The Aurora borealis. (Aurora, Or.) 19??-1909, May 28, 1908, Image 4

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If constitutional dlvae originating In
Impure blixvl aad rriijlrinz conMltu'.lonal
treatment aetlnii through and 'iirifj lup ti n
blood lor Its radlenl and perinaii' nt cure.
The areatrat constitutional reuiniy U
Hood'3 Sarsapnrilla
In uaual ll'iu! 1 form or m liocolutci
Ublrta known a Sarsatabs. l'idoeJl. ami other lM ,l forma of rnfarrh
are relieved by t'atarrlei, alinh allay in
flammation and drKlrl.' (lm hnrte. f.Oc.
"Yen," yowled old Itoxley, "Mabel't
lover Interviewed rn lat night StunM
fellm ; no niw at all."
"An. r iciaiineij .cum, "tnen yor.
won't have hltu for a aon-ln-law?"
-IT What Lave 1 to do with ItT Th
Men of Mm coming to ask me when tlx
girl ami hr motlior arw aatUsfied. I)
he. bad any ene he'd know that act
tied If Philadelphia Preaa.
uv -V':. iV'..'1- ,
nt :LLt j
trva nil It
Mr-Bare) Tartar.
" you Jul ontlit to bare henrl
how Mi I 'ops u iini ta!kl the oiher da;
li''n atu i fal mad. You dou't know
what you mimed."
"What d-d abe aay, Jen?"
"tiraciou ! You don't eifwct rue to .i
th dreadful thinga aae Mid. do you?"
Trr nn u
II at k. p lir u.-li.r.. ari.t l it , . i.J 1
''f '.out ll.aut.
Th colonic of (jreat liiltaio bar
atari loo lime nore arc than the
mother country. Frmnc eighteen time
aad (iriijuuy liie time.
Korrlan and l)ontlr.
Ill Wife ( rending) I tbey hud
a bread riot In Smln rv-n t Jy.
Iler 1 1 iihIih rxl m ntid we'll have
ona at home kooii If tbere Nu t ao Im
provement lu our him ulta.
Orthographical It am an re.
The rre returuinj from th apellinj
"Mr. Hooonamore," alie mi. I, "why did
yotl Bilaa that i-aar word? You allied
"hooor' w ith a 'u ' "
"I know If," he anawered. "The feel
ing rania over uie all at oner that I juat
couldn't ft a loin without 'u,' Mia
With wM' h old, old atory hi won her.
I.ltfi II In no Trouble.
"I'ntl Ilr.iry, don't you find It hari
wo k being a vi s.larian ?"
"Not at ail, my boy. It'a only nere
ary to ! ronral ive about !t. Wbn
1 feel an iuanthble craving for a bit
plate of bacon and tfl I alwaya yield
to It." C'bli-agj Tribune.
lialrrluf m Urairrrr.
"Talk about the authority of ml no
over nuttier!" anid lh arsumeniativ
lonrlr. "If'a Jut tb other way. If
yuu want to b mire not to forget a (hint;
you don't trut It ta your memory. You
tnk a iiencil ami a el'p of paper an)
make a memorandum of it."
riT at. V tna Iaar anil a!! Nerrona Ttaaea
I I I 0 V rmaneiitijr rurxl bf l-r. Kliue'a t.r-l
r !i.fiiiintr. tor J IlKk tl triiu bttU and
rM.ia. kit. JU J Lk-llo. , lxL,4 Atcb ak, l'Lila..!
TO a ?oter In Ihearyburat reflertel.
"If 1 ott tha Vitixena' ticket, " Tiaj
aaid. Tin agin the people, and if I vote
the 'peo-ple'e tiket' I ain't a good fiti
fa. Illumed if I'm goin' to vote at all !"
I'tilling hi bat dowa over bla eyea, he
1 11 rued on bia heel and at rode away In
diaguat. The intrica'lea of village politic
mere too deep for bim.
oSotSo SI
I have ueaj your S. S. S.. apring and fait,
for tha pa.t two ytare, with the rvault that it
entirly riliavcd ma of a form of Eczema
wbi.u my doctor waa unable to cure. My
arm, lower bmba, and. In fact, the bigfeit
portion of my whole body waa affected, and
hn 1 nrat bia 8. S. S. the Itching, etc.,
waa worae, but 1 cootinued the rmeiy with
the reiult that tha dry, Itching eruption aa
tirfly duapnearrd. I think a crat deal of
your madicioe, and have recommended it to
other with good reiulte. It la tha belt blood
medicine made, and I can contrientioualy
recommend it for the cure of all blood and
kin afleinone. CHAS. liUTMAN.
