\ VOL. I. AURORA, MARION COUNTY, OREGON, FEBRUARY 8,1900. F R O M M ACKSBITRG . B o e r F igh t a t M aekslrarg. I Newsy V Letters from Our Alert M "e w ill give yon 15 to 20 per een t cl iscount -O N -, 111 W ool Pants, j SL respondents. News of the Different Nearby Localities" Pre­ pared io Style and Dished up iû a | Palatable Manner. ' . ' ■ |___p $ r f K A Boys Suits and Mon’s D uck Coats. FROM HUBBARD. George Knight visited Meu4s in Canby Sunday. are just in of a New Line of Ladies, Childrens and Men's Shoes. V ÎÜ 1 Oregon. .A j u t u o r a , Eli Lee was in this city over Sun­ day. H. K.. Stogdill is on the rapid road to recovery. Lewis Rogers has. just returned from the East ar.d lias moved ink. the filont residence. Andrew Koehet went tu Portland Monday. Mi. and Mrs. E. H.* Carlton visited Portland this week. Miss Epsie Lee, who has been vis*- iting friends*and relatives here, re­ turned to Portland Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, Lee Rogers of Ore­ gon City are Visiting relatives here. Misses Bertha St urges and Emma Fisher returned home from Port­ land Wednesday. Mrs. M. J. Lee after a week’s visit The Saints have closed tftéïi pro* with her parents returned to Port­ tracted meeting, but as soon, as the land Wednesday. spring suppliés are harvested' they X. will have a campmeeting here. %Rev, Clumard preached5 at the school house iast ¡Sunday. Hubbard is all right; two weddings also Continue our Urn* last week. W ho.wiil brella Sale lucky man? su ■ • Two Boers Well known here got in­ to a battle over a ditch the other day. The weapons they used were not rep­ resented at the Hague. Thef Macks- burg peop le are all Boer sympathiz­ ers, hut they are at a loss with which side to sympathize in this - battle, No lives were lost, but two persons we?e‘ wounded. One received a twist­ ed nose while the other received the effects of a,fence rail. Wesley Riggs and Jim Mitts, two trappers of Macksburg, sent a num­ ber of furs East and are wellsatisfied with their return. A . L. Reynolds has been appoint­ ed road supervisor to take the '"place o / John Barth. Grandpa Brusch celebrated his 70th birthday last Sunday. There were quite a number o f relatives and friends prese nt. NO. 4. Aurora Roller Mills Mannfactnrers o f H igh Grade Family Flour, Buokwheät Flour, Graham, Corn- Meal and M ill Feed o f all kinds. Special Attention Paid to Custom Exchange. Farmers Trade Solicited. i Market P. Hurst, be tjt»e next Mrs, Frank Kranberger is quite sick. Miss Grace Amos visited friends in town this Week, • From Barlow. Mrs. T. M. Kiinsey o f Aumsville, Qre.* Returned to her home Monday, F R O M B Ü X T E V I1 L K . Miss Anna Bauer spent Monday Registering is proceeding slowly with her many Barlow friends. W . Fisher and family have moved in this precinct. Only thirty having Miss Edna Tabor o f Oregon City into the Gleason house. registered up to date. visited witp friends in Barlow W ed­ McCann’s pile-driver has been There seems to be lots of trade in nesday. Hubbard this winter. Much o f this moved up the ri ver to Geo, Stephen­ Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Tull were in is on account o f the good roads lead­ son’s plaçe. Mr. Stephenson is con­ Oregon,jEiity and Portland Tuesday ing to our city, but more however on structing a wood dock. account of our merchants and busi­ Joseph Scheurer has moved to this There was quite a crowd out. to ness men who m ate it a specialty to place from the Scheurer estatéw,here the literary society Saturday even­ see that good articles are furnished he has lived for a number o f years. ing. Both Canby and Aurora were at a lo w ‘ cost. Mr. Scheurer now occupies thé house well represented. The reading o f Quite a number of.our young men belonging to Geo. Herrin o f Oregon the Barlow Journal was the princi­ are engaged in sawing wood for City. pal feature o f the evening. Knight & Susbauer, who» have a con-J Lee St. Clair, who has been em- j Mrs. J. B. Mollett was visiting/ in citizens thought they h$Ifcl » . army ’ lucrative employ inept Barlow, a son. 1 . coming to take the town, but later Matthieü’s Cabin, No. 12, Native on they found out their mistake. It Sons o f Oregon are constructing a log Di O. Freeman, our new general was only the crowd -coming