The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, February 15, 1905, Image 8

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    fr -
of the
Pay for
i " "
Krora Clark, nf (Jninito, Ih prob
bly Inst in tho 1110 wy mountains
between AIhiiio Hiid Iho MorrlH initio.
If A llHH lllMltl llliHHitIK sillOO Motldlt.V
afternoon, and it soaroh piirty Iihh
been organized, llo loft (J ran I to
Huuday morning for tho MorriH,
carrying n light pack of until imittor.
do became oxhiiiiHlod before reaching
hlw diiHtiutitinn find rotiirnod to
A Initio Sunday evening, starting
again tuixt morning. Hinoo tiion ho
Iihh not hcon heard from. II Ih
trail whh followed a Htiort dlHtanco
from AIhiiio and found to swerve
south, toward tho Olivo lako
country, onu of th roughest ro
ftlone lu tho Greenhorn range. It
la feared that owing to tho deep
hon lu that diHtriot, Clark waa
sable to dart a lira, and that
auoou tubed to tho terrible cold of
Monday Nlifht tho coldest night of
the yaar.
Clark la about 22 yearn old, and In
one of tho boat known and most
popular minora in tho Granite oatnp.
The oouutry surrounding tho MorriH
i I no has been thn sonno of morn than
uua tragedy. About 12 yoara ago,
CharlaH Miller, formor ownor of tho
Monumental mine, who win ut that
tluia nportaiug thn MorriH property,
tHoatun lost whiln making a wiutnr
trip between thn two pointH.
Ileiug mii old motiuaiucnr, Mr. Mlllor
bad lu Mm pockets a piece of caudle
aud Home plloh, withnut whioh it in
almoHt impiHHiiilo to kindln a II ro
iu deep hiiow. llo lay out
all night and llnally reached hia doe
tiiiatiou thn following evening, in a
vomplnttnly exhausted Htiitn.
J. N. DitmitrH and lirittou wnnt
out ll-diing on tho hmid of Trout
t!rnnk about Inn ynars ago. Thny
bmiamn involved in it iuntiul and
lirittou Htarlnd (o round up tho hnrHOH
and go homn. DltioarH awnitnd bin
return until evening at.d then Htarlnd
iu him roll, Thn two innu wiuulorod
Mrouud Iho iiiouiilniiiH until dawn,
mooting when thn llrnt streak of
gray fnrntuld thn coming day. Thnlr
auger (mil cooled mill thny fell on
each other's nooks mid wept.
TIiIh morning Horace Campbell,
Frod Frln It mid (iouigo Cook arrived
lu Suinptor from thn MorriH initio
Said Mr i'Yiiik lo o Minor man :
"Clark worn Hkls from Granite, but
aftnr hn inn into it fog on linn lliirri
eon hill mid returned to Alamo, hn
exchanged t tin skis for wubn, 1 can't
bolittvn that hn Ih lont. Hn la
young, vigorous, wliy, and otin of
Ibw unrviost follows 1 ever know.
1 tbiuk bn took refuge iu thn
W. K. ilurd cabin, on tho trail
above Clear oteek, andjthat hn
itber reached Alamo on the bank
track at noon today, or arrived at
tho Morria mino yesterday, llo
know tho country prntty well, and
1 don't Hon bow ho could Imve got
Grant Thnrnhurg Ih pcHHlmistio.
Ho HiiyH that tho Ilurd cabin whh
ahmidniied liiHt your and that there
Ih nothing to oat thorn now.
P. .). liiiunou, tho attorney, who
kuowH tho GionuhoriiH thoroughly,
boiivuH that Clark Ih Hitfo, an ho un
doubtedly followed Clear crock,
after loHlng thn trail, aud Iihh,
reached tho mino by IIiIh time.
Campbull, Kriuk aud Cook emtio
down on wobu, leaving tho mino yes
tcrday. They hiiw no traoka of
stiowshoes along the route.
Johnny Stewart, a famoua mouu
talueer of Granite, and John Aaiou,
a great auowuhoer, left Granite this
tnorulng to eesroh for the mini tig
That the brain aud hoart aud all
tho other organs of tho phyaloal
structure aro olnctrical maohiuea,
depending wholly upon oloutro
motlvu fotco for thnlr activity, la
aHinrted, not hh a theory, hut as a
contribution to absolute knowledge
by Dr. Albert J. AtklttH, of this
city, who ban juat completed touts
aud experiment that have lasted
over two yearo.
