.a - ""n""- - "" I: THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, March 29 190? il FIRST MILL IN ROSSLAND W. K. iiurd, Keueral uiHtiHgor of tbe ChelHii nuil I'oLohI KroupH of uiIuch, in the (Jmenhorn Mountalu dlutriot, lufr, thin afternoon on u biiHlneHH trip to Itakor City, oxpnot lug to return Monday. It Ih a fact not Kmierally known, hut a fnnt, nuvnrtliuluHH, that Mr. Uurd was one titiio own or of tho now fatnoiiH .JohIo mini), in HoHsland, H. C. Ho Hold tiio property in lHilfi (o the pruHout oo'itroliiiiK (!oiii)any for a hiiiik hiiiii in oiiHh. In fact, Mr. Ilurcl whh urntiiiiiont in KohhIiwmI durinu tho hoom f I in oh of that uruiit i:iiinp. He rolatiiH rather an IntwroHtiiiK inoiduut (loiiunoted with the O. K. mine, ahove the L Hoi. "The owneiH of the 0. K. opened up the only hody of free koIi! in the ItoHHluud diutriet. Ihere weie tlilr teen owiiurH, and nil were poor men mid flulitinu all the time iiiiiouk them- hdIvoh I met one of the ownera in Kpnkane, in lHSIH, and he hIiow.hI me a doiilile handful of koIcI iiiiKKtitH taken from the (). K., explaiuiuu that if the property oould he equipped with a mill It would he worth 8 1 HO,. 000 live miuutoH after the HtainpH bo Uau to drop. I happened to own a mill oil a property down in Houtherii Oregon, and after eutorliiK into a deal wherhey, hy e(uippliiK the prop erty, I wiih to he kIvuii an lutereHt, 1 Hlnpped the little live Htamp mill to Hpokane. The (). K. owiioih ameed to pay frelKht on the inaehliiury, hut upon IIh arrival I found that they iiould't ralHe the money, ho I ail vanned it. All thin whh lie tore the day of railroadrt north of Spokane, and we were eompelled to haul the mill 0 wiikdii from Spokane to itoHHlund When (no maehiuery liually reaehed ltn destination, it had miHt almoHt IIh velht in Kold. The mill whh tot up and a few ruin made. The free until ore hody pi untied out, the owuurH formed a Htouknompaiiy, tliimhle-riKKd thlnuH for h while and then foreed the In stitution into the handri of a re uelvur. 1 KiioHM It'n there yet. The htiiuip mill ou the (). K. whh the Unit lilaut of ita kind in It he ItoiHland camp "sugar mow," which may HOW FORECAST THE WEATHER ? If It oleara otf iu the nlht, look for rail) uaxt day. If Hiuoke from the ehlmuey HettUm ItiHtead of rittiUK, there in a atorm at hand. When bound travelH a loim diHtaiioe there iu hIho a Htorm near. Never expoot inuoli of a Htorm in the old of the moon The al)ttiioo of dew and an uiitHiially liouvy dew ate alike fore runner of rain. Nu( mueh trout need he expeuted iu the liuht of the moon. Au owl lijiitliiK in the hollow is a niun of a uold Hto-m; on the hill it foretells a thuw. If the horuitH hnild low (he winter will bu haul. When ltmve fall early the winter will he lonu. When ow fall on a hard road it will nut la ft Ioiik. The late spring huow ktoriu never uutuen until after the be recog uizod by coming iu unusually large flakes and only lasting a few min utes. If tbe hog's melt in found big at the front tbe first part of the wiuter will be tbe moat severe; if tbe reverse is true, we may look for bard weather iu4 February and March. JJright "northern lights" bring severe eold. If tbe sun sbluea ou tbe second day of February so as to per mit the woodehuok to see its Bhadoro, it will go baok into its bole and re main six weeks. If March comeH in like a lamb it will go out like a lion; ir it comes in line a lion it win go out like a lamb. Iu olhor words, one exrremo at trio neginuiug prom ihoh the revorse at the end of tbe month. Sun-dogs indicate a bad storm. DiHtant snundH heard distinctly forebode no good weather. If the sun "drawH up water" it will rain. 'PI... rtttili.iK uiumitlilii ..,! i I... t....l...l boiling dry iiIho indicate lain. Goh w iIih thickly spread upon the grass are an indication of fair weather. Animal life seems, according to the popular notion, to havo peculiar warniugH regarding tbe weather changes. Home of these are ex plained hy natural causes. It is a fact recognized hy all intelligent stockmen that cattle have an inti mation of an approaching storm Home hours before it is vhihle to the human eye. There is a certain roHtloHsuoHs which the nowhoy has learned to interpret at onco. When you see a pig pu during in the fluid to build for itself a nest, you may look for a storm. Chickens take extra palm iu oiling their feathers just before a rain. Pea fnwlH send forth their Hhrlll cries iih a warning, and when the quail cries "more wet" from the meadow the farmer works briskly to get IiIh hay under shelter. If the chickweod and scarlet pimpernel expand their tiny petals, rain need not bu expected for few hourH. Moos work with redoubled energy just heforo a rain, If the tiles are uiisiiually poisisteut either iu the Iioiho or around stock there ih rain In the air. The cricket singe at the anproach of cold weather. SuIitoIh Htore a large supply of nuts, the husks of corn aro uiiusu ally thick, and thejtiuds of decidumiH trooH have a rlrmor protecting coat if a H6voie wiuter Ih at hand. If the poplar or quaking hhp leaves turn up tbe under side rain will soon follow. If the fog rlsei In the morning, it Ih a sign of rain: if It settles, a clear day may be expected. Watch the smallest cloud ycu can see. If it increases in size it is going to rain; if It melts away and vanishes completely, fair weather will follow. If tbe camphor bottle become i roily it Is going to storm. Wbeu it clean, settled weather may be ex peuted This idea hat seemingly beeu utillized in tbe manufacture of some ot our cheap barometers The main trouble is, they seldom fore tell tbe change until about the time It arrives. Last, but not least, the rheumatic cau always tell it "iu their boues" when a storm is approaching, and to this proguoiitloatloM the ootogeuariau of today Is as firm all advocate as were his forefathers. Scientific American. Timbers for Crane flat Dredge. A car load of fir timbers, thirty six feet in length, consigned .to Hutch & Uurbridue, arrived over tbe Sumpter Valley today from Portland. They are intended for tbe dredge which tbey are constructing at tbe Crane Flat placers. Tourist Cars East. J- C Many experienced travelers prefer tourist sleeping cars for the transcontinental journey. The Chicago, Milwaukee 8c St. Paul Railway . can a; range for your trip east in tourist cars, offer you choice of routes and save you money. S;t.R.A.En. 134 Third St., Portland, Ore. TheMost Delightful Way to Cross the Continent Through Salt Lake City, Glenwood Springs, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver. A Daylight Ride Through Nature's Art Gallery Passing Castle Gate, Canyon of the Grand, Tennesce Pass, Marshall Pass and the Royal Gorge. 3 TRANIS DAILY BETWEEN OGDEN AND DENVER Equipment andlServlce!Second to None. Seek no Further For Better Can't be Founp. For Detailed Information Address . C. McBRIDE, General Agent, 125 Third Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLUE BIRD BUCK HORN VALLEY QUEEN BLACK BUTTE Are the greatest moneymaking slocks on the market today. Investigate them. Write for annual reports and prospectuses WHEELER & CO., BANKERS Dept. 60 32 Broadway. New York. Sole agents for above companies. m I t v oU" mwm tit i ?-'"'tjij"nsg" aumn