 . ii llic
double effect of showing the power of .
American guns when directed against i
armor plate as it is actually presented
in a fight at sea. and the strength of
the armor in withstanding the impact
of the 12-inch projectiles in warfare.
Orientals Die While Being Expressed
Into This Country. 1
Washington. May 29. Twelve Chi
nese lives' was the price paid by daring
smugglers to experiment with a new
scheme for evasion of the immigration
laws. The government has just dis
covered that a dozen Orientals who at
tempted to gain entrance to this coun
try by having themselves crated and
shipped bv i express from Fl Paso to
New York were dead upon arrival.
Acting Commissioner of Immigration or constunt leader, through the cen
Larned admitted today that a gigantic ter of the tree. This Is the practice
smuggling plot had been unearthed on
the Texas ftordcr and that Chinese In
spector llabcnck. one of the keenest
sleuths in the service, is now in New
York on the trail of the arch -plotters.
Ottong Don Yen received the corpses
of his countrymen from the express
company and will be arrested if trace
of him can be found by the detective.
A telegram from (Juong Don Yen to
his friends at F.I Paso revealed the
plot. Official Interpreter King Ming
overheard his countrymen at F.I Paso
reading a message which informed them
that the twelve men in the crates were
dead upon arrival. Ming informed In-
spertors Ceorgc Harris and F V
llerkshirc of the plot and they reported
it to the bureau here i
It is believed tint th mmo!,.r
crated the men on the Mexican side of
the hue. hauled them across the river
to Fl Paso. Texas, where thev con
signed them by express to New York.
Steamer Rams Schooner.
Cilouces'er. Mass, May 2J. Thirteen
solors of the schooner Fame lost their
lives Wednesday in a terrific collision
between that and the steamer Bos
ton rf the Dominion-Atlantic line off
the Massachusetts coast.
The lame was tun down by the
steamer with such suddenness that only
six of the schooner's crew of U were
saved. Four of them were put in a
lory when the disaster occurred, and
John Clark, a sailor, and the steward
of the Fame were on board They were
saved by the crew of the P.osti n.
Unveil Memorial Monument.
Tokio. May 20 General J'aron N'ogi
was designated Wednesday to he the
ch'ff dhcial in the ceremonies incident
to the unveiling of the Russian nutno monument erected by the Japanese
people at Port Arthur, in mem rv of
the famous siete of that c ty, and the
gallant fight ing ttie in it defense
when those in the stronghold h,-!d out
so bravely and with such determination
a".vnsf the which eventually
proved successful. " 1
I Snow Storm in Montana, I
Rorcm.n. M vit , May M A heavy
snowstorm Tuesday right ims.u.vd
wtte service and tbd great damage to
trees The precipitation during this
( month is the heaviest of any May in i
2! )car. I
Washington Farmers Ask Information
on Various Subjects.
From tha WahinUn Sti ColleKa. Pullman.
The experiment elation has rectived
a letter from J. A. 15., of Everett, ask- j
jng how to exte rminate the Canadian
tUM iVofeHsor VV. S. Thornber,
....... ... ...
horttcultunat, replug an follows :
I 'tie Canadian thistle la a nara
plant to flxM. but by judicious cut-
iipg and cultivation you can eradi-
cate t. The plant mut b kept from
forming a urowth above the Burface
, ,w , .,.. ,.
ui llie iii'Uliu iki ! -uni uuc jcai
. , , . j
Plaru Kpreaua uy unaorgrouna Biems,
or roots, which are thrown up at dU-
tanees of from three to alx feot from
the parent plant, no mrely destroy-
in the mother nlant will not kill
tne weP(t. a good cutting during
the month of June, followed by other
cuttings In the latter part of July
and on throunh August will check
lUB l'8l'e maimau), uu ...., uc-
"troy it entirely, it is generally
quite difficult to eradicate the plant
In pastures and fence corners, el nee
a aniall residue w ill be left unde-
gtroyed, which will grow durng the
following year. There is no spray
,h. klI. s,.mtlmea It Ix
. , . , . . .Ui..i. . v....
