The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, March 29, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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'i- r
Wednesday, March 29, iqoj
Geueral Manager Frauk Bnillie,
of tbe Columbia mlue, returned
this morning from Baker City,
whither be yejterday esuorted a
party of (ugersoll-Sargeaut Drill
company officers, who, sluoe last
Tuesday, have been ou a visit to
tbe Columbia as Mr. Uaillie's guests.
The party consisted of V. U. (..race,
sou of tbe ex-mayor of New York
City, and owner of about 80 per ceut
of tbe stock of the Ingersnll-Sargoaut
company, and S. (5. Murray, resi
dent agent of tbe company at Salt
Lake, who has made frequeut trips
tu the Sumpter district. The Col
umbia mine of one of the heaviest
uaers of lugersull'Sargeaut. drills in
Oregon, and is arranging for a doub
ling of its drill capacity at au oarly
The Columbia recently completed
the installation of a mammoth air
compressor of the lugresoll-Sargeaut
make, operated by wator power.
Compresiod air, under a heavy pres
sure, will be transmitted a distance
of about a half a mile to tbe mine
aud mill and will be used to operate
all the machinery of which steam is
now the motive power. Tbe iustalla
tlou of this system of power trans
mission is estimated by Manager
Baillie to effect a saving of approxi
mately $8000 per year. Transmis
sion of compressed air for power pur
poses is a practice oxteusively in
vogue in South Africa, but it is uot
generally practiced In America. In
this oouutry electrical trausmhsiou
is preferred by a majority of mino
operators. The success or failure of
the Columbia's experiment will be
watched with considerable interest by
mining men of this camp.
When the late S. U. Williams,
superintendent of tbe Bonanza mine
under tbe (Jeher regime, was with
tbe Gem Consolidated Mining com
pany at Sparta, a few days prior to
bis death, be was overheard to say to
Albert CJelser "You and I could
make tbe Bouanza pay, couldn't we,
Al? We know where there is a big
body of low grade ore, sufficient to
keep forty stamps busy for five years.
Of course, with a heavily capitalized
oompauy, aud with heavy salaile& to
otfioers in tbe east, be Bonauza
company couldn't make this body of
ore pay, but you and J, with our
knowledge of practical mining, and
with a crew of men of our seleotiou
could make a suug profit. Why don't
you try aud lesae tue mine, Al?"
Mr. (Jeiser has now leased tbe
Bonauza. He knows all about that
big body of low grade ore. Further
more, it is rumored that be kuows
where to bunt for a cblmuey of riob
ore, the sort of stuff which, when tbe
big Bouanza mill was being operated
day and night, resulted in a monthly
yield in gold bullinu of about 140,
000. It is anuounoed as Mr. Geiser's
intentiou to take out this chimney
of ore at the very begiuuiug, aud
tbeu to turn bis attentiou to tbe low
grade ore. He is said to be figuring
on a tonnage of 200 tons of ore per
day, by coarse crushing, and concen
tration after amalgamation. The
product will be shipped to the Sump
ter smelter via' tbe Snmpter Valley
railway. Tbe low grade ore in tbe
Bonanza is said to vary in value from
$5 to 810 per ton. with an average
of close to f 8. By treating 200 tons
per day, tho produot will be at the
rate of about 1110,000 per month,
aftor deducting tbe inevitable loss iu
treatmeut. The mine expenses ate
expeoted to rauge from $20,000 to
$28,000 per mouth.
Tho Baker City correspondent of
tho SpokeHtiian-Review write: Tbe
latest property to come iuto promin
euue iu this district is the Indiana,
a cupper-gold mine. It is iu a com
I arativley new sontion, so far as de
velopment is concerned, about twenty
miles northeast of this city in tbe
foothills of tbe Eagle rauge, aud
consists of IU claims. The showing
mde during tho past wiuter is at
trctiug tho atteutiou of mining mon
throughout eastern Oregou.
Au immeuso body of ore litis beeu
opened up. The vein has boon cross
cut over sixty feet without euconu
toriug either wall. It is believed
that with little sorting this nro
will pay to ship to the Sumpter
smelter. A trial sbipmeut passed
through the city yesterday. A largo
oouceuti-atlug plaut for tbe lowor
grade ore is contemplated by tbe
The veiu cau be traced ou tbe sur
face for two or threo miles, aud has
loug been kuuwu to exist, but the
values were nut found until depth
was attained. It remaiued for the
owners of tho Iudiaua group to
show their faith by delving into the
mountain aud exposiug this vast oro
body. The main shaft is now down
205 feet, with drifts aud crosscuts
from tbe 100 aud 200 foot levels.
Tbe principal owners aie resideuts of
this city, tbe Cleaver brotbeis, .1.
