The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, March 29, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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Wednesday, March 29, 1905
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Ad adjourned meeting of the
Sumpter Dhtrlot Mineral Exhibit as
sociation was held Saturday night in
Hptel Suuiptor. Among the members
of the board of manager i who were
present were Assistant Manager J.
E. Reed, Secretary Tom C. Gray,
Manager Otto Herlooker, representing
the Rouk Greek district; Manager
Fred Neidemark, representing the
Cracker Creek dihtrict; Fred D.
Smith, representing the Greenhorn
district, and members cf the city
couucil, us well as a uewspaper mau.
The first business of importance
transacted whs the acceptance of the
resignation of I. (J. Steveusou, as
manager of the Susauvilie district,
and the appoiutmeut of U. E. Heath
to till the vaoaucy.
A resolution introduced by Man
agor Herlooker to the following effect
was adepted:
"Resolved; That the name of this
association be changed from tlio
Snmpter Mineral Exhibit association
to tbo Sumptnr District Mineral Ex
hibit association."
The changed name wmb adopted
for the purpose of onlargiug the scope
of the organization.
A three-mouths leave of absence
was granted Manuger Herlooker, who
expects to leave for an eastern visit
iu a few daya, aud liert Rusk, sup
erintendent uf the Piatt's group on
Rok Creek, was appoluted to act in
his stead during the interim.
Toe board adopted the following
resolution, introduced by Smith,
ohairmau of the iuoorporatiou com
mittee, appointed at the last regular
meeting of the beard: '
Au aerial tramway from the lime
quarry of the Oregon Smelting aud
Refining company to-the smelting
plant of that company on the edge of
Sumpter, will in all probability be
built within the next two mouths.
Kumora are ' ourreut tp that effect,
and the officers of the smelting aura
pauy, whelT approached by a reporter
for The Miner, would neithor confirm
nor deny tfte accuracy 'of f he repo'ft.'
The smelter has boeu closed down
for tbo last two or tnree' daystou ac
count of a shortage of lime rock.
This shortage is caused by the almost
impartible Condition of the abort
stretch of, wagon road between tbe
smelter aud tbo quarry. It is esti
mated that the cost of transporting
lime rook from the quarry to the
smelting stack approximates 9G00
per mouth. Iu view of the fact that
aerial tramway can be built and
placed in operation for about 93 per
runuing foot, making the lime tram
cost about 912,000, it will be seen
that the improvement contemplated
will effect a big saving, besides
facilitating the operation of the
smelter without cessation during bad
road time.
It is also learned, although not
"Whereas; It appears to the boatd
of manager) that the ueeds of this as
sociation demand the organization of
the same into a corporate body with
legal powers and standiug; and
"Whereas; The council of the city
of Sumpter has ordaiued a goueral
supervision of the association's busi
ness "Now, therefore, be it resolved,
That the board requests the uouuail
of the city of Sumpter to take the
uecessary steps to authorize the in
corporation of the association, if this
step has its approval;
"Aud be it further resolved, That
the secretary be instructed to lay
this matter before the council of the
city of Sumpter at its next regular
Th member? of tbo city couuoil
presout eutered with spirit iuto a
discussion of the matter brought out
by the above resolution, aud offered
mauy valuable suggestions to tho
The board decided to inaugurate a
campaign of advertising, aud with
that end iu view, appoluted a com
tulttou to lay before the next regular
meetiug of the board a plan for
spreadlug tho news of tho miueral
richness and worth of tbifc mining
It la understood that the aom
mlttee has enlisted the servioos of a
well kuowu local newspaper man,
who will devote bis taleuts to pre
paring some advertising matter, which
Is expected to ue Issued at au early
The mooting adourued to moot
Saturday, April 1.
from au ofllaial source, that the
smelting company has within the
past two weens aigued contracts with
Idano mine owners for euougb copper
aud gold oie to alone test the utmost
capacity of the local plant. This
fact, taken iu conjunction with the
fact that Sumpter district mines aro
shipping a steadily iuoreasiug ton
uage, leads to a belief that auotber
stack will shortly be added to the
smelts, tbe'rebyMoUblWltsuah'ao'
ity. Aa qn evidence of the terrible con
dition of the road between the lime
quarry and tbo smelter it might bo
mentioned that thb other da the
maugement seut a crew of men to
repair theroad in temporary ibape
to haul enough lime to reopen the
plant. Corduroy was placed aloug
the worst stretches of the road aud a
nix-bone team started with the first
load. Before the distance could be
covered it became uecessary to
abandon the wagon. The axles be
ueatb a heavy load sank so deep that
the newly-laid ourduroy was torn
out. Until the ground either freezes
solid or until the mud dries up, it is
believed impossible to effect repairs.
The tramway will be on the grav
ity plan.
