E ii.Ki. r THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, March 29.-19O; The Sumpter Miner OFFICIAL RECORDS. KILLEN WILL RETURN TO SETTLE SUMPTER-BOURNE ROAD MATTER PUBLISMBI) UVBRY WBDNBSDAY BY J. W. CONNELLA bntrrcd at the postofflce In Sumpter, Oregon, for nnsmlsslun through th mails ai second class Tintirr 1 SUBSCRIPTION PATHS tnrYear.. ' six Months ALWAYS IN AHVANGB. In 1841 a gold nugget woigblng 22 otiuoeH whh found in hii old rlvor hod In the dotiuty of Wloklow, ire Janri. Thh Ih tho ouly ItiBtnaeo of h mass of gold having been found in Irelaud. Active Hnnrcli of tho river hod whh made for otboi nuggets, hut it never proved up others, aud tho popular supposition h that the 22 011 1100 nugget whh brought into Iro- iHIld Hlld lOHt. Tho monitor oombiuo Iiiih growu rlob on thH diruct and incllreot prolita it hm boon enabled to oxnut from the mines, big Hiid hiiihII, mid it has alwiiyH heretofore aotod hh though immune from legal notion or moral protoat. Kilt tho federal government Ih greater thiiu oven thoHinoltor trtiHt, and if tho ItitoroHta nllootod will movo to miiko out a case, thoir oaso undoubtedly will ho favorably eon Hldorod m WHHliliiKtnn. Let tho ag grieved mining intoroHH Htop calling namoH and profaning tho atmoHphoro and got together to Hook tho rudroHH that Ih olloioil in the now polloy of the todoial government towardH ille gal oouibluoH Hiid tniHtH. -Mining World. Reglstera and receivers or United StatuH laud oIHooh lu Arizona, Call (ornla. Colorado, Idaho, KansaH, Montana, Nuiiraikii, Now Moxlun, North Dakota. Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, WnHhlngtonand Wyoming have been iuHtruotod hy (JommlMlonor Kiohardi, or the Ken oral laud office, to notify all perHOiiH who have hitherto entered or may hereafter enter any of the laud which have boon HMgrogntod under tho pro visions of the roclaiiritlnu not of June 17, 1002, that .the lousing of hiioIi lauds or t'ortloJiH thorteo to other perHOiiH who have been and are con (hutting the biiHlneHH of Helling Io hollo liquor on wild laudH, prin cipally to employe engaged on gov uument worka.t .that Hiioh IohhIhu, either by tliMiiswIviw or othorH, will ho deemed Hutllolent cause for can cellation ot ontrloH embracing the laudH ho uhoo! oV. nuoupluri. OitluliilH ut laud ollluHH are further directed to give the widont publioity to the fact that ilno If uho ol" any IiiiiiIh withdrawn under the aot, wliuthor mioli IiiimIh have peon entered or are iihMitiMiiil. vv 1 1 1 be prevented hy proper actions In ejectment by In juuetlou or othorwlHo. Those in rttriiotloiiH have been called forth by the deplorable conditions existing In Nevada, where government work uiu ploys HevepiMtiouHaud men. t Jlcii Mt (Milium have luaseil port lobs of their laudH to person etigauod In the liquor biiHlneHH and murder' and rob j hory ha been .rampant lu oonse quelU'e. i. tslray,. Notice. Came to Oieuou Lumber oompany'rt ranch at Whitney, Christmas, 1001, brown pony mate; Httiall white Htar on forehead, a little white on left hind feet; branded with an X in cir cle on left shoulder. Owner can huve lame on pruvhiK property and laying exponuos, on application at above rauoh. L, L. WILSON, The following instruments were filed at tho court bouBe in Baker City for record vesterduv: RKAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. DKKDP. J. R. Naylor to CIjbh. Kineey, lot 10, block 2, St. Louis addition to Sumpter; 8fi0. ChuH. KiuHoy aud wife to John CollitiH, HHtno; 8100. J. K. Dlukman et ul to Uoodwlu Cowloa, lot 2, S. fi, T. U, R. 45; en 00. P. ilaiobe et ul to J. M. Dean, all intorest in Lower Powder Irrigation Canal; SI. J. M. Dean aud wire to Walter E. Palmer, one-fiftieth Interest