"" ' " -"""J
three lnthf' ,)elow the surface of
the ground, which cajaea the root
to rot by drying out. In cultivated
fields It Is advisable to rake out the
underground stems, and allow them
to dry thoroughly before olowlng
. '
. . ... -
imr-, .
Mabton, made inquiry concerning the
culture of Kngllsh walnuts in that
reg0n. Professor Thornbcr's reply
. ,,
The selection of proper varieties
Is very Important, and up to the pres-
ent time I have found only two va-
rletiea that are hardy enough to
thrive well under the conditions of
vour locality. These two are the
Fayette and the Mayelte. They are
not Kngllsh walnuts, strictly speak
ing, but are the same apeules, and
are commonly spoken of as "I'er-
Bian,' or 'Kngllsh walnuts.' It will
bo impossible for you to grow In a
commercial way "grafted trees of
these var let et. h nn y because tne
niif.ratlon nT praf ni la an rtimrnlt
that ony a few are fi(.curP(i and the
n..a . llflln? R,(l.u , vprv h,h
A better way is to secure good first
or second generation trees from re
liable nurserymen. Thesea second
generation trees are grown from
nuta ot first generation trees, usually
in Oregon aud California. From my
personal experience, J should judge
that you will succeed remarkably
well If you secure good varieties
Almost any of our soils, if the sea
sons are not too severe, will grow
English walnuts, providing there is
not a Bhale, or hardpan, nearer than
three or four feet to the surface of
the ground. I understand that we
are obliged to watch therfn conditions
very closely In this section. I do not
recommend that Knglish walnuts be
sown in your region, y:t I believe by
careful ".election of varieties and of
tna orchard grounds that they will
succeed In many places.'
Another inquiry from Seattle re
lates to the culture of chestnuts. The
correspondent was advised as fol
lows: "The American chestnut (the reg
ular, tall-growing variety) should ba
pruned the same as any other shade
tree, leaving, however, a nermanent.
of the Experiment Station, and one
that is used upon all forms ot the
tall, or upright, growing trees. It is
also used upon the sweet cherries,
but not upon the sour ones.
"The tendency of this chestnut Is
to produce a thin, open top, and it is
advisable to cut back the outer limbs,
and occasionally the leader, to thlck-
ri the foliage. The Dwarf, or Jap-
anese, chestnuts should be pruned
to small, compact trees, branching
from a f(,(,t to tnree fe-t from
th P'ound. They will practically
tak" tare t)f themselves after the
flrst oar or two of Pruning. This
Prun'nK may be done at any time
hlle 'he tree la dormant, or after
,ne MP n"!' f,';l!,,'d to flow. which
'HI l,t Immediately after it conies
Into full leaf.'
A farmer residing near Center
vllle, desires to know the best meth-
od of raising peas, and the most de-
slrable variety; also, with regard to
combining peas with oats. The Sta
tion supplied-him with the follow
ing information:
j "The experience of the Eprl
I ment Station staff, leads us to be
lieve mat annost any oi tn com
mon field variety of peas will grow
w ,ll in your region. We advise the
P.lack-Eved Marrow Fat as the best
general variety. Ordinarily we sow
the peas at the rate of one to one
and one-half bushels per acre, disk
ing or drilling them at least four
inches deep. Sow the oats about a
week after the peas iown, as
the latter grow so much stronger
and consequently, the oats will be
smothered out unless they are given
the advantag. We do not consider
that oats and p-as are as good for
horses as for cows. The mixture
makes very rich, nutritious hay."
Illdn'l ff4 Theaa.
NeUli!.r-If your statement Is true
our othesilnie w as roUhed by tramps,
Ju Isoii - How do you make that out?
Nel-Vior- Didn't you iy they
verv thing but the tow els? Illustrat
ed lit.
The pi iron produ.-tion In the United
States in l'.S7 was 'Jo.Tl.rt'il gross tons,
ai-eordiiig to t!i American Iron and Steel
Association. This amount was t.! per
iiii creaoT than that f P'. CanaJa
prodiued ;!, 1 hi ton in 1 .?.