Wheeling. W. Va.
There is a tt evaporation from the body ning on continually, day and
tight, throuKh the j)t.s atid Klanda of the skin. This is nature's way ol
maintauun the propt-r tempt-Mture of our eysteins and preserving the soft
nesa and flexibility ut the skin, and bo lone as the blood it f-e from Imnnr.
jties no trouble will result. When, however, the blood from any cause!
becomes infected with humors and acids, these too must be expelled, and
coming in contact with the delicate fibrts and tissues with which the skin is
no abundantly supplied they pioduce irtitation and inflammation, and the '
effect is shown by Kczcmu. Acne. Tetter, and skin affections of various kinds J
These impurities mid humors Kct into the blood through a deranged orl
inactive condition of the system ; the mcml-rs whose duty it is to carry off '
the waste and refuse m.ittt-r of the body fail to properly perform their work, I
and this impure, fornutitinj: matter is left in the nviitem tr. I- lr,i
theblocxl. The skin is not only iiflected by poisons generated withiu the
vjvvviu, uui j"il.-.vll-l lllllli WUIIUUl,
such as Toison Oak, 1'oison Ivy,
Nettle Rash, etc., enter through the
open iores and rUihIs, ftnd so thor
oughly do tiie-y become rooted in the
blood that they are ever present,
or return at ctitaiu pcasons of each
year to torment the sufferer. Salves,
washes, lotions, etc., cannot cure skin
diseases. True, such treatment re
lieves some of the itching and dis
comfort, and aids in keeping the skin
clean, but it does n t reach the real
cause, and at best can be only palli
ating and soothing. A thorough
cleansinir of the blood m tli
a gentle acting, safe blood purifier, made entirely 'f vegetable ingredients '
of the forest nud ful, 1 :s the iw.itur tt. if in. nt 4 c .1 1
circulation, and neutralizes the acids and humors, thoroughly cleansing and
purifying the blood, and curing skin affections of every kind. It supplies
to the blood the fresh, nutritive qualities necessary to sustain the skin and
all other parts of the body, and rids the blood of any and all poisons. S S S
cures I'c.ema. Tetter, Ai . Salt Rheum, Toisnn Oak and Ivy, Nettle Rash,'
and all other skin trouble s, and cures them permanently by removing every
trace of the cause from the blood. Special bix.k on Skin 'Diseases and any
tuedica' advice desited furnished free to all who write
When the
Hair Falls
Then It's time to act! No time J
to study, to read, to cxpcrl-J
mcnt! You want to ssvc your j
hair, and save it qulclly, too!
So make tin vour mind this'
very minute that If your hair A
ever comes out you will use a
Aycr's Hair Visor. It makes t-
the scalp healthy. The hair
stays In. It cannot do any
thing else. It's nature's way.
Tha boat kind ct a ttlmcnlal
CoM lr ovar aijety yeaa."
9 a ioioiir 1 1
Troaueaa Uonni.
"TrotiHseau gowns are lovelier than
ever," auys th fuKhlon editor of the
Votllan'a llonie ('orniiiinion, "but as
they have Increased In tieHUty, they
hae lessened In tiuiuler. Very fev
bride of today, no mutter how f;i!i
tunable they rnuy be, order a trouMeau
eonnUtlinf ef a treat miiiiber of cos
tume. J he reason for this U that fash
ions chamce so that It Is necessary every
lltUe while to have a new style gown
If one la to keep pnee with the caprl
cloiia niodca.
"The bridal prlucesa gown la a style
which will be In fashion for a long time
to couie. One cnu wear It aa loir; ns
the luuterlul luata by merely cIiudkIi'S
thn aleevea to meet the requirements of
the prevulllng faslikm."
Mother will find Mr. Wlnlnwa S.K.thln
Synii tbit bra' remedv touw lor lUair tU 1U u)
fluilug the hiethlug proU.
Work for I.lva Improvement Soelety.
Iu small center of population where
none but the most general laws govern
It la necessary to form an Improve
ment aociety to look after the health
and well being of the people as a whole,
saja the I,o Anvlcs Times. The law
of hygiene must Ik observed. Both sow
ers and surface drainage should be pro
vided by the people as a whole, and
where un elty rfuverniuent exists this Is
a splendid work for a live society for
civic betterment.
Shaks Into Your Shoes
Allen'a Foot-Kaea. a powder for the fet. It cure
painful, awollnn, ai.iarting, aweatins fret. Miikva
new ahoua eaiy. Hold l y all Druiofieta and fche
Ktnre. Inn't acrvpt any aubetiluta. SnmpW
IKLli, Addraea A. 8. O I mated, La Uuy. N. y.