W. Messner, W. G. Drowley aud
It ii learned from au authoritative
sou'oe that W. G. Armstrong, ex
general manager of tbe Cbluride
mine, on Rook Creek, who las week
leased tbe property from its Tennes
see owner, has placed orders for a
oouoentratiug plant. Chloride ore is
of a refraotory nature, but it is said
that repeated tests of treatmeut pro
cesses baa resulted in tbe selection
of a series of jigs for coarse concen
tration aud tbe sbipmeut of tbe re
sultaut produot to tbe Sumpter
smelter. It is estimated that ap
proximately $100,000 has been ex
pended in development and purchase
of tbe Chloride mine witbiu tbe
past three years.
Beautiful Gage Hats.
Mrs. B. L. Sullivan, tbe Baker
City modiste, will display a com
plete line of spring miiliuery at
Hotel Sumpter for two days, April 3
and 4.
The upraise from Tuuuel No. 1 to
No. :i, iu tbe Standard mine, at
Quartzburg, has broken through aud
connections are now established, ac
cording to the latest reports from
Superietondent Heath to tbe home
office of the Killen, Warner, Stewart
oompauy In Sumpter. The ralso was
driveu exactly 171 feet to its oouueo
tiou with the upper workiug tuuuel,
oheoking out to a foot with the sur
veys made by Assistant Rugiuoer
Keuhu. Superintendent Heath cut a
station 85 feet above Tuuuel No. 1,
aud is now driftiug both ways iu a
flue body of copper oro, the highest
iu purcuuhigo of the rod motal yet
found In tho mine. The ore will bo
shot dowti to the lower tuuuel aud
bunked for futuro tieatment.
Any porsou who has watohod tbo
dovelopmeut of tho Quartzburg min
ing camp during tho past ton years,
is surprised at the ahauge that has
takeu place during that poriod. But
vory few proportlo were being activ
ely developed ten years ago, whllo
today qulto a uumbur of properties
have a forco of mon at work ou them,
and some of them aro being worked
at a profit.
Tho Staudard
men at work
machinery soon
This property
mine has u force of
propariug for uew
to be installed.
is duvolupud with
almost 1000 feel or tuuuel aud has a
body of excellent gold-cobalt ore.
Tho Equity company ban had a
force of men at work ou the Oregou
during tho wiuter just past, and are
proparing to start tholr mill again.
Tho Dixie Mining oompauy, which
h maiiMged by Zouth HoiiHor, bus a
tivo'Htamp mill in operation, which
was recently installed in the smelter
buildiug. Their ore is partially free
aud mills from $12 to 81 fi per tou
iu free gold aud is riob iu conceu
t 'ates.
Tbe Hoodoo group at tbo forks of
Dixie oreek Is owned by J. D. Combs,
of John Day, aud 8. N. Gallagher,
of Quart burg. They have a ledge
three feet iu width, from which they
obtain ore that aHsays over $100 per
W. I Gilford, who Is managing
tbe Present Need for tbe Morey
estate, has opened up a riob ore
body, aud expects to soon start tbe
steam airastra that be ersotod ou tbe
property several years ago. Tbe
Present Need was at one time one of
tbe best producers iu tbe Quartzburg
camp aud bids fair to maintain its
old reputation.
Geo. Riley aud Jeff Forreiter are
developing tbe Opbir ledge on Bull
Ituu creek. Ore from this property
assays well.
W. A. McNaugbtun has secured a
bond ou two quartz properties near
Comer. Development ou this prop
erty shows up au excelleut appearing
ledge six feet iu width.
The Kloudiko mine, owned by A.
W Ward aud W. A. Sexton, is pro
ducing ore that axsays $100 per ton
gold. They contemplate erecting a
mill ou this property during the
present year. Blue Mountain Falgle.
Fresh Hue of Lowuey's caudles at
Ed. Weinberg's; Hotel Sumpter
Stioip LINE
and union Pacific
Salt Like,
Denver, Kansas City.
Ocetui steamers letwcen Portland
and Sun Francisco every live days.
Low Rat
Tickets to and from all parte of
tho United States, Canada and
Through Pullman Standard and
Tourist Sleeping Cars dally to Omaha,
Chicago, Spokane; Tourist Sleeping
car daily to Kansas City ; through
Pullman tourist sleeping cars (per
sonally conducted; weekly to Old
crko, Kansas City; reclining chair
curs (seats free) to the Fast daily.
For particulars, call ov or address
H C. Bowaap,
Agent, Maker City, Or.
If youi tickets read over
the D. & R.G., the
scenic line ot
the world.
There are so many scenic
attractions and points of
interest along the line be
tween Ogden and Den
ver that the trip never
becomes tiresome.
If you are going east
write for information and
get a pretty book that
wili tell all about it.
W. C. McBRIDE. Sen. let.