:i?w f EASTERN INVESTORS IN COVERS THOROUGHLY THE GOLD FIELDS of the OREGON MINES Pay for AND READ IT INLAND EMPIRE - sssj Ma him ihib V f , LEASES THE BONANZA V' "Lucky Al" Geiser Goes Back to His First Love. Tim report gHlued ourronoy yester day thnt Altiurt Uelsur--"Lucky Al" Iiiih bought tiio liuuitiiu mitiu. Tho rqporto on Id ho traced to no author Itatlva Hoiiroo. llHrry T. Ilendryx, former partner of Mr. (Joiner In tho Uelsie-Houdryx InvuHtiiiBiit com puny, profonsd to know nothing Mbout It. It ! known that John M.PatteiBon. of Pittsburgh. uu ol tho hoavlost stockholders In the HonanzH, has beeu lu llHker for h week, conferrliiK with Mr. (leher. The Utter was re touted not long ago hy the Pittsburgh owners of the property to assume geueral charge of hII their western miuluiC Interests, which urn said to be Muttered rrom Baker ooiiuty to Old Mexico. Keceutly Mr. Uelser whs ordered to examine the Bonanza mid render m report thereon. It was to reciere thin report, hikI to rejuut or Hdopt tho siiggwstlons ooutalued therein ,that Mr. Patterson, repre senting Uie boHrd of Bonanza dlreotorM, ohiiio went. Humors iroui Baker City. growing out or that con fereuuo, were to tho orient that (Selsor advised hii ImmodlHtu resumption of oporHtlouH Mt tho mini), presumably u ider hi owii management Hiid sup orinteiidouoy, whluh. by tbuso who are familiar with Oleaer'a record, la ojusidarud m safe guarautoo of sue cess. Whether or not Mr. Pnttoraou hsw the mutter in t hut light, Ih a umtter fur uohjeuttuo. At Hiiy rHte, uothiiig publicly has boon done to ward renpeulug tho property. Now corner Ihu teport that (Jolser has purchased tho in I no, which leads to the oouclusion, based, of enurav, ou premises not yet oitabllsbtMl, thnt Pattersou refused to blud hlH com pauy to reunite work, aud that (Joiner, kuowlug (uoue bettMr) the true worth or the in I no, otrurod to Jo It ou hie own hook. It Ih by no iiiohuh Improbable that Mr. (falser Ih negotiating for a lease on the Bnuauza, mid it ie ant Impossible that If ho eemiraa it, au option tu purchase outright will be attached, A loual minimi iniiii, who Iihh watched tho progress or roeeut events relation to the Hoiihuzh from h van tage poiut close inside, thus out linos his personal opiulou. : "It'd h good hh(o gamble that tho Bonanza people have not yet re covered from their yoarold case of frigid pedals. The uiiuo had paid bin dividend, but the board of director ha alio levied some snug-sized assess uanta to pay for the 9150,000 hoist ing plnut And for the sluklng of a 1200-foot flhuft, during the progress of which work the mill whh ldl) moat of the time. If tho mine Ih to bo reopened very soon,' I'm hero to pioguoHtloate that it will not be done by the old company, but by nn out sider. We hII kuow that Geiser knowH more about tho Bonanza mine than any mnu on oarth. He devel oped it from a proHpoot luto one cf the, biggest producers in this camp, aud Hold out to tho PlttHburghorH for half a million dollars, agreoiug to wait Hvo years for his monoy. know ing that he had delivered good goods. If the company Iihh turned down his woll-grouudod advloe to reopen tho mine, I'll wtigor A I lias asked ror a leaso. If ho gots it, it will bo tho best thing for thu camp that has happened for a long time, bucaiiHo tho mine la a big one and UuiHer Ih the mau of all meu to hau die It." As predicted lu The Miner last Thusrday, Albert (ioisor baa leased the Uouaanza mlue. The Ilaker City Democrat gives the following report of the deal: "Mr. Albert (Jelser, who made hie torlcal the Bonauza mine, which be eold six years go, after having worked It eight yearalu Ita development, to Philadelphia and Pittsburg syndicate tor about half a million dollars, yes terday repurchased the property for himself under lease aud bond from that syndicate ou most favorable terms aud will at ouce reopen the property aud begin its development. "About two years ago, Mr. F. P. Hayes, of Phlldelphla, oue of the syudioate, sold out hia Interest In the property aud took up the United Klkhorn mines in Elkhoru or Rook Creek district. "Mr. (Jolsor, yesterday, purchased thirty-live thouiaud pounds of sup plies, including hardware, tools, mine rails, etc., and will start a force of meu at work immediately ou tho Bonanza. The Bonanza mlue, which has produced Ita millions, it will be remembered Is situated lu the (JeUer camp near (Jreenborn north west of Buinptar, aud la already a dtep sunk mlue. The former iuc cess of Mr. Clelser promises that tbe rahabllatlou of thh property will put It again ou tht producing list.' On a Visit to Blue Bin!. J. K. Wright, of La Uraude, Is Id the city vlletlng his brother, O. C. Wright, geueral mauager of the Ulna Hlrd, Black Uutte aud Buokboru mlues. Together they drove out to (Jranite for a visit of luspeotlou of tho illue Bird mine, wheie steady operations are belug kept up. Mr. J. K. Wright is secretary of the La Ciaude luvestmout company. Fine Ore from Valley Queen. Tom O. liray, geueral manager of the Valley Queeu mlue. arrived thl morulng lu Bumpter fiom the Lake Creek hills. He brought dowu with him a