W Ji* J f Jl* Jl* J f dl» J f Jl» Jl 1 Jl* + * Huttopa Borealis P U B L IS H E D W E E K L Y f l G W A K D K E L S O N . E d it o r a n d M a n a g e r TE R M S O f' S U B S C R IP T IO N O n e Y e a r ...,...» .................................... S ix M o n th s ......................... .............. # 1 .0 0 ,M T lir e e M o n th s ............... . . . . . . . I . . . ................ S aturday , N ovember 11, 1905 When our neighbors and acquaint ances forge ahead and become pros perous and piominent, we often hear the^remark: “ They have had good tuck,” The hath is that In nine eases out of ten “ luck*|is simply the tesultot one’s best efforts to succeed in life. We believe it was Max O’ Rell who wrote the following de finition of “ luck:” “ Luck means rising at six o’clock in the morning, living on a dollar a day if you earn two, minding your own business and ®ot meddling with other people’s. Luck means appointments you have »eyer failed to keep, trams you haye never failed to catch.. Luck means trusting in God and your own re sources.” Max O’Rell never said a ■Wiser thing, and no better definition ot luck can be given. It should be printed in capitals and hung up in every office, counting room, work shop and living room in the country. The November Sunset One of the most attractive maga zines on the news stands is the N ov ember «‘Sunset.” The cover, “ Sun set on Monterey Bay, ’ ’ was designed fey Lucia Mathews. The leading article, “ Redeeming the West,” by E. T. Perkins, is a detailed descrip tion of thp work which this Govern ment is doing to reclaim the arid West by irrigation. This is the greatest work ever undertaken by any government and will make fruitful millions of acres of hitherto barren land. The teZt is beautifnlly illustrated by half-tones from photographs by Walter J Liibkeh of the Govern ment reclamation service. Other features of this number.are: “ In^the. Shadow of Mesquit,” a fiction story’ by Arthur W. North; #H ow We climbed Mt. Rainier,” ' by Raglan Glasq^k; John B. Dame; “ ‘The Rights ot A ni mals,” an essay by Gelett Burgess; “ The Author and the Publisher,” by Warren Cheney; and the last chapter ~ of a serial story by Bailey Millard. Impoverished’ soil, like impov erished blood, needs a proper fertilizer. A chemist by analyz ing the. soil can tell y o u what fertilizer to use for* different products. N o . 3 F o ld in g Hawh=Eye S>' Model 3 If your blood is impoverished your doctor will tell you what you need to fertilize it and give it the rich, red corpuscles that are Iaekingm it. It may be you need a tonic, but more likely you need, a concentrated fat food, and la t is the element lacking in your system. A cam era of capability. Sam e, with Achromatic Meniscus Lens, There is no fat food that is so easily digested and assimi lated as Takes pictures op film 3 ^ x 4 # inches, or plate attachment may be used. B L A IR C A M E R A CO., Scott’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil Be »ore that this pic- taro in the form of a label it* on the wrapper of every bottle of Emul sion you bay. SCOTT & BQWHE CHEMISTS 409 Pearl St., Hew M • 50c. and #1.00. * All Druggists. for the most robust, yet mild enough and sate for children and without that terrible griping so common to most purgative^’ say R. S. Webster tic Co., Udora, Diuario, Canada. For sale by M. Giesjy, Druggist, Aurora. Notice to Trespassers Notice is hereby given that any person found hunting, trapping fish ing oir otherwise trespassing upon the premises of the undersigned will be prosecuted to'the fu p e x te n to the law. , I saac dfii llek . No peared in a magazine. The whole charm of Mr. Davenport’s personality Notice is hereby jMven that any is preserved. person found hunting, camping or Two subjects of timely interest, a otherwise trespassing upon premises descriptive article on the Columbia belonging to thel undersigned, will jetty, by jKathryne Wilsoh, and »the he 'prosecuted extent of story o f the wheat of the inland Em the law, E li V B urkholder . pire, byiA rrio Dosch, are supple mentary |o the fourth paper o f tt\ef “ Coming Supremaey of the Pacific,” by Dr. W olf von »Sehlerbrand, “ The The Chittenden residence is for Devèiomnént o f the /Pacific Cfeast.” sale at a bargain for cash. W ill sell The Pacific Monthly maintains its all or part of furniture at a liberal policy of giving trntbful, yet pictur discount. Most ®f furniture new. esque accounts o f the industrial de Address, C. B. I lement , velopment in the Pacific Coast Care of Gregei Savings Bank, The Pacific Monthly for November country. I Portland, Or. The Editors ot the Pacific Monthly ih publishing the “ Personal Narative of Homer Davenport,” feel that they have been