The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, February 22, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday, February 22, 190$
A very Important Hriko wiih made
yesterday at the Imperial initio, iu
thu Cable Uovo diHtrlot, wheu 11
body of high grade Hhipplug oro
wiih opened in it tunnel on the
Minor olitim of tho imperial group.
This tunnel, which wiih driven about
200 foot down hill from tho mam
Imperial Hhaft, has outerod tho vein
bolow tho confluence of tho ImperlHl
and Eagle iodgOH. Thun the tboory,
entertained by Mohhth. MaMweti,
Arthur mid Mctiwen, manager, Hup
erintondout and aHHlHtant tuauager,
respectively, of tho luiporial oonipany
that tho convergent trends of tho
two voiiiH montionod would result in
a juuuturo and in a deposition of
rich oro 1h provon correct.
Tho Fugle vein, whiuh 1h popu
larly ooiiHldorod tho mother lodo of
tho Cable (Jovo diHtrlot, continu
ing in Hlrong development for two
or throe miles, striking northwoHt
through tho llnmnutako, Herculean
and Oregon Chief, whore previously
opened iu luiporial territory, dinplayu
a width of IH foot between granitic
walla, the vein material being
altered grauudlorito, traversed by
at leiiHt two Htreaka of arcHoniual
pyrito half a foot wide. On tho
Herculean, m 100 foot tunnel Iiiih ex
ploited tho Fugle vein to a width of
15 foot, displaying oharaotoriHtiuMlly
overlapping payHtroakH from two to
i.hreo feet wide, averaging 912 per
ton. Tho Faglo vein ou Oregon
Chief ground retaiiiH Hh width, with
an oro about ulaimed to bo eight foot
wide, containing total viiIuoh of $12
per ton.
Atfei traversing the llereuloan
olaim the mother lodo turiiH north
oiihI, runniiiK into tho Hlaek Dwarf
claim, through tho Miner.
Tho Imperial vein, which Iiiih
hitherto been the Hole ore Houroo of
the Imperial mine, being developed
by an incline shaft, on the ore, 1h
located iu the hanging of tho JCeglo
lodo, H00 feet dlntaut. Tho strike
Ih north !15 degrees oast, the dip 70
degrees HOiitheiiHl. A norles of Hiiuilai
voiiiH exist, eaeh being from three to
four foul wide, the vein matter uou
Hinting laigny of grauodluiito slightly
oriiHhed and darkened by the nproud
lug nf ehlorltio material. The pay
htreak oxpuHod iu the main working
hliatt oiiiihIsih of from a few Inchon
to two toot of muHHive HiilphuretH
with quart, and calcito gauguo. Drifts
from the Imperial Hhaft extend
mint Invent down hill, depth Doing
lout, of minimi, hh the drift oxtoudH,
tiul higher grade oie coming in
all the time, the overlapping Joiihoh
of pay Hteadlly assuming the Hhape of
a solid nhoot of ore. TIiIh method
of exploitation and production wiih
the advice of Superintendent Arthur,
who 1 1 a orauk on "follow the ore. "
lie and too aioriwon cousins were
ooiiildent that the imperial driftH
were dontluod to enter the conjoined
Kitglo and Imperial, and to quickly
prove the correctness of thin theory,
they began driving on the Kitglo lode
toward the approaching imperial
driftH. Yesterday the hoot wad en
tered. The vein displays itn usual
15-foot width, but now exhibits a
payshoot of nolld galena, arsouopy
rite, ohaloopyrlto and prylte ore,
approximately 2.J foot wide, lying
on tho banging wall, flurrouuded by
a bolt a few inuhcH wide of aoft white
grauodoorlte, thoroughly serioltzed
and onrhomitlzod.
Oro from tho now strike is boiug
Hacked for Hbipmont to the Sumpter
smolter. General Mauager A. L. Mo
Kwon came dowu last .evening from
the Imperial. To a Miner man ho
confirmed the above facte.
