The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, March 15, 1905, Image 8

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of the
Pay for
Lbhmbm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmi
Frou II. Mollis, of linker City,
will luivo charge of the linker
county oro oxhlhlt at tho LowIh mid
Clark fair. IIIh iipfitjl tittnont has
Ijooii announced by D. II. Wiiymit,
csntiitnlsHloiHir of the mineral ox
hi bit, who HityH tlmt tliu people of
Baker county are "to ho compll
moiited horn iim being vory for
tunate in Hoourlng h roproHontatlvo
who 1h ono or tho most oompotont
inuii for Hint position of nny uiiin
in tho United StafoH."
CommlsHionor Woyiuit, who Ih in
Raker Oily, in quoted by the Demo
crat iih saying that from all Indioa
tioiiH liakur ooiinty'H oro exhibit will
ho tho moHt elaborate in tho Hlato.
(t whh understood that Mr. MoIIIh
wan Hlatud for tho iioHition of general
Hii)Hrlntondot of tho mineral exhibit
at tho Portland fair Tho faut that
liia duties Iihvo boon narrowed to
include supervision of only the Maker
comity exhibit, loads to a belief that
noiiio other iiimii Iihh been selected foi
the larger position. The Sumpter
branch or the Oregon MinerH' anHO
elation wiih not milled iiion Mr.
MoIIIh hh laker ooiiuty'a choice of
Foreshadows Bonanza Reopening.
John M. Patterson, or Pittsburgh,
a director in and controlling owner
of the lionana mine, Ih In linker
City, conferring with Albert dehor,
who liiHt week vlidtod the lionaua
and prepared an oxhamtivo report
thereon. Mr. Patterson, it Ih hiiIiI,
led a faction in the Rnueuza company
which, after a great deal of internal
dlsseutiun, bought out tho controll
ing Htock IntoroHtH of ux President
B. P. Hayes, who la oiedited with
havliiK cleaned up a cool million
on the deal, part or which profit he
lined to purohaHo the Ralsloy-Blk-horn
mine, now one of the heavier
htppoi-H to the Htimpter smelter. The
courerence lietween Messrs. Patterson
and (lolser Ih considered hh fore
shadowing an early reopening nt tho
lionana under Mr. Oolsoi's manage
uiont and Hiiporintoiidcnoy.
Will Keopen the Midway.
The Midway mine will resume nper
atlous at oiico. I luri y T. Ilendryx,
Huocossor to tho Coiner 11 ndryx In
vestment coiiipuny, Usual audits foi
uiid oporntots of I ho properly, coin
plotod iiiriigomonts today for rosump
t Ion on a largo scale. An air com
pressor mid four machine drills, tho
purchase ot which wiih authorized by
a recent mooting of Mldwy directors,
are due to arrive on April I, and
will Immediately be installed.
Dr. Techow, superintendent of the
MoutiUlu View mine, is a visitor in
Sumptei thii afternoon.
"What's the matter with exhibit
ing a replica of the flrnt house in
Similiter at the Louis and Clark
fairy" HUggestod a local mining nnu
thiH morning. "The old cabin across
the river, built in the dim dawn or
civilization i'l this part or the world
by thoHe two representatives or the
loft wing or Price'u army, who flew
weut to avoid Hiilfocation from battle
Hiuoke and who named thoir cabiii
Sumpter, In misspelled honor or the
oneninu mm of the civil war, would
make an interesting exhibit at the
big Portland expoHltloti. Every
amateur kodak llend that over hit
thiH camp Iiiih photographed the old
cabin, and space writers in innumer
able woHtoru uewHpaporH have woven
all kiudu of romance about it. If we
could transport too cabin jtiat as it
HtaniiH with oriiHhod roof and sag
ging wallH it would proueiit a some
what interest-Impelling relic of tho
time when thin great westeru mining
camp was in Hh cradle.
