:s. -ir- l Wednesday, February i, 1905 THh bUMPTER MINhR j. w WHA1 DIAMOND DID FOR LEADVILLE It was to the skillful employment of the diamond drill that the uew discoveries of the past year made in tho Leadville, Colorado, district. Although mining baa been carried on there since 1887 iu the leading ail ver ore bodies, it h only within the past four or live years that the faot that the ore bodies have a distinct trend, much the same as in veins aud deposits elsewhere, has attracted at teution. If the ore-bearing strata of the district were undisturbed aud had a uniform dip, doubtloss the ap proach to uniformity iu the distribu tion of the ore shootB would have been noticed soon after tho develop ment of tue oamp commenced; but the structural conditions aro Huob as to have a teudeuoy to destroy any appearauco of uniformity of occur enue, which really oxists. The sedimentary series was do posited iua position essentially bori zontal on the floor of an auoiont ocoau. Later theso sedimeuts, feaud stone aud HmoHtouo, wero Intruded br eruptive rocks porphyrion of viirioiiH kinds, differing iu composi tion aud, to some extent, inago. The first aud largor intrusions wero of laccolithio typo; the latter cues or lesser magnitude but of vaster im portance, hh related to tho formation of the ore bodies. Thou followed the ore deposition. Tho Baud stones became quartzltes, tho limostoues be came marble iu part aud were in part replaced by sulphide oroa. Then oo cured the faulting and uplifting of the strata into dome-like laccolith, and the ore bodies of Leadvlle with their surrounding rocks were divided into a series of irregularly shaped blocks of gigantia size. The faults weie not parallel, though approxi mately so iu the greater number of instances. Tbero are also cross faults at various anglos and the ou tire reginu is thus broken up into in dependent blacks, tho bounding planes of which have brokou the con tinuity of tho ore shoots andMmado a puzzling complex from the originally simple couditiou. The faults vary from a few foot displacement to several thousand. To add to the perplexities of the situation, the entire district was planed off by a glacier aud a lake formed, covering a large portion of the district, on the floor of which was acoumlated a vast quantity of gravel. jj Subsequent erosion resulted iu the formation ot the present gulches and the exposure of the few outoropB of ore which exist iu the ditsrict. (u consideration of these couditioua, it is not strauge that the extension of tho knowledge of the miueral zone beyond certain limits has been shown. Iu addition to the "blind" proepootiug, wbiuhjwas general ly curried on through shafts or underground drifts aud oroBbcuta, thure wad usually large vol union of wator to couteud with, and the result of the expenditure of large sums of mouey was often diecouragiug. In tho early history of tho camp some of the most fortunate discoveries ou record were made. Ou Fryer hill, the Little Pitts burg or body, which yielded several millions, was the result of the for tuitous location of a prospector's ; abaft in the gravel of the glacial I drift. At HO feet from the surface) mass of irou ore, rich iu born silver, was struck, aud it was sub sequently proveu that ibis was at the pciut of nearest approach of the ore body to the surfneo. A few hundred feet distant auothor shaft was sunk similarly in gravol ou the chrysolite claim. The gravel was passed through, but iu place of oro the prospector struck barren porphyry. OlBgustcd with his luck, the prospector Halted his claim, aud sold it for a few thousands dollars and decamped. The purchaser of the claim, upon discovering the deceit, continued bis shaft teu foot deeper, aud struck a million dollar oro bedy. But those tblugs are of the past, aud the miner in Leadville today must work systematically iu his eudeavor to find now ore bodies, but the re sults accomplished by the intelligent use of the dlamoud drill in the dis covery of new and large ore deposits has opened up a new era of possi bilities iu the Leadville del I, and It affords a striking object lesson to miuors elsewhere, who may well profit by the experience of the en orgetio Leadvillo operators. Mining aud Solontlflo Press. HOW ROGERS TRIED TO SQUARE GREEM It is rnu interesting story they tull about tho mauuor In which the promoters of tho Amalgamated Goppor company just missed pro curing control of Creone Consoli dated Copper. According to the re ported facts, it was an attempt ou the part of Henry (.1. Rogers to grind W. C. Ureoue dowu to a low figure, taking advantago of tho latter'a misfortunes, that lost Mr. Rogers the opporuntity of seizing the Souora copper properites, incor porated iu Mr. Greene's name. During the recent rtid ou coppers iu New York, uudor the guidance of Thomas VV. Lawsoo, Greeue Con solidated Copper was one of the stooka that suffered. Mr. Greoeu stepped iuto the breach, but It is stated that in seeking to check the decline, he bought 12)0,000 shares that ho was unable to pay for. Tho story runs that Mi. Ureoue wout to Henry H. Rnegra aud explained the situation, asking tho father of Amalgamated to come to his reliof. Mr. RogerH turned the matter ovor to an associate, and the later showed so stroug a dipsositiou to haggle over tho price of the stock that the Souoru mining man withdraw from the conference. Shortly afterward ho fixed up au agreement with the American Metal company that brought him relief aud at the same time cut tho Amalgamated people out of his uoulsderatioue. The inn, 000 shares, thus transferred, would have givou Mr. Rogers con trol of the Greeue Consolidated. This story is i elated not so much for the moral it contains, as for the bearing which it may have iu the future upon the metal market. Under Mr. Greene's reported agreo uiuut with the Americau Metal com pany the latter will summed to the copper market ooutracts of the Sonera company May 1, 1000 the date wbou the present contract of the United Metal Solliug company expires, The output of the Greeue properties in 1003 was about 45,000, 000 pounds, aud iu 1004, auonrding to the estimates of Ho moo J. Stevens, it amounted to Of), 000,000 pounds. This is about half of the copper output ol Mexico aud it is equal to the copper output of Utah. 'I he Americau Metal compauy is said to reprosent foreign interests aud it stauda iu tho attitude of an indepen dent toward tho imaKined copper trust. From which It may bo judgod that the chango iu the Greene con tract will add to this compauy's power aud couduce to greater froedom in the market, strengthening the weakor and Independent elements at tho expense of the stronger. The futuro of the copper .situation is a subject that is engaging the at tontlou of the host experts in the country. Tho steadily growiug de maud for the red metal is a well recognized elemont, but the question of supply is mure difficult to con sider. The United Metals Selling company is kuowti to staud for the policy of secrecy and it is the in stitution through which tho dark luflueuce of tho Amalgamated Copper company work. A stroug competi tive force, designed to split somo o the present influences In tho copper market, may provo salutary. Daily Minlug Record. I CLARK TA6ER AND HIS PIPE IN TOWN Among today's arrivals in Sumpter wore Clark Tabor aud his plpo. Tho oastorn Oregouian who professes i: acquaintance with Clark Tabor and his pipe, admits his ignorance of two of the most unique figures in Woh foot mining history, aud a gentleman of whom no evil can be said. A few years ago Mr. Tabor was part owner of tho oolobatod Red Hoy mine, whon that property was yielding gold bullion at the rate of about $'25,000 evory thirty days. He and K. J. Godfrey and Oscar Heuaon picked up tho Red Roy as a prospect of doubtful value. They were poor men, and yet Id Ave years they equipped their miue with one of the most coruplote 20-stamp mills in the west, spent hundreds of thousands of dollar In development of the famous 1000-foot Monarch and Red Hoy payshoot; aud later installed a deep sinking plant, wheih cost, when completed, llfiO, 000. A consolidation was effected with the Concord mine, a merger cor poration bolug capitallzd at 11,000, 000, of which two and a quarter million dollars raproHeuted the Red Hoy ond of the deal. Treachery among stockholders, a finicky stock market, war among factious in tho compauy, aud a varloty of causes con spired to bring about a serious state of financial affairs iu the merger, which dually culminated in a ces sation of operations, the appoint ment of a receiver, a sale of the en tire property under the hammer, and a general reorganization of affairs under the corporate name of Tho lied Hoy Mines company, capital one million. Just what interest Godf'ey fc Tabor retain in the uew compauy is not known. However, they wore both moving spirits iu the reorgani zation, aud undoubtedly will con tinue to be prominently identified with the famous mine, which is again iu operation, although on a com paratively small scale, owing to the absnuce in the east of Manager Thom son. Mr. Tabor's mission iu Humpter at this time relates to private business. Timber and Honutfead Filing!. Timber and homestead filings, as well as final proofs, can be made before Charles II. (Ji.anco, United States Com missioner, office in First National Hank of Sumpter building, Sumnter, thus sav ing applicants expense of a trip to La Graude. QBMl mm OREGON (jg! Shorj Line and union Pacific TO Salt Lake, Denver, Kansas City. CHICAGO ST. LOUIS NEW YORK Occftii steamers between Portland and 8an Francisco every five days. Low Rati ! Ticket to and from all part of tho United States, Canada and Europt, Through Pullman Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars dally to Omaha, Chicago, Spokane, Tourist Sleeping car daily to Kansas City; through : Pullman tourist sleeping cara (per sonally conducted; weekly to Chi cago, Kanaa City; reclining ehair cara (seats free) to the Eaat dally. For particulan, call o ur addreaa H. O. Bownn, Agent, Haker City, Or. Denver & Rio Grande anil Rio 6rande Western Only transcontinental line dassing directly through Salt Lake City Leadville Colorado Springs and Denver Three splendidly equipped tra na daily TO AU. POINTS EAST. Through Sleeping and DiningCan and free Reclining Chair Cars. Tho most Magnificent scenery in America by daylight. Stop overs allowed on all classes of tickets. For cheafaist rata and descriptive literature, address i . W. C. MilRIDE - fiiiinl Ignt RIO GRANDE LINES Portland Orkom