TH E HOP SITUATION. W ide W agon Tires. The act relating to wide wagon tires w ent into effect January 1,1900. The rebates allowed are shown in ihe law, which reads as follows: “ That from and after the 1st day of January, 1900, the county court or county board o f each county within this state is hereby authorized to make a rebate each year, for four years, on the road tax o f each person within its county who shall own and have in habitual use on the highways of this state wagons or other vehicles for the transportation o f freight and •other heavy material, the tires of which are not less than three inches in width—of one dollar for each wheel of such vehicle; and provided •further, that the owner of each vehicle having tires o f not less than four in­ ches in width upon which there is a difference o f at least eight inches . in the length ofjthe front and.rear axle, so constructed that the froat and rear wheels will not come in contact with the same road surface while the vehicle is moving in a straight line, shall receivejn. addition to the„afore- eaid rebate, a further rebate for four years jn his or her road tax as afore­ said o f two dollars for each vehicle of tins class for each and every year during this period that said vehicle is habitually used upon the high­ ways ot this state.” Standing o f the Oregon Hopgrowerg Associ- H ow D octors Differ. / *rPor ten solid y^ars, ” said a New «Orleans broker, “ 1 aved in perpetual apprehension of sudden death. A doc­ tor in Texas told me—confound bis pio* •fnre—that I bad valvular heart disease, jand if I wanted to stay on earth I must •avoid every species of exoitement. I vdid my best to follow his advioe, but that miserable specter was at my elbow day and night and embittered my whole existence. I don’ t believe I am a oow- jUrd, but the .thought preyed on me un­ til I began to fear for my sanity. “ At last, after all these years of in­ finite precaution, I went to a first olasa specialist to find out how much longer I ’d last and was assured that I hadn’t one single symptom of the malady. Talk ¿»bout removing a mountain from a man! That assurance knocked off an en­ tire range. It changed the color of the universe in a twinkling, and I was so happy I wanted to just throw up my hat and yell. “ That was a couple of years ago, and I h«ve enjoyed myself tiptop ever since up to one day last week, when I hap­ pened to be chatting with the specialist and remarked that I ’d like to murder that sawbones in Texas. ’ I don’t blame you,’ he said. ‘ That man had no right to tell you that you had heart disease. If I had found you right at death’s door, I certainly would never have let you know it.’ Now, by Jove, I don’t know Who or wbat to believe and am drifting hack to the old state of uncertainty. I wish I lived in a cannibal island and had never heard of doctors,’ ’—’-New Or­ leans Timea-p6mocrat. PR O FE SSIO N AL CARDS. W. D. O . F R E E M A N , GIESY, M. D. --D ealer in — . tion—Rumors Denied. Physician & Surgeon. A . J. R ay, who went East with Grenei*al Merchandise. President M. L. Jones, o f the Oregon Office at Residence. N ew S tock ot D ry Goods, Groceries and Slioes o f all kinds. Hopgrowers’ Association, and re­ - - OREGON. turned alone, has resigned from the AURORA, F lo u r and. F e e d A S p e c ia lit y . selling committee because his views -Q F. G IE SY , M. D. H ighest Price Paid fo r C ou n try Produce. o f the methods o f making sales were at variance with those o f the execu­ BARLOW , „ . - - OREGON, tive committee, the difference in be­ lief arising from looking at the situa­ Office in Drug Store, tion in the East from separate points of view. A t a secret meeting Satur­ AURORA, OREGON. day the executive committee accept­ ed R ay’s resignation. "jji G .E B Y , A rumor having gained ground that President Jones was insane, the A ttorney an d counselor - a t - l a w , Salem representative o f the associa­ (Office la L O. O. F. block.) tion found it necessary to deny that W oodburn , - - - O r e g o n . and other reports. James Wiostan- Will Practice in all the Courts of the State, ley, the local agent, Saturday exhib­ ited a latter from H on. George B. Hovenden, o f Hubbard, a brother- in-law o f Mr. Jones, in which Mr, --------V IA T H E ---- — Hovenden a«ks that a denial o f the A U R O R A , O R E G O N . report be made over his signature. — OF T H E -------- Mr. Hovenden gives assurance that be has been in constant correspon­ dence with Mr. Jones and that he EXPRESS TRAINS R UN D A IL Y . knows that the