"The bout Hchomo of all, however,
would be to send 'Uncle Diito Little
Held down to the fair and exhibit him
as a human document. 'Uncle
Dave,' you know, was one of the
four men who, in October, 18(51,
llrHt dlcoverd gold In eiiHtern Oregon,
the scene of discovery being at
Auburn, 12 iiiIIoh HoutheiiHt of Sump
ter. lie helped to blaze a trail for
civilization and llkoH to tell about it.
IIIh voice can be heard II blookH
away when in private conversation,
and if we could only provide him
with an oa-y chair in the iiiIiioh
building, for iiiHtauce, give him a
heavy cane, with which to indulge
hi i yearulug to pound oil tue Moor In
euihpasiH of hh remarks, and provide
a convenient decanter oi uia goou
old stuir, I'll wager that Uncle Dave
would advertise this camp to the
queen's taste."
Estray Notice.
Came to Oregon Lumber company's
ranch at Whitney, Christmas, 1001,
brown pony mare; small white Htar
on forehead, a little white on left
hi ml feet; branded with mi X in cir
cle on loft Hhoulder. Owner can
have mine on proving property and
paying expenses, ou application at
above ranch. L. L. WILSON.
John I). Luurauce, a rosliiont of
the upper John Dnv valley, was
traiiPiictiug business in .Ichn Day
Mnniluv. Ho says that iuiicIioih in
that part of the John Ony valley
tl tit! it dltllcult to market their hay
at 80 er tcti, while only a few mouths
ago they refused 88 per ton. Unless
the country experiences an uuusual
spritig there will be a large surplus of
hay in that part of the country.
Fiut printing at the Miuer ottlce.
The following Instruments were
filed at the court house in Baker City
for record yesterday:
Will. W. Lloyd hu(1 wife to Matilda
Stalker. 12,000 iquare feet in N. W.
M N. B. K, S. 17, T. 8, R. 40; 81.
Wm. W. Lloyd and wife to Matil
da Stalker N. W. corner of N. E.
of N. E. X S. 17, T. 8, R. 4G;
R. C. Werner and wife to Wisconsin-Oregon
Lumber company 220
acroH in S. 17, 18 and 20, T. 11, R.
40; 81.
W. 8. Carpeuter and wife to W.
S. Rowers, lot 7, block CO, M"Orary's
addition to Raker City; 8200.
Wm. A. Owen and wife to Jas. (1.
Craham, lot IH, block 2, Sturgess
and Crowell's addition to Raker
City; 8050.
Wm. li. Blsolo aud wife to Jas. H.
Craham, lot 41, block 2, Sturgess
and CroweU'H addition to Raker
City: 8000.
Zeuo Douny and wife to Ed. A.
Hums, u Interest in lot G, in
Hunt's addition to Pine; 8000.
Thomas Turner and wife to Dudley
D. Day, S. E. X, of N. W. tf, 8.
:10, T. 7, It. 4(1; 81000.
Bttle A. Hatbley and hmbuad to
Eugeuje Rartboir, lot 3 iu block 7
Sumpter Height's addition to Sump
ter; 8000.
T. K. Clark and wifo to L. D.
Smith, part of lot :i, in block 7,
Sumpter Height's addition, aud part
of JotH 1 and 2, bljok 13, Sumpter
Towusite Syndicate's first additiou;
M. 1). Simonis et al to Waterbury
and Allen Ditch compay; six right of
way doeds to Waterbury aud Allen
Ditch company.
Bloanor Duffey to Clara O. Wal
dron, S.W. M, N. W. J, S. 2!1, T.
0, R 40; 81.
Cora Hunter and busbaud to Rer
nard Flynn, lot :i, block 0, iu South
Similiter. Ellis' additiou; 8000.
Mary E. Kellogg aud husbaud to
Win. Vaudersee, lot 7, Crier's addi
tiou to Raker City; 8000.
a ,1. R. Stoddard aud wife to Sump
tor Lumber compauy, 800 aores iu S.
IU iihI 112, T. 0, R. .'17 aud S. 0
aud 0, T. 10, R. :i7; 88000.