Ileautlff School Uroaadi.
I Just at present la a good time for all
In teres led to look over the local school
yard and consider If It nicvt their
Ideas regarding beauty, shade, protec
tion, educational value, etc. If It does
not, the time Is ripe to "get busy" with
others whose Interest Is equal to your
nnd try to ameliorate present condi
tions so that this piece of public prop
erty will no longer he a reproach to
those In control.
Tee&Ii With or
Without Plates
Out-of-Tovvn People
We can do your entire Crow n,
II ridge and l'late Work in a
day, if necessary. Positively
Tainless Kxtracting Free when
I'lates or Bridges are orderenl.
Sensitive Teeth and Koota re
movcsl without the leant pain.
Ten chairs. Only the most sci
entific and careful work.
20 Years in Portland
WA V77C1 IlP And Associates
. 'm W laOaELu Painless Dentists
Tailinc Bids., Third and Washington Sts.
8 A. M. to 8 T. M.; Sundayatfto 12. Painless Kxt ruction TsV; Plates,
.".0O. Both Plumes, A and Main 20H..
Im Itrooklvn.
Third Floor Tenant See here! I'm
one of a committee of men In this build
ing, and I've culled to ask you to se'!
your flute.
Second-Floor Tenant Delighted to
see you. I'm one of another commit
tee, and was about to come up and asV
If you'd sell your baby.--Tld Bits.
$100 Reward, $100.
The roa'b-r of thla raper will la plrafted to
I. ru t. l lU. ro la at lorn-l one ikn aib-a Iipr,i
iIihI fi-linr Una lx-in bM to cm III ail l a
n !!., an. that 1 C'aiairh. lUU'a Catarrh
c"ui-l tlie only poaltive rurunnw known totha
meai. al liaieriiily. Catarrh, lie mj a runidiu
ti'inai dl'nc. ri'iiilrca a eounuiiiilonal lit-at-nixnt
( alitrih t'.ire i i.k.Mi Internal! .',
ai'tiiirf (l.reetlv ii'n.n I lie a o 1 nmrau. a.i'r
laeo of 1 huet aiciii, t lie re to (t.'lovlu the ti in
(Utton t llm 1Ueae, ami tiivln t a talent
atreimth by I'lill.tln up t liu ronUtii' Ion aii'l
aitdeilng tiHturu In iloltiK lis work. The ro
(rli'lnra have ' 111 in h (ait ). In I In nrat I ve m -era
hat they offer One llun.lre.l Poilara for any
ie that ll (aila to ruie. honj (or list u(
A l ire.. K J rilKNEY A CO.. Toledo, O.
Hoi. I liv all i1rimillt. 7V.
Take 11 ail a r aini.y l'llla f r ronMipallon.
When our at iff and atublorn t'ongreo
lau't balking, iau't balking.
Or a Blinking up anJ getting on it
ear, on it a ear,
Mow It hie to heir Itielf serenely talk
ing, 'renely talking,
And etiiiliug g'b of heated atIllol)her
aino.iiT! !re !
Chicago Tribi ne.
Mitre Tratwhle.
"My hu!nl haj an awful time col
lecting that deht," Mm. Iipwling wsa
saying. "I don't pretend to understand
law term, but 1 lieirj him any that be
fore he could gt the nioney he had to
Barney She the nun' ('"
Don't Poison Baby,
pORTT TEABS AGO almost every mother thought her child nuct liavo
fl PAHEGOPtlO or laudanum to mako it sleep. Theso dnzg3 Trill produce
deep, and A FEW DROPS TOO MANY will produce tho SLEEP FItOM VHIOH
THERE IS 210 WAKING. Many are- tho children who havo teen killed or
wheco health hi3 been ruined for life by paregoric, laudanum and morphine, each
cf which h r. narcotic product of opium. Druggists aro prohibited from selling
cither of tho narcotics named, to children at all, or to anybody without labelling
them "pcicon." Tho definition of "narcotic" is: "I mcdicinowhicJircUcvcspain,
and produces sleep, Vat which in poisonous doscsproduccs stupor, coma, convul
sions and death. " Tho taste and smell cf medicines containing cpium aro disguised,
and sold under tho namc3 cf "Drops," "Cordials," "Soothing Syrups," etc. You
chould net permit any medicine to be given to your children without you or
yourNphya:ian know of what it is composed. OASTORIA DOES NOT CON
TAIN NARCOTICS, if it bears tho Bignaturo of Chas. H. Ectchcr.