to the cabin on the ground adjoining the merchadise man, was in Aurora on club. new school.. It is to be 38 by 26 feet. business Monday. This building wili be the first, con­ Miss Flora and Dave Will were structed in the state for that purpose, passengers for Portland on the Tues­ which speaks well for the. energy day morning train, and determination o f the Native Di O. Freefnan has rented the — Chas Crittenden visited Woodburn Sons here. house vacated by Chas. Hovis. County Surveyor Herrick o f Sa­ Saturday. v g . ; Jacob Rueck spent Tuesday in lem is here surveying the La Rocque Theçe will be a graphaphone con­ Portland. farm. . cert and basket .social at, White’s A very pleasant surprise party whs Miss Annie Adams of McMinnville school house Friday* Feb. 9. Coibe tendered Miss Maud Balay Wednes­ is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. X . everybodyv day: evening. Matthieu. . ... ,■■■■-. > ; ,r'' W.e understand there will be a L Scheurer’s youngest boyand girl, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Quint of. Glad­ creamery established either at Auro- Charley and Florence, have been stone, Ore., visited with' their parents* Woodhurn or Hubbard. Now Hubbard is just the place for such a very ill the past week* with what part of last week, , returning: hqme Sééms to be luhg fever. Sunday evening accompanied by plant. Everybody has cows and the James Ryan and ïtay Wool worth, Mrs. M. B. Quint, who will remain location o f the town being such that the farmers from all parts o f the two of our promising young men, in Gladstone a while for medical country can easily come to town dur­ gave an invitation dance in the treatment. ing any season. It would be to the Grange hall last Saturday night. gentlemen’s interest to visit our city About forty of the young, people From Woodburn, were present who spent a most- en­ and sée the outlook. Manager Kurtz has; finally signed joyable evening. Messrs. Richard, We Understand that an important the electric light contract with the- James and Issac Parritt furnished évent is going to happen next full city, Which calls for eleven arc lights excellent music, ably assisted by U. moon. Watch out. I for two years. They are supposed to- Ehlen, H, B. Cone and F. Jones. be 2009 candle power each, but they Mr. and Mfs. J. L. KcKinney vis­ District Deputy Master Henry A . are not, ited Woodburn Tuesday.. Snyder, o f Aurora, installed, the new­ Woodburn is in a quandary. The The infant child o f Mr. and Mrs, ly elected officers o f Butteville Lodge B. Dimick was buried Tuesday, The No. 5 9 ,1. O. O. F ., last Saturday new registration law is said to con­ cause o f death is supposed to have night. The newly installed officers are trol all, elections. The municipal been heart trouble. as follows: N. G., M. CriSsel; V . G., election here comes off April 2* but there is no way to get a list o f regis­ Several boys celebrated Chiba W. R. Scheurer; Secretary, E. A . M. tered, voters.,. Cone; Treasurer, C. Lembcke. After New Year in the 1900 style. the installation o f officers an excellent It was the purpose to sell all o f the Sam Miller visited Woodburn luuch was spread by the home lodge Matson assigned stock of goods to the Monday. to,which the visiting brothers and highest bidder and in bulk, but the Don’ t forget the club at the A rm ­ members o f Butteville lodge did purchaser will find it hard to get a ory Saturday n ig h t., ample justice. building to begin business. The ■room now occupied, by the goods has A dmiral , Albert Smith was in Woodburn been rented to a .hardware man. Tuesday. V eritas , From C»nl)y, Don’ t forget the teachers’ institute Saturday, Feb. 3. Come everybody. G. A . Bock o f Aurora was in this C lu b.R ates. S. R , T. Jones o f Salem is visiting city Sunday. A urora - B orealis ■ and Weekly his family in town this week. Howard Eccles was down from Oregonian, 1 year, 12,00. Semi- There is going to be another saloon Hubbard Sunday. Weekiy Statesman* 1 year, $L7&., started in Hubbard. W. H. Evans returned from Cot- Household Magazine, 1 year, $1.25. Au R evoîi U | tage Grove Mondays N, Y , W eekly Tribune, 1 year, $1.25» Ben says that he don’t see why they fenced in the trdck, as, people now bavé to walk a mile to get over to the road. i