The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, February 15, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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Wednesday, February i, 195
The Sumpter Miner
nil " 'tie poHtofllcr In Sumpter, Oregon, tor
trtn mission through the malls at second class
that a pplrit of Reed fellowship and
common iuturoet may be developed?
editorial utterance, and obaracter
iB6B iti own threat hh a "news story,
which promises no sousatinnal
features. " It doeHti't state, how
evor, when it will Btart the publica
tion of that, "news story."
To u man up a tree, it looks hh it
'the I'J. 0. bad boon called down, and
of an awkward
Oni" Year Jj.oo
Ala Months i.aj
It Ih annnutied that II. Smith
Wnohty, government nssayor at Boise,
has been given until Saturday to re
elgn, and unless ho dooa ho, ho will
le fired. President Roosevelt has
bail his record invoitigatod by a
Keorot. service num. Woo ley was
tflviiti UiIh place a one of the bribes
paid by the republican party for tho
Mormon vote of Idaho, a white man
having been ousted to make room
for him.
While working upon a foolish
theory that he could convert silver
into gold. Nicholas Hautll, a (Jor
man chemist, in the year 1782,
made the imporlant discovery of
phosphorus. Evidently he did not
place much importance in his dis
covery, as he ciiul in nod in his ex
periments to transmute silver into
gold. Being thus ougego'J, other
chemists made a study of phosphorus,
and it is to the chemist lioyln that
the world gives credit for the discovery.
Alabama has a law, similar to that
of Oregon, which imposes a tax, or
i Icon to, on "foreign corporations, "
companies to which charters have been
iit-nti titrl iti ntlwir ufuinu ui III rill nnnrufn
-Il ... AI..I rm..,n ! tryl t0 KOt OUt
. I. 11 .1 11 predicament with the graeo uf a craw
panics are about to attack the con- ' . . ., . , c, , , . , .
,., ,. .., 11 1 1 . 1 11 j I nab, and that O. S. Jackson inspired
stitutiouality of that Jaw, and it is ., ... ,,. , , ,, . .
, . ., , . ..the first editorial mention of tho
proposed to call an extra sessiou of. ., . . , , r . . . ..
,,,,i4 4 . 1 41 1 'matter, sa ho certainly furnished tho
the legislature to so amotid the law i . ,. ' ,,,,,, .
4, 4 ,r in 1 1 t 11 i . leltor from the Tribuno man, pub-
II111I it will lit, imriMiiitt from iiftiinLr' '
4,4ilt . 1 1 11 lished Saturday,
that this roveuue my be saved to the: J
state. Coriioratiou lawyers, how
ever, state that this cannot be done,
that the defect It fundamental; that
tin- state can only tax the properties
within its border, and not the capital
stock authorized by a charter granted
by auother stati. The progress of
this case will be watched with keeu
intorest by many companies in Ore
gon, that were incorporated else
where, and if tho law is unconsti
tutional in Al 1 Ijhidii, it is also in
The comptroller of the currency
reports an increase in national
banknote circulation durltiK January
of 82,028,111)5. The circlation baited
on bonds Increased 8.1,000, 11(1, but
that hatted on depOHlts of lawful
money decreased 8I,.'I,T7, 1 II) In the
kiiiiiii time. The circulation out -eland
lug on Fohruaiy 1 was as fol
lews: Untied on bonds, 8 1. '15, 807,
1101; Minuted by lawful
money. 8:11,011,1152; total, 8107,
4 4 2,85!!. Kiuce Fobruaty 1, 11)01,
circulation tiased on bonds has in
creased 818, I Till, 170: that secured
by lawful money has decreased 87,, leavhiK a net increase of
40,505,220 for the year.
Eastern Oregon is an "easy"
pucker. Her arid counties bavj sat
idly by and allowed I'ortlaud, the
wettiHt spot in the state (from the
local option standpoint) to olllcer
the state Irritation ariHociation, pass
its resolutions, ill rout its policy,
ilioetc its aims and appropriate all the
Of course, it is a democrat who is
making an asHiiiilt on New Jersey's
chief Industry, that of manufacturing
satisfactory charters , or any and all
kinds of companies. .Senator Min-
turn, democratic leader iu the state
senate, has introduced a bill pro
vldi tiK fur the annulment of the
charters of corporations that may
have entered into combinations iu
restraint of trade, to fix prices of
stock, to ovcr-oiipitali'o property, to
fix the prices of "ho necessities of life
for rates to travel, or to violate ttie
federal Interstate commerce law.
Tho bill provide that upon tho
petition of any Incorporated board
of trade in that state, the attorney
general must Kraut a hearing, and
upon a prima facie showing shall sue
the company in the court of chan
cery, the case taking prefeteuce an
a suit involving the public welfare.
The same anarchist says he will in
troduce another bill, the purpose of
which will be to force the real men
behind a proposition to show them
selves in the articles of incorpora
tion, and diuttiug out their olllce
Tho following instruments were
tiled at tho court house in liakor City
for record veaterdav:
Heirs of Win (1. Latimer, to R. II.
Denny, lilOO acres Iu T. 8 and !),
R. 10, also H blocks in Brattain &
MoCnmas' addition to Baker CP.y,
an unidvided 3 lutoiest in 10 acres
S. 17, T. 0, R. it), and block l.'i aud
IW. ii block 17; 81.
(J. S. A. to John MoPhorsnu, N.
' S. W. , S. 10. I4' S. W. .'4 "tifl
N. W. lA of S. E. H of S. 8, T. 10,
R .I7.
U. S. A. to Daulol A. Hlack, N.
!y N. W. i:, S. 28, and N. d N. E.
U, S. 110, T. 11, R. 11.
U. S. A. to Sarah 1. Hlack, W. ,'
S. E. .14 aud S. S. W. h, S. 112.
ii 11 i? .1 1
U. S. A. to
W. U N. W.
Frank E.
,'.i aud lot
1 of S.
aud S. E. .'4 N. E.
aud lot 1
honor. The arid counties "whoop
it up" for I'ortlaud on the slightest (lone some parties not named,
Those I'oinlletou uewsnaner men
seem tn think limy have struck a rich
pocket iu the alt"uirs of the tiol
conda, but they evidently don't
know how to extract the values.
Two wosks or more ago the East
OregouiNU ittated editorially that it
would noon begin the publication of
a series of articles expodng the man
agement of the company, stating
plainly that C. 1). Wade is not to
blame for some Imaginary wrong
S. 2, T. 7, R. 17.
Oscar Koudall aud wife to Edward
Mestcryou undivided ,'. interest in
W (H feet of lot I aud W. 75 feet lot
H, block 1, Richland Ore.; 80ftO.
Uioer Kendall aud wife to Edward
Masterson, undivided K interest iu
W. 51 feet, lot -I and W. 7f feet lot
1, block 1, Richland, Ore.; 81200.
Emma 1. M larch and husbaud to
Mary Masterson, lot 2 iuUsher's west
it. 1.1 iti on to Richland, Oro ; 800.
Hendry Stone to Warren Swaye,
aluts 17 aud 18, blcok 'Jo, in Paul lie
addition to linker City; 8:175
John Rouse et al to Walter New
II. lots 17 and 18, block 25, Paoif
io addition to linker City; 850.
J. A. Equals et al to J. R. Fore
man, 4 interest in "Jetty,"
"Prior," "Sullivau" and "Dify No.
2aud 2," mining claims; 8500.
Geo. S. Hi I let and wife to Frank
E Pierco, "Sailor Jack" quatt.
mining claim; 8200.
U. S. A. to Augusta J Douuy, N.
W.t'4 of S. 10, T. 11, R. :17.
Colonel Don Willard, genoral man
ager of the Little Craokor mine, made
a rich strike last Saturday. While
in Haker City he married Margaret
L Cutter, of Boston. Mr. and Mrs.
Willard returned to Sumpter yester
day morning aud have taken apart
ments at tho Hotel Sumpter. Both
the bride and gtonm have, since their
arrival, beou receiving the heartfelt
congratulations of a host of friendB.
Tho uewly wedded pair were youth
ful sweethearts, way down in Now
'England, separating in youth, when
Mr. Willard came west to make a
fortune. His girlish Bweotbeart re
mained to euter a Boston musical
conservatory, graduating a flushed
vocalist She also weut west, wind
lug up iu Dulutb, where she was a
high salaried singer in church choirs
aud a leading tlgure in Minnesota
muiscal circles. While east in
connection with tlnauciug tho Little
Cracker mine, Mr. Willard mot,
(imposed aud was accepted by his old
sweetheart. Last Saturday morning
she arrived iu Baker City, was met
by Mr. Willard and Rev. J. R. N.
Bell at 8:!)0 o'clock on that morning,
pronounced tho ceremony which
made thorn man aud wife.
On Saturday evening, at the Geiser
Grand hotel, those Sumptorites who
happened to bo iu Baker City, and
who heard of Wlllard's wedding,
gathered to do honor to the couple.
A feast wan spread, the brldo and
groom were equally congratulated,
and the world was made bright with
well wishes. Mrs. Willard is a baud
some, accomplished and jolly woman,
who will lie welcome by Sumpter
socioty, uot alnuo for her mauy ac
complishments, but for hor charming
personality. As for the groom
ovorbody in this camp knows Col.
Don Willard, that handsome, rotund
aud always good uatured gontlemau,
whose Little Craokor mine is Hinong
the futuro bouanazs of this district.
hint of a hot air ciiiupaigu, blindly
drink all her swenteund promises aud
t tut tt hold an empty sack, as a reward.
Pott laud ilmluml the word of her
intimating that the guilty ones ;
would be given the getr good and
plenty. Nothing further appealed 1
iu the Eiist-Oregouiau roiuirding the
Seymour 11 Bell and'jwifo
Hewitt Laud company, N. W.
S. 10, T. 11, R. :$7; 8707.
commercial club,
delegation and of
yens that she would help pass a good
irrigation code thl.s winter. When
put to the test, what did she do?
II nv did she keep her promise?-
East Origoniau.
The Pnudlelou paper is correct aud
htatos the case with attiactive force,
of her legislative 1 matter until Saturday, when it
her leading citl puhlitdiod a letter from an em
ployee of the Pendleton Tribune,
its hate.l contemporary, addressed
to C. S, Jacks jii, manager of the
Portland Journal, former owner of
the E. O. aud presumably still a
stockholder, aud
tlgure iu (lolconda
Nick Williams to Allieue Case,
undivided l interest iu "Univer
sity" mining claim; 81.
N. 1. Hale to Richard C. Malloy,
three-one h'judredth interest iu tho
"Jacob Thompson, Nos. 1, 2, II. aud
5 Paddy Creek," mining claims;
a prominent, $1,001).
attairs, which 11 a. Milclinll and wlf tn Ki ml
Hut what is it going to do about liyis an unmistakable invitation to , Kmith, undivided one-llfth intorest
Will it jl In with The Miner and , put a brake on his facile peucile, u Last Chance" quart, mining
utge representatives of eastern Ore-1 either in the shape of yellow gold or olaim 8250.
gnu to niganize into a oohosslvo igieonnacKH possiuly sliver would,
force, act together iu legislative servo tlio purpose. Anyway, he ,
uiattets, developing sutllcieut strouiih
to wieel by force from treaoheious
Portland what we want? Will the
East Orcuoulan uot only preach but
practice this policy? Will it bury
its HttJe annoying lack hammer aud
utop knocking the mining industry,
1...10.1..I.. II... III....
IMunuiiio iiiu luujiimmuu , ..i,.!,,. . 4t
.111 I II .1 a 1 DiHIIII, VUHi
1 iiiu iju iiNs a oig, seusaiiouai story,
whiuh Mr. Jacksou can supress, if he
takes the proper steps.
Now, in publishing this throat from
the Tribune source, the E, O. takes
uccasiou to reconstruct its former
Frank Klein to T. S. (Kunuorly,
half interest iu "Roanoke" milling
Executor's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been duly appointed
by the Couuty Judge of Baker County,
Oregon, executor of the last will and
testameut of Michael Lynch, de
All persons having claims against
said estate are horeby notified to pre
sent tho same to me, properly veri
fled, as by law required, within six
mouths from the date hereof, at the
olllce of Charles 11. Chance, attorney-at-law,
First National Bank build
ing, Sumpter, Oregon.
Dated at Sumpter, Baker County,
Oregon, this 25th day of Jauuary,
Executor of the Estate of Michael
Lyiicn, Deceased.
FOR SALE. Thtee Dorses aud
two sets double harness. Cheap.
Sumpter Lumber company, Sumpter,
If you want to read a free and inde
pendent paper, devoted to tho inter
est of mining and current events,
which is uot controlled by any pro
moting concern, such as most of tho
pajwrs in the east are, Bend for a free
sample copy of