in etitne; $1. C. II. Newton uud wife to .lone U. Turner, et al, oue-thlrty-socond in teret in Wiudom Ditch aud Water Right; :125. Win. Morwln and wife to Mrs. M. C. Tonoy, T.OxlOO foet in blook 2, C. M. Kellogg'a addition to Haker city; aino. Sarah E. Finch and huubaud to A. L. La Vlen, lot 10, block H, Johu Stewart'H addition to linker City; 81000. W. II. liilhort and wife to W. II. Shoemaker, i blook 22, MoOrary'B revlnod addition and part of loti 1 and, block 7, U. S. Towualto, Haker City; 87000. W. II. Slioemakor and wifo to W. 11. Ullbort, S. 13. li, N. M. H 8. .'II, T. 7, R. .'IB; 8100. W. .1. PatterHou ot al to W. S. Ruple, W. (J, lot. 210, blook "M," Dulon Cemetery; 81H. Ellen Murray and huHbaud to W. 11. Mayer, 200 aot oh in S. 8 and 17, T. 7, R. H; 81. U. 8. A. to JamoH W. Long, N. E. 14, S. 20, T. 11, R. 8. U. S. A. to .lamoH W. Love, S. W. ,'4, H. 1, T. 10, R. 8. U. S. A. to Emellno A. OIIIoh, 100 acroH in 8. 2 aud 11, T. 8 R. 12. Receiver to Ceotge Nelaou, E. '. N. W. '4, 8. W. H. N. W. '4'. mid N. E. i, 8. W. S. 17. T. IH, !)7; 80. W. D. Watt to J. V. Fry, lot 25 In blook 7, Willovalo addition to Raker City; 885. F. S. Lack aud wife to S. O. Cor rell, N. W. 4, N. W. '4'. 8. 10, T. 0, R. 40; 81000. U. S A. to floury Mlllor, 100 Hores In 8. .'10 aud HI, T 12, R. 11. U. 8. A. to David EuuIh, 100 aorea In 8. :i0, T. 12, II. 4 rami 8. 25, T. 12, R. 40 A. II. Taylor to W. II. Vaughn, half lutoroHt lu 100 aorea in S. 1, T. 0, It. :0; 8800. Mary J. Januey to Johu Water man, ChluoHo garden in 8. 20 aud 21, T. l, R. 40; 81200. (loo. U. Pratt aud wire to W. F. ThompHon, lot 12, blook 2, Richland, Oregon; 8100. Nina Hell aud huHbaud to C. M. Pearoe, lot 1, blook 2, South Sump ter addition to Sumpter; 81. U. S. A. to John W. Chad-J, E. N. W. I4 and N. E. L4 S. W. l4, S. 17, T. l, R. HO. M. Well et al to M. L. lleatou, Iota 0 aud 10, blook 2, Rrattain aud MoComan addition to Haker City; 8500. J. D. FergUHun aud husband to A. II Taylor. W. ltf, S. E, l4, N. K. i4, S. W. U.S. 17, T. 0, R. J10; 81. MINING MATTERS. DKKDH. O. L. Tumor to Ceo. K. Oraut, undivided . luterent iu MJay" aud "Hell" quartz olalnm; 81. L. V. Sftlggett aud wife to M. U. Word has beeu received that D. L. Killeti, president of the Killen, War ner, Stewart company, will arrive lu Sumpter from Denver wittin the next four or five days to take up the Sumpter-Hourne railway proposition with the oltbeus' committee, ap pointed at a recout meeting of local busluess men to solicit subscriptions to 820,000 worth of railroad bouds. As aunouucod iu The Miner last Fri day, 810,500 In bondB have been euh- Gartner, oue-tweutletb interest In "Mayflower" quartz claim; SHOO. M. U. (Jartuor aud wife to F. R. Hloobborger ot al, same; 8300. M. L. Lomiro to F. J. Cooroy, quarter interest lu MUuckeyen quartz claim; 815,000. C C. Robinson to Wm. S. White, tniHtoo, "Mohawk," "laabollo," "Security" aud "Valoutino" quartz cIiiIuih; 81. Ed. Harker et al to Horace 8. Clark, tho "Auohor" lodo miulug claim; 8250. Security M. aud Investment com pany to Wm. S. Whito, trustoe, "ludlaua," "Whitloy," "Valen tino" aud "BluohlH" quartz claims; 8000. Horace S. Clark aud wifo to Wm. S. White, tniBtoe, "Lake," "Hear Cove," "Rex," uud niuo other quartz olalniH; 8208. Horace S. Clark and wifo to Wm. S. Whl to, trusteo, tho "Wesley" quartz mining ulaltn; 8100. Horace S. Clark aud wifo to Wm. S Whito, trustee, hair luteroat lu "Ohio," "mother Lode," "Ter rlblo" aud throe other claims aud mill Bite; 8548. Horatio S. White aud wife to Btime, tho "Hob White" quartz miulug claim; 81 Petition for Liquor License. Houruc, Oregon, February 24th, 1005. To tho Honorable County Court of the Couuty of Haker, State of Ore Ore eon: We, tho undersigned, do hereby rein)otfully represent that we oou Htituto a majority of the legal voters of Hourue product, Couuty of Haker, State of Oregou, aud do heroby re spectfully petition your Houorable Hody tu grant to Cleorge Wright, Sr., a IlcoiiHO for the period of three inou'hH.onmmonoing April lBt, 1005, aud euding Juuo :10th, 1005, td soil spirituouH, malt aud viuoua liquors at retail, at what is commonly kuown hh tho Halfway House, iu Hourue precinct, County of Haker, State of Oregou, said Halfway House being Bituated ou tho Sumpter-Hourne wagon road about three miles Moutherly from Hourue, iu said County and State. Aud we further reapeotfully rep r en out that said Halfway House is not wlthlu a mile of any wine. 11. C. Neldormark, Wm. Welgand, Joseph David, W. II Palmer, A. F. Raymoud, N. M. JohiHon, Dan Farry, C P. W 11 llama, Dou Patter sou, Jake Ureeu, J. Welderhatn, James (ilUlllu, Johu Soratb, J. J. Mullett, D. W. Couzeus, F. II. Steveuson, Cms R. Ualrd, W. II. Haelste, Daniel Cabill, Jas. F. Deupsy, Tom Naugbtou, J. M. Charles, J. H. Selleri, W. J. Gril- scribed, but a 'iHrgeri.par of the sub scriptions have strtigs .attached in the shape of demands for switches aud Bpurs to Cracker Creek mines. TheBe demands were fot warded to Mr. Killen in Denver, aud hiB return to Sumpter will be for the purpose of talking the matter over more fully with the interested parties and to ar rive at au oquitable adjustment of all differences at once, to the end that construction may begin at the earliest possible date. liugton, J. T. Rusk, L. R. Rusk, A. H. Bruwu, W J. Evans, W. D. Sprunt, G. R. Penz, Johu Orwell, E. Heeoraft, N. EaBtham, R. A. Moore, J. S. Miller, Cub Nelson, Ed Uiuley, Pat McOinnluB, II. Metz, J. W. Fieegle, J. Utiles, J, D. Covliu, T. L. Downey, H. R. Caddy, Harry Hates, Johu Brown. T. Stompfor, D. V. Ringlaud. B. R. Woods, H. Love, P. C. Aius worth, W. O. Carroll, W. U. Hyrou, W. S. Lamb, Ed Morgan, H. M. Keuua. O. D. McDonald, W. J. Roroberstou, F. Lloyd, Guy Harris, Joe Cobb, Wm. Haoler, J. T. Mahouoy, E. O'llarra, Matt Mark mauu, W. McDonald, C. H. Hums,. Mevlln Graham, T. E. Uass, C. O. DeForett, Johu Paddook, C. S. Hear, Notice is hereby giveu that the undersigned, George Wright, Sr., will, at the first day of April, 1005, term of the Couuty Court of the County ot Haker, State of Ore gou, or aa hoou thereafter as he can be heard, apply for a licenso to sell spirituous, malt and villous liquors at the Halfway House, in Hourue product, Haker County, Oregon, for the period set forth iu the foregoing petition. GEURGE WRIGHT, Sr. ANNUAL MEETING BLUE BIRD MINING COMPaNV. Notico is hereby uiveu that the an nual meetiug of the stockholders of the Blue Bird Mining oowpauy will be bold at the office of Williamson & Burleigh, 242 Water Street, Angus a, Malue, ou toe eleveuth day of May, 1005, at 2 o'olook in the aftsrnoon, for the following purpeses: First. To elect a board of direc tors for the ensuing corporate year. Seojud. To transact auy other i limitless which may come before said mooting, Sumpter, Oregou, April 24th, 1005. O. C. WRIGHT, Secretary. Blue Birl Miulug Company. ANNUAL MEETING BUCK HORN MINES. Notice is heroby by giveu that the auuuual meetiug of the stockholders of the Buok Horn Mines will bo hold at the office of Williamson &, Bur leigh, 242 Water Street, Augusta, Maiue, ou tho seventeenth day or May, 1005, at 2 o'olook In the after noon, for the followiug purpeses: First. To eleot a board of direct ors for tho eusuiug corporate year. Seuoud. To trausict auy other busluess which may come before aid meetiug. Sumpter, Oregou, April 24th, 1905. O. C. WRIGHT, Secretary. Buok Horn Mines. ,j rit-n -Wj&fr 4 ....jstirsr: