A VOL. VI. (tELSER HENDRVX SUES COLUMBIA In the dally abstract of instru ments HI oil at tbo oouit boiiso yoator day, received hy The Miner thin forenoon, la thia item: "Golaor ilendryx luveatment company, vuraua Colurabia Gold Miniug uotupuny, action to compel an accounting, pruya for au iujunctiou proveutiug defeudant from working Tabor Frac tion olaim, aud that contract b rescinded." Tbo Baker City papera tate that a receiver for the Columbia fa alio asked for. Manager Baillie, of the Columbia, vent to Baker City yesterday after Boon and H. T. Hindryx, the plaiutff, li also out of town, ao The Miner Mnnot get at the real meat In the eoooauut. A month ago a gentleman, just returned from Mlueapolis, in formed The Miner that Mr. Backus, the controlling owner of the Crlura bia, wan credited with haviug re eently stated tbut he owned the Tabor Fraction. It is known that the riob ore found iu thin property something over a yoar ago waa shipped in the name of the Columbia com pany. Its mill has ben treating the or) for mouths past. C. A. Johns baa beeu retained as attorney for the Ueiser Heudryx company. Jobu Rand is usually the attorney for the Columbia. Tbo Democrat states that it ie authorized to say that Al Gbiaer, now beiug out of the conipiny, Mr. Heudryx is briugiug this unit himself. Complaint allenes thut some time ago, nearly two years ago, the Geiaer OPENING UP AT STANDARD Assistant Engineer Kenhu.of the Killen, Waruer, Stewart J company, who returned ,,' yesterday ' (from the Standard JuiiuaJ at Qurtzburg, says that Superiuteudeut Heath has placed a crew of men on the Side Issue aud ae shift on the Copper Ridge veins of the Standard group, which veins be ia opening up low down on the bill. Both these ledgea have been out higher up, and surface sarveya show that they run parallel -.-" -l " SUMPTER, OREGON, Itondryx company bonded from Clark Tabor what Is known aa the Tabor Fraction in tho Bourne dh triot, and that thereafter tho Goieer Hondryx Co. contracted with the Columbia Mold Mining company for the operation of tho saM property on a certain baai i aud division of the protlta from the mining aud milling of tho ore from said claim. The complaint further alleges that no accountings have been had from such operatiou and that the com plainant believes that at leaBt twenty-five hundred tone of or have oeen taken from the property every mouth, at a value of $15 per ton, and that the defendant now owes the plauitlff at least 150.000. The cocsplaiuant nuw asks for an acoouutiug, for the appolutment of a reueivor aud cancellation of the existing contract between tho plain tilt aud defeudant and the isauancu of an iujuuotiou iu estoppel of fur ther transactions ponding the unit. F. S. Baillie, manager of the Columbia, is quoted aa apt, lug that at proHent there is nothing further to add, thau that certain statements must be proven, also that tho ami tract under which hh company is miniug aud milling urea of the Frac tion is on Hie at the court house iu Baker City. The talk around town todny ia that some souuatioual features will be de veloped brforo this catso ia diapoard of; uo one, howovor, venturing to voice the nature of thia alleged hhuhii tion. NEW VEINS E with the main Standard. The two new tunuels will be at tho same ole vatiou, ao thut they will be on tbo line ut the tramway, which will connect all the workiugs with the I reductiou plant to be erected uext summer. Work is also beiug proaeouted on the Juuiper vein, wbiab, according to surveys made by Engineer Keubu, will intersect the main Standard edge at a short distance abend of MN FEBRUARY 15, uoq the present face. The contiguity of this intersection is evidenced by a re markable enrichment of the main Staudard in cobalt, an iuorease beiug noted aa progreBi Is made toward tho cuullux. The ore Iu the main Stan dard has also becomo ao hard that liBUd atoel has been abandoned and electcrio drills inatalled. Whou the Copper Ridge aud Sido Iasuo aro opeucd up, aa outlined above, tho Staudard mine will have four oro-eouroea oxnluBivo of tho paying olf-ahooting veiua out by tho main drift. When