quantity of samples from the Valley Queeu, taken from a winze lu No. 1 oroaaont. Tha samples show quantities of galeua aud heavy sul phuiets. Assays will be made to day. High returns ara expected. $75 PER DAY CLEAR BImer and William Kitchen, Jr., left Sumpter thh morulng for au overland trip to Goldfleld Nevada, driving 20 head of borsea. The trip is boing made In response to orders from William Kitoben, St., who Is runniug a stago line from Gold Held to Uullfrog 80 miles for 20 being tho scheduled rate. The f elder Kltabou announces that bn is clean ing up $75 per day, aud that with more hones he can double his profits. As a result, his sons rounded up all the horses In the Kitchen livery barn In Sumpter and started this morolng for the get-ricb-quiok camp. The journey Is expeoted to require 20 days. The elder Kitcheu will return to Sump tor during the hot summer months aud leave the boy! in charge of the Nevada business. Present Need Bonded. W. E. (JlfTord returned from a trip to Portland Thursday, ills plana have culminated to hla tiutire satis faotlou and he uow has a bond aud lease ou the "Present Need" mine. He expressed th belief that within a short time he would have a dozen meu at work on this mluo, and possibly he would Install a mill at thin plaoe. Early last fall, Mr Glirord returned from a trip east, and uuaselsted aud aloue, ho weut to work lu the old tunnel of the "Prosout Need." He has beeu at this work all winter, aud uow has rive men at work. About two years ago he worked this mine, and lu a short time took out about 815,000. The rich py shoot slipped and was loat, aud sluoe then has been worked only In a perfuuotory mauner. He euter talued certain theories regarding the slip, aud from the faot that be uow Intends to work a arew of meu, It la a reasonable deduotlou that he has agalu struck the old ore shoot, which was ao r'ob. On this point, how ever, he Is uuoommuuicatlve. He says that he holda the bond aud lease aloua aud the ouly money that goes Into the mlue la that which oomes out. Aa be Is uow working five men aud expresses the inteutiou to double that uumbur, it is a pretty good In dication that he la not working lu barren grouud. Prairie City Miner. Chloride Leased to Armstrong Mauager II. C Arnistroug, of the Chloride mlue, has just returned from the east, where he speut a couple of months ou businesi abd while there secured personally a lease aud bond on the Cblorlde mlue from the stockholders and directors of the property. Mr. Armstrong will at once begm devel opment work with a foroe of man aud If ha carries ou the terms of bis bond will araot ou la property this aaason a large stamp mill. He says it la bia purpose to make that canyon bum with business this year, and between the Chloride property, United Elkborn and other neighbor ing properties, the Elkhoru district caunot fail to make a splendid show ingp. Democrat. ANOTHER STARTLING MAYFLOWER STRIKE Another surprise whs sprung ou tho mining world of Baker City wbeu Superintendent John A. Wilson, of the Mayflower mine in tbe Cornucopia camp, tahphoned to Mauager Ueorge W. Boggs yesterday tbat be had sent him two days before a sack of tbe ore from the new strike ou tbe lower level of tbe mlue, which outshone auything yet found ou tbe property, and the ore arrived in tbe afternoou and was viewed by several mining men who are Interested in the dis trict. The ore from tbe new strike is white quartz which is simply filled full of gold nuggets and was takeu from a new drift on the 105-foot level, where the men are proceeding with tbe general development plans In blookiug out ore bodies prepara tory to general mining and milling operations. The vain Is about three feet In width and tbe rlcb ore stieak wide enough to satisfy tbe most en thuslastlc. All who are familiar with tbla camp say tbat the now celebrated Tonopab country has nothing to offer tbat will touch this wonderful district of eastern Oregon. The owueis of the Mayflower will ooutiuue their conservative plans of development and will have a mine before putting up an expeueive mill. Thoea who have sean the property say there Is a mlue there uow Democrat. Power for Ontario Light Plant. Seymour H. Bell has purchased a big 100-borae power Corlia eugiue for use lu bis uew electric light plant at Ontario. A 3000-ligbt dynamo ha also beeu purchased to gether with a battery of boilers. Seymour Ball la associated with Henry Hewitt, the millionaire lum berman of Taaoma, and baa expeudwd huudreda of thousanda of dollars vu behalf of hla principal iu eastern Oiegou. He apparently possesses the faoulty of selootlng only good in vestments, aud for that reason bis baoklug is praotisally unlimited. Mr. Bell returned to bis home iu this city yesterday from h trip to Moutaua. Imperial Resumes Shipments. The Imperial mine resumed ship ments to tbe Sumpter smelter yester day. Shipments have beeu suspeud ed for some time, owing to tbe almost impassable coudition of tbe roads above Halfway. Only about three tone per day are at present being sent to the smelter, but tula tuanage will begiaoreetd next week. twmnawisii mmmmi