latter is not insane. South, 1 1 North, The second report denied was that a m 1 Ly. Portland Ar. | 7:00 p m Eastern buyers had refused to buy 8:30 9:54 a m I Lv. Aurora Lv. 5:29 p m I Lv. Portland Ar. | 9:15 a m hops direct from the association. In 7:00 p m 8:24 p m 1 Lv. Aurora Lv. j 7:50 a m order to refute this story, Mr. W in- 7:45 a m 1 Ar. SanFrancisco Lv. | 8:55 p m stanley exhibited part o f a letter Above trai ta s stop àt p 11 principal stations Portland and Salem,Turner, Marion, from a Portland agent o f a New between Jefferson, Albany, Tangent, Shedds, Halsey, Hafnsburg, Junction City,.Eugene, Or-eswell, Y ork firm making the association an Cottage Grove. Drain, Oakland, and all star offer for a quantity of hops, the prices tions from Roseburg to Ashland, inclusive, ranging from to 7 cents, according PULLMAN BUBFET SLEDPERS to the sample. —AND— AUNT) T H E This, however, is not considered a SECOND-Class SLEEPIFG Cars ATTACHED To all through trains, complete denial, for the offer thus Woodburn»-Springfield Branch. made is for a sale to be made through Daily, except Sunday. an Oregon agent. The local buyers l i :20 a m | Lv. Woodburn A r | 2:15 p m j have aU the time contended that the 6:50p m I Ar. Natron Lv. ‘ | 7:00a m j association must eventually dispose 8:55 p m 1 Lv. Woodburn Ar* | 7 :20 am 6:50 a m | Lv. Silverton Ar. | 9:25 p m of its hops through the local agents. WEST SIDE DIVISION, The letter exhibited is'taken to be an BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS. admission o f thin claim, rather than Mail Trains daily (except Sunday.) a refutation. 7:30 a m f Lv..,,,,,..Portland ...,„..Ar. 15:50 p m 1 The prices quoted, while somewhat 11:55 a m l Ar........Corvallis.........Lv f 1:20 p m t Albany and Corvallis connect with trains better than those recently offered, are of A the O. C. & F. Ry. not satisfactory to the officers o f the Express train daity (except Sunday.) ; association, and they have not deter- 4:50 p m f L v . . P o r t l a n d . ........Ar. 1 8:25p m 7:30 p m \ A r.. . .M eM innviljre..Lv. / 5:55 a m 1 mined what course to pursue. Direct connection et San Francisco With Oc­ Physician & Surgeon, Confectionery. We carry a complete line of Candies, Nuts, Cigars, Tobacco, Writing Paper and Tablets. EAST & SOUTH S h a sta R o u te Southern Pacific Co. Borealis W eekly Oregonian COMBINED Only Two Dollars Per Year. I Salem hopbuyers admit that the pooling o f hops may have some slight influence upon the market price, but state that Eastern buyers have agents here and do business ¡on ly through them. They also claim the grades that would be placed upon hops by the association would not be accepted by the buyers ! and a failure to agree in this respect would be fatal to an attempt to deal directly with the Eastern houses. cidental and < >r ierAAiffnd Paci tic Mail steam ­ ship line' tor J A FÖ N ' -AN £> CHINA, Sailing dates on application. Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Eu­ rope, also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU, and AUSTRALIA, can be obtained from-GEO. MILLER, Ticket Agent, Aurora. R. K o e h l e r , C. H . Manager, M a r k h &M‘ G. F. Pass. Ag’t. Portland, Oregon1 C IT Y D IRECTO RY. News and Opinions CITY OFFICIALS. -OF- W m . Fry, President of the Council; Council- men, Henry Kraus, C. Zimmerman, Geo. S. Smith and W m . Miley; Recorder, H . A. Sny­ der: Treasurer, Fred W ill, Sr.; Marshal, Geo. W . Fry. National Im portance THE SUN -ALON E- -FOR- A FREE PATTERN M A G A Z IN E SUBSCRIBE FOR THE Aurora There is plenty o f talk, but not much business in Salem bop circles just at present. The officers o f the fla'er own »election) to every subscriber. Beautifi?i eni Hopgrowers’ Association are much ored lithographed plates and illustrations ( latest, artistic, exquisite and strictly up-to-date annoyed by reports circulated in re gard to the association’s transactions, and find it necessary to deny tjie stories occasionally. The local agent has made a statement denying an al­ dressmaking economies, fancy work, household hints, short stories, current topics, etc. Subscribe to-day. leged rumor that the association had Only 60c. yearly, Lady agents wanted. Send for terms. arranged to consign the entire pool to an Eastern firm. It is said that this rumor has broken the market and that Eastern buyers have coun­ termanded orders for hops, expecting the Oregon crop to be consigned. It is stated at the association’s office that there is no immediate prospect For ladles, misses, girls and