Nancy Paucake to M. O. Robinson,
S. E. l4 , N. W. l4 , S. 0, T. 8. R.
4(1; 82000.
S. Otteiiheimer estate to W. II.
Klieufeitur, lots 0 to 10 block 0.
Ottuuheimei's addition to Raker
City; 8200.
li. W. Levens aud wife to J. R. N.
LevmiH, lots S), mid 10, block 27, R.
W. Levin's addition to liakor City;
A. Long, et at to Royal Stewart,
lost I, and 0, block :i, Long's addi
tion to Unities; 6110.
Noivnl C. Love and wife to P. L.
Rilley and wire, 70 acres in S. :i!
and :12, T. 8, R. 38; 8100.
Lucy Raskin to Lnfayotte Rrovvu,
lots 24 to 211, Stewart's secoud addi
tiou to Raker City; 8000.
The Titled (iuarautee aud Trust
compauy to Lucy Raskin, same; 81.
H. C. LauoaBter lo Margaret Law
rence, M iuterest iu Lancaster aud
Teatrau ditob, 8200.
John A. Jobuson to Hetuy Hewitt,
Jr., E. j, lot 4, block 0, South
Suaipter addition; 81.
A. C. Degel et al to Mrs. M. J.
Olasoook, lot 4, block "P," First
addition to Huntington; 840.
State Laud Roard to Carrie J.
Ingle, N. W. M S. B. M and S. W.
H N. E. K, S. 10, T. 10, R. 40;
Minnie A. Hughes and husband to
N. K. Johnson, lot 7, block .1, Has
kell's addition to Raker City; 8100.
Max E. Roberts and wire to Jatne.i
Akers, W. , S. W. M aud .'18x30
rodB in N. E My S. W. yAy S. G, T.
9, R. :i9; 81700.
Clara E. Morey to R. M. Lombard,
blocks 1, 4, 7 uud 10, E. half block
0 aud west half block 0, RiggiuB &
Holbrook's addition to Raker City;
1 J. Couroy aud wife to Ruakeye
Cold Mining company, the "Ruck
eye" quartz claim; 81.
Fred Kn'uth to M. K. Mac Rae, '
iuterest iu "Rlue Bell" quartz min
ing claim; 81.
Searched 15 Yrs., Found Lost Claim.
A dispatch from Vancouver,
Rrlttsb Columbia, tells this interest
ing "summer story:" The "Lost
Claim," just back of Vale, ou the
Fraser river, is causing a good deal
of talk on the coast aud arouud Vale.
Fifteen years ago a man .named Jack
Renuett fouud a claim ou tbs moun
tain which wa? free milling and vety
rich. He put In a shot and brought
dowu in a sack several samples, aud
had them asspyed aud thoy averaged
8100 lu gold. He weut to San Friu
Cisco aud brought back two meu with
motley to look at the claim. In the
meantime, delays resulted in the spot
not being visited for three mouths,
auow aud tain had fallen heavily aud
a laudslido had occurred aud when
Cordon Dually visited the mountain
with the capitalists, he could not find
the olaim. The story soon gut out,
aud in the uexc year a great mauy
people tried to locate it iu vaiu. One
of the searchers was Jim Cloae.
Close uever let up for that whole
fifteen years. He spent three mnuth.s
every year looking for that claim.
Last summer he fouud it. Ho said
uothiug to auyoue, for he spent three
mouths tracing the lead aud bo traced
it by surface indications for three
miles. He was afraid if he told
lomeoue, that they would get some
of that three miles, and he wanted it
all. The story was that (iotdou hud
a hundred foot vein. The veiu that
Close fouud in thirty feet. He staked
iih much grouud as he could hold
by law, aud in his efforts to not
reliable friends to enable him to
locate the rest, the story leaked oin.
It is now known that large average
samples of the ore ruus 800 to the
ton aud it is a very big piopositiou.
Craud spring milliuery opening
at Hotel Sumpter on April li aud 4,
by Mrs. E. L. Sullivan, of Baker
City, who will display the latest
modes iu feniiniue adorument.