The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, March 29, 1905, Image 1

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NO. i
Unless muujory is nt fault, tbo
story is told iu Sut Loviugood of tbe
Georgia cracker, who, returning borne
from towu druuk, stopped ou tbe
roadside, uubltabed hia yoke of
oxen, lay dowu Id bis wagon aud
went to sleep. On awaking uext
morning, bia mlud util 1 not clear,
tbe aattle bavlug wandered off, be
soliloquized somewhat iu this
-fashion :
t "Well, I'll be d d! If I am
Long John Joom, I've lost tbe beat
yoke of steers in Lumpkin oounty;
-,-' I've found a wagon."
It la related that a mining stock
Napoleon of Sumpter had a similar
mental experience iu Baker City one
day last week. He had gone down
for a touch of high life, aa la ex
emplified in tne couuty seat; bad put
where it would do tbe most barm
large quantities of tbe stuff that
made Carrie Nation famous, aud
while uuder its exbileratitig luflueooe
tbe color sobeme uf bis fanoy was all
a. gorgeous roseate hue. tie is never
averse to talking of himself, bia
huge stock transaction, tbe tremeu
duous enterprise ne la about to
finance; tbe futurity feature of which
reeetublea his promised dividends.
In fact, if tbe truth must be told,
even when beastly sober hie estimate
of, himself is ou.tbe other side of, par;
but when uuder the iufluence uf bia
favorite brand, he brags like a
Obeyeune buok. While thus dis
coursing of himself and hie business,
ha waa challenged for a trade, ac
cepted tbe proposition iu as non
chalant a manner aa if be were merely
calling for auother round, and in the
course of the early morning hours,
waa atauwu to his room at the (falser.
Along towards uoon, he awoke,
ad. Ilka tbe Georgia cracker, bis
brain box waa a trifle clogged. Of
course, the button was pressed for
tbe bell boy. He yearned for ooeans
uf loe water, bottles of three star
Hennesey and cases of soda. In
going through his pockets to find
a tip for the bell bop, he discovered
a receipt for a partial payment on hie
purohaee of tbe nigbt before, and a
corresponding shortage iu bia roll.
Then there dawned upon his mind a
faint remembrance of tbe transac
tion, and be, too, soliloquized,
about as follews:
"If I am all of, tbe whole chase,
IT, that Is to aay, Nell J. Sorensen A
Co., thou I am shy a bunch of long
green, of proportions sufficient to
choke a Jersey bull; if I am some
other Unauoier, why, I am tbe owuor
of a uowapaper, to-wlt, tbe Raker
Olty Herald, daily except Sunday
aud weekly, with the largest circula
tion iu eastern Oregou, except that of
my own uaturo given, eelf-cooklng
He at first started in to make good;
tbe trausfer was aunounoed In black
face type at the top of tbe editorial
colnma; but an all night knock-down
and drag-oat aonfcceaaa with a
brother journalist, so tbe atory oee,
convinced him that be didn't need a
newspaper in bia bulsness in Baker
City so be repuditated tbe bargain,
forfeited the mouey paid aud hiked
for tbe fai east, where lies his prolt
tanle mlniug operations
Of course, there are mauy details
connected with tble particular and
peculiar lucldent Iu the career of tbe
above-desarlned mining stoak Napo
lion; but these details some of
which are but little abort of sensa
tional were given to tbe writer
hereof in strlotett confideuoe; while
tbe bald outline given la a matter
of ocmmou knowledge. Travelers
from Baker City give highly colored
accounts of tbe transaction, 'with
great gusto. Passing mentiun Is
made by tbeee relators or werdy wars
wltb bank cashiers, whereby a snug
chunk of easy money waa lost to tbe
Napoleon through the refusal of the
aforesaid bank cashier to stand idly
by aud permit an oldtlme friend to be
hornswoggled out of a wad of long
green. Brief, but at the same time
pointed, meution la also made of
overdrawn bank aocouuts, of tbe ar
rival of life-iavlog remittances at
tbe eleventh hour, aud of a tottering
fluauaial structure saved by merely a
hair. All these details aforemen
tioned, are glveu by gossips, and
while It might be easy enough to
verify their accuracy and truth, tbey
possess such trifling importance
affecting tbe purpose of bis recital
that their verification were a waste
of time.
Tbe story of tbe anolent aud honor
able oraft (not graft) of mine pro
motion In eastern Oregou contains a
glittering example of very nearly a
parallel case to the one bare cited.
It will be temembered that this his
torical figure, not content with
gathering tbe golden she vet from
the fallow eaHtern investment fields,
undertook to, break Into journalism.
Ills purchase of a vehicle with which
to indulge a furor icrlbeudi was also
mado on the apur of tbe moment.