Thn last of the Heriui of export
mniitH by which thin wonderful theory
Ih elal.iud to have been scientifically
proven wan conilucteii on Saturday in
a HOttth San Francisco stock yatd,
when Dr. Atkinn and hia co workup,
Dr. I!. A. LowIh and Mr. II. W. Hun
Hiioknt, icgistmcd on a galvanometer
ulectrlciil oiiitouIh iu I lie heart and
brain of living sheep. Tiny oleo
trodoH attachod to tho teatlng instru
menlH by a long wire worn inserted
'directly into tho heart and brain ot
the animal that bad boon prepared for
vlviHootiou by thn injection ot cocain
into Iho -tplnal cnliiuin, and in
Htautly, aw thn nharp poiutH pietced
1 thoHo vital orgiuiH, the needle of the
delicate machine quivered and o-s
ciliated an it roigstercd iu millivolts
the alteriiatiiik' currents of oleo-
It was a curious eight iu the
stockyard as tho little group of ox
I perimetiteiH aud oulookors stood aud
watched with a oretaiu reverent pride
a little needle tnovlug to and fro
with ita ailetit metisage to the world
a meeiage!f which, wbeu fullytiu
Hia excellency, t hit gov(iuir I un
permitted tho Hiiiiih bill, rcu'iilHiliiu
the labelling, mile and hIhiimmhI nf
giant powder and fuse, to become n
law without hia signature.
With jttHt the required .'ll voLub to
carry it through, 21 voting iigaiuet
it, lupri'Honliitivo Hubert G. Smitb'H
bill, creating a utate bureau of
niiiit'H mid creating tho olllco of coin
miuHioiici of niinea, witli two deputies,
piiHHcd the Iiouhu Saturday afternoon,
mid it !h how up to the Hcmito to do
turmiiiu whether Oregon hIiiiII have tliin
adjunct, to the mining iuduHtry, for
which the miticrH of tho Htnto have
claniorcd ho long.
A Himilar bill whh introduced ut tho
hint HCHHion. but failed t liud itH way
into (lie Htatuto hnnkH. KrieudH of tho
now meuHurc are now facing tho future
with brighter proupectH, although grave
doubt rt aro cxprcHHud by many na to tho
liklihood of tho bill weathering the Hen
atorial hIioaIh.
TliiH bill provjden for a commiaHioner
of minoH, with a monthly Halary of $250,
aud two aHaiaUnta with Halariea of $150
each. Their dutiea aro ((eflnetl to bo
John (iohh, of Gohs brothers, '(gents
fur the Seattle owners of the VIujoii
building, which was soleated as the
home for the iiermauent ore exhibit,
today received advices, sayiug that
the owuera would reut the building
at the agreed pi ice terms, but iu
sisted upon a clause in the leane re
lating toperiHiinlou tosell atjiny
time. General Manager Mohr, of
thn board of managers of tbo ex
hibit, declined to accept the terms,
lorproted, Dr. Atkins believes, will
prove of great aud maybe revolu
tionary import. Thn treatment of
t-uoh deadly diseasca as tuberculoid
and pneumonia, will in time be
revolutionized by his diHCoveries.
San Francisco Chronicle.
If Your Are Mot Particular.
Don't travel over thn Illinois
Contra!, as any old road will do you
and don't waut your patronage;
but if you are particular aud want
the hcHt aud mean to havo it, ask the
tioket agent to route you via the
Illinois Central, the road that rtitts
through soild vestibule traius be
tween St. Paul, Omaha, Chicago, St.
Louis, Mempbpia and New Orleaua.
No additional obargn la made for
a aeat in our raoliuiug chair cara,
tiiM-c nf inaintnining a bureau of uiinea
i P.'ttlm d and an exhibit of all char
n i - i miinTil HpecimeiiH for the pur
I s.- f adi-'phiy. l.i they hIiiiII in
mi an M!ii:il puhlic.ition, dcHcriptive
nf tin tn i i ut and mineral renourceH of
t lie Htate, and m tiit g forth facts relat
ing thereto. It aha 1 1 also be re
quired of them to work iu conjunc
tion with the government in making
a geological survey of the fllato, from
a mining ntandpoiut, and thia
ofiicialy glvoH facts for the heueflt of
mining investors.
While the bill carries au appro
priation iu the form of salaries, Mr.
Smith declared in au address iu sup
port of tbo hill, it will yield roturu
that will more tbau o(Fet thes't
amounts, llo said the state bad re
peatedly made appropriations for the
development ot its argicultural, hor
ticultural and other interwsta, and
that it would only be lu juatioe to
the milling industry to JeodfataU
aaalaUnoa to ita development, in
that it 1 1 on of the great induatrlaa
of the ataa.
and negotiations have tieeu de
clared oif.
Au elfnrt will be made to lease
quarters in the Wilton buildiug,
adjoining thn water oftlce. ETftj.
Manning is agent for the owner,
Dave Wilrntu, of Spokane, aud
j opened correspondence with that
gentleman today.
Tho old Hacket store, on Mill
street, opposite the Goldeu Kaale.
j is also under consideration.
which are lifted with lavatories and
smokiug looms, and have a porter
iu attendance.
Kates via thn lliuois Central are
thn lowest and we will be glad to
quote them iu conuootiou with any
transcontinental Hue.
J. C. LINDSKV, T. F. & P. A.,
142 Third street. Portland, Oiegou.
11. H. TKUMHULL, Commercial
agent, 142 Third street, Portland,
and passeuger agent, Column bui'd
iug, Seattle, Washington,
St. Valentine's Day.
Just received, a fresh supply of Si.
Valeutiue Caudy put up iu boxea
sepeically for St. Valentine's day.
Popular prices. Ed Waaaburg.