Letters from Prominent Phyoscions
addressed to Chas, I. F!
Dr. J. W. Dlnsialo, of Chicago, 111., says: "I mo jour Ciatorla anJ
advl3e Its use la all families vhtre thcro tro chllJrcn."
Dr. Alexander E. MIntIo, of Cleveland, Ohio, rars: "I tare frorjuently
prescribed your Castorla and Lave found it a relia'jlo end pleasant rem
edy for children."
- Dr. J. S. Alexander, of Omaha, Neb., tay3: "A ncJIc'co co valuable anl
beneCclal for children as your Castorla 1 deserves tLa LlgLet traUo. I
Cndltinui everywhere.
Dr. J. A. HcCIcllaa, of Buffalo, N. Bays: "I bare frequently rrcscrlbcj
your Castorla for children and always got eocl results. Ia faU I usa
Castorla for icy owa children." . .
Dr. J. W, Allen, of Et, Louis, SIo., eays: "I hoarMly enJcr?o yotir Ca
torla. I have freiuently prtscrlbcd It ia my ncdlcal praeilce, unj, have
always found it to do all that Is claimed for IL"
Dr. C. II. Clldden, of St I'aul, Minn., cays: "My as a. irac
tltloner with your Castorla has Lcca highly tatlbfactory, tad I consider it
aa excellent remedy for the young."
Dr. IL D. Bonner, of Philadelphia, Ta., cays: "I havo used your Cas
torla as a purgative In the cases cf children for years lust with tho most
happy effect, and fully endorse It as a 6afe remedy."
Dr. J. A. Boarman, of Kansas City, Mo., says: "Your Castorla is a splen
did remedy for children, known the world over. I uso it la my practlca
and have no hesitancy Ja recommendins it for the complaints of Infants
end children."
Dr. J. J. Mackey, of Brooklyn, N. Y., says: "I consider your Castorla aa
excellent preparation for children, belts composed of reliable medicines
and pleasant to the taste. A good remedy for all dlsturlaacc.3 of tha
digestive organs."
h-ir 1
i : turn
MA UiiOL 3 PLK t L.vrT
&i.TJfa! iftcFoctf an JRi-rt::i
is U r s mzu is aalCjwcis jf
rrc.i:cics Di'slionnirriu!
r.ccs and I W'.Coiilouis aciu-.::
jl:x,Srma e
f'jrm Srrd-
yav t'krrr.
Apcrfi-ri IU'mcdy forrto
l Ion . Sour Stomach. I) tarniorj
IU3S and Lo SS OF SlLZP.
rac Simile Sii-afure cf
2 ESpPSv9
Eaact Copy of Wrapper,
licara the Signature of
uaax11 'XX rTrniriimirT""!
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Uso For Over SO Years.
tmi tiKTtvD aeweaMT. T atuaaa aTniir, Ntwvoea err.
and guaranteed
7-7 SXf aDiOiuteiy
Every garment guaranteed
Cloun Liyht Durable
Sulti'i Shckcrj3o?
joto trtnr CXHIi irtrrmtH
tAIAlO mt nut Til ASHIH4
u Hrarlac I'erniltlea.
The lVnns.rlvanij railroad has recently
hosted nut ire In it various workshop
forbiil.ling tr"fanit.v. In view of the ;res
rnt railrom aitiiatimi. why nut put auch
notlcea in tlie executive nflicr an. I mil
sne to every to klioMer? Wall Street
Another llarkaet lor Itrform.
Tlie eiliti.r l.x'ked over the luauuscript
an. I handed it bn.k.
"I don't like yciir ilialert," he anid.
"Hut. air." ani.l tl., literary aspirant,
itartied and in.lnaiaut, "that Uu't a.a
lert ! That' writ ton ia the reformed
pellinit !"
, u u S
Farm or Business
fr ! N. rli.i'r nN.ut lix-nfi..
' h 10 ht-nr fnn CNt K ..iily h i
.n dit.( t. tuer ri.e. tU- r-p-li.m
an.l ' hen luMnwun ran L
Ka.1. A.t.lrwa,
L BMSYVtlXC, in n
fV3' 7ea.p miCf rnef a .' -wr
w "M ,i.4i), (.(.WJinrf a
Ob) ". M. I .rnu.. 4.,0V htJJ tlmtf "JTA
ham, tit Lixtmr. we- lneee. mnJ
W. L Cu'.n $4 r.J $5 G " e? Cicm Cwiot Bi UiCtl At h P lct
a4 Caia.c, m w a. M4aa
k a-k...i...