the means o f adding some thing to the literature o f the world, the article is in the form of an inter view, which was given by Mr. Da venport last Summer at his “ Farm” on the “ Traill” at the Lewis and 45krk Exposition. The “ Personal Narative of Homer Davenport,” which is an> interview with the famous cartoonist, illustrat ed by reproductions of many o f his most famous cartoons, is perhaps as unusual, and at the same time as entertaining an article, as ever ap W e have a fit* lot of seasoned Rustic on hand. »Buy now if you intend to build tils coming season. C. M. C kwtenden , Bagby Luiiiber Co., Aurora. What are your friends saying about you? That your gray hair makes you look o ld ? And yet, you are not forty! Postpone this looking old. Hair Vigor Use Ayer’s Hair Vigor and restore to your gray hair alt the deep, dark, rich color of early |ife. Then be satisfied. “ Ayer’s H er Vigor restored the natural color to ray gray lialr. and 1 am greatly leased. all you claim for it.” 5 tn 8 . E. 0. It V Is amdkoab , Mechanicsvllle, S.Y . $ l.g ia botti«. AidtuggnUj^ 3 . tor C . A Y E R CO .. Lowell. »loa«. Dark Hair Complete line ot the best Tobaccos and Cigars on the market, Also the choicest grades ot Candies, Chewing Gum, Oranges, Lemons and other kinds o f truit in season. Stationery of all Kinds! Blank Books HENRY. A. SNYDER Postoffice Store, Aurora SUBSCRIBE FOR THE AURO RA BOREALIS AND GET A DAILY OR W EEKLY PAPER WITH IT AT REDUCED PRICE. W .S.H urst&C o C ard o f HThanks The undersignedlin behalf of the surviving family ol Mrs. Hannah J . Smith, hereby wislps to thank all of our friiends a n d ! neighbors who helped and com forfd ns during the loss of a beloved w le and mother. Sincefcly, - j I hn F. S m ith . C ard o f t h a n k s Ayers Confectionery Rustic! i Rustic! S on L o u t M o t h e r “ Consumption runs in ou r family, and through it I lost my mother,” writes E. B Reid, o f Harmony, Me. “For the past five years, however, On the slightest sign Ot a Cough or a Cold, I have taken Dr. K ing’s New Discovery for Consumption, which has saved me from serious lung trouble.” His mother’s death was a sad loss for Mr. Reid', but he learned that lung trouble must not ,he neg lected, and how to care it. Quickest relief and cure for coughs and colds. Price 50c and $1.00; guaranteed at - Canby Pharmacy, Canby, Or. Trial bottle free. Rochester, N. Y . if end for 1905 Catalogue. It will nourish and strengthen the body when milk and cream fail to do it. Scott’s Emulsion is always the same; always T h e E x a c t T h in g R e q u ire «! f o r C o n s tip a tio n <$>: palatable and always beneficial <‘As a certain purgative and atom- j where the body is wasting from ach purifier Chamberlain’s Stomach any cause, either in children and Liver Tablets seem to be the exact thing required, strong enough or adults. We will send you a sample free. $15.00 $13.50 Fitted with Rapid Rectilinear Lepe and Pneu matic Release Shutter with Iris Diaphragm stops. Thanksgiving Bali We hereby wish © thank all who extended help and ¡sympathy in our The Aurora Brass Band will give late bereavement, fcncerelv, a grand Thanksgiving Ball, the date G e o . K h A u s p .N i> E a m i l y . to he announced as soon as it . has been established by the powers that Basket ^Social be. A grand supper will. !>e served at the Pioneer Hotel and no effort A BasketSocial vill be given in will be spared to make the occasion Columbia Hall, Bailow, Or., Satur an enjoyable one. The music will be day evening, Novi 18. The pro furnished by the band and the best ceeds Will be used iilm ilding a fence callers and floor managers have been around the new cemBP^* retained. Watch for bills and more definite announcement later on. Champoeg Rollet M ills N ow \ A IHOLESALB Dealers in Oats, Hops, Potatoes,Onions,Onion Sets, Green and Dried Fruit, etc. Highest market price paid for all kinds ot produce and shipments made irom any point where carload lots can be obtained. VwWheat, BRANCH OFFICES -A T - CAN B Y -H U B B A R D R eady for Business A D isastrous C alam ity I have now installe he latest and ' It is a disastrous calamity; when my milL at I you lose your health, because indi best mill machinery gestion and constipation have sapped Champoeg, Of,» that! Nordyke & j it away. Prompt relief can be had Mar mon of Indianap s, Ind., can ! in Dr, King’s New Life Pills, They biuld, and am ready » take in wheat build up yqur digestive organs, and for exchange or grinding, and will cure headache, dizziness, colic, con I make floor second #o none in th ' Yours jJspectfuily, stipation, etc. Guaranteed at Canby country. | Pharmacy, Cairby, Or.; 25c, U ?• SWAN. ! j f CALL ON OR ADDRESS W.S.HURST&CO. AURORA - - OREGON