" s 4 Y yVt9y th snakes irora
n A All
Drlvet all aches from the body,
cures Rheumatiam, Neuralgia and
'01 III
Rict, worn ivr
aKTpB W. L. Dnuytam mmkm mnH mmrm "YTl
V mtmn'BfJt.&O.ta.UOondt&.&Omhomm
thmn miy oth mmnufmviur tot thm A
Jfw mrurld, bmomu thay hold thmlr 13
ahavo. fit hltar, mimmm oipe. nd
rry mrm of pmato valum thmn any othor mrfk
mhoom In thm rnmrld to- dm v.
W. L Doue'as $4 and S5 Gilt f Shoes Cannot
f I'TIIIV, W. I. list name and m1
A Inch.
"And how can you be sure of going
to heaven V" asked the Sunday aehool
tent her.
"I guess," nald little Tommy Wise,
"the best way would be to get pa to
say we eoiildu't. Then ma would take
us there or bust. That's bow we got
to the seashore last summer." Phila
delphia Press.
tt. V't'is Pane anil all Nerroua IUaw
. ll,-,i,i-r. b-nrl fur FHKK f'jtrl-l bUU and
iraauau. iJt. 1L iL Kilo-, IL,tl AivU aU, l bUa.,1 a,
The Urnlrr.
"Slip's engaged, ain't she?" Inquired
the huughty blonde at the ribbon coun
ter. .
"Yes," replied the lady
who sold
i ...... i,.,,i h th.t n iuIm.
lady's brother."
"Where's he employed at?"
"lie's a nljjht watfh gentleman over
to Uarseu & Co.V Philadelphia
Por Infanti and Children.
Tha KIr.d Yen Kavs Always Bought
Signature of
RelleTlaa; tha Monotony.
Nan He proposed to you while the
train was going around the elevated loop?
How odd!
Fan Yes, and the engagement lasted
till we got clear around. You don't know
how it relieved the tedium f t the ride.
Chicago Tribune.
Mow's This?
Vt'eofferOne Hundred Pollart Reward for any
rase ot Catarrh ttiat eannot be cured, by 11 I s
Catarrh C urt,
F.J. CHENEY 4 CO., Toledo, O
We, the untersiKnvl, have knwu f. .
Cheney tor th lat Ii vara, and balivve him
perfectly honorable In all bul.nusi transactions
ami financially able io carry out any obliga
tion madu br hi. firm.
Wholesale Pnif alsU. ToleJo.O
ItaM'i Catarrali t'ii,-e ia stun inierna'ly, act
ing itirectly upo:' tuj blond an l inueoua aur-tni-ea
ol the ivstein. Testimonial? aent free.
Price 1ft cents t'cr buttle Hoht ty all l)riiiriats.
Tako Haifa Family 1'iiys lor touniipauou.
literal tkarlty.
"I would lik-? to take the sense of the
meeting about this charity relief," said
the professional philanthropist.
And when the contribution was taken
up be found he had taken nothing else.
Baltimore American.
M.tlari.t is due to impurities and poisons in the blood. Instead of beinp;
rich, strong; and healthy, ihe circulation lias become infected with perms of
disease which destroy the rich, red corpuscles that furnish nourishment ami
strength to the body, and reduced this vital fluid to such a weak, watety
condition that it is no longer able to keep the svstcm in health, or ward oil
the countless diseases and disorders that assail it. The loss of these
red corpuscles takes the color and glow of health from the check, and we
see pale, sal'ow faces and washed out, chalky complexions among the first
symptoms of Malaria. But Malari.i is a general systemic disease, and as
the blood becomes more heavily lou.'.d with its germs we have more serious
ind complicated symptoms; the impure blood having its effect on all parts
tf t!'e bodv. The appetite fails, digestion is weakened, chills and slight
lever are frequent, and the sufferer loses energy and ambition because of a
constant tired-out and "no account " feeling. The lack of necessary nour
ishment and healthful finalities in
the blCMxl causes boils and abscesses,
skin affection, and in some cases
iores and ulcers to break out. and
sometimes the patient is prostrated
with a spell of malarial fever which
may leave his health permanently
impaired. To cure Malaria roth a
blood purifier and tonic are necessary,
in order to remove the cause and at
the same time build up the system
from its weakened and run-down
condition. S. S. S. is the, medicine
best fitted for this work. It is the
most erfect of all blood purifiers, and
the purely vegetable ingredients of
which it is composes! make it the
greatest and safest of all tonics.