"Our new Huntington mill and jig
concentrating plant la worklug Hue sh
an auxiliary to our old stamp mill
and Horloa of oouceutratora. The
oro now being taken from the Miner
tunnel Ih being Hacked for Hhipment.
after Hcrtlng. "
Tho Imperial group of miuuH re
cently piiHued into tho hands of a
oIoho corporation of Dotrolt mon,
Mohhi'h. MolOwon, Arthur and MoRwoii
turning over their Ioiiho and bond for
It Ih forty-Hlx years ulnce tho Com
Htock wiih diucovorod, hIiico pooplo
began to Hay: "Wo had everything
except Hi Ivor; it hoouih now that wo
have another Potosl." It makoH a
date for a revolution iu mining.
Have a few crude, old fashioned
quartz iiiIIIh, tho only uiiuitig known
to Ciiliforiua wiih placer minli.'g.
Not one of her pooplo know aught
of tho reduction of silver oroH. Hut
there wiih an oro channel four iiiIIoh
long, lodo wiih filled will groat do
ponltH of rich ore, and it wiih iiocoh
nary that it Hhould no reduced.
There were many problems to solve.
Mow to open the miiioH wiih tho llrat,
how to support tho weight of tho
mountain iih tho oro bodies were ex
cavated wan another. Thou the now
find wiih on tho nlopo of a doHort
mountain, 100 miloH from water.
traiiHportation to which no roadH wore
The dlnoovory wiih not generally
known until late In 185), and, thou
the riiHh began. What an exodus
wiih that, and what a winter wiih
that tirnt one In Virginia City!
Virginia City Ih 0,200 feet above the
hoii, and iih though the evil spirits iu
the earth ami air were in conned that
the great treiiHtire chamber had been
(Uncovered, the biting cold of the
desert hurricauoH were sent to drive
the interlopers away. It wiih a tough
place then. Every town iu Cali
fornia had Hout t nolo Hh full quota of
lighters, and the content began to de
termine who Hhould bo chief. Tho
Htifoty or the quiet lay in the fact
that the rough did not disturb them
and that the sluHter clans was made
up of men who were so Hue suuts,
that they only hit what they aimed
Thou there were innumerable ouu
tests over claims aud the lawsuits in
stituted aud carried through were of
such magnitude that men ceased to
talK about thousands, stopping at
nothing less than millions. Hut iu
uo other spot was Amerloau euergy
better displayed; in no other place
was American adaptability to meet a
difficult situation ever better illus
trated. Within Ave years after the
discovery the experts from the Marts;
mountains, wbero quartz mining bad
boen prosecuted for a thousand years,
aame to Virginia City to mark and
marvel at what had been accomplished
there. The safety cages, the square
timbering, the mills (or reducing
the ore; the eoonomy manifested in
adapting means to ends, were all
wonders to the plodders from beyoud
the sea.
Theu tho salaries und fees paid
drew to that point the brightest men
iu all tbo professions aud the possi
bilities of securing great fortunes at
tracted the men of finance from half
tbo world.
That first winter Mr. Mackay lived
in a cabin and as the winds swept
around it, be was wont to declare that,
so soon as he could get toegtber
$5,000 he would leave tho inhospit
able plsco. (Jood win's Weekly.
Religion and Commerce.
The following Is said to be a copy
of a bill or lading issued 200 years
age: Shippod by the graco of Cod
in good order aud woll conditioned
by Oeorge Fox and JamoH Thomas, of
Philadelphia, iu aud upon tho good
ship Mermaid whereof is Mnstor under
Cod for this presont voyugo iiobert
Grim oh, and now riding at anchor in
tho rivor Delaware and by Cod's
graco bound for UarLadoa to say
Four boxes of Soap consigned to
Arthur Law, Marcht, in Hurbados, for
act. and KisquoH of said Fox aud J.
Thomas, being marked aud numbered
in tho Margont and arc to bo
dolivored In the liko good order aud
woll conditioned at the aforesaid
port of Uarbados (tbo danger of the
Hoiib oxcoptod), unto Arthr Law or
hiH aHHlgiiH, ho or they paying Fraight
for tho -mid goods twenty-eight shil
lingH with primage and average ao
ciiHtomed. Iu wltuess whereof tho
Master or Purser of tho said ship hath
affixed to threo Hills of Lading all of
thlH tenor and dato tho ouo of which
threo bills being accomplished, tho
other two stand void. Aud so Cod
send tho good ship to her desired
port in safety. Amen. Dated iu
Philadelphia yo Om Od 1000. lusd.
aud unutouts unknown tu Itobt.