theae aro connect ed by train with it reduction plant, in which the almost fabulously rich urea from tho multiuietnllod mine may be concentrated fot shipiiieut, the Staudard will bo undoubtedly one of tho biggest dividend-payers In thia camp. Rich Ore In Mormon Basin. Judge Newbury li Id receipt of advjcea from Meraion basin, stating tbatj 20 Inobei of Immansaly rich ore 'has bean atruok Id the Tar ball group, adjoining the Morning Star, of which Judge Nawbury la manager. The Tar ball ia owned by Tarbell. of Rjo Valely, aud Reynolds and Gor man, of Baker City. It was recently under bond to a New Vork aud Philadelphia syndloato, but tno property reverted to the original owners after the syudioato's rep leaeutativo had loat the vein. On the Maiseilles, anothor abutting property, a big body of cyanlding ore has beeu opened by J. I). Vohs. (J nod ore ia Bhowlug iu the Morning Star. Ovltl In a Southern California Deal. Lee S. Ovitt, tho nationally famoua mine prouiotor aud lineal agent, who financed the Calitornia, Cracker Oregou, Gulaonda Cornell -dated and Crackerjaok mires iu thia camp, aud who waa in Sumpter Tuea day on hia way home from San Fran ciacn, closed a big ileal down 'louth, the dotaila of which be aald wuio not yet ripe for publication. The deal involved 27,000 acrea of Ir rigable lands iu aouthnru Califor nia, carrying riparian rights. It ia aaid to be the plan ot the company which Mr. Ovitt ia promoting to ir rigate thn laud aud colonize it. Chicago capital ia backing the pro ject. Smelter Doinq Business. During tho week, four ciiih of high grade concentrated from the Hsinley 101 k horn mi no were received at the Sumpter tmiellor. Thu North Pole cutributed ita UHiial quota, the 10. & 10. wan in line, the Dixie Meadows sent one car aud the Mountain View kept piling iu rich crude ore and concentrates. Today the smelter shipped out two more cars of matte to be refined. 1 K NO. 2? MOUNTAIN VIEW STRIKE CONFIRMtD Dr. Technw, of tho Mountain View' mine, suld today to a Miner roporter that tho recent report of a rich strike) on hia proporty, published exclu sively in thnae columns, waa correct. A largo.,, body of Hhlpping ore baa been opened at a uew point, the dis covery having boon made by Super intendent Teuhow whilo working out a thoory. Steady shipments of oro from tho now a'riko aro being tuado to thn Sumpter smelter. Tho Mountain View veiu has been opened by nearly 2,000 foot of tuiielllug, according to Dr. Toohow, and there la every reasou, ho says, to believe that thv property baa a brilliant future. Here on Gokonda Business. There la something doing In th Golconda affairs, bealdM tie pandlng litigation. Vesterday thera arrived Iu town II. II. McCarthy, a mining broker from Portland, and L. K. Nortou, of San Frauuisco. J. A. Howard, late manager of the prop orty and the largest Individual stockholder, met thorn at the train, Hiid cauoiHsod with them more or Ioth continuously until thia noon, when he loft with them for tho mine. Mr. Howard acknowledged that tba or.mo hero on husinoHs connected with the GolcnuJe, but further than that, be was as diimi) aa au oyster. Col. Topping Homesick. A letter has boon received from Col. 10. S. Topping, ox-Sompterite, dated at Victoria, B. C. "It is uot trii"," writes Col. Topping, "that 1 have purchaHiid tho C. P. R., nor that 1 will move the roadbed to tho right of-way of tho Grand Trunk. It h not true thut 1 have option on all of the wato" front at Port SimpHon; but 1 plead guilty to tho charge of being iu flue fettle and ut bniug pouacHHiid of a desire to breathe ouco again the ozone of the Bluo motintaiua. " Captain Tice In own. Captain 10. Htorer Tlce, ot Baker City, general manager of the Single Standard mine la tho Sparta dis trict, waa a visitor iu Sumpter be tween traim today. Captain Tice has beeu cumiuibsioucd by the Baker City Development League as special emissary In the east, aud will leave shortly to begin the work of attract ing homeHeekers aud investors to Baker county. Captaiu Tlce ia chairman of the Baker City branch of the Oregou Minen' auuociation. Fine printiug at tba Ulnar offlaa. -