.' i Ir. '! .t T M ( Ik wm I lna
V. 1 blil WLAl, MmkM, aaaaa.
1 U CUTtO BUCH StAtiDI. fmrai
The ,,,w'"T
Cuff House
nr aa aartnra.
wr ... ....
rnflN" aa4 arl... Mi a
t'A.H. J, NOUHC, lYuyrtatae I
Ikekeara etertoetlar PI
Hul uli katka a4 f
erfalklar. hrrrrty - 1
I In airr (,.f tUkUr. ( 1
Fl 1
and Quality
irral o the Well Informed In every
walk of life and are essential to per
manent success and rn dltable stand
In. Accordingly. It is not claimed
that Syrup of Klg and KlUIr of
iSoiuia 1st the only remedy of known
value, but one of many reasons why
It Is the b st of personal and f.imlly
laxatives Is the fact that It cleanses,
sweetens an.l r lieve s the Internal
orRans on which It acts without any
;tb!!itat!nK after effects nnd without
h.ivlrvc to increase ti e quantity from to time.
It arts pleasantly find naturally and
tru'y as a laatle. and Its component
parts are known to and approved by
pr-ysklans. as It is free from all
objei tkuiabl" fiiibstar.ccs. To got i:a
beneficial effects always purchase th
avnuir.e manufactured by ti.e Cali
fornia Kip Syrup Co.. only, and for
ea by all italics i!nu1ts.
No. 22-01
ilr.X wtitlf. . aJtertlaare pUu
What lb lova Were For.
ObnrvltiK several f.' bulldogs on
the inultiinllllonalre's estate, the witty
visitor remarked:
"Are those dogs here to eat up sub
puMiaaV" And the multimillionaire chuckled
"Ah, no, my friend," he whispered,
"they are here to eat up aubputua aerv
era," Out el It.
"Don't you feel well?" asked a
"Not very," answered Cumrox.
"Why dou't you go home?"
"I can't. Mother and the girls nre
rIvIuk a tea nnd Tin not Invited."
Washlnc'on Star.
I.t-a i- i-u r Virrl.
Jack What's the mutter, old man?
You liwk woi rl -d.
Tom Oli. Miss Faintheart keeps me
puesslns:. Slu hasn't pn-piised yet.
Jack Tut y u told nn ymi didn't in
tend to marry her.
Tmn And 1 don't. I'.ut. after nil the
time I've wasted on her. 1 think she
illicit at hast s've me a chance to re
fuse her.
The StraUlitf .niar.l Sex.
'T'n.ise nlve hie two bills for my
hat. one fur $! for my husband anil
for ?20 to show my lady friends."
Megiendorfer lilac Iter.
The Fres Premiums Given
"20 Mule Team" Ilorax, Boraxo
P.ath Powder, Violet Boric Talcum
Powder, Boric Spangles, Boric Acid,
Boraxaid Soap Powder, "20 Mule
Team" Soap, Queen of Borax Soap.
Boraxaid Laundry Soap and "20
Mule Team" Soap Chipa
have bern carefully erlmtetl aa belnft thr MOST
Ql'ICKLY OBTAINED, offering- theGUFATKsr
VARIKTY and h..wiria- the LARGEST V A ILK
for the number of Carton Topn or S.p W'ra'iera
require.!. Send for 40 pae illuntratrd calaldtue
khovtlrg aver 1000 art idea v five away f. re.
AdIrea Pacific Ceaat Bora Ca.. Oakland, I al.
Tltttwil known r0lHiU
Roi t and Herb
vV "7 . v v a v i
' V H n-e-'e a life .tn.t
i.f -;' ..TV", -I 'l i'.-rl". anri In
No Mrrcirv, Ppi.,n r Di uvs L:ardl1e C urea
wrriug 1, rr ttumuui I IC lyta Ol a P.nil
a sur.c cANczn cuke
Just from ekinT. t.iina-Safe. Sura
h! K'.ible.
?r ro;t auk n k -i ! !. t dflat
1 U.AV.1 Al.K I.A.N. ..Ll S.
If jaa cannot call. wri f,.r.-....T I.Unkand Mrm.
ICl iiirnt Si . Cor. Morrison
I'lrn.. i
en Thia run r.
ud, Oregoa.
rv Uuahtv
More Converts
Every Year
Every day in every year that comes, more house-
wives are civine up their exorbitant criced B:A;n
Powders and turning to K C, the honest and reliable.
which has stood so wU thz test of years. They are
finding out that
costs one third the price of powder any.
where near K C quality, and mcs
uvwzt, purer, mere Healthful takin .
3 Ounces for 23 Ccals
4 :j'Pt:kct
C. Gee Wo .