He huug with it for neatly four
years, but lauded ultimately in
jail a faut nut directly traceable
to hie possosHiou of a uowspapur,
but iu Hpite of it.
History, aiuou tbo makiug uf it ho
gau in tbe singing of moruiug stars
of oreatlou, has habituated Itself to
tbe practice of ropoatlng. Thero la
uo unwisdom iu tbo supposition that
In 'ho case at bar, bad not our modern
Georgia cracker let go wheu be did,
there would have been auother pago
of lialliettish history to write regard
ing these gold fields.
Aa things have turned out, there Iu
some room fur congratulation. So
far as The Miner baa been able to
discover, tbe public, either at
Baker City or Sumpter, tuuurua
not the fact that the mining Napo
leou has decided to forego journal
ism. Maybape tbla la explained by
the fact that 1 gran dolorl aono
eaatl, walea, being traaalated Into
the vulgate, aieaus that no one has
any kick coming.
Suit Against Albert Gelser.
Aoording to the Baker City Demo
crat, suit has beon instituted iu tbe
circuit court there against Albert
Gelser, lessee of the Bonanza mine,
tbe plaintiff being a gentleman by the
name of McDonald, a big official In
tbe judicial department of tbe pro
vincial government of British Colum
bia. The Milt Is for collection uf a
8100 fine, Imposed by tbe courts of
British Columbia against Mr. Gelear
three years ago, for bringing nlleu
labor into the province. It all bap
pened wheu Gelser went to tbe aa
slstauoe of his ole frieud, (tola Kad
ish, of Baker City, who, at that
time, was geueral manager of tbe
Le Kol mine aud Nortbport smelter.
His men struck, and both mine
and smelter were shut down. Gelser
rearulted a orew of miners aud
smeltermen from eastern Oregon,
aud broke tbe strike. He la quoted
by tbe Democrat as saying that be
paid tbe fine at tbe time of Its)
imposition, and tuat somebody has
slipped a oog if tbe money failed
to Maoh tbe right place.
Ex- Consul Buys Mines.
P. R. Blockberger, who recently
purchased a tweutletb luterest Iu tbe
Mayflower group of mines In the
Sumpter district, wai United States
cousul at Rosslaod, British Colum
bia, iu 1800. He acquired tbe May
flower iuterst tb orber day through
purchase from M. U. Gartner, for
$300. Gartner aq'ulred hla interest
through purchase from L. V. Swig
gett, tbe Sumpter mining man, who
is geueral manager of tbe GoJdeu
On appllation of the owners of thtf
murnlug mine, Federal Judge Belliu
ger, iu Portland iHet Friday, issued h
restraining order to prevent the ttale
of the proporty, uuder executlou, at
Canyou City. The owners have also
asked that a receiver be appointed
for tbe company.
The restraining order holds until
April 21 ; when the case will 'be heard
uu Ita merits, and It will tfcan be de
cided whether or not the .application
for the appointment of , a reoiever
will be granted.
The pilnolpal creditor who ware,
forolug the sale are Clark' Sayda aad
P. Baaohe. The property nap te have
bean sold Saturday, under their exe
cution, bat wat stepped: by wired In
structions from the Federal court.
Fred Foncaiua waa there to bid It iu
for the creditors.
Mr. Ames, one of the uwnera,
offered some daya since, to pay all
uf the creditors a portion of the
mouey due them, if they f ould give
him time on tbe balanoe, but Clark
Snydu refused to accept this prop
osition, insisting on the sale; so
the application to bava ' the com
pany placed In the haudt of a re
ceiver waa the only course left open
to lave the waorlflae of this valuable
mine for a small fraction of ita
Uulese some compromise la reaebed,
months will be required, to straighten
out the lagal,oomplloatMU.
Colonel' ' Kafsseti Callahan, of
Baker City, panted through town on
tbe atteruoon train from Canyon City,
where be went to bid ou tbe Moruiug
fur eastern clients, had tba sale not
been atopped. Ha represents uo
judgments or other Ileus, but wished
to buy the property outright. He
Mys there la a question aa to tbe
time which the law paraslta for re
demption uader execution aala; thai
In hla judgment It la sixty daya for
unpatented ground aud one year If
A heavy Mow uf surfaea water haa
been reoeutly euoountered in tbe
Black Jack mine, near Mrtuite, oper
ated by the Kllleu, Warner, Stewart
company, aud work is interfered
with. 2mm
Superlutendeat Heath;1 of 4th
Staudard mine, report to the home
office of tan Kllleu, Warner, Stewait
company, that everything is in readi
ness for tbe aleetrio drills, which have
been ordered, aud which are expected
to arrive this week for immediate Installation.
. f-.