S. S. S. goes down into the circulation and removes even- trace of impurity
or poison, and at the same time gives to the blood the health-sustaining qual
ities it needs. It cures Mal.iriA thoroughly and permanently Ix-cause it
removes the germs and poisons which t rcxhue the disease and whiV .loin.
( this tones up and strengthens every pa:t of the system. When S. S. S. has
.cleansed the blood the symptoms piss away, the healthy color returns to
. the complexion, the old tired, depressed feeling is gone, and the entire health
j is rencweU. Book with in firm at ion alvmt Malaria and anv medical advice
Be Eaualled At Any Price
li ilmnr"! on Uittmn. Ta "h"UIl
Far from It.
. I'psardson. You smoke all the time,
don't you?
Atom No; half the time I don't smoke
at all. 'I seldom touch a cigar betweeo
p. m. anJ 9 a. m.
Mothers will find Mrs. WlnsloWa S'x.thtoe;
Pyrii lb- I'll remedy to life lux their oil. Lilr'a
iawug- the tealLiug per.uU.
sVUIIiik to (.Ire It Trial.
Sympathizing Friend You suffer from
general debility some times, do you? Did
you ever try massage?
Mrs. Skimmerhorn No; how much
does It cost a bottle?
OWAHI) F.. r.rnTON. ssnnyiT and Chemist.
lmlvil, t o.ur.iilo. livih. ii l' i -: Lul l,
HWrr, 1. ail, II : l.u .l, Wlvur, 7 -, i.ul,!, Zinc or
( imix r, II. t vniilitu t s:. l uil.i u envelope
ti mo Nt aent on application, c ontrnl anil I in
p re work ..illi llaii, l.i-lruiu-l t. arbonulw
tlonal li.iik.
Farm or Business
fc.rale. Not par'icu'ur nliout location.
Wih to hear from OWNfR only who will
aell direct to buyer. Giva price, descrip
tion anil atata whan puoaesHion can ba
had. Addrm.
L DARBYSH1RE. Ui 221 RaHmler, N. T.
5 lbs.
Moat economical to buy. Allrlalera. Save the
packave tops; each are worth 2 mupor, in
change for present. Premium liwt free of
l'acirlc Coast Uorax Co.. Oakland, Cat.
oii;x ALL
Clatsop Beach
Tin: yi:ai:
Seaside, Oregon
"Tur IMreftly on the beach OTrrlnoktnr
nt the ocean. Hot aalt hatha and
PlirrUnilCr aarf halhlnir. Itccrca-
wmi nuwtfk t nlor tor fl.hlnr.
pp Nan parlors. Klerlrln llghta. tire
u' tilacn anil .team k..t ilna lk
flDfRniJ n) SrlTca. hi-a find a Mice
UniUUil llT. Kales, (-..' II and S I.IKI
per day. "hpeebit ratoa h) the week.
I DAM, J. Moo I il.. 1-roprloturi
No. 23-08
rilK'N writing; to ad rerllaera please
mrntlon tlila paper.
During 1900 I wai running a farm on
tha Miippi rirer and became so Impreg
nated with Malaria that for ;ar I was
aln-o.t a physical WTeck. 1 tried a number
oi medicines recommended aa biocsl purifi
ers, chill curii, and Malaria eralicators,
hut noth:n did ma any wi I began
to use S. S. S. Tha result was that after
taking it for awhile I was aa well and
itrong at I eeer was. I have nerer bad a
chill since nor the slightest syrr.rtora of
Ma'.arU. I hops others will ba benefited
ty my experience, and with that end In
view I giva this teitimomal, knowing that
S. S. S. a the best rtmedy for Malaria.
Amory, Mtaa. S. R. COWLEY.
5l0 '-' 1 dr ''