Goueral Manager II. 11. McCarthy,
of the reorganize Goloouda mine, ar
rived in Supmtor this moruiug, ae
oompMuled by his sou, to tako up bin
resldeuoo in this camp, lie will
Jeavo iu a few days fur the miuo to
look over couditlous there aud de
termine just what material aud sup
plies are uoeded for early resumption
of operations ou a scale commen
surate with the known riohuess nf the
famous old producer.
The auuual meeting uf the Gol
oouda company will be held at Pen
dleton ou April 8, at which tlmo
final details for floating a 900,000
boud iflfluo will be completod. Man
ager McCarthy is authority for the
statement that a market has already
boeu found for tho hnndH, and that
Aloxaudec Hamilton Sibley, of
Detroit, Mich., president of the Im
perial Cold Mining company, who has
beou ou a visit to the property for
tho past week, departed yesterday
aftoruoou for his easteru home. Ho
was accompanied from tho mine to
Sumpter by General Mauagor A. J..
MoEweu, aud was esourted as far as
Baker City by Superiuteudent John
Athur. Mauagor MoEweu roturned
to the hills this morning.
As will tie uoticed iu another col
umn of today's issue of Tho Minor,
Geueral Mauagor MuEwou la advertis
ing for bids for driving a fiOO-foot
oxtousiou of tho present tunnel on tho
Minor claim of the Imperial group.
This work iu iu lino with the an
nounced policy of the company to
dovelop the Imporial along scientific
lnes aud make of tho property one
of the heaviest producers in the
Sumpter gold fields. The tunnel
to be driven will oitor the main
pay gboot of the Imperial, and will
opou up at depth the same body or
ore which has resulted iu making of
the Imperial one of the bust paying
properties in the Cove camp.
Later ou it is the aunouueed iu
teutlon of tho management to crosHCut
to tho Euglu vein, which is often
spoken of as tho mother lode of Cubic
Cove, aud when this body of ore is
opened up, tho present milling plant
at the Imporial will be doubled as to
i President Siuley was enthusiastic
over the magulcfleut showing at the
Imperial, and spoke highly of tho
able work being done by Mauager
MoEweu aud Superintendent Arthur,
who are rated as perhapH thd best
practical miuiug mou in this entire
Whether or not tho prosent Gol
oonda milling plaut and shaft bouse
will be dismantled aud entirely re
built with funds derived from the
proposed 900,000 boud is sue to be
the cash derived from their salo
will bo immodiatoly available upou
tho authorization uf the issue by
tho uow board of directors to be
olected at tho forthcoming meetiug.
Leroy 10. Norton, who, with Mr.
McCarthy aud C. S. Jaakson, the
Portland newspaperman, recently ac
quired by direct purchase of steak
and mortgage indebtedness absolute
control of the Golconda company, ia
In Chicago, aompletiug final details
for a sale of the boud issue.
"Ah a mattor of fact," said M. Mc
Carthy to a Minor reporter this morn
ing, "everything Is actually ready
at the prosout time for reopening the
mine. However, wo will wait uutil
after tho stockholders' meeting bo
fore taking active stops Iu that
authorized at the next mooting in
Pendleton or Golcouda stockholders,
rests upon the result, of the examina
tion of the property now being con
ducted by Gouoral Mauager 11. II.
McCarthy, who left Sumpter tiuuday
for tho miuo, to tako up his perma
nent, rosidouuo. In conversation
with a Miner roporter Sunday, Mr.
McCarthy said that a plait to tebulid
tho mill had been suggested and
was under consideration. He pointed
out, however, that a more important
mattor waa underground develomeut
just at this time. "The surface can
take care of itself," said Manager
McCarthy, "after we begin taking
out pay ore."
O. C Wright, gouoral western
mauagor ror Wheeler fe Co., of Now
York, opontlng the Blue Bird,
Buukhorti aud Black Butte mines,
receives dally roports by telephone
from tho various properties in his
"Bad roads don't bother us," said
Mauager Wright to a Miner man to-
day, "because we have laid iu fuel
aud supplies sufficient to last until
epriug opens. . The Blue Bird ls(
looking particularly good, 'the plates
showing bettor (his mouth than ever
before. Superintendent Allen is
working night aud day at the B'nok
Butte and is getting things iu readi
ness Tor hydraulic work on tho Black
Butte pincers. "
Soil Survey of Baker City Area.
The Uultod States Department ' of
Agriculture has issued a bulletin ou
the "Soil Survey of the Baker City
Area, Oregon." The matter Is com
piled from field untei by Charles A.
Jenson aud W. W. Mackie, under the
direction of Mlltou Whitney, chief of
the bureau of soils iu tho agricul
tural (lepirtment. Only two such
survey have so far been made in Ore
gnu, one being in Marion county and
the othor within the Baker City area.
Pirt of the bulletin Is devoted to
colored soil maps, alkali maps, black
alkali maps and underground water
maps, The document is of value to
the farming interests of the Baker
City area. Oc pies may be sucured
by addressing the department. ymamm
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