little children. That cer­ tain stylish“ chic ” effect not attained by the use of any o f a sale by the association. other patterns. Have no equal for style and perfect fit. James Winstanley.has received a letter from President M. L, Jones, written at Washington January 18, which contained among other things the following: “ I have about completed m y work Easilv put together Only 10 and is cents each—none higher. Sold, in nearly every city and town, or by mail. Our representatives and sena­ Ask ior'them. Absolutely very latest up-to-dats styles, here. T H E M cCA LL COM PAN Y, tors now understand our propositions *38-14S Veit 14th Street. - - - - New York City, H. I . and wishes much better, I think, than before m v visit here. I have L. B. SAUND ERS, also succeeded in interesting other people who will give us very material assistance. A ll we have to do is to L ocai « A gent , for H , J. Often hëimer, stand solid as a unit and for what is reasonable and we will have wonder, Representing Lilienthal & ful success—if not just now—in future Co., N . Y . and S. F. OREQON. certain. . . . J think with careful pUTTEVILLE, management we will be able to dis­ pose o f the Oregon crop— it not with the desired profit—at least without the serious loss with which we were for a time threatened. I go from here to Cuicago and then h o m e /’ MS CALL'S Henry A. Snyder, HERMES.LODGE NO. 56 K . of P., meets every Friday evening, in K. of P. Hall. All members are cordially invited to attend. CONTAINS BOTH. A . J. S m it h , C. C. A II. K r a u s , K . of R. & S. Daily, by ma i l . . . . . . . . . . $6 a yea? Daily and Sunday, by mail, $8 a year O n e L o t in B a r lo w , a ls o T h r e e A c r e s in B a r lo w , n e a r th e H a il R o a d . For Information Inquire at the Office o f the Aurora Borealis. AURORA LODGE NO, 1271. Q. O. F„ meets every 1st and 3rd Thursday evening of the month, in K of P, Hall. All members are cordially invited to attend. H e n r y A . S n y d e r , N . G. W . S. H v e s t , Secretary. is the greatest Sunday Newspaper isi the world. AURORA LODGE NO. 23 A . O. U. W ., meets every Saturday evening in Fied W ill’? Hall. A ll members are invited to attend1 G. A. A rndt , M. W . L. W ebert , Rec. T A Q U IN A ROUTE ' Mgs Th© Sunday Sun Price 5c. a copy. Address T H E SUN, New York. M ONDAY, :• ;ÿ,' ¡ i ; ;iBSjHBpjS¡§ B y mail $2 a year. PUBLISHED ON W EDN ESDAY, W ILLIS & EASTERN TM fflii PRACTICALLY For over fifty-eight years a National A D A IL Y , R A IL R O A L A N D THE Connecting at Y A Q U IN A with the A new and remarkably attractive publica­ tion, profusely illustrated with portraits and half-tones; contains all the striking Family Paper for farmers and villagers, whose readers have represented the CHEAPEST KNOW N. Y A Q U IN A B A Y S T E A M ­ S H IP c o m p a n y . THURSDAY. FRIDAY. news very best element of,our coun­ try population. It gives all important news of the Nation STEAM ERS features of The Daily Tribune. Special W ar and World, the most reliable Market Reports. t e e Dollar 1 Navarro Despatches, Domestic and Foreign Correspon­ Fascinating Short Stories, an unexcelled Ag­ dence, Short Stories, Humorous Illustrations, Industral Information, Fashion Notes. Agri­ ricultural Department, Scientific and Me­ First-class in every respect. One o f the above steamers is due to sail from Yaquina about every five days. Shortest route , between valley points and San Francisco. Fare: Albany and points west to San Francisco. Cabin $10 00 Round trip 17 00 For sailing days apply to E d w in S tone , H . L W ald en , Manager. T. F. & P. A . * (Office at residence.) Register your vote at the postffice. J. T urner ; Agent. AVÏvOBA, V OREGON. H. A , Snyder, notary public. Albany, Oregon. cultural Matters carefully treated and Com­ chanical Information, Fashion Articles for prehensive and Reliable Financial and Market the Women, Humorous Illustrations for old Reports. It is mailed at same hour as the daily edition, reaches a large proportion of and young. It is “ The, People’s Paper” for H op Buyer. J a c o b G. M ille r flotatf Public and Loan Agent, subscribers on date of issue, and each edition the entire Uuited States. is a thoroughly up-to-date daily family news­ Regular subscription price, paper for busy people. Regular subscription price, $1.50 per year. W e furnish It with the aurora B o r e a l i s for $2.00 per year. $1.00 per year. We furnish it with the A urora B o r e a l is for $1.50 per year. Send all orders to tk e A U R O R A BOREALIS, A urora, Or.