That Tabor Fraction Suit.
II. T. llendryx, plalntift iu tho
nilt against tho Columbia Cold Min
ing company for posHession of the
Tabor Fraction mi no, sayH that tho
piiblinhed reports that ho seeku tu
recover 850,000 from tho Columbia,
ou account of oro oxtracted, in iu
correct. The suit, explains Mr. llen
dryx, Ih merely to annul tho contract
now exlHtiug between tho Columbia
aud the old CoiHor-JIoudryx company,
whereuuder tho former operates
tho Tabor Fraction. An accounting
in also demanded. Mr. llendryx says
that tho best of feeling prevails ho-
tweeu all parties concerned iu tho
suit; that it is i Imply a bujiuoss
Water Power for la Grande.
The most complete water storago
reservoir iu easteru Oregon is now
complete at La Grande. The Mor
gan Lake company has laid most of
its pipe line leading to tho city aud
will iuitall a modem plant tu gener
ate 10,000 horse power, half uay
betweeu the city aud the lake, three
miles away ou tup of the mouutaiu.
The compauy expects to geuerate
eloorlolty aud furuish La Craude
with city water at a very reasonable
Ezra Clark, of Granite, who was
reported lost in the Greenhorns, while
en route from Alamo to the Morris
mine, whore be is employed, and who
turned up safe aud sound day before
yesterday, after undergoing a terrible
experience in the Buow-clad hills,
with the temperature dallying with
the 20-below mark, is probably one
of the nerviest steel-polishers in this
camp. As related in The Miner at
the time he was reported missing, he
left Granite last Sunday morning,
after undergoing an operation for a
fellon ou his thumb Late Sunday
night he encountered a donse fog on
the Clear creek trail, became be
wildered, aud followed his back
tracks to Alamo. Monday morning
he exchauged his skis for web
suowshoeB aud resumed bis peri
lous jouruoy. Again he encountered
a fog and loat bis way, swerving
south toward the rough Olivo lake
country. After wanderiug all night,
ho finally picked up his back track
aud returned to Clear crook can
yon. All day Tuesday bo tried to
locato himself aud Tuesday night
ran across tbo old ilurd cabin on
llou Harrison hill. There ho re
mained until WeduoHday moruing,
which dawned bright and clear,
although bitterly cold, aud soon hit
upon tho right direction, arriving
at the Morris mine shortly before
noon, exhausted aud nearly starved
However, he went ou shift at noou,
after oatiug a meal that will bo re
membered forever by the Morris
minors, aud is now steadily pound
lug steel.
Executor's Notice.
Notlco is hereby giveu that the
uudorsigned has boon duly appointed
by tho County dudgo of linker County,
Oregon, executor of the last will and
testament of Michael Lyuch, de
ceased. All persons having claims against
Hiiid estate are hereby notified to pre
sont tho same to me, properly veri
fied, an by law required, witbiu six
mouths from tho date hereof, at tho
office of Charles H. Chauoe, attorue.v-ac-law,
First National Hank build
ing, Sumpter, Oregon.
Dated at Sumpter, Maker County,
Oregon, this 25th day of .lauuary,
,1. H. FUYKK,
Fxecutor of tho Instate of Michael
Lynch, Deceased.
Gold Found at Freewater.
A dispatch from Walla Wallu'says:
It is said ou the authority of mining
experts that tho river pobblos being
hauled from tho Freewater flats to
this city, for paving purposes, con
tains heavy traces of free gold. At
least :t00 carloads of this stone will
bo used in this city this summer iu
constructing tho threo milos of model
road botweeu this city aud tho
Hlalook fruit farm. To what exteut
the rook coutaius gold is not kuown.
Samples will bo crushed and tested
by experts, aud if the quautity of
gold is sufficient to warrant, the re
maiuder of the rock will be smelted.
The Haker City Democrat says it
has high authority for the statement
that the Houauza miue will resume
operations at an early date.